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Student Publications

Cell Signaling & Communications

Cell Signaling & CommunicationsProcesses and mechanisms underlying intracellular messaging, excitable membranes, and synaptic and non-synaptic transmission of neural information.

Active Research Laboratories

  • Bidlack Lab - Pharmacology of Brain and Lymphocytic Opioid Receptors
  • Brown Lab - Multiphoton Laser-Scanning Microscopy
  • Cory-Slechta Lab - Environmental Neurotoxicants as Risk Factors for Behavioral Diseases and Disorders
  • Dewhurst Lab - Influenza Viruses; Virus Polymerase HIV Vaccine Development; NeuroAIDS Research
  • Dickerson Lab - CGRP Signal Transduction
  • Dirksen Lab - Calcium Channel Structure and Function
  • Fogaça Lab - Understanding the molecular basis of behaviors relevant to stress and the actions of fast antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs
  • Fu Lab - Cellular Stress Response Pathways that Determine Cell Fate after Exposure to Cytotoxic and Mutagenic Damaging Agents
  • Ghaemmaghami Lab - Molecular Mechanisms of Prion Propagation and Pathogenesis
  • Goldman Lab - Cell & Gene Therapy
  • Gorbunova & Seluanov Laboratory - Study of Age-Related Changes in Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks
  • Holt Lab - Synaptic Pharmacology of the Vestibular Apparatus
  • Hunter Lab - Mechanisms of light-induced retinal damage and development of non-invasive fluorescence imaging techniques to study retinal function in healthy and diseased eyes
  • Kammermeier Lab - G Protein-coupled Receptor Function
  • Kiernan Lab - Sensory Development and Disease
  • Libby Lab - Molecular Processes that Lead to RGC Death in Glaucoma
  • MacLean Lab - The Structure of Neurotransmitter-gated Ion Channels
  • Majewska Lab - The Functional Synapse Group
  • McGregor  (Advanced Retinal Imaging Alliance) Lab - Advanced Retinal Imaging Alliance
  • Meeks Lab - Chemosensation and Social Learning
  • Merigan Lab - The role of retinal ganglion cells in visual perception in the primate
  • Nam Lab - Mechano-Biology of the Inner Ear Sensory System
  • Nedergaard Lab - Glial Disease and Therapeutics
  • Nehrke Lab - Integrative Physiology
  • O'Banion-Olschowka Labs - CNS Neuroinflammation Research
  • Padmanabhan (Neural Circuits and Computation) Lab - Principles of computation performed by individual neurons and the neural circuits, and to identify how neurological and psychiatric diseases disrupt these operations
  • Pröschel Lab - Glial Progenitor Cells
  • Schallek (Advanced Retinal Imaging Alliance) Lab - Advanced Retinal Imaging Alliance
  • Singh Lab - Stem Cell & Disease Modeling Lab
  • Smith Lab - The Science of Neuro-Glia Interaction
  • Sobolewski Lab - Sex-differentiated mechanisms of neurotoxicity of endocrine active compounds (EACs)
  • Thornton Lab - Neurogenetic Disorders
  • Wang Lab - Experience-dependent cortical information
  • Williams Lab - Adaptive Optics Research Lab
  • Xia Lab - Phosphatase Signaling in Synaptic Plasticity, Myelin Biogenesis and Alzheimer's Disease

Computational Neuroscience

Computational NeuroscienceModelling of multisensory and integrative neural processing.

Active Research Laboratories

  • Gomez-Ramirez (Haptic) Lab - Develop mechanistic models of how objects are perceived and manipulated with our hands
  • Ralf Haefner - How the brain forms percepts and how it uses them to make decisions
  • Ken Henry - Behavioral operant conditioning
  • Lalor Lab - Explore quantitative modeling approaches to the analysis of sensory electrophysiology in humans
  • Maddox Lab - Investigate how the visual system interacts with the auditory system to improve selective attention under noisy conditions
  • Norman-Haignere Lab - Neural and computational mechanisms of speech, music, and auditory perception in humans
  • Padmanabhan (Neural Circuits and Computation) Lab - Principles of computation performed by individual neurons and the neural circuits, and to identify how neurological and psychiatric diseases disrupt these operations

Learning, Memory, & Adaptive Plasticity

Learning, Memory, & Adaptive PlasticityProcesses and mechanisms underlying how early and adult experience modifies behavior and its underlying neural processes.

Active Research Laboratories

  • Fogaça Lab - Understanding the molecular basis of behaviors relevant to stress and the actions of fast antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs
  • Haber Lab - Basal Ganglia and Degenerative Diseases
  • Huxlin Lab - Behavioral Studies and Functional Imaging of Visual Function, Plasticity and Rehabilitation After Brain Damage
  • Majewska Lab - The Functional Synapse Group
  • O'Banion-Olschowka Labs - CNS Neuroinflammation Research
  • Romanski Lab - Neural Circuitry of Social Communication
  • Schieber Lab - Neural Control of Hand and Finger Movements
  • Smith Lab - The Science of Neuro-Glia Interaction
  • Xia Lab - Phosphatase Signaling in Synaptic Plasticity, Myelin Biogenesis and Alzheimer's Disease

Neurobiology of Disease

Neurobiology of DiseaseFundamental pathologic, translational, and clinical processes and genetic predispositions that afflict the nervous system.

Active Research Laboratories

Neurodevelopment & Aging

Neurodevelopment & AgingNeural development and aging, including neurogenesis, differentiation, cell death, synaptic specification, and changes in neural organization and function that accompany senescence.

Active Research Laboratories

  • Anson Lab - Perception of self-motion and the effects of vestibular disorders on gaze and postural control problems during balance and walking
  • Bennetto Lab - Neurocognitive Bases of Autism
  • Cory-Slechta Lab - Environmental Neurotoxicants as Risk Factors for Behavioral Diseases and Disorders
  • Dodell-Feder Lab - Processing of Social information, Social Connections, and their Variances across illness, Focus on Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders
  • Foxe Lab (Cognitive Neurophysiology Lab)- Cognitive Neurophysiology
  • Fu Lab - Cellular Stress Response Pathways that Determine Cell Fate after Exposure to Cytotoxic and Mutagenic Damaging Agents
  • Fudge Lab - Anatomy and Neurochemistry of Major Psychiatric Illnesses
  • Gelbard Lab - Glial and Immune Effector Cell Interactions with Synapses During Neuroinflammation
  • Goldman Lab - Cell & Gene Therapy
  • Gorbunova & Seluanov Laboratory - Study of Age-Related Changes in Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks
  • Huxlin Lab - Behavioral Studies and Functional Imaging of Visual Function, Plasticity and Rehabilitation After Brain Damage
  • Jusko (Rochester Environment and Child Health (REACH)) Lab - Environmental causes of human disease
  • Kiernan Lab - Sensory Development and Disease
  • Libby Lab - Molecular Processes that Lead to RGC Death in Glaucoma
  • Lin (Cog T) Lab - Prevention and early detection of cognitive decline and promotion of successful cognitive aging
  • Majewska Lab - The Functional Synapse Group
  • Merigan Lab - The role of retinal ganglion cells in visual perception in the primate
  • O'Banion-Olschowka Labs - CNS Neuroinflammation Research
  • O'Connor Lab - Wynne Center for Family Research - Clinical research to understand how family and relationship processes influence behavioral and biological bases of mental and physical health
  • Padmanabhan (Neural Circuits and Computation) Lab - Principles of computation performed by individual neurons and the neural circuits, and to identify how neurological and psychiatric diseases disrupt these operations
  • Portman Lab - Sex Differences in the Development and Function of the C. elegans Nervous System
  • Pröschel Lab - Glial Progenitor Cells
  • Singh Lab - Stem Cell & Disease Modeling Lab
  • Smith Lab - The Science of Neuro-Glia Interaction
  • Sobolewski Lab - Sex-differentiated mechanisms of neurotoxicity of endocrine active compounds (EACs)
  • Xia Lab - Phosphatase Signaling in Synaptic Plasticity, Myelin Biogenesis and Alzheimer's Disease

Sensory, Motor, & Integrative Systems

Sensory, Motor, & Integrative SystemsSensory transduction, central processing and integration of sensory input across modalities, and the neural control of motor output and behavior.

Active Research Laboratories