Current Students
As a current medical student, please use the information below to facilitate your needs.
MedSIS is the Medical Student Informaiton System, you can use your Active Directory Login to access MedSIS.
If you want to access MedSIS from Off-Site, you will need Duo Two Factor Authentication.
DUO Authentication Information
Please follow these Instructions to sign up for DUO Authentication. You will need to register for DUO Authentication prior to coming to Orientation. You can also view these Duo Tutorials for details.
Blackboard is a virtual learning environment and course management system, your Active Directory Login is required for access.
If you want to access BlackBoard from Off-Site, you will need Duo Two Factor Authentication.
DUO Authentication Information
Please follow these Instructions to sign up for DUO Authentication. You will need to register for DUO Authentication prior to coming to Orientation. You can also view these Duo Tutorials for details.