Research bench to clinical bench: Two sides of the same coin
Career Story Blog Post By Lauren Brooks, PhD, Medical Technologist (ASCP) Trainee Rochester General Hospital/University of Rochester Medical Center
So you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up? You love bench science but the life of a PI doesn’t appeal? Look to the other side of the bench science world: Clinical Laboratory Science. This is the story of a Ph.D. student at the University of Rochester finding her way through the typical paths suggested by PIs and elevator posters, trying her hand at adjunct teaching experiences, and then eventually discovering a vast series of related alternatives in the clinical realm. Through this talk you will get a sense for which options may be available for you to consider as you continue to think about your transition out of Academia into the “real world.”
Come chat with me June 16 at noon in the Louise Slaughter Conference Room (1-9555).
Mark Williams | 6/13/2016