Pediatric Emergency Preparedness Seminar - (CDR HEPC, 5/29/19)
Bronchiolitis - Patricia Hopkins, MD
Children With Behavioral Needs - Charles O'Donnell, RN, CNS
Emergency For Non Pediatric Hospitals - George Foltin, MD
MDT Approach - Emergency Pediatric Preparedness - Kaylin Dawson, BSN, RN
New Drugs of Abuse - Adam Rowden, DO
Pediatric Emergency Preparedness Training Seminar - (CDR HEPC, 5/24/17)
Care During Crisis - Let's Include the Children - David Marcozzi, MD, MHS-CL, FACEP
Bomb and Blast Injuries - Heidi P. Cordi, MD, MPH, MS, EMT-P, FACEP, FAADM
Penetrating Trauma in Pediatric Patients - Heidi P. Cordi, MD, MPH, MS, EMT-P, FACEP, FAADM
NYS Sepsis Initiative Update - Marcus Friedrich, MD, MBA, FACP
Sepsis in Children - Debbie Tristram, MD
Online Guide for Children in Disasters and Emergencies
(DIMRC, EMSC, ASPR - 9/2014)
Developed by the National Library of Medicine's Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC), in collaboration with the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), the Health Resources on Children in Disasters and Emergencies is a compendium of online resources related to medical and public health issues on this topic. Links are provided to both journal articles and to other documents and materials that may be useful in preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery activities. Its intent is to consolidate the multitude of resources available across a variety of organizations, websites, databases, and training sites, making the search for relevant materials simpler and more direct.
For more information about the online guide, access the archived webcast "Not Just Small Adults: Health Resources on Children in Disasters and Emergencies," which originally aired on September 11. The webcast included presenters from DIMRC, the EMSC National Resource Center (NRC), and ASPR.
Please note that this new online guide will replace the PEDPrepared database, which was recently removed from the EMSC NRC website.
AAP Pediatric Preparedness Resource Kit
Pediatric and Obstetric Emergency Preparedness Toolkit (April2017)
Disaster Preparedness in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (AAP, May2017)
Hospital Pediatric Preparedness Toolkit (IDPH, Oct2015)
Post-Disaster Reunification of Children: A Nationwide Approach
Essential Pediatrics Domain Considerations For Every Hospitals' Disaster Preparedness Policies
FEMA Children and Disasters Website
Children and Disasters Newsletter
The National Mass Care Strategy Multi-Agency Reunification Services Plan Template
The Children in Emergency Planning Guide
Minimum Pediatric Care Standards for NYS Hospitals, Emergency Departments and Intensive Care Units
Family Information Center Planning Guide for Healthcare Entities
Medical Countermeasures for Children in Public Health Emergencies, Disasters or Terrorism
Evacuation of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Sandy
Ensuring the Health of Children in Disasters
Checklist: Guidelines for Care of Children in the Emergency Department
Near-Term Strategies to Improve Pediatric Surge Capacity During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Addressing Preparedness Challenges for Children in Public Health Emergencies
Stanford OB Disaster Planning Toolkit
Pediatric Readiness Resource Toolkit
Pediatric/Neonatal Disaster Planning Reference Guide
Health Resources on Children in Disasters and Emergencies
National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH)
Pediatric/Neonatal Disaster and Medical Surge Plan and Preparedness Toolkit
Pediatric Surge Planning: Train-the-Trainer
Pediatric Aspects of Hospital Preparedness
Pediatric Assessment Card (NYSEMS, 01/04)
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council (DPAC)
AAP-Children and Disasters Newsletter - June 2017
AAP Strategic Plan for Disaster Preparedness (2016-2020)
AAP: Pediatric Focused Resources by Topic