News & Events
GI Team Has Impressive Showing at ACG Conference
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Gastroenterology and Hepatology faculty, APPs, residents, and fellows had a terrific showing at the recent American College of Gastroenterology conference. Highlights included well-deserved recognition of Shivangi Kothari, MD, and Mary Vetter, NP, for their outstanding contributions to the organization and field.
Kothari received the ACG Governor’s Service Award and Vetter was honored with the NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence.
“It was a truly outstanding conference for the URMC GI team,” said Chief Mark Levstik, MD, praising the division’s hard work to advance the specialty.
Review your colleagues’ accomplishments:
Maisa Abdalla, MD, Timothy Lee, MD, and Michael Tiongson, MD
- Poster presentation: A Challenging Diagnosis of Goblet Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Appendix in a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis.
- The presentation received a presidential award.
- Member of the APP Committee
- Elected Chair of the APP Committee
- Speaker: Practice Management Summit - "Extending Your Practice with Advanced Practice Providers."
- Speaker: "Improving Your Practice Capacity: APPs, the Patient Portal and HER."
- Co-host of APP Luncheon - "Digesting Success: Crafting Your Advanced Practice Provider Professional Journey in Gastroenterology."
- Presented to the APP and Membership Committees, and shared Committee Chair Updates for the APP Committee to President Dr. Amy Oxentenko.
Alexandra France, MD
- Poster presentation: Intracystic Hemorrhage with Pancreatic Cyst FNA: Novel Use of Hemostatic Gel Application for Successful Management. Co-authors: Truptesh Kothari, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, Asad Ullah, MD, Luke Schoeniger, MD, Shivangi Kothari, MD.
- Honored for outstanding poster presentation.
- Member of the APP, Patient Care and Women in GI committees.
- Lecture at postgraduate course: Evaluation and Management of Biliary Strictures
- Co-moderator: ACG-Annual Video Forum Session: Live from Philly!
- Presented at the ACG International Affairs Committee & CTG Journal Editorial Board meetings
- Co-author, Poster presentations: P0473 Repeat Cryotherapy Treatment Results in Sustained Palliation of Dysphagia in Esophageal Cancer. Multicenter Study and P2175 Intracystic Hemorrhage with Pancreatic Cyst Hemorrhage: Novel use of hemostatic Gel for Successful Management.
- Faculty leader: Interventional EUS Hands-on Workshop Sessions.
- Speaker at the ACG postgraduate course: Resecting Colon polyps: Snare, EMR or ESD? and Keeping you out of trouble when endoscopic complications happen.
- Teaching faculty at the Hands-On Workshop for esophageal stenting.
- Co-moderated plenary session on obesity, biliary and pancreatic presentations.
- Received the ACG Governor’s Service Award in recognition of the commitment to the Board of Governors and the ACG and for advancing the mission of the college.
- Attended the ACG ergonomics summit.
- Senior author on poster presentation by Dr. Sheza Malik: Is adenoma detection any different from polyp detection with artificial intelligence in colonoscopy? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled data.
Monica Patel, MD
Poster presentation: When Glue Glues: N-butil-Cyanoacrylate Non-target Embolization Into Biliary Stent During Percutaneous Embolization of Biliary-Cutaneous Fistula.
- Poster presentation: Rare Complication: GI Bleeding From IVC Filter Penetration Into the Duodenum.
Mary Vetter, NP
- Received the ACG NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence in honor of her contributions to advancing cinical practice through leadership, mentoring and collaborative activities.
Robin Wilson, MD
- Podium presentation: Efficacy and Cost-Savings with Diclofenac Suppository for Post-ERCP Pancreatitis; Co-presenters: Peter Fields, MD; Curtis Haas PharmD; Vivek Kaul, MD; Asad Ullah, MD; Truptesh Kothari. MD; Ahmed Dirweesh, MD; Tanya Bruckel, MD; Myla Strawderman, MS; Shivangi Kothari, MD.
- Outstanding Research Award by a Fellow in Training for Best Scientific Abstract in the Interventional Endoscopy Category.
Gastroenterology Showcases Expertise at DDW
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
The Gastroenterology & Hepatology division recently had great success presenting their work and delivering presentations at the annual Digestive Diseases Week (DDW) conference. This gathering saw thousands of professionals convene in Washington D.C. in late May to share their insights, research, and best practices.
Truptesh Kothari, MD, MS, said “DDW 2024 is considered one of the largest meetings attended in the world of Gastroenterology. It provides a great platform for new technology, tools, and endoscopic skills.
“I had the opportunity to represent URMC at the conference. I had the opportunity to give three lectures on various topics, including complex polypectomy, therapeutic endoscopic ultrasound, and ERCP in altered anatomy. Shivangi Kothari, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, and I participated in a multi-center study which was selected for oral presentation at the meeting. I was selected as vice-chair for the special interest group in Endoscopic Ultrasound for 2024-26 by the current president of the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), and we had a welcome meeting for the same.
“We continue to thrive for academic success by participating and representing our division of GI and the University at such large-scale national meetings like DDW.”
Presenters and their Works (in alphabetical order)
- Moderating Poster Tour: Advancing Clinical Practice: GI Fellow Directed Quality Improvement Projects
- Poster: Small Education Grants have an Outsized Impact for AGA Members
- Presentation: AGA Academy of Educators Plenary. What is coaching?
- Board Review Presentation: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Panelist: Metabolic Surgery – 9th Annual Association of Bariatric Endoscopy Course
- Moderator: Hands-on bariatrics workshop – Association of Bariatric Endoscopy
- Presentation: Optimizing the Role of the APP - Onboarding to Continuing Professional Development
- Presentation: AGA Post Grad Course Lunch Case Based Breakout Session – Precision Nutrition for the IBD Patient
- Poster: Identifying Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Adenoma Detection Rate (with Bruckel)
- Moderator: ASGE Clinical Symposium: Stump the Stars (Pancreaticobiliary) - Can Todd Baron Pass His Boards?
- Poster: Evaluation of a Novel Multi-needle Endoscopic Ultrasound Sampling Device in a Porcine Model: A Comparative Study with Standard Fine Needle Biopsy
- Lecture: AGA Technologies and Procedural Innovation Session: How Can Endoscopic Outcomes and Quality be Improved?
- Postgraduate Course: Immediate Post – Endoscopic Management of Colonic Perforation: What to do When the Patient Hits Recovery *Case-Based/Video
- Poster: Outcomes of Colon Stents as a Bridging Intervention to Emergency Surgery for Malignant Colorectal Obstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Lecture: EUS for Acute Cholecystitis: The New Standard of Care
- Presentation: Safety and Efficacy of Prevention of GI Bleeding After EMR – ESD: A Multicenter North American Experience (with S. Kothari and Kaul)
- Lecture: Management of Complex Polyps - Pearls in Complex Polypectomy – To Do or Not To Do
- Lecture: ASGE Learning Center, Knowledge Plus Theater - ERCP in Altered Anatomy
- Lecture: ASGE Learning Center, Knowledge Plus Theater - Tips and Tricks in Therapeutic EUS
- Poster: Multidisciplinary Educational Intervention Regarding Inpatient Bowel Preparation Reduces Delayed and Cancelled Procedures (with France and Bruckel)
- Moderator: Moderating board review course
- Board Review Presentation: Chapter 9 - Diarrhea and Constipation
Kaul Appointed as Secretary General of the WGO
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Vivek Kaul, MD, professor of Medicine, was elected by the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) Governing Council as its new secretary general, where he will also serve on the Executive & Finance committees.
The WGO is a global federation of 119 countries and their leading GI societies, and has active collaborations in place with the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). The WGO represents over 60,000 members worldwide. Established in 1958, the WGO is the leading international organization for Gastroenterology & Hepatology related education, training, and clinical practice guidance. Through its 24 international training centers, journal and guideline documents, the World congresses and the highly acclaimed TTT (Train the Trainer) workshops, the WGO serves its missions in close collaboration with national societies globally.
Prior to his current appointment, Kaul served as the immediate past chair of the WGO Endoscopy committee and also co-founded the Emerging Leaders Mentorship Program (ELMP) that pairs renowned mentors worldwide with interested mentees (especially from low resource environments) for their professional development. Kaul also serves on the WGO climate change working group and is a member of the WGO “Green Endoscopy” task force.
“I am very excited, honored, and humbled to represent URMC, NY, and the USA in this role. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to help increase our global engagement, visibility, and footprint. I look forward to partnering with University leadership to further our international missions,” Kaul said.
His four-year term began on January 1, 2024, and during this time Kaul will serve as a WGO liaison to international GI societies and work closely with the WGO president Geoffrey Metz (Australia) and president-elect Carolina Olano (Uruguay) to help develop future strategy across all missions of this organization.