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Olle J. Sahler, M.D.

Olle J. Sahler, M.D.


Pediatrics , Adolescent Medicine

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UR Medicine Faculty The University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group (URMFG) consists of over 900 specialist and primary care providers spanning 19 departments. URMFG is certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
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About Me

Chronically and Terminally Ill Children and Adolescents
Integrative Medicine
Treatment of Eating Disorders
Pain and Symptom Management
Chronically and Terminally Ill Children and Adolescents
Integrative Medicine
Treatment of Eating Disorders
Pain and Symptom Management

Certified Specialties

Pediatrics - American Board of Pediatrics


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Pediatrics, Developmental - Behavioral Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1975 - 1977

Residency, Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center. 1971 - 1973


MD | University of Rochester School of Medicine/Dentistry (USA). 1971


Pioneer in Integrative Medicine Award. 2023

John P. Schlemmer MD Memorial Lectureship. 2023

Ruth A. Lawrence Award in Community Service. 2020

Community Partner Service-Learning Champion Award. 2017

George Washington Goler Professor in Pediatrics. 2017 - 2022

Advocate of Music Therapy Award. 2007

Nominee, AAMC Humanism in Medicine Award. 2006

Music Therapy Advocacy Award, Mid-Atlantic Region. 1999

Distinguished Service Award. 1994

Helen L. DeRoy Distinguished Visiting Professorship. 1992

Byron B. Oberst Award, Section on Computers/Other Technologies. 1990

Distinguished Service Award. 1990

Faculty Service Award. 1987

Army Commendation Medal. 1975


Dr. Sahler's research interests are:
1) Chronic Illness
2) Palliative Care
3) Long Term Childhood Cancer Survivors
4) Bereavement
5) Integrative Medicine
6) Biofeedback
7) Chronic Pain
8) Bioethics

Current research projects include:

1. "Problem-Solving Skills T...
Dr. Sahler's research interests are:
1) Chronic Illness
2) Palliative Care
3) Long Term Childhood Cancer Survivors
4) Bereavement
5) Integrative Medicine
6) Biofeedback
7) Chronic Pain
8) Bioethics

Current research projects include:

1. "Problem-Solving Skills Training for Clinicians Providing Psychosocial Care in Pediatric Oncology'. Research aims to identify specific coping strategies that would facilitate the adjustment of caregivers learning their child had been diagnosed with cancer.

2. "Bright Ideas-Young Adults: Problem-Solving Skills Training to Reduce Distress Among Young Adults with Cancer". The goal of this project is to evaluate the efficacy of Bright Ideas-YA, a novel problem-solving skills training intervention designed to enhance patient problem-solving ability, reduce distress, and improve health-related quality of life.

3. "The Influence of Social Network Size, Composition and Function on Psychological Outcomes of Pediatric Cancer Caregiving: Relationships Across Time and Around Periods of Distress". The goal of this research is to examine how social network experiences influence parental psychological outcomes over time and surrounding especially stressful treatment procedures.

4. "Music Therapy for Women Undergoing Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer". The overall aim of this research is to optimize the role of music during radiation therapy in reducing anxiety using the expertise of a music therapist to create a specific, customized music treatment plan that will help to relax the patient during 3 critical events: the simulation, the dry run, and the first treatment session.


Journal Articles

Socioeconomic inequalities in social support: Examining differences in social support network satisfaction and composition among pediatric cancer caregivers

Bouchard EG; Prince MA; McCarty C; Collins L; Sahler OJZ; Vincent PC; Patel H; LaValley SA; Krenz T; Devonish JA; Kelly KM.

J Psych Onc. 2025; .

Protocol of a Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Bright IDEAS-Young Adults: Problem-Solving Skills Training to Reduce Distress among Young Adults with Cancer.

Devine KA, Ohman-Strickland P, Barnett M, Donovan KA, Thompson LMA, Manne SL, Kearney J, Levonyan-Radloff K, Diaz D, Dugad S, Sahler OJZ

Contemporary clinical trials.. 2024 October 145 :107656. Epub 08/05/2024.

Factors Associated with COVID?19 Vaccine Uptake Among Adolescents and Young Adults Recently Diagnosed with Cancer.

Kwok G, Reese S, Dugad S, Donovan KA, Tsui J, Sahler OJZ, Levonyan-Radloff K, Barnett ME, Manne S, Ohman-Strickland P, Devine KA

Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology.. 2024 April 13 (2):352-357. Epub 11/11/2022.

Stop and Think: A Case Study Illustrating the Implementation of Bright IDEAS-YA Being Delivered via Telehealth to a Young Adult Cancer Patient.

Reese S, Bono MH, Díaz DB, Donovan KA, Sahler OJZ, Barnett ME, Levonyan-Radloff K, Devine KA

Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings.. 2024 March 16 Epub 03/16/2024.

Understanding social network support, composition, and structure among cancer caregivers.

Bouchard EG, Prince MA, McCarty C, Vincent PC, Patel H, LaValley SA, Collins RL, Sahler OJZ, Krenz T, Kelly KM

Psycho-oncology.. 2023 March 32 (3):408-417. Epub 01/11/2023.

Dissemination of an evidence-based behavioral intervention to alleviate distress in caregivers of children recently diagnosed with cancer: Bright IDEAS.

Voll M, Fairclough DL, Morrato EH, McNeal DM, Embry L, Pelletier W, Noll RB, Sahler OJZ

Pediatric blood & cancer.. 2022 October 69 (10):e29904. Epub 08/04/2022.

Problem-solving skills training in adult cancer survivors: Bright IDEAS-AC pilot study

Noyes K; Zapf AL; Depner RN; Flores T, Huston A; Rashid HH; McNeal D; Constine LS; Fleming FJ; Wilding GE; Sahler OJZ.

Cancer Treatment and Research Communications. 2022; 31: 1-7.

An initial investigation of using smartphone-enabled micro-temporal data collection to increase acceptability, feasibility, and validity of research on cancer caregiving

Bouchard EG; Collins RL; Vincent PC; Patel H; Sahler OJZ; McCarty C; Prince MA; Kelly KM.

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022; e29886: 1-6.

Core functions and forms of Bright IDEAS: A multi-methods evaluation of the adoption of an evidence-based psychosocial training program through literative adaption

McNeal DM; Sahler OJ; Noll RB; Fairclough DL; Voll ME; Bha TS; Morrato EH.

Frontiers in Health Services. 2022; 96.

Feasibility and Acceptability of Bright IDEAS-Young Adults: A Problem-Solving Skills Training Intervention.

Viola AS; Kwok G; Levonyan-Radloff K; Manne SL; Noll RB; Phipps S; Sahler OJZ; Devine KA.

Cancers. 2022; 14(13): 3124.

Responsivity to Problem-Solving Skills Training in Mothers of Children with Cancer

Dolgin MJ; Devine KA; Tzur-Bitan D; Askins MA; Fairclough DL; Katz ER; Noll RB; Phipps S; Sahler OJZ.

Oxford University Press; Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2021; 46(4): 413-421.

Children's appraisals of threat in pediatric cancer

Winter MA; Greelee J; Ghriwati NA; Garr KN; Sahler OJZ.

SSM - Mental Health 1. 2021; .

Evaluating the national implementation of Bright IDEAS in clinical settings: Applying the r-Aim/framework to characterize the clinical perspective.

McNeal DM; Sahler OJ; Noll RB; Fairclough DL; Voll ME; Bha TS; Morrato EH.

Research Square. 2021; : 1-17.

Feasibility of FitSurvivor: A technology-enhanced group-based fitness intervention for adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer.

Devine KA, Viola A, Levonyan-Radloff K, Mackowski N, Bozzini B, Chandler A, Xu B, Ohman-Strickland P, Mayans S, Farrar-Anton A, Sahler OJZ, Masterson M, Manne S, Arent S

Pediatric blood & cancer.. 2020 September 67 (9):e28530. Epub 06/26/2020.

In-person vs. web-based administration of a problem-solving skills intervention for parents of children with cancer: Report of a randomized noninferiority trial.

Phipps S, Fairclough DL, Noll RB, Devine KA, Dolgin MJ, Schepers SA, Askins MA, Schneider NM, Ingman K, Voll M, Katz ER, McLaughlin J, Sahler OJZ

EClinicalMedicine.. 2020 July 24 :100428. Epub 06/27/2020.

In-Person vs. Online Administration of a Problem-Solving Skills Intervention for Parents of Children with Cancer: Report of a Randomized Noninferiority Trial

Phipps S; Fairclough DL; Noll RB; Devine KA; Dolgin MJ; Schepers SA; Askins MA; Schneider N; lngman K; Voll M; Katz ER; Sahler OJZ.

EClinical Medicine (Published by The Lancet). 2020; 24(100428).

Feasibility of FitSurvivor: A technology-enhanced group-based fitness intervention for adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer

Devine KA; Viola A; Levonyan-Radloff K; Mackowski N; Bozzini B; Chandler A; Xu B; Ohman-Strickland P; Mayans S; Farrar-Anton A; Sahler OJZ.

Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2020; 67: e28530.

Problem-solving skills, parent-adolescent communication, dyadic functioning, and distress among adolescents with cancer

Viola A, Taggi-Pinto A; Sahler OJZ; Alderfer MA; Devine K.

Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2018; 65(5): e26951.

Sahler OJZ; Rana DT; Moon MR; Church AT; Serwint JR.

Incorporating patient religion and spirituality into

Psychometric properties of the 52-, 25-, and 10-item Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised

Psychol Assess; Submitted for publication. 2018; .

Acupressure bands do not improve chemotherapy-induced nausea control in pediatric patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy: A single-blinded, randomized controlled trial

Dupuis LL; Kelly KM; Krischer JP; Langevin A-M; Tamura RN; Xu P; Kolb EA; Ullirch NJ; Sahler OJZ; Hendershot E; Stratton A; Sung L; McLean TW.

Cancer. 2018; 124: 1188-1196.

Risk factors for chemotherapy-induced nausea in pediatric patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy

Dupuis, LL; Tamura RN; Kelly KM; Krischer JP; Langevin A-M; Chen L; Kolb EA; Ullrich NJ; Sahler OJZ; Hendershot E; Stratton A; Sung L; McLean TW.

Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2018; 66(4): e27584.

Factors Associated With Noncompliance With Long-term Follow-up Care Among Pediatric Cancer Survivors.

Devine KA, Viola A, Capucilli P, Sahler OJ, Andolina JR

Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology.. 2017 April 39 (3):167-173. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effect on healthcare utilization of incorporating biofeedback into the management of pain and anxiety in adolescents

Sahler OJZ; Zhao J.

Altern Compl Ther. 2017; 23(4): 139-143.

The AAP Resilience in the Face of Grief and Loss Curriculum.

Serwint JR, Bostwick S, Burke AE, Church A, Gogo A, Hofkosh D, King M, Linebarger J, McCabe ME, Moon M, Osta A, Rana DT, Sahler OJ, Smith K, Rivera F, Baldwin C

Pediatrics.. 2016 November 138 (5)Epub 10/10/2016.

Social competence in childhood brain tumor survivors: Feasibility and preliminary outcomes of a peer-mediated intervention

Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 2016; 37(6): 475-482.

Commentary on lessons about dying and death from the classroom of the bedside

Sahler, O.J.

Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education. 2015; 21(6): 6.

Circulating endocannabinoids during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A pilot study.

Knight JM, Szabo A, Zhao S, Lyness JM, Sahler OJ, Liesveld JL, Sander T, Rizzo JD, Hillard CJ, Moynihan JA

Neurobiology of stress.. 2015 2 :44-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Pediatric Parenting Stress Inventory (PPSI).

Devine KA, Heckler CE, Katz ER, Fairclough DL, Phipps S, Sherman-Bien S, Dolgin MJ, Noll RB, Askins MA, Butler RW, Sahler OJ

Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.. 2014 February 33 (2):130-8. Epub 04/01/2013.

Peri-transplant psychosocial factors and neutrophil recovery following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Knight JM, Moynihan JA, Lyness JM, Xia Y, Tu X, Messing S, Hunter BC, Huang LS, Obi RO, Gaisser D, Liesveld JL, Sahler OJ

PloS one.. 2014 9 (6):e99778. Epub 06/10/2014.

Psychosocial factors and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: potential biobehavioral pathways.

Knight JM, Lyness JM, Sahler OJ, Liesveld JL, Moynihan JA

Psychoneuroendocrinology.. 2013 November 38 (11):2383-93. Epub 07/08/2013.

Intellectual functioning and multi-dimensional attentional processes in long-term survivors of a central nervous system related pediatric malignancy.

Butler RW, Fairclough DL, Katz ER, Kazak AE, Noll RB, Thompson RD, Sahler OJ

Life sciences.. 2013 October 1793 (17):611-6. Epub 05/31/2013.

Specificity of problem-solving skills training in mothers of children newly diagnosed with cancer: results of a multisite randomized clinical trial.

Sahler OJ, Dolgin MJ, Phipps S, Fairclough DL, Askins MA, Katz ER, Noll RB, Butler RW

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.. 2013 April 131 (10):1329-35. Epub 01/28/2013.

Pediatric oncologists' practices of prescribing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for children and adolescents with cancer: a multi-site study.

Phipps S, Buckholdt KE, Fernandez L, Wiener L, Kupst MJ, Madan-Swain A, Mullins L, Robert R, Sahler OJ, Vincent N, Noll RB

Pediatric blood & cancer.. 2012 February 58 (2):210-5. Epub 01/31/2011.

Music therapy and pain management in pediatric patients undergoing painful procedures: A review of the literature and a call for research

Kirby, LA; Oliva, R; Sahler, OJZ.

J Altern Med Res. 2010; 2(1): 7-16.

Music therapy as an adjunctive treatment in the management of stress for patients being weaned from mechanical ventilation.

Hunter BC, Oliva R, Sahler OJ, Gaisser D, Salipante DM, Arezina CH

Journal of music therapy.. 2010 47 (3):198-219. Epub 1900 01 01.

Problem solving and maternal distress at the time of a child's diagnosis of cancer in two-parent versus lone-parent households.

Iobst EA, Alderfer MA, Sahler OJ, Askins MA, Fairclough DL, Katz ER, Butler RW, Dolgin MJ, Noll RB

Journal of pediatric psychology.. 2009 September 34 (8):817-21. Epub 01/07/2009.

Coping with death.

Linebarger JS, Sahler OJ, Egan KA

Pediatrics in review. 2009 September 30 (9):350-5; quiz 356. Epub 1900 01 01.

Report from a multi-institutional randomized clinical trial examining computer-assisted problem-solving skills training for English- and Spanish-speaking mothers of children with newly diagnosed cancer.

Askins MA, Sahler OJ, Sherman SA, Fairclough DL, Butler RW, Katz ER, Dolgin MJ, Varni JW, Noll RB, Phipps S

Journal of pediatric psychology.. 2009 June 34 (5):551-63. Epub 12/17/2008.

Qualitative analysis of the role of culture in coping themes of Latina and European American mothers of children with cancer.

Johns AL, Oland AA, Katz ER, Sahler OJ, Askins MA, Butler RW, Dolgin MJ

Journal of pediatric oncology nursing : official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses.. 2009 26 (3):167-75. Epub 04/27/2009.

A multicenter, randomized clinical trial of a cognitive remediation program for childhood survivors of a pediatric malignancy.

Butler RW, Copeland DR, Fairclough DL, Mulhern RK, Katz ER, Kazak AE, Noll RB, Patel SK, Sahler OJ

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.. 2008 June 76 (3):367-78. Epub 1900 01 01.

Single parents of children with chronic illness: an understudied phenomenon.

Brown RT, Wiener L, Kupst MJ, Brennan T, Behrman R, Compas BE, David Elkin T, Fairclough DL, Friebert S, Katz E, Kazak AE, Madan-Swain A, Mansfield N, Mullins LL, Noll R, Patenaude AF, Phipps S, Sahler OJ, Sourkes B, Zeltzer L

Journal of pediatric psychology.. 2008 May 33 (4):408-21. Epub 09/29/2007.

Interventions to improve neuropsychological functioning in childhood cancer survivors.

Butler RW, Sahler OJ, Askins MA, Alderfer MA, Katz ER, Phipps S, Noll RB

Developmental disabilities research reviews. 2008 14 (3):251-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Trajectories of adjustment in mothers of children with newly diagnosed cancer: a natural history investigation.

Dolgin MJ, Phipps S, Fairclough DL, Sahler OJ, Askins M, Noll RB, Butler RW, Varni JW, Katz ER

Journal of pediatric psychology.. 2007 August 32 (7):771-82. Epub 04/02/2007.

Music for very young ears.

Hunter BC, Sahler OJ

Birth.. 2006 June 33 (2):137-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pediatric guidelines.

Kemper KJ, Butler LD, Culbert T, Eisenberg D, Gardiner P, Gaylord S, Glick R, Gold JI, Guerrera MP, Harrigan R, Kreitzer MJ, Lee R, McLean TW, Olness K, Pan J, Pettignano R, Rickhi B, Rosen L, Sahler OJ, Sierpina V, Tsao JC, Vohra S, Weydert J, Zeltzer L, Zempsky WT

Explore : the journal of science and healing.. 2006 2 (5):386-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Using problem-solving skills training to reduce negative affectivity in mothers of children with newly diagnosed cancer: report of a multisite randomized trial.

Sahler OJ, Fairclough DL, Phipps S, Mulhern RK, Dolgin MJ, Noll RB, Katz ER, Varni JW, Copeland DR, Butler RW

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.. 2005 April 73 (2):272-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effect of using music therapy with relaxation imagery in the management of patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation: a pilot feasibility study.

Sahler OJ, Hunter BC, Liesveld JL

Alternative therapies in health and medicine.. 2003 9 (6):70-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Problem-solving skills training for mothers of children with newly diagnosed cancer: a randomized trial.

Sahler OJ, Varni JW, Fairclough DL, Butler RW, Noll RB, Dolgin MJ, Phipps S, Copeland DR, Katz ER, Mulhern RK

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.. 2002 April 23 (2):77-86. Epub 1900 01 01.

How you can help meet the needs of dying children

Lewis, L.; Brecher, M.; Reaman, G.H.; Sahler, O.J.

Contemp Pediatr. 2002; 19(4): 147-150, 153, 157-159.

Do clerkship experiences affect medical students' attitudes toward chronically ill patients?

Davis BE, Nelson DB, Sahler OJ, McCurdy FA, Goldberg R, Greenberg LW

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2001 August 76 (8):815-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

What did we learn about national organizational collaboration at the advisory committee level?

Sahler OJ, Babbott D, Day S, McMillan J, Schuster B, Gugelchuk G, Davidson R, First LR

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2001 April 76 (4 Suppl):S43-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comment: getting the most value out of a values history.

Sahler OJ

The Journal of clinical ethics.. 2001 12 (2):173-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

The child and death.

Sahler OJ

Pediatrics in review. 2000 October 21 (10):350-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Medical education about end-of-life care in the pediatric setting: principles, challenges, and opportunities.

Sahler OJ, Frager G, Levetown M, Cohn FG, Lipson MA

Pediatrics.. 2000 March 105 (3 Pt 1):575-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Consultation with the specialist: The child and death

Sahler, O.J.Z.

Pediatr Rev. 2000; 21: 350-353.

Comment: should all ethics committee members be institutionalized?

Sahler OJ

The Journal of clinical ethics.. 2000 11 (2):182-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pediatric medical student education: new and déjà vu.

Sahler OJ

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 1999 March 153 (3):223-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Maternal problem-solving therapy in pediatric cancer

Varni, JW; Sahler, OJ; Katz, ER; Mulhern, ER; Copeland, DR; Noll, RB; Phipps, S; Dolgin, MJ; Roghmann, KJ.

J Psychosoc Oncol. 1999; 16(3-4): 41-71.

Sibling Adaptation to Childhood Cancer Collaborative Study: the association of sibling adaptation with maternal well-being, physical health, and resource use.

Sahler OJ, Roghmann KJ, Mulhern RK, Carpenter PJ, Sargent JR, Copeland DR, Barbarin OA, Zeltzer LK, Dolgin MJ

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.. 1997 August 18 (4):233-43. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sibling adaptation to childhood cancer collaborative study

Dolgin, MJ; Blumensohn, R; Mulhern, RK; Orbach, J; Sahler, OJ; Roghmann, KJ; Carpenter, PJ; Barbarin, OA; Sargent, JR; Zeltzer, LK; Copeland, DR.

J Psychosoc Oncol. 1997; 15: 1-14.

Who has the power to stop the abuse of power?

Sahler, O.J.Z.; Jospe, N.

Ann Behav Sci Med Educ. 1997; 4: 19-20.

Sibling adaptation to childhood cancer collaborative study: health outcomes of siblings of children with cancer.

Zeltzer LK, Dolgin MJ, Sahler OJ, Roghmann K, Barbarin OA, Carpenter PJ, Copeland DR, Mulhern RK, Sargent JR

Medical and pediatric oncology.. 1996 August 27 (2):98-107. Epub 1900 01 01.

The pediatric clerkship director. Support systems, professional development, and academic credentials.

Greenberg L, Sahler OJ, Siegel B, Sarkin R, Sharkey SA

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 1995 August 149 (8):916-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sibling adaptation to childhood cancer collaborative study: siblings' perceptions of the cancer experience.

Sargent JR, Sahler OJ, Roghmann KJ, Mulhern RK, Barbarian OA, Carpenter PJ, Copeland DR, Dolgin MJ, Zeltzer LK

Journal of pediatric psychology.. 1995 April 20 (2):151-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sibling adaptation to childhood cancer collaborative study: Parental views of pre- and postdiagnosis adjustment of siblings of children with cancer

Barbarin, OA; Sargent, JR; Sahler, OJZ; Carpenter, PJ; Copeland, DR; Dolgin, MJ; Mulhern, RK; Roghmann, KJ; Zeltzer, LK.

J Psychosoc Oncol. 1995; 13(3): 1-20.

Sibling adaptation to childhood cancer collaborative study: prevalence of sibling distress and definition of adaptation levels.

Sahler OJ, Roghmann KJ, Carpenter PJ, Mulhern RK, Dolgin MJ, Sargent JR, Barbarin OA, Copeland DR, Zeltzer LK

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.. 1994 October 15 (5):353-66. Epub 1900 01 01.

PREParation for PRCP.

Sahler OJ

Pediatrics in review. 1993 September 14 (9):331-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Medical students' experiences with and perceptions of chronic illness prior to medical school.

Fitzpatrick SB, O'Donnell R, Getson P, Sahler OJ, Goldberg R, Greenberg LW

Medical education.. 1993 July 27 (4):355-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pediatrics and the Patient Self-Determination Act.

Sahler OJ, Greenlaw J

Pediatrics.. 1992 December 90 (6):999-1001. Epub 1900 01 01.

Publish or perish.

Sahler OJ

Pediatrics.. 1992 February 89 (2):355-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pickles, pizza, and PREP.

Sahler OJ

Pediatrics in review. 1992 January 13 (1):3-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Interpreting the notion of "nonbeneficial".

Sahler OJ

Pediatrics.. 1991 September 88 (3):637-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Teen suicide.

Sahler OJ

Pediatrics.. 1991 July 88 (1):188-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Caring for the child with cancer and the family: lessons learned from children with acute leukemia.

Sahler OJ

Pediatrics in review. 1990 July 12 (1):6-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Use of a camp setting to provide medical information to siblings of pediatric cancer patients.

Carpenter PJ, Sahler OJ, Davis MS

Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education.. 1990 5 (1):21-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of a camp program for siblings of children with cancer.

Sahler OJ, Carpenter PJ

American journal of diseases of children. 1989 June 143 (6):690-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

A survey of undergraduate pediatric education. Progress in the 1980s?

Sahler OJ, Lysaught JP, Greenberg LW, Siegel BS, Caplan SE, Nelson KG

American journal of diseases of children. 1988 May 142 (5):519-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

A comparison of two methods of introducing medical students to pediatric clinical evaluation.

Sahler OJ, Colgan MT, Hoekelman RA

Journal of medical education.. 1984 February 59 (2):112-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

The teenager with failing grades

Sahler, OJZ.

Pediatr Rev. 1983; 4: 293-300.

Children coping with a classmate's death

Sahler, O.J.Z.

Physician Patient. 1983; 2: 59-60.

The pediatric family-patient health education library: the issue of access to information.

Sahler OJ, Satterwhite BB, Reynolds JD

Pediatrics.. 1981 September 68 (3):374-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Factors influencing pediatric interns' relationships with dying children and their parents.

Sahler OJ, McAnarney ER, Friedman SB

Pediatrics.. 1981 February 67 (2):207-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

The dying child

Sahler, OJZ; Friedman, SB.

Pediatr Rev. 1981; 3: 159-165.

Studying cancer survivors.

Blattner SR, Sahler OJ

The American journal of orthopsychiatry.. 1980 July 50 (3):568-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adolescent parenting: potential for child abuse and neglect?

Sahler OJ

Pediatric annals.. 1980 March 9 (3):120-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fever and petechiae with adenovirus type 7 infection.

Sahler OJ, Wilfert CM

Pediatrics.. 1974 February 53 (2):233-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

A three-year follow-up study of abused and neglected children.

Morse CW, Sahler OJ, Friedman SB

American journal of diseases of children. 1970 November 120 (5):439-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sahler OJZ; Rana DT; Moon MR; Church AT; Serwint JR.

Incorporating patient religion and spirituality into

Caregivers' resolution of their children's cancer diagnosis

Winter, MA; Greenlee, J; Ghriwati, NA; Carlson, M; Sahler, OJZ; Korones, D; Varon, L; O'Connor, TG.

Submitted for Publication. .

Evaluating the national implementation of Bright IDEAS in clinical settings: Applying the RE-Aim/framework to characterize the clinical perspective

Submitted for publication. .

Factors associated with COVID?19 vaccine uptake among adolescents and young adults recently diagnosed with cancer

Kwok G; Reese S; Dugad S; Donovan KA; Tsui J; Sahler OJZ; Levonyan-Radloff K; Barnett ME; Manne S; Ohman-Strickland P; Devine KA.

Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. .

Pediatrics and palliative care: 75 years of optimizing health care delivery

Schmitt S; Humphrey L; Sahler O; Linebarger J.

Pediatrics. .


The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care (4th Ed.) (2018)

Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multidisciplinary Care (2016)

Chapter: Integrative Care in Pediatric Oncology

Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2016)

Chapter: Complementary and Integrative Health

Pain: International Research in Pain Management (2014)

Chapter: Music therapy and pain management in pediatric patients undergoing painful procedures

The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care (3rd ed) (2012)

Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2011)

Chapter: Pain in adolescents: Pathophysiology and management

Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2011)

Chapter: Palliative care and psychological aspects of dealth and dying in adolescents

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care (2011)

Chapter: Adaptation to general health problems and their treatment

Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2011)

Chapter: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2010)

Chapter: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Quick Reference for Pediatric Oncology Clinicians: The Psychiatric and Psycholog (2009)

Chapter: The use of complementary medicine in childhood cancer

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care (2009)

Chapter: Psychological and social development of children

Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (2009)

Chapter: Coping strategies

Music, the Breath & Health: Advances in Integrative Medicine (2009)

Chapter: The use of music therapy for patients being weaned from mechanical ventilation: A pilot study

Evidence-Based Outcome Research: A Practical Guide to Conducting Randomized (2008)

Chapter: Multisite intervention studies

Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics: Evidence and Practice (2008)

Chapter: Behavioral responses to chronic and terminal illness

Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews (AM:STARs) (2008)

Chapter: Communicating with teens who are living with cancer

Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2008)

Chapter: Palliative care and death and dying

Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2008)

Chapter: Complementary and alternative medicine

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care (2008)

Chapter: Adaptation to general health problems and their treatment

The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care (2nd ed) (2007)

Comprehensive Handbook of Childhood Cancer and Sickle Cell Disease: A Biopsychosocial Approach (2006)

Chapter: Problem-solving skills training for mothers of children with newly diagnosed cancer

Behavioral Pediatrics (2006)

Chapter: Common behavioral problems in children and adolescents

Pediatrics (2004)

Chapter: Care of the fatally ill child

Pediatrics (2004)

Chapter: Bereaved children

The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care (1st ed) (2003)

Patient Care for the Nurse Practitioner® Archive (May) (2002)

Chapter: Pediatric practice: How you can help meet the needs of dying children

Primary Pediatric Care (2001)

Chapter: Theories and concepts of development as they relate to pediatric practice.

Primary Pediatric Care (2001)

Chapter: Common psychological and educational tests

Cancer and the Family (2000)

Chapter: Maternal problem solving training in childhood cancer

The Merck Manual (1999)

Chapter: Failure to thrive: Intestinal disorders

The Application of Problem-Solving Therapy to Psychosocial Oncology Care (1999)

Chapter: Maternal problem-solving therapy in pediatric cancer

The Merck Manual of Medical Information-Home Edition (1998)

Chapter: Section on diseases in infants and children: Gastrointestinal disorders.

The Merck Manual of Medical Information-Home Edition (1998)

Chapter: Section on disease in infants and children: Developmental problems in young children (Failure to Thrive).

Primary Pediatric Care (1997)

Chapter: Common psychological and educational tests

Primary Pediatric Care (1997)

Chapter: Theories and concepts of development as they relate to pediatric practice.

Primary Pediatric Care (1996)

Chapter: Common psychological and educational tests.

The Merck Manual (1992)

Chapter: Failure to thrive

Primary Pediatric Care (1992)

Chapter: Common psychological and educational tests.

Textbook of Adolescent Medicine (1992)

Chapter: Grief and bereavement

Advances in Child Health Psychology (1991)

Chapter: Sibling perception and adaptation to childhood cancer: Conceptual and methodological considerations.

The Health of Adolescents (1991)

Chapter: Normal adolescent growth and development

The Health of Adolescents (1991)

Chapter: Psychosocial development in normal adolescents

Reform in Medical Education and Medical Education in the Ambulatory Setting (1991)

Chapter: Pediatrics in the ambulatory setting

Computers in Pediatrics (contributor) (1991)

Primary Pediatric Care (1987)

Chapter: Psychological growth and development

Primary Pediatric Care (1987)

Chapter: Common psychological tests

When Children Suffer (1987)

Chapter: Understanding and caring for the child in crisis Philadelphia: Westminister Press

The Merck Manual (1987)

Chapter: Abdominal pain in the child

El nino y la muerte (1983)

Premature Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood (1982)

Chapter: Adolescent mothers: How nurturing is their parenting?

The Child from Three to Eighteen (1981)

The Child and Death (1978)

Ratings & Comments

At URMC, we believe that patients should be empowered to make the right decisions regarding their personal healthcare. To do so, transparency is critical. URMC partners with Press Ganey, to survey our patients about all aspects of their care experience. We are now putting this pertinent information at your fingertips by displaying star ratings for our providers along with anonymous patient comments on our website. This will help you make better-informed choices about how and with whom you seek care. Click here to learn more about the surveys used to generate this vital information. Learn more about our survey process.


Care provider's discussion of any proposed treatment (options, risks, benefits, etc.)

4.2 stars

Likelihood of recommending this care provider to others

4.1 stars

Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition

4.3 stars

Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your care

4.4 stars

Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries

4.2 stars

Patient Comments

5.0 stars

Dr. Sahler was a tremendous help to us. Her knowledge and expertise helped guide us toward the best decisions for our son's care. She spoke directly to our son many times throughout the appt getting his perspective, answering his questions, and making sure he understood what was being discussed. She listened to our worries with care and made expert recommendations that only a physician of her experience and caliber could make. She is an exceptional doctor! We feel extremely fortunate that our son was referred to her. Thank you Dr. Sahler! Your words were exactly what we needed to hear.

Jan 16, 2024

5.0 stars

Dr. Sahler was/is wonderful! My daughter (patient) & I were blown away w/the services & compassion ALL provided us.

Jan 31, 2023

5.0 stars

Doctor Sahler is always phenomenal.

Oct 28, 2022

5.0 stars

[...] She is the only only one for pediatric remission patients.

Feb 22, 2022