No Weekend Construction and Micropiles
There will be no construction this weekend on either Saturday June 5 or Sunday June 6.
Micropile installation has started and will continue for approximately 3 weeks. Deep foundation, pile cap and grade beam installation will start following the completion of the micropile installation (end of June, early July) and will continue for approximately 10 weeks.
Excavation and grading work will happen at the same time as the micro pile and deep foundation installations.
South Building roofing work continues. This work will require cranes for rigging materials and equipment to the roof. These will be staged along Mt Vernon and will necessitate temporary road and sidewalk closures along Mt. Vernon in front of the South Building, including the parking spaces in front of Oncology on Mt. Vernon. The odor of melting tar can be expected from these activities.
Typical levels of construction noise and vibrations are expected with all of these activities. For the micropile and deep foundation work, any possible vibrations will be monitored by a third party testing agency.
Wendy Boyce | 6/3/2021
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