LSLC Lessons
The Life Sciences Learning Center has developed a wide variety of ready-to-use lessons, all available for free! Most of our lessons were created with grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). All LSLC lessons have been rigorously field tested with teachers and students from throughout the US.
Resources for each lesson include:
- A teacher guide with detailed information on how to prepare for the lesson
- Student instructions and handouts
Browse by lesson topic:
Biology of Drug Abuse and Addiction
Cholera: A Medical Mystery of Epidemic Proportions
Family Secrets: Genetic Testing and Bioethics
Nanoparticles: Benefits and Health Risks
Browse alphabetically by title below:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
As the Scale Tips: Phthalates and Reproductive Health
Bioassay Investigation with Daphnia
Cancer Truth or Cancer Myth Survey
Cough, Cough, Wheeze, Wheeze: Mold and Asthma
Dangers Seen and Unseen: Water and Environmental Health
DNA Microarrays (Gene Chips) and Cancer
Effects of Environmental Lead Poisoning on Human Health
Effects of Prenatal Drug Exposure—Long-Term Studies
Environmental Health Concerns: From Problem to Public Policy
Genetic Testing for Huntington's Disease
Home Sweet Home: The Mysterious Death of Janette Williams—Hazardous Household Chemicals
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer
"I" Can't Hear You: Noise Pollution
It's Organic, How Can That be a Problem? Organic Solvents and Human Health
Killing Killer Rain: Acid Rain and Environmental Health
Lab Activities to Accompany Killing Killer Rain
Living Downstream: Potable Water and Human Health
Long-Term Effects of Drug Addiction
A Medical Mystery of Epidemic Proportions (Extended Version)
A Medical Mystery of Epidemic Proportions (Short Version)
Modeling Effects of Drugs on Neuron Communication
Nanoproducts: Benefits and Risks
Radon: A Dangerous Link in the Decay Series of Uranium
Reading for Evidence: Cancer Understandings
The Right To Choose: A Cancer Case Study
Sleep: A Waste of Time or a Necessity of Life?
Stem Cell Biology: Adventures of Cryptic Ron
Stem Cell Biology (Extended Version)
Stem Cell Biology (Short Version)
Thalidomide: A Cancer Treatment
"Tox In" the City: Introducing Environmental Health Services
Understanding Cancer: National Cancer Institute Tutorial
Well, What Will We Drink? Water Testing and Safety