Preparedness and Response Tools/Resources
Preparedness and Response Tools/Resources
- 96 Hour Sustainability
- Active Shooter
- Alternate (Crisis) Standards of Care
- Certified Hospital Emergency Coordinator Jeopardy Game
- CMS - Emergency Preparedness Requirements
- Community Health Care Preparedness
- Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)
- COVID-19 POD/Vaccinator Resources/Training
- Cyber Security
- Disaster Mental Health
- Disaster Triage
- Ebola
- Emerging and Special Pathogens
- Evacuation/Patient Movement
- EP Apps - iPhone/Tablet
- Faith Based
- General Preparedness
- Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA)
- HazMat/Decon/OSHA
- Home Care Preparedness
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
- Hospital Command Center
- Mass Casualty Incidents
- Medical Countermeasures/Point of Dispensing
- Mutual Aid Plans
- National Incident Management System (NIMS/ICS)
- Opioid Preparedness
- Pediatric Preparedness
- Personal Preparedness
- Public Health Preparedness
- Radiation Emergencies
- Recovery
- Storm/Natural Disasters
- Surge
- Volunteer Management
- Vulnerable Populations
- Water Emergencies
- Winter Weather Preparedness