Lab Members
Lab Members
Principal Investigator
Research Interest:
Mechanisms supporting conceptual processing, language, and action function in patients with brain tumor or epilepsy.
Research Staff
Anna Keresztesy
Research Coordinator
Research Coordinator
Conor O'Hara
Laboratory Technician
Laboratory Technician
Graduate and Medical Students
Emma Strawderman, B.S.
MSTP - Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)
MD - Medical Education (M.D.)
NGP - Neuroscience Graduate Program
MSTP - Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)
MD - Medical Education (M.D.)
NGP - Neuroscience Graduate Program
Research Interest:
The effect of gliomas and their treatments (e.g., neurosurgery, radiation) on neural connectivity and associated cognitive deficits.
Research Assistants
Rishika Chikoti
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Marshall Kim
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Aliza Lopez
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Sahithi Mathukumilli
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Elana Memke
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Sofya Narayan
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Vanessa Yang
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student