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Noyes Health / Community Outreach / Are You Expecting? / B.A.B.E. Childbirth Education

B.A.B.E. Childbirth Education

Birth and Beginnings Education (B.A.B.E.) Classes

Noyes has developed a family-centered, comprehensive program that will help you prepare for your labor and delivery, and provide guiding tips for the beginning of your relationship with your child.

B.A.B.E. Brochure and registration form

The 2-class B.A.B.E. course uses a variety of audio-visual aids, including films, diagrams and photos to help you learn about:

  • Comfort Measures for Labor and Delivery
  • Infant Feeding (offered 6 times per year)
  • Labor Support Techniques
  • Nutrition During Pregnancy
  • Pregnancy Exercises
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • The Physical Aspects of Labor and Delivery
  • The Role of Medication and Anesthesia
  • What to Expect in the Event of a Cesarean Birth

The B.A.B.E. Course Consists of Two Consecutive Sessions

  • Friday Evening: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

To obtain more information or to register for this class, please call (585) 335-4249.

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