Educational Activities
The Division and medical center hold regular conferences which not only enhance the educational experiences of all trainees but also allow trainees to develop expertise in scholarly presentation. Topics, as well as the format used to convey the information being presented, vary and cover both the clinical and basic science aspects of Rheumatology.
Combined conferences bring Rheumatology and Allergy/Immunology together as well as AIR and Dermatology to discuss topics of common interest. The expertise of physician-scientists and clinicians from both within the medical center and from universities throughout the county are drawn upon through these conferences. In addition, fellows have the opportunity to further expand their education by attending scientific meetings.
Review of written resources focusing on diagnoses, therapeutics and pathophysiology
- Fellow presentations
- Topic/literature review
- Multidisciplinary case
- Research proposal or progress
- Faculty and invited speaker presentations
- Basic Science curriculum
- Radiology/Rheum
- MSK Ultrasound
- QI
- Career development