Remote Worker Dieting and Fitness Tips
Is working from home interfering with your healthy diet and fitness routine? Check out this Life-Work Connections/EAP blog post to learn five ways to be a healthier remote worker.
Curb Impulse Purchases to Save Money
Are you looking for ways to cut costs? Check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP July blog post to learn how to decrease your risk of "impulse purchasing."
You’re Committed, So Show It
Wondering how to express your commitment to your work? Our July Life-Work Connections/EAP blog post provides tips for showing that you’re a committed employee.
Fried Food and Focus Don’t Mix
Is your lunch negatively impacting the rest of your day at work? Check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP July blog post to find out!
Maintain Healthy Lungs to Fight COVID-19
Considering quitting smoking? Now is the time, check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP May blog post to learn more about the connection between smoking and COVID-19 outcomes.