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URMC / LSLC / LSLC Lessons / LSLC Lessons / Cancer Biology

Cancer Biology

These lessons were developed with funding from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations.

Antioxidants and Cancer

Explore the relationships among antioxidants, free radicals, and cancer. Laboratory experiments compare the antioxidant concentrations in several types of beverages.

Antioxidants and Cancer Handout
Antioxidants and Cancer Handout

Cancer Treatments

Students create brochures on different types of cancer treatments. Students conduct simulated lab tests to determine the safe chemotherapy dosage and consider issues associate with clinical trial participation.

Cancer Treatments Handout
Cancer Treatments Handout

Cancer Trends: A DBQ

A DBQ (document based question) in which students identify current cancer trends and factors that may influence these trends.

Cancer Trends Handout
Cancer Trends Handout

Cancer Truth or Cancer Myth Survey

What do students know about cancer? Students conduct a class survey to answer this question.

Cancer Truth or Myth Handout
Cancer Truth or Myth Handout

The Cell Cycle and Cancer

Follow the case of a young woman diagnosed with skin cancer. Model the normal cell cycle and illustrate how mutations can lead to uncontrolled cell division.

Cancer and the Cell Cycle
Cancer and the Cell Cycle Handout
Cell Cycle Slides
Cell Cycle Slides

Coping With Cancer

Students develop medical consumer skills by assuming the role of a patient who has been diagnosed with a specific type and stage of cancer.

Coping with Cancer Handout
Coping with Cancer Handout

DNA Microarrays (Gene Chips) and Cancer

Explore the use of DNA Microarray (Gene Chips) technology to understand the role of genes involved in causing cancer. Learn how DNA microarrays can be used to diagnose and select appropriate treatments for cancer patients.

DNA Microarrays Handout
DNA Microarrays Handout
DNA Microarrays Slides
DNA Microarrays Presentation

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer

Learn about the relationship between the HPV virus and cervical cancer. Pap tests and a new HPV vaccine can be used to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. Discuss the bioethical issues related to vaccination policies for the HPV vaccine.

HPV and Cancer Handout
HPV and Cancer Handout
HPV and Cancer Slides
HPV and Cancer Slides

Metastasis and Homeostasis

Explore how metastasis (the spread of cancer cells) to different body organs interferes with body function.

Metastasis and Homeostasis Handout
Metastasis and Homeostasis Handout

Reading for Evidence: Cancer Understandings

Students use evidences from brief reading passages to support or reject each statement in the Cancer Truth or Cancer Myth Survey.

Reading for Evidence Handout
Reading for Evidence Handout

The Right To Choose: A Cancer Case Study

Does a teenager have the right to select an alternative "cancer cure" instead of traditional chemotherapy and radiation treatments?

Right to Choose Handout
Right to Choose Handout

Stem Cells and Cancer

Cancer stem cells provide a possible explanation for why cancers reoccur after cancer treatment. Students compare normal stem cells with cancer stem cells and design an experiment to determine whether a fictitious cancer drug is safe an effective.

Stem Cells and Cancer Handout
Stem Cells and Ca​ncer Handout
Stem Cells and Cancer Slides
Stem Cells and Cancer Slides

Thalidomide: A Cancer Treatment

Thalidomide is known to cause serious birth defects. Students explore the benefits and risks associated with using thalidomide as a cancer treatment.

Thalidomide Handout
Thalidomide Handout

Understanding Cancer: National Cancer Institute Tutorial

This PowerPoint tutorial, produced by the National Cancer Institute, illustrates basic concepts about cancer.

Understanding Cancer Tutorial: Information for Teachers
Understanding Cancer Tutorial: Information for Teachers
Understanding Cancer Tutorial: Student Handout
Understanding Cancer Tutorial: Student Handout

What Patients Need to Know About Cancer

Students use information from the National Cancer Institute's What You Need to Know About series to create a 9-square poster on one type of cancer.

What Patients Need to Know about Cancer Handout
What Patients Need to Know about Cancer Handout

Your World: Fighting Cancer with Biotechnology

A series of activities designed to accompany the Your World: Fighting Cancer with Biotechnology magazine.

Your World: Fighting Cancer with Biotechnology Handout
Your World: Fighting Cancer with Biotechnology Handout