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Improve the Relationship with Your Boss

Wondering how to improve your relationship with your boss? Check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP February blog post to learn tips for doing just that. 

Stop the Downward Slide with EAP Help

Even if you pride yourself on being an optimistic employee with a pleasant disposition, workplace negativity can still affect you in ways that you may not like.

Communicating with Millennials for Peak Productivity

When giving assignments, include “the why.” Millennials are less motivated by simply being told, “do it. When your team needs a productivity boost, consider the strengths and values of millennials, such as team skills, challenges, less fear of change, applying tech to problems, high energy, finding the answer, and pushing the limits of discovery.

Learn to Be More Attentive

The ability to focus (or be attentive) is a powerful skill. It’s a key to high productivity, but it’s also a difficult skill to master because it requires fighting distractions, which are always “here and now.”

How to Up Your Team Skills

Showing up, pitching in, being timely, and communicating well are all part of being on a team. But here are five essential roles you may not have considered. 

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