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Highland Hospital / Facilities / Blog / June 2017 / July 1 and 3 Air Handling Work

July 1 and 3 Air Handling Work

Work this weekend will include shutting down the current air handling unit on Friday, 6/30 at 6 p.m. and activating the temporary air handling unit on July 3rd. Work will take place on Saturday, 7/1 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Monday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Considerable construction activity is anticipated along the north side of hospital over the weekend and into next week as crews prepare for the permanent air handler replacement unit. Typical construction noise can be expected from vehicles, tools and crews performing work.

If you have any questions or concerns related to the work being done, please call Mike Zanghi, Director of Facilities, at 585-260-5243.

Wendy Boyce | 6/30/2017

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