Organization of prefrontal cortical and subcortical connectives: 1.1. The reward circuit Rewardcircuit; 1.2. Corticostriatal-basal ganglia circuits: it’s not a simple topography ctx-vs ctx-DS Monkey cortical-striatal projections. Rat cortical-striatal projections.; 1.3. Cortico-subthalamic projections: topography and topology; 1.4.Striato-nigro-striatal and cortico-thalamo-cortical circuits form reciprocal and non-reciprocal connections thalamus S-SN-S Striatal-nigral spiral; 1.5. Habenular connections.
Rules for prefrontal cortical pathways: how they really get their targets: 2.1 Rules for the ventral prefrontal cortex Rules
- vmPFC cortical & subcortical pathways. OFC cortical & subcortical pathways; 2.2 Monkey and Human ventral prefrontal fibers use the same organizational rules DTI; 2.3 The cingulate bundle carries more than you think Cingulate; 2.4 Internal capsule: an organized gateway for connections Internal capsule.
Terminals and pathways effected during deep brain stimulation (DBS) DBSreview
- Overview of deep brain stimulation. : 3.1 DBS at the internal capsule site, what it gets and what it doesn’t get DBS Model of electrode in internal capsule.
Postnatal development of cortical connectivities and pathways: 4.1 vmPFC cortico-striatal connections during postnatal development