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Educational Activities

Residents Posing for PhotoRadiology residency education at the University of Rochester Medical Center is multifaceted, encompassing individual study, image interpretation with faculty, and conference teaching. These components are essential in providing comprehensive training. Residency education is a priority for both faculty and fellows, with teaching conducted daily during examinations, procedures, and clinical consultations.

Resident Conferences

Two resident conferences are held daily, covering general and subspecialty topics in radiology. These conferences are taught by faculty and are directed towards written and oral board preparation. Resident teaching conferences take place in the Department of Imaging Sciences' Conference Room, a state-of-the-art facility designed for residency education with tiered seating, an LCD projector, PACS workstation, and an audience response system.

IR-Specific and Multidisciplinary Conferences

Senior IR residents (PGY5, PGY6) have dedicated weekly conferences, including didactics, Quality and Clinical Outcomes conference (M&M), journal club, and interesting case presentations. Additionally, residents present and/or participate in various multidisciplinary conferences (pediatric vascular malformations, complex transplant case conference, hepatic tumor board, thoracic tumor board, complex urology conference, etc.). In the spring of each year, the IR faculty conducts mock Oral Boards to help prepare residents for the IR Boards.

Residents Dressed Up


Residents attend a four-week elective at the American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (AIRP), typically scheduled during the third year of training.

Physics Course

All radiology residents are required to participate in a three-week Physics course each year. The Department of Imaging Sciences' Ph.D. and M.D. faculty also teach an annual Physics Review Course, providing a framework for systematic preparation and review for the American Board of Radiology Examination.

SIR IR Residency Practicum

The residency program covers enrollment, travel, and lodging expenses for senior residents to participate in the SIR IR Residency Practicum, typically held in June before graduation. This practicum offers attendees the most useful information as they transition into their careers as young attendings in Interventional Radiology in both academic and private practice settings.

Visiting Professorships

The department regularly invites distinguished radiologists who are at the forefront of radiologic research and practice.