Neil Blumberg, M.D.
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Neil Blumberg, M.D.
View Contact & SchedulingAbout Me
Certified Specialties
Pathology, Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine - American Board of Pathology
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Residency, Yale New Haven Hospital Temple Medical Center. 1976 - 1978
Internship, Yale New Haven Hospital Temple Medical Center. 1975 - 1976
MD | Yale University School of Medicine. 1975
Editorial Board Member. 2008 - 2012
Co-Chair REDS III and Chair REDS II Data Monitoring Committee. 2005 - 2018
Editorial Board Member. 1990
NIH Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD) fellowship. 1971 - 1974
Bachelor of Science, Magna cum laude. 1966 - 1970
Phi Beta Kappa, Junior Year. 1966 - 1968
National Merit Scholarship. 1966 - 1970
Hall of Fame.
Our studies demonstrated that patients receiving leukocyte-reduced allogeneic blood transfusions for leukemia, and those receiving leukocyte-reduced allogeneic or autologous transfusions during surgical procedures, experienced reduced morbidity and mortality compared with patients receiving unmodified allogeneic transfusions. We were the first to document that one likely mechanism for these benefits is that allogeneic transfusions promote type 2 (Th2) cellular immunity and down regulate type 1 (Th1) immunity. Leukoreduction or use of autologous transfusions reduces these immunologic effects. We also have pioneered clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness analyses in the study of transfusion immunomodulation.
Transfusions, however, can also promote inflammatory processes. Platelet transfusions are associated with a dose dependent increase in multi-organ failure syndrome in surgical patients. Work done in collaboration with Dr. Rick Phipps's laboratory has shown that stored platelet transfusion supernatant promotes cellular secretion of PGE2 , IL6 and IL8 in vitro through a soluble CD40L dependent mechanism. Current investigations include clinical and laboratory studies of the effects of stored platelet supernatant CD40L on clinical outcomes and in vitro immunologic function. We are also exploring the possible use of autologous stored platelet supernatant for immunotherapeutic use.
Journal Articles
Adkins BD, Booth GS, Fasano RM, Gehrie EA, Gestring ML, Masel D, Nguyen PT, Refaai MA, Jacobs JW, Raza S, Vella MA, Tormey CA, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2024 December 22 Epub 12/22/2024.
Asante A, Nguyen P, Henrichs K, Masel D, Refaai M, Blumberg N
American journal of perinatology.. 2024 August 41 (11):1592-1593. Epub 10/20/2023.
Blumberg N, Asante AA, Nguyen PT, Heal JM
Anesthesia and analgesia.. 2024 May 1138 (5):921-924. Epub 04/15/2024.
Blumberg N, Nguyen PL, Asante A, Masel D, Henrichs K, Refaai M, Heal J, Love T
Transfusion.. 2024 May 64 (5):954-956. Epub 1900 01 01.
Nguyen PL, Asante A, Refaai M, Blumberg N
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology.. 2024 12 :1437471. Epub 09/16/2024.
Yarava A, Marshall C, Reichert DE, Ye A, Khanal P, Robbins SH, Sachais BS, Oh D, Metcalf RA, Conry-Cantilena K, King K, Reyes M, Adamski J, Marques MB, Tran MH, Allen ES, Pach D, Blumberg N, Hobbs R, Nash T, Shenoy AG, Mosnaim GS, Fukuta Y, Patel B, Heath SL, Levine AC, Meisenberg BR, Anjan S, Huaman MA, Blair JE, Currier JS, Paxton JH, Rausch W, Oei K, Abinante M, Forthal DN, Zand MS, Kassaye SG, Cachay ER, Gebo KA, Shoham S, Casadevall A, McBee NA, Amirault D, Wang Y, Hopkins E, Shade DM, Layendecker O, Klein SL, Park HS, Lee JS, Caturegli P, Raval JS, Cruser D, Ziman AF, Gerber J, Gniadek TJ, Bloch EM, Tobian AAR, Hanley DF, Sullivan DJ, Lane K,
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e200. Epub 11/14/2024.
Asante A, Nguyen PL, Blumberg N
Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue.. 2023 November 421 (6):461-462. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gammon RR, Blumberg N, Gilstad C, Mandal S, Nair AR, Bocquet C
Vox sanguinis.. 2023 July 118 (7):509-516. Epub 05/22/2023.
Holloway MR, Fountaine T, Henrichs K, Feeney T, Andolina J, O'Dwyer K, Liesveld J, Blumberg N, Huselton E
Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis.. 2023 June 62 (3):103641. Epub 01/13/2023.
Gupta GK, Henrichs K, Nilsson K, Wagner S, Brown B, Masel D, Gestring ML, Vella MA, Refaai MA, Blumberg N
Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis.. 2023 June 62 (3):103686. Epub 03/05/2023.
Blumberg N, Mary Heal J
Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Société française de transfusion sanguine.. 2023 February 30 (1):31-34. Epub 09/09/2022.
Holmberg JA, Henry SM, Burnouf T, Devine D, Marschner S, Boothby TC, Burger SR, Chou ST, Custer B, Blumberg N, Siegel DL, Spitalnik SL
Transfusion.. 2022 November 62 (11):2391-2404. Epub 09/28/2022.
Hofmann A, Shander A, Blumberg N, Hamdorf JM, Isbister JP, Gross I
Anesthesia and analgesia.. 2022 September 1135 (3):511-523. Epub 08/17/2022.
McRae HL, Millar MW, Slavin SA, Blumberg N, Rahman A, Refaai MA
Biomedicines.. 2021 December 79 (12)Epub 12/07/2021.
Cahill CM, Alhasson B, Blumberg N, Melvin A, Knight P, Gloff M, Robinson R, Akwaa F, Refaai MA
Transfusion.. 2021 September 61 (9):2629-2636. Epub 07/15/2021.
Cardillo A, Heal JM, Henrichs K, Masel D, Fountaine T, Liesveld J, Noronha S, Cahill C, Ngo A, Gupta GK, Refaai MA, Blumberg N
The New England journal of medicine.. 2021 June 24384 (25):2451-2452. Epub 1900 01 01.
Turgeman A, McRae HL, Cahill C, Blumberg N, Refaai MA
American journal of clinical pathology.. 2021 June 17156 (1):149-154. Epub 1900 01 01.
McRae HL, Kara F, Milito C, Cahill C, Blumberg N, Refaai MA
Vox sanguinis.. 2021 February 116 (2):190-196. Epub 09/23/2020.
Ngo A, Masel D, Cahill C, Blumberg N, Refaai MA
Clinics in laboratory medicine.. 2020 December 40 (4):587-601. Epub 08/08/2020.
Refaai MA, Conley GW, Hudson CA, Spinelli SL, Phipps RP, Morrell CN, Blumberg N, McRae HL
Transfusion.. 2020 July 60 (7):1579-1589. Epub 05/15/2020.
Deeb AP, Aquina CT, Monson JRT, Blumberg N, Becerra AZ, Fleming FJ
Digestive surgery.. 2020 37 (2):163-170. Epub 03/05/2019.
Milito C, Masel D, Henrichs K, Schmidt AE, Kirkley S, Aljitawi O, Becker M, Blumberg N, Refaai MA
Laboratory medicine.. 2019 October 1050 (4):396-400. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Cholette JM, Cahill C, Pietropaoli AP, Winters S, Phipps R, Noronha SA, Heal JM, Kirkley SA, Fountaine TJ, Henrichs K, Masel D, Refaai MA
Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis.. 2019 October 58 (5):698-700. Epub 08/06/2019.
Blumberg N
BMJ : British medical journal. 2019 August 5366 :l4968. Epub 08/05/2019.
Swartz MF, Makhija P, Rubenstein J, Henrichs KF, Powers KS, Wang HY, Simon BV, Alfieris GM, Blumberg N, Cholette JM
World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery.. 2019 July 10 (4):485-491. Epub 05/29/2019.
Pietropaoli AP, Henrichs KF, Cholette JM, Spinelli SL, Phipps RP, Refaai MA, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2019 June 59 (6):2007-2015. Epub 02/27/2019.
Blumberg N, Henrichs K, Cholette J, Pietropaoli A, Spinelli S, Noronha S, Phipps R, Refaai MA
Vox sanguinis.. 2019 May 114 (4):325-329. Epub 04/02/2019.
Blumberg N
The New England journal of medicine.. 2019 April 18380 (16):1584. Epub 1900 01 01.
Boshuizen M, van Hezel, van Manen, Straat M, Somsen YBO, Spoelstra-de Man, Blumberg N, van Bruggen, Juffermans NP
Transfusion.. 2019 April 59 (4):1196-1201. Epub 12/31/2018.
Noronha S, Weinberg GA, Sorensen B, Evans AG, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2019 March 59 (3):1159. Epub 1900 01 01.
Stolla M, Refaai MA, Conley G, Spinelli S, Casey A, Katerji H, McRae HL, Blumberg N, Phipps R, Metlay LA, Katzman PJ
Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society.. 2019 22 (4):304-314. Epub 01/02/2019.
Loelius SG, Lannan KL, Blumberg N, Phipps RP, Spinelli SL
Thrombosis research.. 2018 September 169 :96-104. Epub 07/06/2018.
Cahill CM, Blumberg N, Refaai MA
A&A practice.. 2018 July 1511 (2):49-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Refaai MA, Conley GW, Henrichs KF, McRae H, Schmidt AE, Phipps RP, Spinelli SL, Masel D, Cholette JM, Pietropaoli A, Eaton MP, Blumberg N
American journal of clinical pathology.. 2018 July 3150 (2):146-153. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cholette JM, Pietropaoli AP, Henrichs KF, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Gensini F, Rubenstein JS, Sweeney D, Phipps R, Spinelli SL, Refaai MA, Eaton MP, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2018 July 58 (7):1631-1639. Epub 03/30/2018.
Refaai MA, Cahill C, Masel D, Schmidt AE, Heal JM, Kirkley SA, Blumberg N
Anesthesia and analgesia.. 2018 June 126 (6):2135-2138. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cholette JM, Noronha SA, Seghatchian J, Blumberg N
Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis.. 2018 June 57 (3):342-346. Epub 05/10/2018.
Cahill CM, Blumberg N, Schmidt AE, Knight PA, Melvin AL, Massey HT, Delehanty JM, Zebrak SB, Refaai MA
Anesthesia and analgesia.. 2018 April 126 (4):1262-1267. Epub 1900 01 01.
Remy KE, Hall MW, Cholette J, Juffermans NP, Nicol K, Doctor A, Blumberg N, Spinella PC, Norris PJ, Dahmer MK, Muszynski JA,
Transfusion.. 2018 March 58 (3):804-815. Epub 01/30/2018.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Masel D, Refaai MA
Transfusion.. 2018 March 58 (3):829-831. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schmidt AE, Gore E, Henrichs KF, Conley G, Dorsey C, Bjugstad KB, Refaai MA, Blumberg N, Cholette JM
Pediatric cardiology.. 2018 February 39 (2):299-306. Epub 10/31/2017.
Blumberg N, Cholette JM, Pietropaoli AP, Phipps R, Spinelli SL, Eaton MP, Noronha SA, Seghatchian J, Heal JM, Refaai MA
Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis.. 2018 February 57 (1):127-131. Epub 02/21/2018.
Stolla M, Henrichs K, Cholette JM, Pietropaoli AP, Phipps RP, Spinelli SL, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 2018 January 113 (1):72-75. Epub 10/16/2017.
Schmidt AE, Henrichs KF, Kirkley SA, Refaai MA, Blumberg N
American journal of clinical pathology.. 2017 December 20149 (1):87-94. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sahai T, Henrichs K, Refaai M, Heal JM, Kirkley SA, Schmidt AE, Mendler JH, Masel D, Liesveld J, Aquina C, Blumberg N
Leukemia research.. 2017 November 62 :1-3. Epub 09/23/2017.
Blumberg N, Cholette JM, Schmidt AE, Phipps RP, Spinelli SL, Heal JM, Pietropaoli AP, Refaai MA, Sime PJ
Transfusion medicine reviews.. 2017 October 31 (4):252-257. Epub 05/04/2017.
Aquina CT, Blumberg N, Becerra AZ, Boscoe FP, Schymura MJ, Noyes K, Monson JR, Fleming FJ
Annals of surgery.. 2017 August 266 (2):311-317. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lannan KL, Spinelli SL, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.. 2017 April 15 (4):802-813. Epub 02/25/2017.
Cholette JM, Swartz MF, Rubenstein J, Henrichs KF, Wang H, Powers KS, Daugherty LE, Alfieris GM, Gensini F, Blumberg N
The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2017 January 103 (1):206-214. Epub 08/03/2016.
Muszynski JA, Spinella PC, Cholette JM, Acker JP, Hall MW, Juffermans NP, Kelly DP, Blumberg N, Nicol K, Liedel J, Doctor A, Remy KE, Tucci M, Lacroix J, Norris PJ,
Transfusion.. 2017 January 57 (1):195-206. Epub 10/02/2016.
Greener D, Henrichs KF, Liesveld JL, Heal JM, Aquina CT, Phillips GL, Kirkley SA, Milner LA, Refaai MA, Mendler JH, Szydlowski J, Masel D, Schmidt A, Boscoe FP, Schymura MJ, Blumberg N
American journal of hematology.. 2017 January 92 (1):E8-E9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Damien P, Cognasse F, Payrastre B, Spinelli SL, Blumberg N, Arthaud CA, Eyraud MA, Phipps RP, McNicol A, Pozzetto B, Garraud O, Hamzeh-Cognasse H
Frontiers in immunology.. 2017 8 :85. Epub 02/06/2017.
Rogers MA, Blumberg N, Bernstein SJ, Flanders SA, Chopra V
The Lancet. Haematology.. 2016 December 3 (12):e563-e571. Epub 11/03/2016.
Aquina CT, Blumberg N, Probst CP, Becerra AZ, Hensley BJ, Noyes K, Monson JR, Fleming FJ
Diseases of the colon and rectum.. 2016 May 59 (5):411-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zaffuto BJ, Conley GW, Connolly GC, Henrichs KF, Francis CW, Heal JM, Blumberg N, Refaai MA
Vox sanguinis.. 2016 April 110 (3):219-26. Epub 11/03/2015.
Rogers MA, Rohde JM, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 2016 April 110 (3):266-77. Epub 12/21/2015.
Garraud O, Cognasse F, Tissot JD, Chavarin P, Laperche S, Morel P, Lefrère JJ, Pozzetto B, Lozano M, Blumberg N, Osselaer JC
Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue.. 2016 March 14 (2):109-22. Epub 11/16/2015.
Lannan KL, Refaai MA, Ture SK, Morrell CN, Blumberg N, Phipps RP, Spinelli SL
British journal of haematology.. 2016 March 172 (5):794-806. Epub 12/18/2015.
Schmidt AE, Refaai MA, Blumberg N
Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis.. 2016 March 42 (2):118-24. Epub 12/30/2015.
Alexander PE, Barty R, Fei Y, Vandvik PO, Pai M, Siemieniuk RA, Heddle NM, Blumberg N, McLeod SL, Liu J, Eikelboom JW, Guyatt GH
Blood.. 2016 January 28127 (4):400-10. Epub 12/01/2015.
Schmidt AE, Refaai MA, Blumberg N
La Presse me?dicale.. 2016 45 (7-8 Pt 2):e253-72. Epub 07/26/2016.
Aquina CT, Blumberg N, Probst CP, Becerra AZ, Hensley BJ, Iannuzzi JC, Gonzalez MG, Deeb AP, Noyes K, Monson JR, Fleming FJ
Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract.. 2015 November 19 (11):1927-37. Epub 08/12/2015.
Blumberg N
MLO: medical laboratory observer.. 2015 October 47 (10):24. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spitalnik SL, Triulzi D, Devine DV, Dzik WH, Eder AF, Gernsheimer T, Josephson CD, Kor DJ, Luban NL, Roubinian NH, Mondoro T, Welniak LA, Zou S, Glynn S,
Transfusion.. 2015 September 55 (9):2282-90. Epub 08/10/2015.
Schmidt AE, Kirkley S, Patel N, Masel D, Bowen R, Blumberg N, Refaai MA
Transfusion.. 2015 September 55 (9):2292-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Refaai M, Heal J
Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue.. 2015 July 13 (3):347-50. Epub 02/02/2015.
Cholette JM, Pietropaoli AP, Henrichs KF, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Phipps R, Spineli SL, Swartz M, Gensini F, Daugherty LE, Nazarian E, Rubenstein JS, Sweeney D, Eaton M, Blumberg N
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2015 March 16 (3):227-35. Epub 1900 01 01.
Stolla M, Refaai MA, Heal JM, Spinelli SL, Garraud O, Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Frontiers in immunology.. 2015 6 :28. Epub 02/02/2015.
Lannan KL, Sahler J, Kim N, Spinelli SL, Maggirwar SB, Garraud O, Cognasse F, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
Frontiers in immunology.. 2015 6 :48. Epub 02/13/2015.
Garraud O, Cognasse F, Hamzeh-Cognasse H, Spinelli S, Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2014 October 54 (10):2583. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spinelli SL, Lannan KL, Casey AE, Croasdell A, Curran TM, Henrichs KF, Pollock SJ, Milne GA, Refaai MA, Francis CW, Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2014 June 54 (6):1569-79. Epub 11/05/2013.
Rohde JM, Dimcheff DE, Blumberg N, Saint S, Langa KM, Kuhn L, Hickner A, Rogers MA
JAMA.. 2014 April 2311 (13):1317-26. Epub 1900 01 01.
Glance LG, Mukamel DB, Blumberg N, Fleming FJ, Hohmann SF, Dick AW
Transfusion.. 2014 March 54 (3):691-700. Epub 07/25/2013.
Blumberg N
CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne.. 2014 January 7186 (1):63. Epub 1900 01 01.
Glance LG, Blumberg N, Eaton MP, Lustik SJ, Osler TM, Wissler R, Zollo R, Karcz M, Feng C, Dick AW
Anesthesiology.. 2014 January 120 (1):62-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rogers MA, Micic D, Blumberg N, Young VB, Aronoff DM
PloS one.. 2014 9 (2):e89332. Epub 02/21/2014.
Refaai MA, Blumberg N
Expert review of hematology.. 2013 December 6 (6):653-63. Epub 10/30/2013.
Refaai MA, Blumberg N
Best practice & research. Clinical anaesthesiology.. 2013 March 27 (1):17-35. Epub 1900 01 01.
Refaai MA, Carter J, Henrichs KF, Davidson DC, Pollock SJ, Casey AE, Spinelli SL, Phipps RP, Francis CW, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2013 February 53 (2):382-93. Epub 05/25/2012.
Cholette JM, Powers KS, Alfieris GM, Angona R, Henrichs KF, Masel D, Swartz MF, Daugherty LE, Belmont K, Blumberg N
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2013 February 14 (2):137-47. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lannan KL, Sahler J, Spinelli SL, Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Blood cells, molecules & diseases.. 2013 January 50 (1):61-8. Epub 09/13/2012.
Sahler J, Woeller C, Spinelli S, Blumberg N, Phipps R
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.. 2012 December 10 (12):2563-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Reesink HW, Lee J, Keller A, Dennington P, Pink J, Holdsworth R, Schennach H, Goldman M, Petraszko T, Sun J, Meng Y, Qian K, Rehacek V, Turek P, Krusius T, Juvonen E, Tiberghien P, Legrand D, Semana G, Muller JY, Bux J, Reil A, Lin CK, Daly H, McSweeney E, Porretti L, Greppi N, Rebulla P, Okazaki H, Sánchez-Guerrero SA, Baptista-González HA, Martínez-Murillo C, Guerra-Márquez A, Rodriguez-Moyado H, Middelburg RA, Wiersum-Osselton JC, Brand A, van Tilburg C, Dinesh D, Dagger J, Dunn P, Brojer E, Letowska M, Maslanka K, Lachert E, Uhrynowska M, Zhiburt E, Palfi M, Berlin G, Frey BM, Puig Rovira L, Muñiz-Diaz E, Castro E, Chapman C, Green A, Massey E, Win N, Williamson L, Silliman CC, Chaffin DJ, Ambruso DR, Blumberg N, Tomasulo P, Land KJ, Norris PJ, Illoh OC, Davey RJ, Benjamin RJ, Eder AF, McLaughlin L, Kleinman S, Panzer S
Vox sanguinis.. 2012 October 103 (3):231-59. Epub 04/20/2012.
Sahler J, Spinelli S, Phipps R, Blumberg N
Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Société française de transfusion sanguine.. 2012 June 19 (3):98-103. Epub 06/14/2012.
Rogers MA, Levine DA, Blumberg N, Flanders SA, Chopra V, Langa KM
Circulation.. 2012 May 1125 (17):2092-9. Epub 04/03/2012.
Rogers MA, Levine DA, Blumberg N, Fisher GG, Kabeto M, Langa KM
Journal of autoimmunity.. 2012 May 38 (2-3):J97-J102. Epub 08/30/2011.
Cholette JM, Henrichs KF, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Phipps R, Spinelli SL, Swartz M, Gensini F, Daugherty LE, Nazarian E, Rubenstein JS, Sweeney D, Eaton M, Lerner NB, Blumberg N
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2012 May 13 (3):290-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Henrichs KF, Howk N, Masel DS, Thayer M, Refaai MA, Kirkley SA, Heal JM, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2012 March 52 (3):635-40. Epub 09/02/2011.
Yazer MH, Raval JS, Triulzi DJ, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 2012 February 102 (2):175-7. Epub 07/22/2011.
Blumberg N, Sime PJ, Phipps RP
Transfusion.. 2011 October 51 (10):2054-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rogers MA, Blumberg N, Heal JM, Kuhn L, Greene MT, Shuman E, Chenoweth CE, Chang R, Saint S
Archives of internal medicine.. 2011 September 26171 (17):1587-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spinella PC, Doctor A, Blumberg N, Holcomb JB
Transfusion.. 2011 August 51 (8):1644-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Refaai MA, Fialkow LB, Heal JM, Henrichs KF, Spinelli SL, Phipps RP, Masel E, Smith BH, Corsetti JP, Francis CW, Bankey PE, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 2011 July 101 (1):55-60. Epub 03/18/2011.
Sahler J, Bernard JJ, Spinelli SL, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
Thrombosis research.. 2011 May 127 (5):426-34. Epub 01/26/2011.
Rogers MA, Blumberg N, Heal JM, Langa KM
Transfusion.. 2011 April 51 (4):710-8. Epub 11/18/2010.
Refaai MA, Phipps RP, Spinelli SL, Blumberg N
Thrombosis research.. 2011 April 127 (4):287-91. Epub 11/19/2010.
Grimshaw K, Sahler J, Spinelli SL, Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2011 April 51 (4):874-80. Epub 1900 01 01.
Refaai MA, Henrichs KF, Spinelli SL, Phipps RP, Masel E, Smith BH, Francis CW, Blumberg N
US oncology & hematology.. 2011 January 17 (1):72-74. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sahler J, Grimshaw K, Spinelli SL, Refaai MA, Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Drug discovery today. Disease mechanisms. 2011 8 (1-2):e9-e14. Epub 07/20/2011.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Gettings KF, Phipps RP, Masel D, Refaai MA, Kirkley SA, Fialkow LB
Transfusion.. 2010 December 50 (12):2738-44. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spinelli SL, Maggirwar SB, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
Science signaling.. 2010 October 193 (144):pe37. Epub 10/19/2010.
Cholette JM, Mamikonian L, Alfieris GM, Blumberg N, Lerner NB
Thrombosis research.. 2010 September 126 (3):200-6. Epub 06/13/2010.
Refaai MA, Chuang C, Menegus M, Blumberg N, Francis CW
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.. 2010 June 8 (6):1419-21. Epub 03/19/2010.
Spinelli SL, Casey AE, Pollock SJ, Gertz JM, McMillan DH, Narasipura SD, Mody NA, King MR, Maggirwar SB, Francis CW, Taubman MB, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.. 2010 March 30 (3):591-8. Epub 12/30/2009.
Blumberg N, Sime PJ, Phipps RP
Critical care medicine.. 2010 February 38 (2):720-1. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Phillips GL
F1000 medicine reports. 2010 January 272 :5. Epub 01/27/2010.
Blumberg N, Spinelli SL, Francis CW, Taubman MB, Phipps RP
Immunologic research.. 2009 December 45 (2-3):251-60. Epub 01/29/2009.
Bernard JJ, Seweryniak KE, Koniski AD, Spinelli SL, Blumberg N, Francis CW, Taubman MB, Palis J, Phipps RP
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.. 2009 November 29 (11):1874-82. Epub 08/06/2009.
Rogers MA, Blumberg N, Saint S, Langa KM, Nallamothu BK
BMC medicine.. 2009 July 317 :37. Epub 07/31/2009.
Coppage M, Baker M, Fialkow L, Meehan D, Gettings K, Chen L, Massey HT, Blumberg N
Human immunology.. 2009 June 70 (6):413-6. Epub 03/09/2009.
Heal JM, Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2009 June 49 (6):1032-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Springer D, Miller J, Spinelli S, Pasa-Tolic L, Purvine S, Daly D, Zangar R, Jin S, Blumberg N, Francis C, Taubman M, Casey A, Wittlin S, Phipps R
Journal of proteome research.. 2009 May 8 (5):2261-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Phipps RP, Blumberg N
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.. 2009 May 29 (5):620-1. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kanda J, Ichinohe T, Matsuo K, Benjamin RJ, Klumpp TR, Rozman P, Blumberg N, Mehta J, Sohn SK, Uchiyama T
Transfusion.. 2009 April 49 (4):624-35. Epub 01/02/2009.
O'Brien JJ, Baglole CJ, Garcia-Bates TM, Blumberg N, Francis CW, Phipps RP
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.. 2009 January 7 (1):182-9. Epub 10/10/2008.
Khorana AA, Francis CW, Blumberg N, Culakova E, Refaai MA, Lyman GH
Archives of internal medicine.. 2008 November 24168 (21):2377-81. Epub 1900 01 01.
O'Brien JJ, Spinelli SL, Tober J, Blumberg N, Francis CW, Taubman MB, Palis J, Seweryniak KE, Gertz JM, Phipps RP
Blood.. 2008 November 15112 (10):4051-60. Epub 08/28/2008.
Hillyer CD, Blumberg N, Glynn SA, Ness PM,
Transfusion.. 2008 August 48 (8):1530-7. Epub 06/28/2008.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Liesveld JL, Phillips GL, Rowe JM
Leukemia.. 2008 March 22 (3):631-5. Epub 09/06/2007.
Cholette JM, Blumberg N, Phipps RP, McDermott MP, Gettings KF, Lerner NB
The Journal of pediatrics.. 2008 January 152 (1):50-4, 54.e1. Epub 10/24/2007.
Ray DM, Spinelli SL, Pollock SJ, Murant TI, O'Brien JJ, Blumberg N, Francis CW, Taubman MB, Phipps RP
Thrombosis and haemostasis.. 2008 January 99 (1):86-95. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spinelli SL, O'Brien JJ, Bancos S, Lehmann GM, Springer DL, Blumberg N, Francis CW, Taubman MB, Phipps RP
PPAR research. 2008 2008 :328172. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rogers MA, Blumberg N, Heal JM, Hicks GL
Journal of women's health.. 2007 December 16 (10):1412-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.. 2007 October 1545 (8):1014-5. Epub 09/06/2007.
Blumberg N, Zhao H, Wang H, Messing S, Heal JM, Lyman GH
Transfusion.. 2007 April 47 (4):573-81. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kaufman J, Spinelli SL, Schultz E, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.. 2007 April 5 (4):788-96. Epub 1900 01 01.
O'Brien JJ, Ray DM, Spinelli SL, Blumberg N, Taubman MB, Francis CW, Wittlin SD, Phipps RP
Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators.. 2007 January 82 (1-4):68-76. Epub 07/10/2006.
Rogers MAM.; Blumberg N.; Saint S.; Kim C.; Nallamothu BK.; Langa, KM.
Rogers MA, Blumberg N, Saint SK, Kim C, Nallamothu BK, Langa KM
American heart journal.. 2006 December 152 (6):1028-34. Epub 1900 01 01.
Khan SY, Kelher MR, Heal JM, Blumberg N, Boshkov LK, Phipps R, Gettings KF, McLaughlin NJ, Silliman CC
Blood.. 2006 October 1108 (7):2455-62. Epub 06/13/2006.
Blumberg N, Gettings KF, Turner C, Heal JM, Phipps RP
Transfusion.. 2006 October 46 (10):1813-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Soluble CD40 ligand accumulates in stored blood
International Forum: Haemovigilance.
Blumberg N.
Vox Sanguinis. 2006; 90: 237-39.
Ray DM, Spinelli SL, O'Brien JJ, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
BioDrugs : clinical immunotherapeutics, biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy.. 2006 20 (4):231-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Liesveld JL, Phillips GL, Blumberg N
Bone marrow transplantation.. 2005 November 36 (9):747-55. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Fine L, Gettings KF, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 2005 October 45 (10):1632-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2005 August 45 (2 Suppl):33S-39S; discussion 39S-40S. Epub 1900 01 01.
Horan JT, Liesveld JL, Fenton P, Blumberg N, Walters MC
Bone marrow transplantation.. 2005 January 35 (2):171-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
International Forum, Transfusion of apheresis platelets and ABO blood groups.
Heal JM.; Blumberg N.
Vox Sanguinis. 2005; 88: 220-221.
Deleterious clinical effects of transfusion immunomodulationproven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Blumberg N.
Transfusion. 2005; 45: [Supplement]: 33S-40S.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Rowe JM
BMC blood disorders. 2004 December 104 (1):6. Epub 12/10/2004.
Akbiyik F, Ray DM, Gettings KF, Blumberg N, Francis CW, Phipps RP
Blood.. 2004 September 1104 (5):1361-8. Epub 05/06/2004.
Heal JM, Blumberg N
Blood reviews.. 2004 September 18 (3):149-65. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Lancet.. 2004 January 3363 (9402):80-1; author reply 81-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N.; Heal JM and Rowe JM.
A randomized trial of washed red blood cells and
Koumas L, Smith TJ, Feldon S, Blumberg N, Phipps RP
The American journal of pathology.. 2003 October 163 (4):1291-300. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Gettings KF
Transfusion.. 2003 July 43 (7):945-52. Epub 1900 01 01.
Goldman J, Liesveld J, Nichols D, Heal J, Blumberg N
Leukemia research.. 2003 June 27 (6):489-91. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Vox sanguinis.. 2003 May 84 (4):331-2; author reply 332-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Phipps RP, Kaufman J, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 2003 February 43 (2):291-2; author reply 292. Epub 1900 01 01.
Koumas L.; Smith TJ.; Feldon S.; Blumberg N.; Phipps RP.
Thy-1 expression in human
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 2002 November 42 (11):1527-8; author reply 1528-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Cowles JW, Hicks GL, Risher WH, Samuel PK, Kirkley SA
American journal of clinical pathology.. 2002 September 118 (3):376-81. Epub 1900 01 01.
Vanderlinde ES, Heal JM, Blumberg N
BMJ : British medical journal. 2002 March 30324 (7340):772-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Autologous transfusion.
Vanderlinde E.; Heal JM.; Blumberg N.
British Medical
Rios JA, Korones DN, Heal JM, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 2001 July 41 (7):873-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Phipps RP, Kaufman J, Blumberg N
Lancet.. 2001 June 23357 (9273):2023-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Hicks GL, Risher WH
Transfusion.. 2001 June 41 (6):790-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Anolik JH, Blumberg N, Snider J, Francis CW
Transfusion.. 2001 May 41 (5):633-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Vo TD, Cowles J, Heal JM, Blumberg N
Transfusion medicine.. 2001 February 11 (1):45-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Transfusion-induced immunomodulation: an overview.
Blumberg, N.
Transfusion Medicine Reviews. 2001; 15: 110-112.
Mortality risks, costs and decision making in transfusion medicine.
Blumberg N.; Heal JM.
Amer J Clin Path. 2001; 115: 935-36.
Goldfinger D, Klapper E, Pepkowitz SH, Millar SI, Heal JM, Blumberg N, Wuest D, Reich L, Mayer K
Transfusion.. 2000 December 40 (12):1545-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
American journal of clinical pathology.. 2000 December 114 (6):934-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine.. 1999 July 123 (7):580-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1999 39 (11-12):1155-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Griggs JJ, Blumberg N
Anti-cancer drugs.. 1998 November 9 (10):925-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kirkley SA, Cowles J, Pellegrini VD, Harris CM, Boyd AD, Blumberg N
Transfusion medicine.. 1998 September 8 (3):195-204. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N
The British journal of surgery.. 1998 August 85 (8):1163-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N
The New England journal of medicine.. 1998 March 5338 (10):686; author reply 686-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine.. 1998 February 122 (2):117-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N
Seminars in hematology.. 1997 July 34 (3 Suppl 2):34-40. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Seminars in hematology.. 1996 October 33 (4):329-40. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
The American journal of medicine.. 1996 September 101 (3):299-308. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Science.. 1996 June 7272 (5267):1408. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Science.. 1996 June 7272 (5267):1408b. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Kirkley SA, Heal JM
American journal of surgery.. 1996 March 171 (3):324-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
The transfusion immunomodulation theory--the Th1/Th2 paradigm and an analogy with pregnancy as a unifying mechanism.
Blumberg N.; Heal JM.
Sem Hematology. 1996; 33: 329-340.
Heal JM, Masel D, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1996 71 (4):205-11. Epub 1900 01 01.
Dzik S, Blajchman MA, Blumberg N, Kirkley SA, Heal JM, Wood K
Vox sanguinis.. 1996 70 (4):187-94. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Annals of surgery.. 1995 December 222 (6):757-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 1995 October 35 (10):879-83. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kirkley SA, Cowles J, Pellegrini VD, Harris CM, Boyd AD, Blumberg N
Lancet.. 1995 February 25345 (8948):527. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Kirkley SA, DiPersio JF, Rapoport AP, Rowe JM
American journal of hematology.. 1995 February 48 (2):108-15. Epub 1900 01 01.
FilteredABOidentical blood components in the treatment of haematologic malignanciesa cost analysis.
Blumberg N.; Heal JM.; Kirkley SA.; DiPersio JF.; Rapoport.; AP.; Rowe JM.
Amer J Hematol. 1995; 48: 108-115.
Cytokine secretion after allogeneic or autologous blood transfusions.
Kirkley SA.; Cowles J.; Pellegrini, VD, Jr.; Harris CM.; Boyd AD.; Blumberg N.
The Lancet. 1995; 345: 527.
Heal JM, Blumberg N, Kirkley SA, DiPersio JF, Rapoport AP, Rowe JM
Bone marrow transplantation.. 1994 December 14 (6):943-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kirkley SA, Blumberg N
Blood reviews.. 1994 September 8 (3):142-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 1994 May 34 (5):450-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine.. 1994 April 118 (4):371-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Kenmotsu N, Rowe JM, Blumberg N
American journal of hematology.. 1994 February 45 (2):189-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM.; Kenmotsu N.; Rowe JM.; Blumberg N.
A possible survival advantage in
Heal JM, Masel D, Rowe JM, Blumberg N
British journal of haematology.. 1993 November 85 (3):566-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
The New England journal of medicine.. 1993 October 28329 (18):1355; author reply 1355-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Rowe JM, Blumberg N
Annals of hematology.. 1993 June 66 (6):309-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Albert M, Krabill K
Annals of internal medicine.. 1993 April 1118 (7):575. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Rowe JM, McMican A, Masel D, Finke C, Blumberg N
European journal of haematology.. 1993 February 50 (2):110-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
The role of ABO matching in platelet transfusion.
Heal JM.; Rowe JM.; McMican A.; Masel D.; Finke C.; Blumberg N.
Eur. J. Haemat. 1993; 50: 110-117.
Circulating immune complexes involving the ABO system in patients refractory to platelet transfusion.
Heal JM.; Masel D.; Rowe JM.; Blumberg N.
Brit J Haematol. 1993; 85: 566-572.
Murphy PJ, Connery C, Hicks GL, Blumberg N
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 1992 October 104 (4):1092-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 1992 September 32 (7):688-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Cowles J, Masel D, Rowe JM, Blumberg N
British journal of haematology.. 1992 January 80 (1):83-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM.; Cowles J.; Masel D.; Rowe JM.; Blumberg N.
Antibodies to plasma
Murphy P.; Connery C.; Hicks GL.; Blumberg N.
Homologous blood transfusion as a risk factor for postoperative infection after coronary artery
Cox MT, Roberts M, LaJoie J, Enfonde M, Kress D, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1992 32 (9):874. Epub 1900 01 01.
Triulzi DJ, Vanek K, Ryan DH, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1992 32 (6):517-24. Epub 1900 01 01.
Basile M, Moskowitz B, Harris J, Blumberg N, Bennett JM
Medical and pediatric oncology.. 1992 20 (1):75-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sherer DM, Abramowicz JS, Ryan RM, Sheils LA, Blumberg N, Woods JR
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 1991 November 78 (5 Pt 2):897-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Murphy P, Heal JM, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1991 31 (3):212-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Triulzi DJ, Heal JM
Transfusion medicine reviews.. 1990 October 4 (4 Suppl 1):24-35. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Chuang-Stein C, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 1990 May 30 (4):291-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Variability in response to cryoprecipitate therapy in uremia.
Triulzi D.; Blumberg N.
Yale J Biology Med. 1990; 63: 1-7.
Transfusion as a predisposing factor for cancer recurrence and perioperative bacterial infection.
Blumberg N.; Heal JM.
Yale J Biology Med. 1990; 63: 429-434.
Triulzi DJ, Blumberg N, Heal JM
Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences.. 1990 28 (2):95-107. Epub 1900 01 01.
Triulzi DJ, Blumberg N
The Yale journal of biology and medicine.. 1990 63 (1):1-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1990 30 (6):482-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
The Yale journal of biology and medicine.. 1990 63 (5):429-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine.. 1989 March 113 (3):246-53. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 1989 29 (3):236-45. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cowles JW, Spitalnik SL, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1989 56 (2):107-11. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Mullin A, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1989 29 (6):514-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Transplantation proceedings.. 1988 December 20 (6):1138-42. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Chuang C, Blumberg N
American journal of surgery.. 1988 November 156 (5):374-80. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal J
Lancet.. 1988 April 231 (8591):946. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal J, Chuang C, Murphy P, Agarwal M
Annals of surgery.. 1988 April 207 (4):410-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N.; Heal JM.
Evidence for plasma-mediated immunomodulation--transfusions of red cells are associated with a lower risk of
Corsetti JP.; Sotirchos SV.; Cox C.; Cowles JW.; Leary JF.; Blumberg N.
The correction of cellular autofluorescence in flow cytometry by mathematical
Blumberg N.
The fate of cells of the immune system during blood storage
Blumberg N, Agarwal MM, Chuang C
The Yale journal of biology and medicine.. 1988 61 (6):493-500. Epub 1900 01 01.
Corsetti JP, Cowles JW, Cox MT, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1988 54 (1):39-42. Epub 1900 01 01.
Masel DS, Blumberg N, Heal JM
Transfusion.. 1988 28 (2):132-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Szal M, Blumberg N
Annals of clinical and laboratory science.. 1988 18 (1):24-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Blood reviews.. 1987 December 1 (4):219-29. Epub 1900 01 01.
Heal JM, Blumberg N, Masel D
Blood.. 1987 July 70 (1):23-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cass RM, Blumberg N
JAMA.. 1987 February 6257 (5):628-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Corsetti JP, Cox C, Leary JF, Cox MT, Blumberg N, Doherty RA
Annals of clinical and laboratory science.. 1987 17 (3):197-206. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cowles JW, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1987 27 (3):272-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM
Cancer investigation.. 1987 5 (6):615-25. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cowles JW, Cox MT, McMican A, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1987 52 (1-2):83-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Heal JM, Murphy P, Agarwal MM, Chuang C
British medical journal.. 1986 August 30293 (6546):530-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Masel D, Stoler M
Blood.. 1986 January 67 (1):200-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Association between transfusion of whole blood and cancer recurrence.
Blumberg N.; Heal J.; Murphy P.; Agarwal M.; Chuang C.
British Medical J. 1986; 293: 530-533.
Cowles JW, Spitalnik SL, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1986 50 (3):164-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Laczin J, McMican A, Heal J, Arvan D
Transfusion.. 1986 26 (6):511-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Agarwal MM, Chuang C
British medical journal.. 1985 April 6290 (6474):1037-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Relation between recurrence of cancer of the colon and blood transfusion.
Blumberg N.; Agarwal M.; Chuang C.
British Medical J. 1985; 290: 1037-1039.
Spitalnik S, Cowles J, Cox MT, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1985 48 (4):235-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spitalnik S, Pfaff W, Cowles J, Ireland JE, Scornik JC, Blumberg N
Transplantation.. 1984 March 37 (3):265-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Masel D, Mayer T, Horan P, Heal J
Blood.. 1984 February 63 (2):448-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
A case report of a neonate with an unexpected second antibody, anti-Jk(b).
Cox MT.; McMican A.; Blumberg N.
J. Med. Technology. 1984; 1: 225-226.
Blumberg N, Ross K, Avila E, Peck K
Vox sanguinis.. 1984 47 (3):205-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ramsey G, Stoler M, Blumberg N
Lancet.. 1983 September 32 (8349):575. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spitalnik SL, Cowles JW, Cox MT, Blumberg N
American journal of clinical pathology.. 1983 July 80 (1):63-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, McMican A, Heal J
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 1983 July 62 (1):135-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ramsey G, Arvan DA, Stewart S, Blumberg N
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 1983 April 85 (4):564-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Do preoperative laboratory tests predict blood transfusion needs in cardiac surgery?
Ramsey G.; Arvan DA.; Stewart S.; Blumberg N.
J. Thoracic Cardiovas. Surg. 1983; 85: 564-569.
The type and screen--are patient charges a valid measure of cost reduction?
Ramsey G.; Desley C.; Ross K.; Peck K.; Spennachio J.; Blumberg N.
Ann. Clin. Lab. Science. 1983; 13: 55-58.
Neutralization of Lewis blood group antibodies by synthetic immunoadsorbents.
Spitalnik S.; Cowles J.; Cox MT.; Blumberg N.
Amer. J. Clin. Path. 1983; 80: 63-65.
Red cell alloantibody response in AIDS.
Ramsey G.; Stoler M.; Blumberg N.
Lancet ii:. 1983; : 575.
Holt JT, Spitalnik SL, McMican AE, Wilson G, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1983 23 (2):148-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spitalnik S, Cowles J, Cox MT, Baker D, Holt J, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1983 45 (6):440-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ramsey G, Desley C, Ross K, Peck K, Spennachio J, Blumberg N
Annals of clinical and laboratory science.. 1983 13 (1):55-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Peck K, Ross K, Avila E
Vox sanguinis.. 1983 44 (4):212-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Hicks G, Woll J, Nusbacher J, Cox MT, Wilbur D, Schwedfeger D, McMican A
Transfusion.. 1983 23 (4):363. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pisciotto P, Rosen D, Silver H, Genco P, Blumberg N, Katz AJ, Morse EE
Vox sanguinis.. 1983 45 (3):185-96. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cox MT, McMican A, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1983 23 (4):362. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Masel D, Mayer T, Horan P, Heal J
Blood.. 1982 July 60 (1):276. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Shah I, Hoagland J, Shirer L, Katz AJ
Vox sanguinis.. 1982 January 42 (1):1-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
An analysis of two types of granulocyte transfusions in patients with acute leukemia and septicemia. :
Morse EE.; Snyder E.; Blumberg N.; Katz AJ.
Ann. Clin. Lab. Science. 1982; 12: 106-110.
Acquisition by human platelets of new HLA-A,B phenotypes from plasma.
Blumberg N.; Masel D.; Mayer T.; Horan P.; Heal J.
Blood. 1982; 60:: 275.
Morse EE, Synder E, Blumberg N, Katz AJ
Annals of clinical and laboratory science.. 1982 12 (2):106-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Shah I, Katz AJ, Morse EE
Vox sanguinis.. 1982 42 (5):225-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pisciotto P, Sataro P, Blumberg N
Transfusion.. 1982 22 (6):530-1. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kurtz SR, Valeri DA, Gray A, Lindberg JR, McMican A, Blumberg N, Valeri CR
Vox sanguinis.. 1982 43 (3):132-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spitalnik S, Cox MT, Spennacchio J, Guenther R, Blumberg N
Vox sanguinis.. 1982 42 (6):308-12. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N, Katz AJ
Connecticut medicine.. 1981 February 45 (2):85-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Katz AJ, Genco PV, Blumberg N, Snyder EL, Camp B, Morse EE
Transfusion.. 1981 21 (5):560-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Buchholz DH, Blumberg N, Bove JR
Archives of internal medicine.. 1979 March 139 (3):317-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Meeting therapeutic pheresis needs in the region.
Katz AJ.; Blumberg N.; King C.
Proceedings of the First Annual Apheresis Symposium: Current Concepts and Future Trends. 1979; : 176-191.
Blumberg N, Bove JR
JAMA.. 1978 November 3240 (19):2057-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Collection of granulocytes for transfusion--effect of collection methods on cell enzyme release. Vox
Blumberg N.; Genco PV.; Katz AJ.; Bove JR.
Sanguinis. 1978; 35: 207-214.
Blumberg N, Genco P, Katz A, Bove J
Vox sanguinis.. 1978 35 (4):207-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blumberg N
The Yale journal of biology and medicine.. 1974 47 (2):71-81. Epub 1900 01 01.
Release of biologically active CD154 during collection and storage of platelet concentrates prepared for transfusion.
Kaufman J.; Spinelli SL.; Schultz L.; Blumberg N.; Phipps RP.
(submitted, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis).
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor g and the Retinoid X Receptor are released from activated human platelets and are shed in platelet microparticles.
Ray DM.; Spinelli SL.; Murant T.; Blumberg N.; Francis CW.; Phipps RP.
submitted. .
Rogers MAM.; Blumberg N.; Heal JM.; Hicks, GL, Jr.
Increased mortality in women after
Developmental changes in soluble CD40 ligand
Chollette JM.; Blumberg N.; Phipps RP.; McDermott MP.; Gettings KF.; Lerner NB.;.
J. Pediatrics. .
Best Practice and Research in Clinical Haematology (2006)
Chapter: Clinical Use of Plasma and Plasma Fractions
Authors: Blumberg, N.; Francis CW.; Heal JM.;
Publisher: Elsevier, UK 2006
Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine: Basic Principles and Practice (2006)
Chapter: Transfusion immunomodulation
Authors: Blumberg N.; Heal JM.
Publisher: Churchill-Livingstone 2006
Perioperative Transfusion Medicine (2005)
Chapter: Immunomodulation by Transfusion
Authors: Blumberg, N.; Heal JM.
Publisher: Lippincott 2005
The Scientific Basis of Transfusion Medicine (2000)
Chapter: Transfusion Immunomodulation
Authors: Blumberg, N.; Heal JM.
Publisher: WB Saunders 2000
Transfusion Medicine & Alternatives to Blood Transfusion (2000)
Chapter: Immunomodulation and allogeneic transfusion
Authors: Blumberg, N.; Heal JM.; Triulzi DJ.
Publisher: NATA, R&J Editions Medicales, Paris 2000
Transfusion Medicine & Alternatives to Blood Transfusion (2000)
Chapter: Cost effectiveness of allogeneic versus autologous blood use
Authors: Blumberg N.; Heal JM.
Publisher: NATA, R&J Editions Medicales, Paris 2000
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (2000)
Chapter: Blood Transfusion-a booklet for patients.
Authors: Heal, JM.; Blumberg, N.
Publisher: New York NY 2000
Orthopaedic Knowledge Update (1999)
Chapter: Blood Transfusion
Authors: Blumberg N.; Kirkley SA.
Publisher: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL 1999
Immunomodulatory Effects of Blood Transfusion (1999)
Chapter: History of the Transfusion Immunomodulatory Theory
Authors: Blumberg N.; Heal JM.
Publisher: AABB Press, Bethesda MD 1999
Autotransfusion: Therapeutic Principles and Trends (1997)
Chapter: Increased postoperative infections after allogeneic transfusions.
Authors: Kirkley, SA.; Blumberg N.
Publisher: Appleton, Detroit, MI 1997
Clinical Benefits of Leukodepleted Blood Products (1995)
Chapter: Leukocyte depletion and tranfusion induced immunomodulation.
Authors: Triulzi D.; Blumberg, N.
Publisher: RG Landes, Austin, TX. 1995
The Scientific Basis of Transfusion Medicine (1994)
Chapter: Transfusion associated immunomodulation.
Authors: Blumberg, N.; Heal JM.
Publisher: WB Saunders 1994
Transfusion Medicine (1990)
Chapter: Transfusion induced immunomodulation and its clinical consequences.
Authors: Triulzi DJ.; Heal JM.; Blumberg, N.
Publisher: American Association of Blood Banks, Arlington, VA 1990
Therapeutic Hemapheresis (1990)
Chapter: Partial plasma exchange: diseases in which it is of reported efficacy. A Technical Workshop
Authors: Blumberg, N.; Katz AJ.
Publisher: AABB 1990
Limiting Homologous Exposure: Alternative Strategies (1989)
Chapter: The rationale for limiting recipient exposure to homologous transfusions, and overview.
Authors: Heal JM.; Blumberg N.
Publisher: American Association of Blood Banks, Arlington, VA 1989
Adverse Transfusion Reactions (1986)
Chapter: Professional self-assessment program, immunohematology series.
Authors: Snyder, E.
Publisher: American Ass. of Blood Banks & American Ass. of Clinical Pathologists, Chicago, IL. 1986
Blood Transfusion Therapy-An Audiovisual Program (71 slides/cassette (1985)
Authors: Snyder, E.; Kennedy M.; Blumberg N.
Publisher: American Association of Blood Banks, Arlington, VA 1985
Blood Transfusion Therapy- A Self Assessment Program (1984)
Authors: Snyder e.; Kennedy M.; Blumberg N.
Publisher: American Association of Blood Banks, Arlington, VA 1984
Blood Transfusion Therapy- Patient Management Problems (1984)
Authors: Snyder E.; Kennedy M.; Blumberg N.
Publisher: American Association of Blood Banks, Arlington, VA. 1984
Blood Transfusion Therapy-A Physician's Handbook (1983)
Authors: Snyder E.; Kennedy M.; Blumberg N.
Publisher: American Association of Blood Banks, Arlington, VA. 1983
Blood Component Therapy (1980)
Chapter: Med-Ed Series in Clinical Teachings, MEDCOM Audiovisual program of 66 slides and audiocassette
Authors: Snyder, E.; Blumberg N.
Publisher: MEDCOM, Garden Grove, CA. 1980
Blood transfusion reactions and complications. Clinical Teachings, MEDCOM (1979)
Chapter: Audiovisual program of 52 slides and audiocassette.
Authors: Snyder, E.; Blumberg, N.
Publisher: MEDCOM, Garden Grove, CA. 1979
Actinomycin D- (1975)
Chapter: -a review of its biology and chemotherapeutic properties with a re-evaluation of its use as an antineoplastic agent.
Authors: Blumberg, N.
Publisher: Yale University School of Medicine, Thesis for M.D. degree 1975
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