Find and Align With Your Mission
Career Story by Tim Bassler, Executive Director of West Point Quality at Merck
The best advice I ever got from a mentor was to develop a mission statement, revisit that mission over time, and use it to help make career decisions. My mission is: Work to Live, Enjoy Work, and Make a Difference. I set this mission statement 20 years ago and have not changed it since. As I reflect on my career this mission has served as a barometer for my actions.
Research bench to clinical bench: Two sides of the same coin
Career Story Blog Post By Lauren Brooks, PhD, Medical Technologist (ASCP) Trainee Rochester General Hospital/University of Rochester Medical Center
So you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up? You love bench science but the life of a PI doesn’t appeal? Look to the other side of the bench science world: Clinical Laboratory Science.
Job Lore: Brianna Sleezer
Brianna Sleezer, a neuroscience PhD graduate student in the Hayden Lab, is URBEST’s (Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training) first intern that has been matched with a host: The Children’s Environmental Health Network. Brie made things happen by connecting with Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, the Executive Director for CEHN, at a URBEST Career Story. Before Brie left for her three-month internship at CEHN, she agreed to answer some questions for URBEST Job Lore, a new blog category that will help guide URBEST trainees to find their own internships, skill-building activities and future jobs.