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Research Opportunities

During your fellowship, you’ll have protected time to pursue your own academic and research interests as well as clinical rotations and the opportunity for one elective month. Research opportunities abound in every area, from basic and translation science to outcomes and quality of care.

In addition to our own world-class Shared Resources, we share resources with the Structural Biology Research Center at the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute and the New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences of the University at Buffalo.

You’ll have four dedicated months of research, divided between first- and second-year rotations allow for longitudinal projects.

Each year, you’ll complete at least two academic projects for national presentation and peer-reviewed publication. A few of our recent publications include:

Direct patient care

Your patient care responsibilities during your fellowship will require no emergency room coverage. There is also no general surgery coverage or call. With a large complement of fellows on a relatively light call schedule, you’ll have a 1 in 8 weekend call. 

You’ll be backed by our strong support staff, including APPs for floor coverage both day and night, as well as in each clinic.