About Caroline Quill, M.D.
Caroline Quill, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Associate Program Director, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Associate MICU Director
Clinician Educator
My general approach as I embark on "mid-career faculty life" is to be the associate to as many fabulous people as possible. In addition to being the Associate Program Director of the Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Fellowship, I am also the Associate Director of the Medical Intensive Care Unit. A small nugget of career advice: hitch your wagon to people who shine incredible light all around them (see Drs Mary Anne Morgan and Anthony Pietropaoli for perfect illustrations of this) and you cannot help but succeed.
Career advice aside, I want to thank you for taking the time to look at our fellowship program and to share with you a few of the reasons I choose to call Rochester home. My husband (Tim O’Connor, Emergency Medicine) and I accepted faculty positions at the University of Rochester in 2013 after a long haul of training in Philadelphia. There are many viable paths for career advancement at the University of Rochester. Many institutions talk about valuing teaching, but here you can actually get promoted primarily as a teacher/scholar, not exclusively as an NIH-funded researcher. But if NIH-funding is what you are looking for, look no further! Our division supports physician scientists (with resources and time) as they transition from fellowship to faculty and prepare to secure their own external funding.
When I am not associate directing something, I am usually pontificating on rounds in the MICU. If I am not there, you will find me doing or teaching yoga. I can typically be found within a 15 foot radius of Dr. Morgan, especially during COVID times. I also enjoy taking orders from my two children, taking admissions from my husband, jumping in cold lakes, mountain biking, and distance running when my foot does not hurt. I look forward to speaking with you.