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Strategic Planning

In the summer of 2018, the Center began a strategic planning process to address the changing landscape of the Center's membership and research programs. To kick off the strategic planning process, a survey was distributed and an all-Center retreat was held to gather input and feedback on the main goals of the Center. A Senior Executive Committee (SEC) was formed to develop and implement a strategic plan for the Center. A Committee structure was subsequently adopted to manage the various activities and needs of the Center.

CMSR Senior Executive Committee (SEC) Members

Jennifer Anolik 
Hani AwadChair, Training & Education Committee
Danielle Benoit 
Brendan Boyce 
Mark Buckley 
Laura Calvi 
Roman EliseevChair, Rigor & Reproducibility Committee
Jen Jonason
Alayna Loiselle 
Benjamin Miller 
Gowri MuthukrishnanCo-Chair, Core Users Committee
Anne NicholsCo-Chair, Core Users Committee
Ed PuzasChair, Mentoring Committee
Ben RicciardiCo-Chair, Clinician Engagement Committee
Chris Ritchlin 
Paul Rubery 
Eddie SchwarzChair, Advancement Committee
Chao XieCo-Chair, Clinician Engagement Committee
Lianping Xing 
Allison YehCo-Director of BMTI Core
Xinping Zhang 

CMSR SEC Membership Qualifications

  • Full Professors & Tenured *Associate Professors or *Associate Professors who are CMSR Core Directors
  • Associate Professors must also have at least three years' membership in the Center

CMSR SEC Structure

SEC Structure 2025

Since summer 2018, the SEC has been meeting monthly and working with Executive Coach Donna Rawady to draft a strategic plan. A CMSR Retreat was held on August 25, 2022 to provide an update to and solicit feedback from Center faculty on the drafted strategic plan. Committee updates are also being provided on a quarterly basis at the Friday morning PI meetings.