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Environmental Health

My Environment My Health LogoThese lessons were developed as part of the My Environment, My Health, My Choices project, with funding from grant R25ES010717 from the NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

As the Scale Tips: Phthalates and Reproductive Health

Phthalates used as plasticizers may have a negative impact on human reproduction. Students weigh the risks and benefits associated with the used of everyday products that contain phthalates.

Phthalates Handout
Phthalates Handout
Phthalates Slides for Teachers
Phthalates Slides for Students

Asthma in the City

Do environmental factors cause asthma? To answer this question, students assume the roles of medical doctor, environmental biologist, epidemiologist and sociologist.

Asthma Handouts
Asthma Handouts

Autism, a Pervasive Dilemma

Students conduct Internet research on the symptoms and causes of autism. They create an informational brochure based on their research findings.

Autism Handouts
Autism Handout
Autism Slides

Bioassay Investigations with Daphnia

Students conduct bioassays to investigate the short-term and long-term effects of various toxicant concentrations on Daphnia.

Bioassay Investigations Handout
Bioassay Investigations Handout
Bioassay Investigations Slides

Chemistry of Alcohol

Why is methanol more toxic than ethanol? Should a Breathalyzer be used to screen for drinkers at school events? Use Internet research and molecular modeling to answer these questions.

Chemistry of Alcohol Handouts
Chemistry of Alcohol Handouts
Chemistry of Alcohol Slides

Cough, Cough, Wheeze, Wheeze: Mold and Asthma

How do molds trigger allergies and asthma? Use guided Internet research to answer this question.

Mold and Asthma Handout
Mold and Asthma Handout
Mold and Asthma Slides

Dangers Seen and Unseen: Water and Environmental Health

What is the impact of water pollution on human health? This problem-based learning activity is designed for English language learners. Students gain research skills as they use books, websites, and Internet search engines to find information on the effect of water pollution on human health.

Water and Environmental Health Handout
Water and Environmental Health Handout

The Effects of Environmental Lead Poisoning on Human Health

A problem-based learning activity on health problems caused by lead paint exposure, the historical use of lead and ways to reduce exposure to lead in older homes.

Lead Poisoning Handout
Lead Poisoning Handout
Lead Poisoning Slides for Teachers
Lead Poisoning Slides for Students

Environmental Health Concerns: From Problem to Public Policy

An interdisciplinary (science and social studies) case study exploring five different environmental health issues causing community concern. Students use Internet research and interviews to write public policy statements and produce a public service announcement.

Environmental Health Concerns Handout
Environmental Health Concerns Handout

Home Sweet Home: The Mysterious Death of Janette Williams—Hazardous Household Chemicals

Students apply basic toxicology concepts as they investigate the mysterious death of a young woman. They use forensic documents and labels from cleaning products found at the scene to develop an explanation for what might have happened to this young woman.

Mysterious Death of Janette Williams Handout
Mysterious Death of Janette Williams Handout
Mysterious Death of Janette Williams Slides

"I" Can't Hear You: Noise Pollution

Students learn about the environmental health risks associated with personal listening devices (MP3 players and iPods).

Noise Pollution Handout
Noise Pollution Handout
Noise Pollution Slides

Introduction to Toxicology

This PowerPoint presentation provides and overview of some of the principles of toxicology and environmental health.

Introduction to Toxicology Slides

It's Organic, How Can That Be a Problem?: Organic Solvents and Human Health

Students use a real-world scenario about a gasoline spill and molecular models to learn about the chemistry and health risks of organic solvents.

Organic Solvents Handout
Organic Solvents Handout
Organic Solvents Slides

Killing Killer Rain: Acid Rain and Environmental Health

This interdisciplinary problem-based learning (social studies and science) unit focuses on acid rain: its sources, environmental effects, health effects, economic impact, political impact, and potential solutions in the United States and Canada.

Acid Rain Teacher Guide
Acid Rain Teacher Guide
Acid Rain Student Handout
Acid Rain Student Handout

Lab Activities

Four science activities are designed to accompany the "Killing Killer Rain" lessons. Students develop an understanding of acids, buffers, and pH.

Acid Rain Lab Handout
Acid Rain Lab Handout

Living Downstream: Potable Water and Human Health

An interdisciplinary exploration of the effects of water pollution impacts human health and actions that can be taken to prevent water pollution.

Potable Water Handout
Potable Water Handout

Oh Say Can You See CO?

Students match symptoms of CO poisoning with quotes from Edgar Allen Poe's poetry. They research information on carbon monoxide including: physical properties, sources, uses, mitigation, detection, and medical treatment.

CO Poisoning Handout
CO Poisoning Handout
CO Poisoning Slides for Teachers
CO Poisoning Slides for Students

Radon—A Dangerous Link in the Decay Series of Uranium

The environmental hazard associated with radioactive radon gas is used to motivate students' interest in transmutation and the decay series of uranium and to make students aware of the risks of exposure to radon.

Radon Handout
Radon Handout
Radon Slides for Teachers
Radon Slides for Students

"Tox In" the City: Introducing Environmental Health Services

An engaging variety of mini-activities, such as bingo, PowerPoint, think-pair-share, dose lab, to introduce students to environmental health vocabulary and concepts.

"Tox In" the City Handout
"Tox In" the City Handout
"Tox In" the City Slides for Teachers
"Tox In" the City Slides for Students

Well, What Will We Drink? Water Testing and Safety

Students investigate the publicly available information from their local area water supply and compare this with the information from water tests on the fictitious family's well. A PPM dilution lab activity is included.

Water Testing and Safety Handout
Water Testing and Safety Handout
Water Testing and Safety Slides for Teachers