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Schieber Lab

Neural Control of Hand and Finger Movements

Image of Finger Motion Lab Logo

Our lab investigated how the brain controls movements of the body. A longstanding line of investigation explored control of fine finger movements, like those used in typing, playing a musical instrument, or performing delicate surgery. More recent work studied the combination of reaching, grasping, and manipulating. Additional recent projects investigated the voluntary control of neuronal activity, the modulation of mirror neuron populations, and the ability to inject information into the brain using intracortical microstimulation.

Dr. Schieber is no longer accepting trainees.

Marc H. Schieber, M.D., Ph.D.

Marc H. Schieber, M.D., Ph.D.
Principal Investigator


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  Schieber Lab
601 Elmwood Ave,
Rochester, NY 14642