Have a Good Mental Health Day at Work
Depression and anxiety symptoms can be difficult when they pop up during the workday. This blog post presents some simple reminders that can help relieve these symptoms when going about your day.
Goal Achievement: Don’t Break the Chain
The to-do list is never ending, and the projects are piling up. This technique may help keep motivation to continue accomplishing your goals.
Dependable Workers Are Consistent
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a work reputation. Here are some tips to guide you as you keep building your reputation, while keeping in mind the goal of consistency.
Avoid After-Hours Job Creep
Do you find yourself not being able to stop checking your work emails from home? If so, you may be experiencing job creep. Check out the November Life Work Connections Employee Assistance Program blog post for more information.
Should You Get Up Earlier?
Many time management gurus claim that getting up at 5 a.m. is the secret sauce for increasing personal productivity. Experimenting with getting up earlier can really jump-start your day. Even 15 minutes can make a world of difference.