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Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care at Highland Hospital

Chaplaincy at Highland Hospital

24 Hour Spiritual Care

Highland Hospital offers 24-hour spiritual care to people of all faiths through professionals experienced in providing care in a hospital setting. We are here to offer support, comfort, and encouragement to our patients as well as to their families and loved ones.

We can also assist you in contacting clergy from your faith and we always welcome pastoral representatives for your congregation. During the admission process, you may identify your religion and place of worship. Clergy have access to this information to identify members of their own congregation if you have identified yourself as a member of that congregation. We encourage you to be in contact with your place of worship before admission if possible, so that you may participate in rites or sacraments unique to your faith.

  • Communion is available for patients per request.
  • Highland’s Interfaith Chapel offers a quiet atmosphere for reflection. It is located on Level 2 near the Intensive Care Unit and is open 24 hours a day.


How We Can Help

Here are some examples of how our spiritual care team can help in a time of need:

  • Offer spiritual support and encouragement
  • Join you in prayer

Contact the Spiritual Care Office

Phone: (585) 341-6890

Pager: (585) 473-2200 and ask the Operator to page the On-Call Spiritual Care team member