Welcome to the Schizophrenia Treatment and Research Laboratory
The URMC Department of Psychiatry has a long and distinguished history of innovation related to understanding and treatment of people with schizophrenia and related disorders. Early landmarks include development of one of the nation’s first public-academic liaisons under founding chair Dr. John Romano, groundbreaking family research under Dr. Lyman Wynne, and the innovative Monroe-Livingston Demonstration Project under Dr. Haroutun Babigian.
Strong Ties Community Support Program was developed during the1990’s under Dr. Eric D. Caine as a springboard for study and treatment of adults with severe and persistent mental disorders. Under leadership of Drs. Marvin Herz and J. Steven Lamberti, Strong Ties became a primary site for studies examining novel psychopharmacological and psychosocial treatment strategies. As part of the national Schizophrenia Trials Network during the early 2000’s, Dr. Lamberti and his colleagues conducted several important clinical trials, including the NIMH CATIE, ACLAIMS, CAMP and e-CAESAR studies.
In 2019, internationally recognized schizophrenia researcher Dr. Steven Silverstein joined the URMC Department of Psychiatry along with fellow researchers Dr. Judy Thompson and Dr. Brian Keane. Under Dr. Silverstein’s leadership as STAR lab director, new initiatives feature both national and international collaborations with a continued purpose; to improve the lives of people with schizophrenia and their families through generation and dissemination of new knowledge.
From the Inside out: Making sense of schizophrenia article from NeURoscience | Vol 9 highlights the work of Dr. Silverstein, Dr. Thompson, and Dr. Keane.