Pathology Employee Leads Hurricane Relief Effort for Dominica
An employee from the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine has started a charity drive to collect items to help the victims of Hurricane Maria.
Julia Polidore (pictured at right) is a native of Dominica, a small, independent country in the northeastern Caribbean. Her parents were among those affected by the destructive hurricane early last week.
Polidore has worked in Histopathology for 13 years and is currently a student at the Warner School of Education pursuing her doctorate degree in Education and Human Development.
She explained that Dominica already has a shaky economic infrastructure and widespread poverty.
Her parents pastor two churches that will distribute any donated goods they receive to the local villages.
“Because there is limited access to goods and resources, it’s more than likely that the villages are going to depend on the churches for help,” said Polidore.
She thanked those participating in the collection effort and said it will make a real impact on those in need.
“For me, this is very faith-driven,” she said. “It exemplifies what it means to be the hands and feet to help those who can’t help themselves.
There are five collection barrels where you may drop off any donated items from the list below. Donations will be accepted until Friday, October 13.
Where to Donate
Collection barrels are placed at the following UR Medicine Labs locations:
- Microbiology, Rm. 2-6431 (autoclave room)
- Lab Administration, Suite 2-2100 (break room)
- G-1500 Suite (break room)
- Surgical Pathology, Suite G-5204 (main lobby)
- 77 Ridgeland Road (main lobby)
Preferred Donations
- Non-perishable food items
- Canned goods & can opener
- Dry beans, rice, flour, sugar
- Garden/agriculture seeds
- Paper products and plastic eating utensils
- Toiletries (especially sanitary napkins, soap)
- Blankets
- Baby items (diapers, formula)
- Flashlight & batteries
- First aid kits
- Clothing (undergarments, all sizes)
How to Give Online
Click here to visit the YouCaring page and support this effort.
More Information
For questions or to find out how to make a monetary donation, email
Bethany Bushen | 9/28/2017