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Quality Measures For Stroke

Highland Meets Stringent Requirements

A stroke (also called a "brain attack") occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted due to a clot or leakage of a blood vessel into the brain. When this happens, brain cells quickly begin to die. 

Treating stroke quickly and effectively is the difference between ability and disability or even life and death. The first step in this process is to be taken to a hospital that is experienced and fully equipped to provide an accurate diagnosis and rapid treatment. In recognition of this need, the New York State Department of Health (DOH) has developed criteria for hospitals to be named a New York State designated primary stroke center. N.Y.S. mandates that stroke patients are brought to a designated stroke center by emergency medical services if the patient can arrive at the stroke center within two hours of the onset of stroke symptoms.

As a designated New York State Stroke Center, Highland Hospital has met stringent requirements including:

  • The establishment of a qualified acute stroke team available to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • Round-the-clock capacity to perform CT scans with qualified physician interpretations
  • Round-the-clock laboratory services
  • A protocol where patients are seen by a physician within 15 minutes of arriving in the emergency room, have imaging within 25 minutes of arrival, and interpretation within 45 minutes of arrival
  • The ability to provide neurosurgical procedures and evaluation quickly if deemed necessary
  • A unit setting designated for the care of stroke patients beyond the acute treatment period
  • An experienced staff that undergoes regular continuing medical education
  • A quality assurance committee that meets regularly
  • Progress reports about specific benchmarks, quality improvement goals that are incorporated into the hospital's quality assurance process


Also, Highland's Stroke Center works in conjunction with the Stroke program at Strong Memorial Hospital, which offers various clinical trials in acute stroke treatment and stroke prevention.