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URMC / Labs / Wilson ECLIPSe Lab / Lab Members

Lab Members

Principal Investigator

Nicole Wilson

Nicole A. Wilson, Ph.D., M.D.
Email Nicole




Lab Members


WaysonSarah Wayson, M.S., Ph.D.
Email Sarah 

Project: Development of a Novel Stimulator and Ultrasound Probe for Tissue Characterization of Congenital Hindgut Disorders



ChaconMiranda Chacon, M.D.
Email Miranda

Project: Development of a Noninvasive Comprehensive Digital Tool for Modeling the Structure and Function of the Small Intestine



Korry Wirth, MDKorth Wirth, M.D.

Email Korry

Project: Use of Photodynamic Therapy to Treat Intra-Abdominal Contamination in General Surgical Condition



Medical Student Research Assistants

Year-Out 2023-2024


Peter Hendzlik, BS

Project: Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Outcomes in Trauma Patients



Summer 2022:

Catherine Liu, BS

Project: Decision Support Tool for Triage of Trauma Patients: Using Machine Learning to Take the Complexity out of Trauma Triage

Summer 2021:

Sanyu Takirambudde, BA

Project: Social Determinants of Health are Associated with Outcomes in Children with Complicated Appendicitis

Publication: Takirambudde S, Ruffolo LI, Wakeman DS, Dale BS, Arca MJ, Wilson NA. "Social Determinants of Health are Associated With Postoperative Outcomes in Children With Complicated Appendicitis." The Journal of surgical research. 2022 Aug 5; 279:692-701. Epub 2022 Aug 05.

Summer 2021:

Tiffany Ting, BA

Project: Prehospital factors predict outcomes in pediatric trauma: A principal component analysis

Publication: Ting T, Wakeman DS, Arca MJ, Wilson NA. "Prehospital Factors Predict Outcomes in Pediatric Trauma: A Principal Component Analysis." The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2022 May 12; Epub 2022 May 12.

Undergraduate Research Assistants

CrawfordLoralai Crawford
Email Loralai

Project: Development of a Noninvasive Comprehensive Digital Tool for Modeling the Structure and Function of the Small Intestine

Project: Understanding the Changes in Chest Wall Biomechanics with Pectus Excavatum and Pectus Carinatum


Justine Lam

Project: Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Outcomes in Trauma Patients

Summer 2022:

Hadassah Polydore, BS

Project: Falling Through the Cracks: Characteristics of Under-triage in Pediatric Trauma Patients

Summer 2021:

Naomi Ganpo-Nkwenkwa, BS

Project: Long-term Functional, Psychological, Emotional, and Social Outcomes in Pediatric Victims of Violence

Publication: Ganpo-Nkwenkwa NS, Wakeman DS, Pierson L, Vella MA, Wilson NA. "Long-term functional, psychological, emotional, and social outcomes in pediatric victims of violence." Journal of pediatric surgery. 2022 Jul 30; Epub 2022 Jul 30.