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URMC / Center for Musculoskeletal Research / Seminars and Meetings

Seminars and Meetings

The Center for Musculoskeletal Research (CMSR) holds regular seminars and symposia throughout the year. These seminars and symposia are designed to educate our trainees, but also serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas that establishes strong collaborations between laboratories within the CMSR, throughout the University of Rochester campuses, and with visiting investigators from outside the university.

The CMSR conducts weekly seminars every Wednesday at which several trainees present their most recent data. All attendees provide constructive criticism to each of the trainees as well as input on data interpretation and the design of future experiments. These seminars and the resulting exchange of ideas is critical for our trainees to develop into rigorous scientists and prepare them for scientific careers.

The CMSR also invites world-class musculoskeletal researchers from other institutions to participate in our William F. Neuman Visiting Scientists Speaker Series. In a setting open to the entire University of Rochester research community, invited researchers present their most recent and important musculoskeletal research while sharing their personal views of what it takes to be a committed and successful research or clinician scientist.

Finally, the CMSR holds an annual research symposium that showcases musculoskeletal research that is occurring within the Center as well as in other Departments and Centers within the Medical Center. Novel collaborations are energized in this setting, where more than 75 posters and five formal seminars are organized around a keynote guest/presentation. Outstanding research is recognized via awarding of two trainee travel awards.  Both the William F. Neuman Visiting Scientists Speaker Series and the Annual CMSR Symposium are supported by our NIH T32 Training Grant (AR053459).

Seminar 1

Seminar 2