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Yeates Conwell, M.D.

Yeates Conwell, M.D.


Mental Health and Wellness

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About Me

Professor, Department of Psychiatry

Dr. Yeates Conwell is Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. His departmental roles over time have included as Vice Chair and Director of the Geriatric Psychiatry Program. As well, he has served as founding Co-Director of the Center for the Study and Pr...
Professor, Department of Psychiatry

Dr. Yeates Conwell is Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. His departmental roles over time have included as Vice Chair and Director of the Geriatric Psychiatry Program. As well, he has served as founding Co-Director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide and Director of the University of Rochester Medical Center's Office for Aging Research and Health Services. In 2012, he was selected as an Innovation Advisor for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. He has lectured and written extensively on suicide and depression in later life, drawing on research that has been continuously funded by NIH institutes, the CDC, and foundation support for the past 35 years. He has been a regular member of NIH review panels, President of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and serves as consultant to agencies and centers dedicated to suicide prevention research worldwide. The primary foci of Dr. Conwell's research are risk factors for suicide in the second half of life and their implications for service system redesign, with particular emphasis on the design and implementation of preventive interventions in community settings, and their linkage to healthcare services.

Dr. Conwell received his MD degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and psychiatry residency and postdoctoral research training at Yale University School of Medicine.

Certified Specialties

Psychiatry - American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology

Faculty Appointments

Professor (Part-Time) - Department of Psychiatry, Geriatric/Psychiatry (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Geriatric Psychiatry, Yale New Haven Hospital. 1984 - 1985

Residency, Psychiatry, Yale New Haven Hospital. 1981 - 1984

Internship, Internal Medicine, Norwalk Hospital. 1980 - 1981


MD | University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. 1980


Eric D. Caine Award. 2022

University of Rochester Outstanding T32 Program Director Award. 2021

International Association for Suicide Research Morselli Medal - for lifetime contributions of suicidal behavior & prevention. 2019

QuiShi Chair Professor, Zhejiang University. 2019 - 2020

Eric D. Caine Award "for outstanding dedication and commitment to mentoring". 2017

American College of Psychiatrists Award for Research in Geriatric Psychiatry. 2016

Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association. 2016

Fellow, Gerontological Society of America. 2014

Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Award. 2013

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Lifesaver Award. 2011

American Association of Suicidology Louis I. Dublin Award. 2008

Visiting Professor, Dalian Medical University. 2005 - 2008

Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association. 2003

Faculty Mentorship Award, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. 2002

Brickell Visiting Professor. 2002

Elected Member, International Academy for Suicide Research. 1997

American Association of Suicidology Edwin A. Shneidman Award. 1994

American Association of Suicidology Edwin A Shneidman Award. 1994

NIMH Geriatric Mental Health Academic Award. 1988 - 1993

National Psychiatric Endowment Fund - Laughlin Award. 1984


Journal Articles

Telemedicine experience among family caregivers of persons with dementia.

Temkin-Greener H, Conwell Y, Heffner KL, Cai S

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2025 February 73 (2):629-631. Epub 08/07/2024.

Fatigue, impaired physical function and mental health in cancer survivors: the role of social isolation.

Kittel JA, Seplaki CL, van Wijngaarden E, Richman J, Magnuson A, Conwell Y

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.. 2024 December 1133 (1):16. Epub 12/11/2024.

Can the Short-Form UCLA Loneliness Scale Be Used to Measure Loneliness Among Chinese Older Adults? From Classical Test Theory to Rasch Analysis.

Zhong Q, Jiang Y, Conwell Y, Chen S

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2024 December 39 (12):e70017. Epub 1900 01 01.

Data-Driven Cutoff Selection for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool.

Levis B, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Fan S, Sun Y, He C, Wu Y, Krishnan A, Negeri Z, Imran M, Rice DB, Riehm KE, Azar M, Levis AW, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, Patten SB, Ziegelstein RC, Harel D, Takwoingi Y, Markham S, Alamri SH, Amtmann D, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Beraldi A, Bernstein CN, Bhana A, Bombardier CH, Buji RI, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas MH, Chan JCN, Chan LF, Chibanda D, Clover K, Conway A, Conwell Y, Daray FM, de Man-van Ginkel JM, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Field S, Fisher JRW, Fung DSS, Gelaye B, Gholizadeh L, Goodyear-Smith F, Green EP, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Hantsoo L, Härter M, Hides L, Hobfoll SE, Honikman S, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Iglesias-Gonzalez M, Jeon HJ, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kiely KM, Kohrt BA, Kwan Y, Lara MA, Levin-Aspenson HF, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, Luitel NP, Lund C, Marrie RA, Marsh L, Marx BP, McGuire A, Mohd Sidik S, Munhoz TN, Muramatsu K, Nakku JEM, Navarrete L, Osório FL, Pence BW, Persoons P, Petersen I, Picardi A, Pugh SL, Quinn TJ, Rancans E, Rathod SD, Reuter K, Rooney AG, Santos IS, Schram MT, Shaaban J, Shinn EH, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Spangenberg L, Stafford L, Sung SC, Suzuki K, Tan PLL, Taylor-Rowan M, Tran TD, Turner A, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, van Heyningen T, Vöhringer PA, Wagner LI, Wang JL, Watson D, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Wynter K, Yamada M, Zeng QZ, Zhang Y, Thombs BD, Benedetti A,

JAMA network open.. 2024 November 47 (11):e2429630. Epub 11/04/2024.

Comparison of Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression - Depression subscale scores by administration mode: An individual participant data differential item functioning meta-analysis.

Harel D, Wu Y, Levis B, Fan S, Sun Y, Xu M, Rice DB, Boruff J, Markham S, Ioannidis JPA, Takwoingi Y, Patten SB, Ziegelstein RC, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Vigod S, Akena D, Benedetti A, Thombs BD,

Journal of affective disorders.. 2024 September 15361 :674-683. Epub 06/21/2024.

Implementing Essential Components of Deprescribing in Post-Acute Home Health Care.

Wang J, Shen JY, Conwell Y, Nathan K, Moskow MS, Brasch JD, Yu F, Simmons SF, Mixon AS, Caprio TV

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2024 September 25 (9):105125. Epub 07/05/2024.

Telemedicine Utilization Among Residents With Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementia: Association With Nursing Home Characteristics.

Qin Q, Yang M, Veazie P, Temkin-Greener H, Conwell Y, Cai S

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2024 September 25 (9):105152. Epub 07/14/2024.

The value of a longer life cut short by suicide: Something to YELL about.

Conwell Y

International psychogeriatrics. 2024 May 36 (5):343-345. Epub 05/29/2024.

Implementation considerations of deprescribing interventions: A scoping review.

Wang J, Shen JY, Conwell Y, Podsiadly EJ, Caprio TV, Nathan K, Yu F, Ramsdale EE, Fick DM, Mixon AS, Simmons SF

Journal of internal medicine.. 2024 April 295 (4):436-507. Epub 01/09/2023.

Adolescent Predictors of Firearm Suicide Over Four Decades of Life in U.S. Men.

Conner KR, Peters K, Conwell Y, Hutchison M, Hutchison M, Kannan V, Lapham S, Chapman BP

American journal of preventive medicine.. 2024 April 66 (4):690-697. Epub 11/17/2023.

Challenges in Deprescribing among Older Adults in Post-Acute Care Transitions to Home.

Wang J, Shen JY, Yu F, Nathan K, Caprio TV, Conwell Y, Moskow MS, Brasch JD, Simmons SF, Mixon AS, Norton SA

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2024 January 25 (1):138-145.e6. Epub 10/29/2023.

Social support and suicidality during the COVID-19 pandemic among Brazilian healthcare workers: a longitudinal assessment of an online repeated cross-sectional survey.

Diaz AP, Pinto AB, Araújo MIC, Joaquim RM, Costa DS, Serpa ALO, Pisani AR, Conwell Y, Miranda DM, Malloy-Diniz LF, da Silva AG

Revista brasileira de psiquiatria : orga?o oficial da Associac?a?o Brasileira de Psiquiatria, Asociacio?n Psiquia?trica de la Ame?rica Latina.. 2024 46 :e20233466. Epub 04/08/2024.

Antipsychotic use among older patients with dementia receiving home health care services: Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes.

Wang J, Shen JY, Conwell Y, Yu F, Nathan K, Heffner KL, Li Y, Caprio TV

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2023 December 71 (12):3768-3779. Epub 09/06/2023.

How to Deprescribe Potentially Inappropriate Medications During the Hospital-to-Home Transition: Stakeholder Perspectives on Essential Tasks.

Wang J, Shen JY, Yu F, Nathan K, Caprio TV, Conwell Y, Moskow MS, Brasch JD, Simmons SF, Mixon AS, Norton SA

Clinical therapeutics.. 2023 October 45 (10):947-956. Epub 08/26/2023.

Mental health outcomes and correlates in cancer patients entering survivorship after curative treatment.

Kittel JA, Seplaki CL, van Wijngaarden E, Richman J, Magnuson A, Conwell Y

International journal of psychiatry in medicine.. 2023 July 58 (4):325-338. Epub 03/16/2023.

A case study of an individual participant data meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy showed that prediction regions represented heterogeneity well.

López Malo Vázquez de Lara A, Bhandari PM, Wu Y, Levis B, Thombs B, Benedetti A,

Scientific reports.. 2023 June 713 (1):9275. Epub 06/07/2023.

Can Emotional Well-Being Maintain Health and Prevent Suicide in Later Life? A National Priority for Research.

Conwell Y, Lin FV, Wang KH

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2023 June 31 (6):425-427. Epub 01/25/2023.

New horizons in emotional well-being and brain aging: Potential lessons from cross-species research.

Lin FV, Zuo Y, Conwell Y, Wang KH

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2023 June 38 (6):e5936. Epub 1900 01 01.

Predictive value of suicidal risk assessment using data from China's largest suicide prevention hotline.

Tong Y, Yin Y, Conner KR, Zhao L, Wang Y, Wang X, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2023 May 15329 :141-148. Epub 02/24/2023.

High Risk of Substance Use Disorder-Related Outcomes in Veterans Released from Correctional Facilities in Mid to Late Life.

Barry LC, Steffens DC, Covinsky KE, Conwell Y, Boscardin J, Li Y, Byers AL

Journal of general internal medicine.. 2023 April 38 (5):1109-1118. Epub 02/13/2023.

Emotional Well-Being: What It Is and Why It Matters.

Park CL, Kubzansky LD, Chafouleas SM, Davidson RJ, Keltner D, Parsafar P, Conwell Y, Martin MY, Hanmer J, Wang KH

Affective science.. 2023 March 4 (1):10-20. Epub 11/15/2022.

A Perfect Storm to Set the Stage for Ontological Exploration: Response to Commentaries on "Emotional Well-Being: What It Is and Why It Matters".

Park CL, Kubzansky LD, Chafouleas SM, Davidson RJ, Keltner D, Parsafar P, Conwell Y, Martin MY, Hanmer J, Wang KH

Affective science.. 2023 March 4 (1):52-58. Epub 12/14/2022.

How "age-friendly" are deprescribing interventions? A scoping review of deprescribing trials.

Wang J, Shen JY, Conwell Y, Podsiadly EJ, Caprio TV, Nathan K, Yu F, Ramsdale EE, Fick DM, Mixon AS, Simmons SF

Health services research.. 2023 February 58 Suppl 1 :123-138. Epub 11/01/2022.

Influence of affective states on informant impression of neuropsychiatric symptoms in people living with MCI.

Therrien S, Turnbull A, Anthony M, Conwell Y, Lin FV

Aging & mental health.. 2023 27 (11):2128-2133. Epub 03/30/2023.

"My Work is Done. Why Wait?" Lessons Learned from Older Adults Who Died by Suicide.

Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2022 December 30 (12):1339-1341. Epub 09/29/2022.

The helping older people engage (HOPE) study: Protocol & COVID modifications for a randomized trial.

Van Orden KA, Conwell Y, Chapman BP, Buttaccio A, VanBergen A, Beckwith E, Santee A, Rowe J, Palumbos D, Williams G, Messing S, Sörensen S, Tu X

Contemporary clinical trials communications.. 2022 December 30 :101040. Epub 11/30/2022.

Medications Associated With Geriatric Syndromes (MAGS) and Hospitalization Risk in Home Health Care Patients.

Wang J, Shen JY, Yu F, Conwell Y, Nathan K, Caprio TV, Shah AS, Simmons SF, Li Y, Ramsdale E

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2022 October 23 (10):1627-1633.e3. Epub 04/28/2022.

The National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care and Hospital Readmission Among Skilled Nursing Facility Residents.

Wang S, Temkin-Greener H, Conwell Y, Cai S

Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.. 2022 October 41 (10):2148-2156. Epub 06/02/2022.

The feasibility and acceptability of using smartphones to assess suicide risk among Spanish-speaking adult outpatients.

Silva C, Cero I, Ricci N, Pérez A, Conwell Y, Van Orden K

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2022 October 52 (5):918-931. Epub 06/08/2022.

Social network subtypes among socially disconnected older adults at risk for suicide: A latent class analysis.

Parkhurst KA, Daks JS, Conwell Y, Podgorski CA, Van Orden KA

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2022 October 52 (5):963-974. Epub 06/23/2022.

Effectiveness of integrated care for older adults with depression and hypertension in rural China: A cluster randomized controlled trial.

Chen S, Conwell Y, Xue J, Li L, Zhao T, Tang W, Bogner H, Dong H

PLoS medicine.. 2022 October 19 (10):e1004019. Epub 10/24/2022.

Measuring Adolescents' Self-injurious Thoughts and Behaviors: Comparing Ecological Momentary Assessment to a Traditional Interview.

Esposito EC, Duan AM, Kearns JC, Kleiman EM, Conwell Y, Glenn CR

Research on child and adolescent psychopathology.. 2022 August 50 (8):1095-1105. Epub 03/07/2022.

Depression Is Associated With Myocardial Infarction Within a 2-Year Period Among Adults in China.

Li LW, Cheng GJ, Xu H, Zhang Z, Liu J, Conwell Y

Asia-Pacific journal of public health. 2022 July 34 (5):516-523. Epub 04/29/2022.

The Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Among Nursing Home Residents With ADRD: Does Race Matter?

Cai S, Wang S, Yan D, Conwell Y, Temkin-Greener H

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2022 May 30 (5):636-646. Epub 10/26/2021.

Continuity of Care and Successful Hospital Discharge of Older Veterans With Dementia.

Lei L, Cai S, Conwell Y, Fortinsky RH, Intrator O

Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.. 2022 April 41 (4):1035-1046. Epub 10/22/2021.

Skilled Nursing Facility-to-Home Trajectories for Older Adults With Mental Illness or Dementia.

Simning A, Orth J, Temkin-Greener H, Li Y, Simons KV, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2022 February 30 (2):223-234. Epub 06/26/2021.

Feasibility and Acceptability of Ecological Momentary Assessment with High-Risk Suicidal Adolescents Following Acute Psychiatric Care.

Glenn CR, Kleiman EM, Kearns JC, Santee AC, Esposito EC, Conwell Y, Alpert-Gillis LJ

Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53.. 2022 51 (1):32-48. Epub 04/02/2020.

Pain treatment and functional improvement in home health care: Relationship with dementia.

Wang J, Cato K, Conwell Y, Yu F, Heffner K, Caprio TV, Nathan K, Monroe TB, Muench U, Li Y

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2021 December 69 (12):3545-3556. Epub 08/21/2021.

Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for screening to detect major depression: updated systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis.

Negeri ZF, Levis B, Sun Y, He C, Krishnan A, Wu Y, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Brehaut E, Benedetti A, Thombs BD,

BMJ : British medical journal. 2021 October 5375 :n2183. Epub 10/05/2021.

Near Vision but not Hearing Loss is Associated with Lacking a Usual Source of Health Care.

Simning A, Caprio TV, Li Y, Conwell Y

Journal of aging and health.. 2021 October 33 (9):786-797. Epub 04/29/2021.

Strategies to Promote Social Connections Among Older Adults During "Social Distancing" Restrictions.

Van Orden KA, Bower E, Lutz J, Silva C, Gallegos AM, Podgorski CA, Santos EJ, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2021 August 29 (8):816-827. Epub 05/18/2020.

Peer Companionship for Mental Health of Older Adults in Primary Care: A Pragmatic, Nonblinded, Parallel-Group, Randomized Controlled Trial.

Conwell Y, Van Orden KA, Stone DM, McIntosh WL, Messing S, Rowe J, Podgorski C, Kaukeinen KA, Tu X

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2021 August 29 (8):748-757. Epub 06/02/2020.

Introducing the Psychological Autopsy Methodology Checklist.

Conner KR, Chapman BP, Beautrais AL, Brent DA, Bridge JA, Conwell Y, Falter T, Holbrook A, Schneider B

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2021 August 51 (4):673-683. Epub 02/08/2021.

Social Disconnection in Late Life Suicide: An NIMH Workshop on State of the Research in Identifying Mechanisms, Treatment Targets, and Interventions.

Lutz J, Van Orden KA, Bruce ML, Conwell Y,

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2021 August 29 (8):731-744. Epub 02/05/2021.

A Pilot Randomized Trial of Engage Psychotherapy to Increase Social Connection and Reduce Suicide Risk in Later Life.

Van Orden KA, Areán PA, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2021 August 29 (8):789-800. Epub 04/01/2021.

Continuity of care and health care cost among community-dwelling older adult veterans living with dementia.

Lei L, Intrator O, Conwell Y, Fortinsky RH, Cai S

Health services research.. 2021 June 56 (3):378-388. Epub 08/19/2020.

Physical, mental, and social wellbeing and their association with death by suicide and self-harm in older adults: a community-based cohort study.

Erlangsen A, Banks Fafphm E, Joshy G, Calear AL, Welsh J, Batterham PJ, Conwell Y, Salvador-Carulla L

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2021 May 36 (5):647-656. Epub 11/20/2020.

Care-Partner Support and Hospitalization in Assisted Living During Transitional Home Health Care.

Wang J, Ying M, Temkin-Greener H, Caprio TV, Yu F, Simning A, Conwell Y, Li Y

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2021 May 69 (5):1231-1239. Epub 01/04/2021.

Cognitive deficit, physical frailty, hospitalization and emergency department visits in later life.

Wang J, Kong D, Yu F, Conwell Y, Dong X

Aging & mental health.. 2021 March 25 (3):521-527. Epub 12/05/2019.

Suicide and Lewy body dementia: Report of a Lewy body dementia association working group.

Armstrong MJ, Sullivan JL, Amodeo K, Lunde A, Tsuang DW, Reger MA, Conwell Y, Ritter A, Bang J, Onyike CU, Mari Z, Corsentino Lpc P, Taylor A

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2021 March 36 (3):373-382. Epub 11/15/2020.

Comparison of different scoring methods based on latent variable models of the PHQ-9: an individual participant data meta-analysis.

Fischer F, Levis B, Falk C, Sun Y, Ioannidis JPA, Cuijpers P, Shrier I, Benedetti A, Thombs BD,

Psychological medicine.. 2021 February 2252 (15):1-12. Epub 02/22/2021.

Pain Management in Home Health Care: Relationship With Dementia and Facility Admissions.

Wang J, Monroe TB, Simning A, Conwell Y, Caprio TV, Cai X, Temkin-Greener H, Muench U, Yu F, Ge S, Li Y

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.. 2021 February 22 (1):36-43. Epub 07/14/2020.

Lifespan development and suicide in later life.

Conwell Y, Lutz J

International psychogeriatrics. 2021 February 33 (2):117-119. Epub 1900 01 01.

Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews: A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses.

Wu Y, Levis B, Ioannidis JPA, Benedetti A, Thombs BD,

Psychotherapy and psychosomatics.. 2021 90 (1):28-40. Epub 08/19/2020.

Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis - ERRATUM.

Wu Y, Levis B, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Levis AW, Azar M, Rice DB, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Ziegelstein RC, Akena DH, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Baron M, Bombardier CH, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas MH, Chan JCN, Cholera R, Conwell Y, de Manvan Ginkel JM, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Harrison PA, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll SE, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kiely KM, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, McGuire A, Mohd-Sidik S, Munhoz TN, Muramatsu K, Osório FL, Patel V, Pence BW, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney AG, Santos IS, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford L, Sung S, Tan PLL, Turner A, van Weert HC, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Yamada M, Benedetti A, Thombs BD

Psychological medicine.. 2020 December 50 (16):2816. Epub 08/19/2019.

Implementing collaborative care for older people with comorbid hypertension and depression in rural China.

Li LW, Xue J, Conwell Y, Yang Q, Chen S

International psychogeriatrics. 2020 December 32 (12):1457-1465. Epub 10/21/2019.

Policy to Reduce Antipsychotic Use and Hospitalization of Nursing Home Residents With Dementia.

Wang S, Temkin-Greener H, Conwell Y, Cai S

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2020 November 21 (11):1617-1622.e3. Epub 06/09/2020.

An empirical comparison of three methods for multiple cutoff diagnostic test meta-analysis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) depression screening tool using published data vs individual level data.

Andrea B, Brooke L, Gerta R, Jones Hayley E, Martin S, Ioannidis John PA, Brett T,

Research synthesis methods.. 2020 November 11 (6):833-848. Epub 09/13/2020.

Can Continuity of Care Reduce Hospitalization Among Community-dwelling Older Adult Veterans Living With Dementia?

Lei L, Cai S, Conwell Y, Fortinsky RH, Intrator O

Medical care.. 2020 November 58 (11):988-995. Epub 1900 01 01.

Estimating the sample mean and standard deviation from commonly reported quantiles in meta-analysis.

McGrath S, Zhao X, Steele R, Thombs BD, Benedetti A,

Statistical methods in medical research.. 2020 September 29 (9):2520-2537. Epub 01/30/2020.

Accuracy of the PHQ-2 Alone and in Combination With the PHQ-9 for Screening to Detect Major Depression: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Levis B, Sun Y, He C, Wu Y, Krishnan A, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Imran M, Brehaut E, Negeri Z, Fischer FH, Benedetti A, Thombs BD, , Che L, Levis A, Riehm K, Saadat N, Azar M, Rice D, Boruff J, Kloda L, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis J, McMillan D, Patten S, Shrier I, Ziegelstein R, Moore A, Akena D, Amtmann D, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran H, Beraldi A, Bernstein C, Bhana A, Bombardier C, Buji RI, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas M, Chan J, Chan LF, Chibanda D, Cholera R, Clover K, Conway A, Conwell Y, Daray F, de Man-van Ginkel J, Delgadillo J, Diez-Quevedo C, Fann J, Field S, Fisher J, Fung D, Garman E, Gelaye B, Gholizadeh L, Gibson L, Goodyear-Smith F, Green E, Greeno C, Hall B, Hampel P, Hantsoo L, Haroz E, Harter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll S, Honikman S, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Ismail K, Jeon HJ, Jetté N, Khamseh M, Kiely K, Kohler S, Kohrt B, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Asunción Lara M, Levin-Aspenson H, Lino V, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro S, Löwe B, Luitel N, Lund C, Marrie RA, Marsh L, Marx B, McGuire A, Mohd Sidik S, Munhoz T, Muramatsu K, Nakku J, Navarrete L, Osório F, Patel V, Pence B, Persoons P, Petersen I, Picardi A, Pugh S, Quinn T, Rancans E, Rathod S, Reuter K, Roch S, Rooney A, Rowe H, Santos I, Schram M, Shaaban J, Shinn E, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Spangenberg L, Stafford L, Sung S, Suzuki K, Swartz R, Tan PLL, Taylor-Rowan M, Tran T, Turner A, van der Feltz-Cornelis C, van Heyningen T, van Weert H, Wagner L, Li Wang J, White J, Winkley K, Wynter K, Yamada M, Zhi Zeng Q, Zhang Y

JAMA.. 2020 June 9323 (22):2290-2300. Epub 1900 01 01.

Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis.

Wu Y, Levis B, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Levis AW, Azar M, Rice DB, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Ziegelstein RC, Akena DH, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Baron M, Bombardier CH, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas MH, Chan JCN, Cholera R, Conwell Y, de Man-van Ginkel JM, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Harrison PA, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll SE, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki MD, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kiely KM, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, McGuire A, Mohd-Sidik S, Munhoz TN, Muramatsu K, Osório FL, Patel V, Pence BW, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney AG, Santos IS, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford MD, Sung S, Tan PLL, Turner A, van Weert HC, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Yamada M, Benedetti A, Thombs BD

Psychological medicine.. 2020 June 50 (8):1368-1380. Epub 07/12/2019.

Commentary on Self-Harm, Suicidal Ideation, and Attempted Suicide in Older Adults: A National Study of Emergency Department Visits and Follow-Up Care.

Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2020 June 28 (6):659-661. Epub 01/09/2020.

Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis.

Levis B, Benedetti A, Ioannidis JPA, Sun Y, Negeri Z, He C, Wu Y, Krishnan A, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Imran M, Rice DB, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Azar M, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Ziegelstein RC, Alamri SH, Amtmann D, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Beraldi A, Bernstein CN, Bhana A, Bombardier CH, Carter G, Chagas MH, Chibanda D, Clover K, Conwell Y, Diez-Quevedo C, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Gholizadeh L, Gibson LJ, Green EP, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Haroz EE, Ismail K, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kwan Y, Lara MA, Liu SI, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, Marrie RA, Marsh L, McGuire A, Muramatsu K, Navarrete L, Osório FL, Petersen I, Picardi A, Pugh SL, Quinn TJ, Rooney AG, Shinn EH, Sidebottom A, Spangenberg L, Lynnette Tan PL, Taylor-Rowan M, Turner A, van Weert HC, Vöhringer PA, Wagner LI, White J, Winkley K, Thombs BD

Journal of clinical epidemiology.. 2020 June 122 :115-128.e1. Epub 02/24/2020.

Association Between Home Health Services and Facility Admission in Older Adults With and Without Alzheimer's Disease.

Wang J, Caprio TV, Simning A, Shang J, Conwell Y, Yu F, Li Y

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2020 May 21 (5):627-633.e9. Epub 12/24/2019.

Functional disability, depression, and suicidal ideation in older prisoners.

Barry LC, Coman E, Wakefield D, Trestman RL, Conwell Y, Steffens DC

Journal of affective disorders.. 2020 April 1266 :366-373. Epub 01/30/2020.

Suicidal Ideation in US Nursing Homes: Association With Individual and Facility Factors.

Temkin-Greener H, Orth J, Conwell Y, Li Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2020 March 28 (3):288-298. Epub 01/03/2020.

Association Between Neurological Disorders and Death by Suicide in Denmark.

Erlangsen A, Stenager E, Conwell Y, Andersen PK, Hawton K, Benros ME, Nordentoft M, Stenager E

JAMA.. 2020 February 4323 (5):444-454. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Algorithm for Screening to Detect Major Depression: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis.

He C, Levis B, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Levis AW, Azar M, Rice DB, Krishnan A, Wu Y, Sun Y, Imran M, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Ziegelstein RC, Akena DH, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Baron M, Beraldi A, Bombardier CH, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas MHN, Chan JCN, Cholera R, Clover K, Conwell Y, de Man-van Ginkel JM, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Harrison PA, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll SE, Hudson M, Hyphantis TN, Inagaki M, Ismail K, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kiely KM, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, Marsh L, McGuire A, Mohd-Sidik S, Munhoz TN, Muramatsu K, Osório FL, Patel V, Pence BW, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney AG, da Silva Dos Santos IS, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford L, Sung S, Tan PLL, Turner A, van Weert HCPM, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Yamada M, Thombs BD, Benedetti A

Psychotherapy and psychosomatics.. 2020 89 (1):25-37. Epub 10/08/2019.

Implementing Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes for Geriatric Mental Healthcare in Long-Term Care Facilities.

Hasselberg MJ, Fisher E, Conwell Y, Jacobowitz D, Pagán JA

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2019 December 20 (12):1651-1653. Epub 08/26/2019.

Comorbidity Profiles Identified in Older Primary Care Patients Who Attempt Suicide.

Morin RT, Li Y, Mackin RS, Whooley MA, Conwell Y, Byers AL

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2019 December 67 (12):2553-2559. Epub 08/30/2019.

Treatment Status of Elderly Patients With Severe Mental Disorders in Rural China.

Chen HL, Xiao Y, Liu YJ, Zhang TM, Luo W, Zeng Y, Hu SH, Yang HJ, Yang X, Liu B, Xu MJ, Chan CL, Conwell Y, Ran MS

Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology.. 2019 November 32 (6):291-297. Epub 1900 01 01.

Violence In Older Adults: Scope, Impact, Challenges, And Strategies For Prevention.

Rosen T, Makaroun LK, Conwell Y, Betz M

Health affairs.. 2019 October 38 (10):1630-1637. Epub 1900 01 01.

A study on household headship, living arrangement, and recipient of pension among the older adults in association with suicidal risks.

Chang Q, Conwell Y, Wu D, Guo Y, Yip PSF

Journal of affective disorders.. 2019 September 1256 :618-626. Epub 07/02/2019.

Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Older Adults With Auditory, Vision, and Dual Sensory Impairment.

Simning A, Fox ML, Barnett SL, Sorensen S, Conwell Y

Journal of aging and health.. 2019 September 31 (8):1353-1375. Epub 06/13/2018.

Accuracy of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for screening to detect major depression: individual participant data meta-analysis.

Levis B, Benedetti A, Thombs BD,

BMJ : British medical journal. 2019 April 9365 :l1476. Epub 04/09/2019.

Excess medical comorbidity and mortality across the lifespan in schizophrenia.: A nationwide Danish register study.

Brink M, Green A, Bojesen AB, Lamberti JS, Conwell Y, Andersen K

Schizophrenia research.. 2019 April 206 :347-354. Epub 12/06/2018.

Rehabilitation Providers' Prediction of the Likely Success of the SNF-to-Home Transition Differs by Discipline.

Simning A, Caprio TV, Seplaki CL, Conwell Y

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2019 April 20 (4):492-496. Epub 01/07/2019.

Late-Life Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms Following Rehabilitation Services in Medicare Beneficiaries.

Simning A, Kittel J, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2019 April 27 (4):381-390. Epub 12/13/2018.

Physical Health Problems as a Late-Life Suicide Precipitant: Examination of Coroner/Medical Examiner and Law Enforcement Reports.

Choi NG, DiNitto DM, Marti CN, Conwell Y

The Gerontologist.. 2019 March 1459 (2):356-367. Epub 1900 01 01.

Treatment adherence as a mediator of blood pressure control in Chinese older adults with depression.

Xue J, Conwell Y, Tang W, Bogner HR, Li Y, Jiang Y, Zhu T, Chen S

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2019 March 34 (3):432-438. Epub 11/28/2018.

Identify a shared neural circuit linking multiple neuropsychiatric symptoms with Alzheimer's pathology.

Wang X, Ren P, Mapstone M, Conwell Y, Porsteinsson AP, Foxe JJ, Raizada RDS, Lin F,

Brain imaging and behavior.. 2019 February 13 (1):53-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Shortening self-report mental health symptom measures through optimal test assembly methods: Development and validation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Depression-4.

Ishihara M, Harel D, Levis B, Levis AW, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Azar M, Rice DB, Sanchez TA, Chiovitti MJ, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Arroll B, Bombardier CH, Butterworth P, Carter G, Clover K, Conwell Y, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno CG, Hambridge J, Harrison PA, Hudson M, Jetté N, Kiely KM, McGuire A, Pence BW, Rooney AG, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Turner A, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Benedetti A, Thombs BD

Depression and anxiety.. 2019 January 36 (1):82-92. Epub 09/20/2018.

Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms Among U.S. Nursing Home Residents.

Li Y, Cai X, Harrington C, Hasselberg M, Conwell Y, Cen X, Temkin-Greener H

Journal of aging & social policy.. 2019 31 (1):30-48. Epub 07/12/2018.

The association of patient-reported improvement and rehabilitation characteristics with mortality.

Simning A, Caprio TV, Szanton SL, Temkin-Greener H, Conwell Y

Geriatric nursing.. 2019 40 (6):620-628. Epub 07/09/2019.

Aggressive Behaviors Among Nursing Home Residents: Association With Dementia and Behavioral Health Disorders.

Cen X, Li Y, Hasselberg M, Caprio T, Conwell Y, Temkin-Greener H

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2018 December 19 (12):1104-1109.e4. Epub 11/06/2018.

Suicide and Physician-Assisted Death for Persons With Psychiatric Disorders: How Much Overlap?

Kim SYH, Conwell Y, Caine ED

JAMA psychiatry.. 2018 November 175 (11):1099-1100. Epub 1900 01 01.

Improving the ED-to-Home Transition: The Community Paramedic-Delivered Care Transitions Intervention-Preliminary Findings.

Shah MN, Hollander MM, Jones CM, Caprio TV, Conwell Y, Cushman JT, DuGoff EH, Kind AJH, Lohmeier M, Mi R, Coleman EA

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2018 November 66 (11):2213-2220. Epub 08/10/2018.

Primary care patient beliefs and help-seeking preferences regarding depression in China.

Jiang Y, Bogner HR, Wang X, Wang J, Zhu T, Conwell Y, Chen S

Psychiatry research.. 2018 November 269 :1-8. Epub 08/13/2018.

Increased Risk of Suicide Attempts and Unintended Death Among Those Transitioning From Prison to Community in Later Life.

Barry LC, Steffens DC, Covinsky KE, Conwell Y, Li Y, Byers AL

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2018 November 26 (11):1165-1174. Epub 07/21/2018.

Patient-Reported Outcomes in Functioning Following Nursing Home or Inpatient Rehabilitation.

Simning A, Caprio TV, Seplaki CL, Temkin-Greener H, Szanton SL, Conwell Y

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2018 October 19 (10):864-870. Epub 07/25/2018.

Loneliness in Chinese older adults in primary care: prevalence and correlates.

Zhong BL, Liu XJ, Chen WC, Chiu HF, Conwell Y

Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society.. 2018 September 18 (5):334-342. Epub 07/10/2018.

Primary care physicians' perceived barriers on the management of depression in China primary care settings.

Chen S, Conwell Y, Cerulli C, Xue J, Chiu HFK

Asian journal of psychiatry.. 2018 August 36 :54-59. Epub 06/28/2018.

Probability of major depression diagnostic classification using semi-structured versus fully structured diagnostic interviews.

Levis B, Benedetti A, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Levis AW, Azar M, Rice DB, Chiovitti MJ, Sanchez TA, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Steele RJ, Ziegelstein RC, Akena DH, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Baron M, Beraldi A, Bombardier CH, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas MH, Chan JCN, Cholera R, Chowdhary N, Clover K, Conwell Y, de Man-van Ginkel JM, Delgadillo J, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Fischler B, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Hambridge J, Harrison PA, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll SE, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Ismail K, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kiely KM, Lamers F, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, Marsh L, McGuire A, Mohd Sidik S, Munhoz TN, Muramatsu K, Osório FL, Patel V, Pence BW, Persoons P, Picardi A, Rooney AG, Santos IS, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford L, Sung S, Tan PLL, Turner A, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, van Weert HC, Vöhringer PA, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Yamada M, Zhang Y, Thombs BD

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.. 2018 June 212 (6):377-385. Epub 05/02/2018.

Validation of telephone-based behavioral assessments in aging services clients.

Conwell Y, Simning A, Driffill N, Xia Y, Tu X, Messing SP, Oslin D

International psychogeriatrics. 2018 January 30 (1):95-102. Epub 09/20/2017.

Discrimination and Risk for Suicide in Later Life.

Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2018 January 26 (1):52-53. Epub 09/20/2017.

The prevalence of depressive symptoms among older patients with hypertension in rural China.

Xue J, Chen S, Bogner HR, Tang W, Li L, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2017 December 32 (12):1411-1417. Epub 11/28/2016.

Suicide Means among Decedents Aged 50+ Years, 2005-2014: Trends and Associations with Sociodemographic and Precipitating Factors.

Choi NG, DiNitto DM, Marti CN, Kaplan MS, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2017 December 25 (12):1404-1414. Epub 07/06/2017.

Scientific Autobiography.

Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2017 November 25 (11):1281-1286. Epub 07/29/2017.

Disability in prison activities of daily living and likelihood of depression and suicidal ideation in older prisoners.

Barry LC, Wakefield DB, Trestman RL, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2017 October 32 (10):1141-1149. Epub 09/21/2016.

Telementoring Primary Care Clinicians to Improve Geriatric Mental Health Care.

Fisher E, Hasselberg M, Conwell Y, Weiss L, Padrón NA, Tiernan E, Karuza J, Donath J, Pagán JA

Population health management.. 2017 October 20 (5):342-347. Epub 01/20/2017.

Association Between Spousal Suicide and Mental, Physical, and Social Health Outcomes: A Longitudinal and Nationwide Register-Based Study.

Erlangsen A, Runeson B, Bolton JM, Wilcox HC, Forman JL, Krogh J, Shear MK, Nordentoft M, Conwell Y

JAMA psychiatry.. 2017 May 174 (5):456-464. Epub 1900 01 01.

Physical Health, Medication, and Healthcare Utilization among 70-Year-Old People with Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Danish Register Study.

Brink M, Green A, Bojesen AB, Lamberti JS, Conwell Y, Andersen K

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2017 May 25 (5):500-509. Epub 01/09/2017.

Changes in age patterns of suicide in Australia, the United States, Japan and Hong Kong.

Snowdon J, Phillips J, Zhong B, Yamauchi T, Chiu HF, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2017 March 15211 :12-19. Epub 01/04/2017.

Loneliness and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Findings From the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.

Zhong BL, Chen SL, Tu X, Conwell Y

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences.. 2017 January 72 (1):120-128. Epub 03/24/2016.

Suicidal Ideation and Social Capital: Community Matters.

Simning A, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2017 January 25 (1):48-49. Epub 11/08/2016.

Rates and characteristics of elderly suicide in China, 2013-14.

Zhong BL, Chiu HF, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2016 December 206 :273-279. Epub 09/13/2016.

Elderly suicide trends in the context of transforming China, 1987-2014.

Zhong BL, Chiu HF, Conwell Y

Scientific reports.. 2016 November 256 :37724. Epub 11/25/2016.

A Case Controlled Examination of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in the Second Half of Life.

Van Orden KA, Smith PN, Chen T, Conwell Y

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2016 July 220 (3):323-35. Epub 07/28/2015.

Effect of Problem-Solving Therapy on Depressed Low-Income Homebound Older Adults' Death/Suicidal Ideation and Hopelessness.

Choi NG, Marti CN, Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2016 June 46 (3):323-36. Epub 10/12/2015.

Effects of Transient Versus Chronic Loneliness on Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Findings From the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.

Zhong BL, Chen SL, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2016 May 24 (5):389-98. Epub 01/06/2016.

Loneliness and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Findings From the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.

Zhong BL, Chen SL, Tu X, Conwell Y

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences.. 2016 March 24 :120-128. Epub 03/24/2016.

The association of an inability to form and maintain close relationships due to a medical condition with anxiety and depressive disorders.

Simning A, Seplaki CL, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2016 March 15193 :130-6. Epub 01/06/2016.

Active and Passive Suicidal Ideation in Older Prisoners.

Barry LC, Wakefield DB, Trestman RL, Conwell Y

Crisis.. 2016 March 37 (2):88-94. Epub 11/17/2015.

Considerations for the assessment of suicidal ideation and behavior in older adults with cognitive decline and dementia.

Alphs L, Brashear HR, Chappell P, Conwell Y, Dubrava S, Khin NA, Kozauer N, Hartley DM, Miller DS, Schindler RJ, Siemers ER, Stewart M, Yaffe K

Alzheimer's & dementia : translational research & clinical interventions.. 2016 January 2 (1):48-59. Epub 02/23/2016.

Suicidal ideation and behavior assessment in dementia studies: An Internet survey.

Chappell P, Dubrava S, Stewart M, Hartley DM, Alphs L, Brashear HR, Conwell Y, Miller D, Schindler RJ, Siemers ER, Yaffe K

Alzheimer's & dementia : translational research & clinical interventions.. 2016 January 2 (1):60-68. Epub 02/23/2016.

The interpersonal needs questionnaire with a shortened response scale for oral administration with older adults.

Parkhurst KA, Conwell Y, Van Orden KA

Aging & mental health.. 2016 20 (3):277-83. Epub 01/30/2015.

Issues in research on aging and suicide.

Van Orden KA, Conwell Y

Aging & mental health.. 2016 20 (2):240-51. Epub 07/15/2015.

Acculturative Stress of Chinese Rural-To-Urban Migrant Workers: A Qualitative Study.

Zhong BL, Liu TB, Huang JX, Fung HH, Chan SS, Conwell Y, Chiu HF

PloS one.. 2016 11 (6):e0157530. Epub 06/14/2016.

Passive Suicide Ideation: An Indicator of Risk Among Older Adults Seeking Aging Services?

Van Orden KA, O'Riley AA, Simning A, Podgorski C, Richardson TM, Conwell Y

The Gerontologist.. 2015 December 55 (6):972-80. Epub 04/08/2014.

The association between higher social support and lower depressive symptoms among aging services clients is attenuated at higher levels of functional impairment.

Van Orden KA, Li Y, Podgorski CA, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2015 October 30 (10):1085-92. Epub 02/06/2015.

Physical diseases as predictors of suicide in older adults: a nationwide, register-based cohort study.

Erlangsen A, Stenager E, Conwell Y

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.. 2015 September 50 (9):1427-39. Epub 04/03/2015.

Evaluation of geriatric home healthcare depression assessment and care management: are OASIS-C depression requirements enough?

Liebel DV, Friedman B, Conwell Y, Powers BA

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2015 August 23 (8):794-806. Epub 06/27/2014.

Challenges to preventing suicide in later life.

Conwell Y

Cie?ncia & sau?de coletiva.. 2015 June 20 (6):1652-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicides and medically serious attempters are of the same population in Chinese rural young adults.

Zhang J, Sun L, Conwell Y, Qin P, Jia CX, Xiao S, Tu XM

Journal of affective disorders.. 2015 May 1176 :176-82. Epub 02/13/2015.

Corrections. Depression care management for adults older than 60 years in primary care clinics in urban China: a cluster-randomised trial.

Chen S, Conwell Y, He J, Lu N, Wu J

The lancet. Psychiatry.. 2015 May 2 (5):378. Epub 04/28/2015.

Course of late-life depression in China is chronic and unremitting.

Van Orden KA, Chen S, O'Riley A, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2015 April 30 (4):409-15. Epub 07/02/2014.

Gender differences in outcomes in people with schizophrenia in rural China: 14-year follow-up study.

Ran MS, Mao WJ, Chan CL, Chen EY, Conwell Y

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.. 2015 April 206 (4):283-8. Epub 01/08/2015.

Depression care management for adults older than 60 years in primary care clinics in urban China: a cluster-randomised trial.

Chen S, Conwell Y, He J, Lu N, Wu J

The lancet. Psychiatry.. 2015 April 2 (4):332-9. Epub 03/31/2015.

Longitudinal prevalence and correlates of elder mistreatment among older adults receiving home visiting nursing.

Friedman B, Santos EJ, Liebel DV, Russ AJ, Conwell Y

Journal of elder abuse & neglect.. 2015 27 (1):34-64. Epub 11/24/2014.

Do disabled elderly Medicare beneficiaries with major depression make less use of a consumer-directed home care voucher benefit?

Friedman B, Wamsley BR, Conwell Y

Journal of aging & social policy.. 2015 27 (1):87-105. Epub 1900 01 01.

Overcoming Recruitment Barriers in Urban Older Adults Residing in Congregate Living Facilities.

Simning A, van Wijngaarden E, Conwell Y

Psychiatry journal.. 2015 2015 :824672. Epub 05/27/2015.

The moderating effect of age on the 12-month prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders in adults with a lifetime history of cancer.

Simning A, Conwell Y, Mohile SG, van Wijngaarden E

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2014 December 22 (12):1399-409. Epub 09/27/2013.

Suicidal ideation and behavior associated with antidepressant medications: Implications for the treatment of chronic pain.

Pereira A, Conwell Y, Gitlin MJ, Dworkin RH

Pain.. 2014 December 155 (12):2471-2475. Epub 08/27/2014.

Suicide in the old elderly: results from one Italian county.

Innamorati M, Pompili M, Di Vittorio C, Baratta S, Masotti V, Badaracco A, Conwell Y, Girardi P, Amore M

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2014 November 22 (11):1158-67. Epub 07/24/2013.

Loneliness and aging in China--a public health problem in need of solutions.

Chen S, Conwell Y, Chiu HF

International psychogeriatrics. 2014 November 26 (11):1771-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association of poor subjective sleep quality with risk for death by suicide during a 10-year period: a longitudinal, population-based study of late life.

Bernert RA, Turvey CL, Conwell Y, Joiner TE

JAMA psychiatry.. 2014 October 71 (10):1129-37. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide later in life: challenges and priorities for prevention.

Conwell Y

American journal of preventive medicine.. 2014 September 47 (3 Suppl 2):S244-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

The challenges of dementia care in rural China.

Chen S, Boyle LL, Conwell Y, Xiao S, Chiu HF

International psychogeriatrics. 2014 July 26 (7):1059-64. Epub 05/20/2014.

Suicide and death ideation in older adults obtaining aging services.

O'Riley AA, Van Orden KA, He H, Richardson TM, Podgorski C, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2014 June 22 (6):614-22. Epub 04/18/2013.

Cognitive impairment in public housing residents living in Western New York.

Simning A, Conwell Y, van Wijngaarden E

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.. 2014 March 49 (3):477-85. Epub 05/26/2013.

Age-related response to redeemed antidepressants measured by completed suicide in older adults: a nationwide cohort study.

Erlangsen A, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2014 January 22 (1):25-33. Epub 02/06/2013.

Pet ownership may attenuate loneliness among older adult primary care patients who live alone.

Stanley IH, Conwell Y, Bowen C, Van Orden KA

Aging & mental health.. 2014 18 (3):394-9. Epub 09/18/2013.

Age-related concerns of male veteran callers to a suicide crisis line.

King DA, O'Riley AA, Thompson C, Conwell Y, He H, Kemp J

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2014 18 (4):445-52. Epub 1900 01 01.

A multidimensional risk factor model for suicide attempts in later life.

Chan SM, Chiu FK, Lam CW, Wong SM, Conwell Y

Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment.. 2014 10 :1807-17. Epub 09/18/2014.

Dementia care in rural China.

Chen S, Boyle LL, Conwell Y, Chiu H, Li L, Xiao S

Mental health in family medicine.. 2013 September 10 (3):133-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Characteristics and comorbid symptoms of older adults reporting death ideation.

Van Orden KA, Simning A, Conwell Y, Skoog I, Waern M

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2013 August 21 (8):803-10. Epub 02/06/2013.

Research to reduce the suicide rate among older adults: methodology roadblocks and promising paradigms.

Szanto K, Lenze EJ, Waern M, Duberstein P, Bruce ML, Epstein-Lubow G, Conwell Y

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2013 June 64 (6):586-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validation of the nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire to screen for major depression in a Chinese primary care population.

Chen S, Fang Y, Chiu H, Fan H, Jin T, Conwell Y

Asia-Pacific psychiatry : official journal of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists.. 2013 June 5 (2):61-8. Epub 03/27/2013.

Challenges Associated With Managing Suicide Risk in Long-Term Care Facilities.

O'Riley A, Nadorff MR, Conwell Y, Edelstein B

The annals of long-term care : the official journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2013 June 21 (6):28-34. Epub 06/17/2013.

The Senior Connection: design and rationale of a randomized trial of peer companionship to reduce suicide risk in later life.

Van Orden KA, Stone DM, Rowe J, McIntosh WL, Podgorski C, Conwell Y

Contemporary clinical trials.. 2013 May 35 (1):117-26. Epub 03/16/2013.

Prevalence and natural course of late-life depression in China primary care: a population based study from an urban community.

Chen S, Conwell Y, Vanorden K, Lu N, Fang Y, Ma Y, Fan H, Jin T, Chiu H

Journal of affective disorders.. 2012 December 1141 (1):86-93. Epub 03/29/2012.

Family connectedness moderates the association between living alone and suicide ideation in a clinical sample of adults 50 years and older.

Purcell B, Heisel MJ, Speice J, Franus N, Conwell Y, Duberstein PR

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2012 August 20 (8):717-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

The association of African Americans' perceptions of neighborhood crime and drugs with mental illness.

Simning A, van Wijngaarden E, Conwell Y

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.. 2012 July 47 (7):1159-67. Epub 08/24/2011.

Characteristics and Comorbid Symptoms of Older Adults Reporting Death Ideation.

Van Orden KA, Simning A, Conwell Y, Skoog I, Waern M

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2012 June 13 Epub 6/13/2012.

Mental healthcare need and service utilization in older adults living in public housing.

Simning A, van Wijngaarden E, Fisher SG, Richardson TM, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2012 May 20 (5):441-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

The characteristics of anxiety and depression symptom severity in older adults living in public housing.

Simning A, Conwell Y, Fisher SG, Richardson TM, van Wijngaarden E

International psychogeriatrics. 2012 April 24 (4):614-23. Epub 10/21/2011.

Depression and its correlates among older adults accessing aging services.

Richardson TM, Friedman B, Podgorski C, Knox K, Fisher S, He H, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2012 April 20 (4):346-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evidence supports the obvious: suicides need not happen.

Conwell Y, Farley-Toombs C

Lancet.. 2012 March 17379 (9820):981-2. Epub 02/02/2012.

Schizophrenia--a predictor of suicide during the second half of life?

Erlangsen A, Eaton WW, Mortensen PB, Conwell Y

Schizophrenia research.. 2012 February 134 (2-3):111-7. Epub 10/22/2011.

The next generation of psychological autopsy studies: part 2. Interview procedures.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Brent DA, Conwell Y, Phillips MR, Schneider B

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2012 February 42 (1):86-103. Epub 01/30/2012.

Stressful life events and suicidal behavior in adults with alcohol use disorders: role of event severity, timing, and type.

Conner KR, Houston RJ, Swogger MT, Conwell Y, You S, He H, Gamble SA, Watts A, Duberstein PR

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2012 January 1120 (1-3):155-61. Epub 08/10/2011.

The relationships of attachment style and social maladjustment to death ideation in depressed women with a history of childhood sexual abuse.

Smith PN, Gamble SA, Cort NA, Ward EA, Conwell Y, Talbot NL

Journal of clinical psychology.. 2012 January 68 (1):78-87. Epub 11/28/2011.

Elevated aspartate and alanine aminotransferase levels and natural death among patients with methamphetamine dependence.

Kuo CJ, Tsai SY, Liao YT, Conwell Y, Lee WC, Huang MC, Lin SK, Chen CC, Chen WJ

PloS one.. 2012 7 (1):e29325. Epub 01/05/2012.

Correction: Elevated Aspartate and Alanine Aminotransferase Levels and Natural Death among Patients with Methamphetamine Dependence.

Kuo CJ, Tsai SY, Liao YT, Conwell Y, Lee WC, Huang MC, Lin SK, Chen CC, Chen WJ

PloS one.. 2012 7 (1)Epub 01/25/2012.

Correction: Elevated Aspartate and Alanine Aminotransferase Levels and Natural Death among Patients with Methamphetamine Dependence.

Kuo CJ, Tsai SY, Liao YT, Conwell Y, Lee WC, Huang MC, Lin SK, Chen CC, Chen WJ

PloS one.. 2012 7 (1)Epub 01/25/2012.

The next generation of psychological autopsy studies. Part I. Interview content.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Brent DA, Conwell Y, Phillips MR, Schneider B

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2011 December 41 (6):594-613. Epub 11/03/2011.

Predictors of suicide in patients with dementia.

Seyfried LS, Kales HC, Ignacio RV, Conwell Y, Valenstein M

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association.. 2011 November 7 (6):567-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders in United States African-American public housing residents.

Simning A, van Wijngaarden E, Conwell Y

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.. 2011 October 46 (10):983-92. Epub 07/09/2010.

How do the PHQ-2, the PHQ-9 perform in aging services clients with cognitive impairment?

Boyle LL, Richardson TM, He H, Xia Y, Tu X, Boustani M, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2011 September 26 (9):952-60. Epub 12/23/2010.

Effect of usual source of care on depression among Medicare beneficiaries: an application of a simultaneous-equations model.

Li C, Dick AW, Fiscella K, Conwell Y, Friedman B

Health services research.. 2011 August 46 (4):1059-81. Epub 02/09/2011.

Suicides in late life.

Van Orden K, Conwell Y

Current psychiatry reports.. 2011 June 13 (3):234-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Issues in dementia caregiving: effects on mental and physical health, intervention strategies, and research needs.

Sörensen S, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2011 June 19 (6):491-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in older adults.

Conwell Y, Van Orden K, Caine ED

The Psychiatric clinics of North America.. 2011 June 34 (2):451-68, ix. Epub 1900 01 01.

Psychological strains and youth suicide in rural China.

Zhang J, Wieczorek WF, Conwell Y, Tu XM

Social science & medicine.. 2011 June 72 (12):2003-10. Epub 05/14/2011.

Depression care management for late-life depression in China primary care: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Chen S, Conwell Y, Xu B, Chiu H, Tu X, Ma Y

Trials.. 2011 May 1312 :121. Epub 05/13/2011.

Detection of depression in older adults by family and friends: distinguishing mood disorder signals from the noise of personality and everyday life.

Duberstein PR, Ma Y, Chapman BP, Conwell Y, McGriff J, Coyne JC, Franus N, Heisel MJ, Kaukeinen KA, Sörensen S, Tu XM, Lyness JM

International psychogeriatrics. 2011 May 23 (4):634-43. Epub 09/30/2010.

Life events as precipitants of suicide attempts among first-time suicide attempters, repeaters, and non-attempters.

Pompili M, Innamorati M, Szanto K, Di Vittorio C, Conwell Y, Lester D, Tatarelli R, Girardi P, Amore M

Psychiatry research.. 2011 April 30186 (2-3):300-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk and protective factors for suicide among patients with methamphetamine dependence: a nested case-control study.

Kuo CJ, Tsai SY, Liao YT, Conwell Y, Lin SK, Chang CL, Chen CC, Chen WJ

The Journal of clinical psychiatry.. 2011 April 72 (4):487-93. Epub 09/07/2010.

A randomized effectiveness trial of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed women with sexual abuse histories.

Talbot NL, Chaudron LH, Ward EA, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, O'Hara MW, Tu X, Lu N, He H, Stuart S

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2011 April 62 (4):374-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

Concordance of self- and proxy-reported suicide ideation in depressed adults 50 years of age or older.

Heisel MJ, Conwell Y, Pisani AR, Duberstein PR

Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie.. 2011 April 56 (4):219-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depression and Its Correlates Among Older Adults Accessing Aging Services.

Richardson TM, Friedman B, Podgorski C, Knox K, Fisher S, He H, Conwell Y

Journal of nursing care quality.. 2011 February 24 Epub 2/24/2011.

Outcomes of a two-tiered multifaceted elderly suicide prevention program in a Hong Kong Chinese community.

Chan SS, Leung VP, Tsoh J, Li SW, Yu CS, Yu GK, Poon TK, Pan PC, Chan WF, Conwell Y, Lam LC, Chiu HF

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2011 February 19 (2):185-96. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depression and cognitive impairment in older adult emergency department patients: changes over 2 weeks.

Shah MN, Richardson TM, Jones CM, Swanson PA, Schneider SM, Katz P, Conwell Y

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2011 February 59 (2):321-6. Epub 01/28/2011.

Anxiety and its correlates among older adults accessing aging services.

Richardson TM, Simning A, He H, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2011 January 26 (1):31-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prevalence of depression and cognitive impairment in older adult emergency medical services patients.

Shah MN, Jones CM, Richardson TM, Conwell Y, Katz P, Schneider SM

Prehospital emergency care.. 2011 15 (1):4-11. Epub 10/26/2010.

A systematic review of elderly suicide prevention programs.

Lapierre S, Erlangsen A, Waern M, De Leo D, Oyama H, Scocco P, Gallo J, Szanto K, Conwell Y, Draper B, Quinnett P

Crisis.. 2011 32 (2):88-98. Epub 1900 01 01.

Key considerations for preventing suicide in older adults: consensus opinions of an expert panel.

Erlangsen A, Nordentoft M, Conwell Y, Waern M, De Leo D, Lindner R, Oyama H, Sakashita T, Andersen-Ranberg K, Quinnett P, Draper B, Lapierre S

Crisis.. 2011 32 (2):106-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

How do the phq-2, the phq-9 perform in aging services clients with cognitive impairment?

Boyle LL, Richardson TM, He H, Xia Y, Tu X, Boustani M, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2010 December 23 Epub 12/23/2010.

Screening depression aging services clients.

Richardson TM, He H, Podgorski C, Tu X, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2010 December 18 (12):1116-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reliability and validity of the PHQ-9 for screening late-life depression in Chinese primary care.

Chen S, Chiu H, Xu B, Ma Y, Jin T, Wu M, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2010 November 25 (11):1127-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pain and self-injury ideation in elderly men and women receiving home care.

Li LW, Conwell Y

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2010 November 58 (11):2160-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Criminal behavior among persons with schizophrenia in rural China.

Ran MS, Chen PY, Liao ZG, Chan CL, Chen EY, Tang CP, Mao WJ, Lamberti JS, Conwell Y

Schizophrenia research.. 2010 September 122 (1-3):213-8. Epub 01/13/2010.

Mental distress and service utilization among help-seeking, community-dwelling older adults.

Simning A, Richardson TM, Friedman B, Boyle LL, Podgorski C, Conwell Y

International psychogeriatrics. 2010 August 22 (5):739-49. Epub 05/18/2010.

Suicide prevention for older adults in residential communities: implications for policy and practice.

Podgorski CA, Langford L, Pearson JL, Conwell Y

PLoS medicine.. 2010 May 187 (5):e1000254. Epub 05/18/2010.

Health status and suicide in the second half of life.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Hirsch JK, Conner KR, Eberly S, Caine ED

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2010 April 25 (4):371-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Characteristics of young rural Chinese suicides: a psychological autopsy study.

Zhang J, Wieczorek W, Conwell Y, Tu XM, Wu BY, Xiao S, Jia C

Psychological medicine.. 2010 April 40 (4):581-9. Epub 08/06/2009.

A psychological autopsy study of pathological gamblers who died by suicide.

Wong PW, Chan WS, Conwell Y, Conner KR, Yip PS

Journal of affective disorders.. 2010 January 120 (1-3):213-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Gambling and completed suicide in Hong Kong: a review of coroner court files.

Wong PW, Cheung DY, Conner KR, Conwell Y, Yip PS

Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry.. 2010 12 (6)Epub 1900 01 01.

Early discontinuation of antidepressant treatment and suicide risk among persons aged 50 and over: a population-based register study.

Erlangsen A, Agerbo E, Hawton K, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2009 December 119 (1-3):194-9. Epub 04/18/2009.

Risks for depression onset in primary care elderly patients: potential targets for preventive interventions.

Lyness JM, Yu Q, Tang W, Tu X, Conwell Y

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2009 December 166 (12):1375-83. Epub 10/15/2009.

Differences in mortality and suicidal behaviour between treated and never-treated people with schizophrenia in rural China.

Ran MS, Chan CL, Chen EY, Mao WJ, Hu SH, Tang CP, Lin FR, Conwell Y

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.. 2009 August 195 (2):126-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide prevention in later life: a glass half full, or half empty?

Conwell Y

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2009 August 166 (8):845-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

A call for research: the need to better understand the impact of support groups for suicide survivors.

Cerel J, Padgett JH, Conwell Y, Reed GA

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2009 June 39 (3):269-81. Epub 1900 01 01.

Childhood sexual abuse is associated with physical illness burden and functioning in psychiatric patients 50 years of age and older.

Talbot NL, Chapman B, Conwell Y, McCollumn K, Franus N, Cotescu S, Duberstein PR

Psychosomatic medicine.. 2009 May 71 (4):417-22. Epub 02/27/2009.

Reliability and validity of prehospital case finding for depression and cognitive impairment.

Shah MN, Karuza J, Rueckmann E, Swanson P, Conwell Y, Katz P

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2009 April 57 (4):697-702. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of changes in depressive symptoms and cognitive functioning on physical disability in home care elders.

Li LW, Conwell Y

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences.. 2009 February 64 (2):230-6. Epub 02/05/2009.

Major depression and emergency medical services utilization in community-dwelling elderly persons with disabilities.

Lee BW, Conwell Y, Shah MN, Barker WH, Delavan RL, Friedman B

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2008 December 23 (12):1276-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sex differences in correlates of suicide attempt lethality in late life.

Dombrovski AY, Szanto K, Duberstein P, Conner KR, Houck PR, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2008 November 16 (11):905-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reasons for living, hopelessness, and suicide ideation among depressed adults 50 years or older.

Britton PC, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Heisel MJ, Hirsch JK, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2008 September 16 (9):736-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicidal behavior in elders.

Conwell Y, Thompson C

The Psychiatric clinics of North America.. 2008 June 31 (2):333-56. Epub 1900 01 01.

Increased use of antidepressants and decreasing suicide rates: a population-based study using Danish register data.

Erlangsen A, Canudas-Romo V, Conwell Y

Journal of epidemiology and community health.. 2008 May 62 (5):448-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

Outcomes and predictors of late-life depression trajectories in older primary care patients.

Cui X, Lyness JM, Tang W, Tu X, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2008 May 16 (5):406-15. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide by charcoal burning in Taiwan: implications for means substitution by a case-linkage study.

Kuo CJ, Conwell Y, Yu Q, Chiu CH, Chen YY, Tsai SY, Chen CC

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.. 2008 April 43 (4):286-90. Epub 12/12/2007.

Psychosocial and clinical correlates of suicidal acts: results from a national population survey.

Blackmore ER, Munce S, Weller I, Zagorski B, Stansfeld SA, Stewart DE, Caine ED, Conwell Y

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.. 2008 April 192 (4):279-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mortality of geriatric and younger patients with schizophrenia in the community.

Ran MS, Chan CL, Chen EY, Tang CP, Lin FR, Li L, Li SG, Mao WJ, Hu SH, Schwab G, Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2008 April 38 (2):143-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Hospital-diagnosed dementia and suicide: a longitudinal study using prospective, nationwide register data.

Erlangsen A, Zarit SH, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2008 March 16 (3):220-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mental health status of home care elders in Michigan.

Li LW, Conwell Y

The Gerontologist.. 2007 August 47 (4):528-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Do cerebrovascular risk factors confer risk for suicide in later life? A case-control study.

Chan SS, Lyness JM, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2007 June 15 (6):541-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) in identifying major depression in older people.

Li C, Friedman B, Conwell Y, Fiscella K

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2007 April 55 (4):596-602. Epub 1900 01 01.

The clinical significance of subsyndromal depression in older primary care patients.

Lyness JM, Kim J, Tang W, Tu X, Conwell Y, King DA, Caine ED

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2007 March 15 (3):214-23. Epub 01/09/2007.

Charcoal burning suicides in Hong Kong and urban Taiwan: an illustration of the impact of a novel suicide method on overall regional rates.

Liu KY, Beautrais A, Caine E, Chan K, Chao A, Conwell Y, Law C, Lee D, Li P, Yip P

Journal of epidemiology and community health.. 2007 March 61 (3):248-53. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mortality in people with schizophrenia in rural China: 10-year cohort study.

Ran MS, Chen EY, Conwell Y, Chan CL, Yip PS, Xiang MZ, Caine ED

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.. 2007 March 190 :237-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality differences in attempted suicide versus suicide in adults 50 years of age or older.

Useda JD, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Beckman A, Franus N, Tu X, Conwell Y

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.. 2007 February 75 (1):126-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Planning of suicide attempts among depressed inpatients ages 50 and over.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Beckman A, Heisel MJ, Hirsch JK, Gamble S, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2007 January 97 (1-3):123-8. Epub 07/10/2006.

Correlates of late-life major depression: a comparison of urban and rural primary care patients.

Friedman B, Conwell Y, Delavan RL

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2007 January 15 (1):28-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Future orientation moderates the relationship between functional status and suicide ideation in depressed adults.

Hirsch JK, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Heisel MJ, Beckman A, Franus N, Conwell Y

Depression and anxiety.. 2007 24 (3):196-201. Epub 1900 01 01.

Correlates of lifetime suicide attempts among individuals with affective disorders in a Chinese rural community.

Ran MS, Xiang MZ, Li J, Huang J, Chen EY, Chan CL, Conwell Y

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2007 11 (1):119-27. Epub 1900 01 01.

Socio-economic and psychological correlates of suicidality among Hong Kong working-age adults: results from a population-based survey.

Liu KY, Chen EY, Chan CL, Lee DT, Law YW, Conwell Y, Yip PS

Psychological medicine.. 2006 December 36 (12):1759-67. Epub 1900 01 01.

Consumer and family experiences in the emergency department following a suicide attempt.

Cerel J, Currier GW, Conwell Y

Journal of psychiatric practice.. 2006 November 12 (6):341-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide among older psychiatric inpatients: an evidence-based study of a high-risk group.

Erlangsen A, Zarit SH, Tu X, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2006 September 14 (9):734-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Future orientation and suicide ideation and attempts in depressed adults ages 50 and over.

Hirsch JK, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Heisel MJ, Beckman A, Franus N, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2006 September 14 (9):752-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Social support and suicidal ideation in older adults using home healthcare services.

Rowe JL, Conwell Y, Schulberg HC, Bruce ML

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2006 September 14 (9):758-66. Epub 1900 01 01.

Factors of suicide ideation and their relation to clinical and other indicators in older adults.

Witte TK, Joiner TE, Brown GK, Beck AT, Beckman A, Duberstein P, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2006 August 94 (1-3):165-72. Epub 06/05/2006.

Homelessness among patients with schizophrenia in rural China: a 10-year cohort study.

Ran MS, Chan CL, Chen EY, Xiang MZ, Caine ED, Conwell Y

Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica.. 2006 August 114 (2):118-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

Childhood sexual abuse and depressive symptom severity: the role of neuroticism.

Gamble SA, Talbot NL, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Franus N, Beckman AM, Conwell Y

The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2006 May 194 (5):382-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality and reports of suicide ideation among depressed adults 50 years of age or older.

Heisel MJ, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Franus N, Beckman A, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2006 February 90 (2-3):175-80. Epub 12/27/2005.

Elderly suicide and the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong.

Chan SM, Chiu FK, Lam CW, Leung PY, Conwell Y

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2006 February 21 (2):113-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Correlates of suicide among home health care utilizers who died by suicide and community controls.

Rowe JL, Bruce ML, Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2006 February 36 (1):65-75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed women with sexual abuse histories: a pilot study in a community mental health center.

Talbot NL, Conwell Y, O'Hara MW, Stuart S, Ward EA, Gamble SA, Watts A, Tu X

The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2005 December 193 (12):847-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Characteristics of suicide attempters and nonattempters with schizophrenia in a rural community.

Ran MS, Xiang MZ, Mao WJ, Hou ZJ, Tang MN, Chen EY, Chan CL, Yip PS, Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2005 December 35 (6):694-701. Epub 1900 01 01.

Attempted suicide in elderly Chinese persons: a multi-group, controlled study.

Tsoh J, Chiu HF, Duberstein PR, Chan SS, Chi I, Yip PS, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2005 July 13 (7):562-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

Four studies on how past and current suicidality relate even when "everything but the kitchen sink" is covaried.

Joiner TE, Conwell Y, Fitzpatrick KK, Witte TK, Schmidt NB, Berlim MT, Fleck MP, Rudd MD

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2005 May 114 (2):291-303. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prevalence of depression and its correlates in Hong Kong's Chinese older adults.

Chi I, Yip PS, Chiu HF, Chou KL, Chan KS, Kwan CW, Conwell Y, Caine E

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2005 May 13 (5):409-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depression and suicidal behaviors in Medicare primary care patients under age 65.

Friedman B, Conwell Y, Delavan RR, Wamsley BR, Eggert GM

Journal of general internal medicine.. 2005 May 20 (5):397-403. Epub 1900 01 01.

The characteristics of homeless individuals with schizophrenia in rural China

Ran, MS; Chen, EY; Chan, CL; Yip, PS; Conwell, Y; Caine, ED.

Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2005; 31: 235-236.

Culture, risk factors and suicide in rural China: a psychological autopsy case control study.

Zhang J, Conwell Y, Zhou L, Jiang C

Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica.. 2004 December 110 (6):430-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Poor social integration and suicide: fact or artifact? A case-control study.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Conner KR, Eberly S, Evinger JS, Caine ED

Psychological medicine.. 2004 October 34 (7):1331-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Elderly suicide in Hong Kong--a case-controlled psychological autopsy study.

Chiu HF, Yip PS, Chi I, Chan S, Tsoh J, Kwan CW, Li SF, Conwell Y, Caine E

Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica.. 2004 April 109 (4):299-305. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk factors for suicide in blacks and whites: an analysis of data from the 1993 National Mortality Followback Survey.

Castle K, Duberstein PR, Meldrum S, Conner KR, Conwell Y

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2004 March 161 (3):452-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Detection of postpartum depressive symptoms by screening at well-child visits.

Chaudron LH, Szilagyi PG, Kitzman HJ, Wadkins HI, Conwell Y

Pediatrics.. 2004 March 113 (3 Pt 1):551-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

If suicide is a public health problem, what are we doing to prevent it?

Knox KL, Conwell Y, Caine ED

American journal of public health.. 2004 January 94 (1):37-45. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide at 50 years of age and older: perceived physical illness, family discord and financial strain.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Conner KR, Eberly S, Caine ED

Psychological medicine.. 2004 January 34 (1):137-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Culture, risk factors and suicide in rural China: A psychological autopsy case control study

Zhang, J; Conwell, Y; Zhou, L; Jiang, C.

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2004; 110(6): 430-437.

Poor social integration and suicide: fact or artifact? A case control study

Duberstein, PR; Conwell, Y; Conner, KR; Eberly, S; Evinger, JS; Caine, ED.

Psychological Medicine. 2004; 34: 1331-1337.

Suicidal behavior among inpatients with schizophrenia and mood disorders in Chengdu, China

Ran, M; Wu, Q; Conwell, Y; Chen, EY; Chan, CL.

Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 2004; 34: 311-319.

Aggression in suicide among adults age 50 and over.

Conner KR, Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Eberly S

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2004 12 (1):37-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Self-rated health, depression, and one-year health outcomes in older primary care patients.

Lyness JM, King DA, Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Eberly S, Sörensen SM, Caine ED

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2004 12 (1):110-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparison of characteristics between geriatric and younger subjects with schizophrenia in community.

Ran MS, Xiang MZ, Conwell Y, Lamberti JS, Huang MS, Shan YH, Hu XZ

Journal of psychiatric research.. 2004 38 (4):417-24. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality and attempted suicide in depressed adults 50 years of age and older: a facet level analysis.

Useda JD, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Conwell Y

Comprehensive psychiatry.. 2004 45 (5):353-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Preliminary report on childhood sexual abuse, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts among middle-aged and older depressed women.

Talbot NL, Duberstein PR, Cox C, Denning D, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2004 12 (5):536-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicidal behavior among inpatients with schizophrenia and mood disorders in Chengdu, China.

Ran MS, Wu QH, Conwell Y, Chen EY, Chan CL

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2004 34 (3):311-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Nursing home suicides-a psychological autopsy study.

Suominen K, Henriksson M, Isometsä E, Conwell Y, Heilä H, Lönnqvist J

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2003 December 18 (12):1095-101. Epub 1900 01 01.

A prevalence study of suicide ideation among older adults in Hong Kong SAR.

Yip PS, Chi I, Chiu H, Chi Wai K, Conwell Y, Caine E

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2003 November 18 (11):1056-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Injury hospitalization and risks for subsequent self-injury and suicide: a national study from New Zealand.

Conner KR, Langley J, Tomaszewski KJ, Conwell Y

American journal of public health.. 2003 July 93 (7):1128-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance consensus statement on the unmet needs in diagnosis and treatment of mood disorders in late life.

Charney DS, Reynolds CF, Lewis L, Lebowitz BD, Sunderland T, Alexopoulos GS, Blazer DG, Katz IR, Meyers BS, Arean PA, Borson S, Brown C, Bruce ML, Callahan CM, Charlson ME, Conwell Y, Cuthbert BN, Devanand DP, Gibson MJ, Gottlieb GL, Krishnan KR, Laden SK, Lyketsos CG, Mulsant BH, Niederehe G, Olin JT, Oslin DW, Pearson J, Persky T, Pollock BG, Raetzman S, Reynolds M, Salzman C, Schulz R, Schwenk TL, Scolnick E, Unutzer J, Weissman MM, Young RC,

Archives of general psychiatry.. 2003 July 60 (7):664-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

Moderators of the relationship between alcohol dependence and suicide and medically serious suicide attempts: analyses of Canterbury Suicide Project data.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Conwell Y

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2003 July 27 (7):1156-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Studying Chinese suicide with proxy-based data: reliability and validity of the methodology and instruments in China.

Zhang J, Conwell Y, Wieczorek WF, Jiang C, Jia S, Zhou L

The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2003 July 191 (7):450-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk factors for suicide and medically serious suicide attempts among alcoholics: analyses of Canterbury Suicide Project data.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Conwell Y

Journal of studies on alcohol. 2003 July 64 (4):551-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

The role of drinking in suicidal ideation: analyses of Project MATCH data.

Conner KR, Li Y, Meldrum S, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

Journal of studies on alcohol. 2003 May 64 (3):402-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality is associated with perceived health and functional status in older primary care patients.

Duberstein PR, Sörensen S, Lyness JM, King DA, Conwell Y, Seidlitz L, Caine ED

Psychology and aging.. 2003 March 18 (1):25-37. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reactive aggression and suicide: Theory and evidence

Conner, KR; Duberstein, PR; Conwell, Y; Caine, ED.

Aggression and violent behavior. 2003; 8: 413-432.

Practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal behaviors

American Psychiatric Association Work Group on Suicidal Behaviors - Jacobs, DG; Baldessarini, RJ; Conwell, Y; Fawcett, JA; Horton, L; Meltzer, H; Pfeffer, CR; Simon, RI.

American Journal of Psychiatry (supplement). 2003; 160(11): 1-60.

Risk factors for suicide in later life.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Caine ED

Biological psychiatry.. 2002 August 152 (3):193-204. Epub 1900 01 01.

Residents' Morning Report in Psychiatry Training: Description of a Model and a Survey of Resident Attitudes.

Houghtalen RP, Olivares T, Greene Y, Booth H, Conwell Y

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry.. 2002 March 26 (1):9-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depressive disorders and symptoms in older primary care patients: one-year outcomes.

Lyness JM, Caine ED, King DA, Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Cox C

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2002 10 (3):275-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Theme issue: suicidal behaviors in older adults.

Conwell Y, Pearson JL

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2002 10 (4):359-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk factors for late-life suicide: a prospective, community-based study.

Turvey CL, Conwell Y, Jones MP, Phillips C, Simonsick E, Pearson JL, Wallace R

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2002 10 (4):398-406. Epub 1900 01 01.

Access to firearms and risk for suicide in middle-aged and older adults.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Connor K, Eberly S, Cox C, Caine ED

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2002 10 (4):407-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

Studying suicide with psychological autopsy: social and cultural feasibilities of the methodology in China.

Zhang J, Wieczorek WF, Jiang C, Zhou L, Jia S, Sun Y, Jin S, Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2002 32 (4):370-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Profile of discrete emotions in affective disorders in older primary care patients.

Seidlitz L, Lyness JM, Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Cox C

The Gerontologist.. 2001 October 41 (5):643-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Emotion traits in older suicide attempters and non-attempters.

Seidlitz L, Conwell Y, Duberstein P, Cox C, Denning D

Journal of affective disorders.. 2001 October 66 (2-3):123-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Violence, alcohol, and completed suicide: a case-control study.

Conner KR, Cox C, Duberstein PR, Tian L, Nisbet PA, Conwell Y

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2001 October 158 (10):1701-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality correlates of hopelessness in depressed inpatients 50 years of age and older.

Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Conwell Y, Cox C

Journal of personality assessment.. 2001 October 77 (2):380-90. Epub 1900 01 01.

The validity of proxy-based data in suicide research: a study of patients 50 years of age and older who attempted suicide. I. Psychiatric diagnoses.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica.. 2001 September 104 (3):204-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in elders.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.. 2001 April 932 :132-47; discussion 147-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in the elderly.

Caine ED, Conwell Y

International clinical psychopharmacology.. 2001 March 16 Suppl 2 :S25-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide and Alzheimer's pathology in the elderly: a case-control study.

Rubio A, Vestner AL, Stewart JM, Forbes NT, Conwell Y, Cox C

Biological psychiatry.. 2001 January 1549 (2):137-45. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicidal behavior: Is documentation accurate?

Covington, TM; Morphy, M; Conwell, Y; Schohn, M; Ossip-Klein, D; Sprafkin, RP; Lantinga, L.

Federal practitioner. 2001; 18: 10-18.

Geriatric psychiatry reviews.

Conwell Y, Cohen GD

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2001 9 (1):6-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in later life: a review and recommendations for prevention.

Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2001 31 Suppl :32-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

Psychological vulnerability to completed suicide: a review of empirical studies.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Seidlitz L, Caine ED

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2001 31 (4):367-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cerebrovascular risk factors and 1-year depression outcome in older primary care patients.

Lyness JM, King DA, Conwell Y, Cox C, Caine ED

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2000 September 157 (9):1499-501. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effect of participation in religious activities on suicide versus natural death in adults 50 and older.

Nisbet PA, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Seidlitz L

The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2000 August 188 (8):543-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Family matters: a social system perspective on physician-assisted suicide and the older adult.

King DA, Kim SY, Conwell Y

Psychology, public policy, and law : an official law review of the

Completed suicide among older patients in primary care practices: a controlled study.

Conwell Y, Lyness JM, Duberstein P, Cox C, Seidlitz L, DiGiorgio A, Caine ED

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2000 January 48 (1):23-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality traits and suicidal behavior and ideation in depressed inpatients 50 years of age and older.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Seidlitz L, Denning DG, Cox C, Caine ED

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences.. 2000 January 55 (1):P18-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

A neuropsychological comparison of depressed suicide attempters and nonattempters.

King DA, Conwell Y, Cox C, Henderson RE, Denning DG, Caine ED

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences.. 2000 12 (1):64-70. Epub 1900 01 01.

After the drinking stops: completed suicide in individuals with remitted alcohol use disorders.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Herrmann JH, Cox C, Barrington DS, Caine ED

Journal of psychoactive drugs.. 2000 32 (3):333-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Method choice, intent, and gender in completed suicide.

Denning DG, Conwell Y, King D, Cox C

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2000 30 (3):282-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Domestic violence, separation, and suicide in young men with early onset alcoholism: reanalyses of Murphy's data.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2000 30 (4):354-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Studies of suicide in later life: methodologic considerations and research directions.

Pearson JL, Caine ED, Lindesay J, Conwell Y, Clark DC

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1999 7 (3):203-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cerebrovascular risk factors and depression in older primary care patients: testing a vascular brain disease model of depression.

Lyness JM, Caine ED, King DA, Conwell Y, Cox C, Duberstein PR

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1999 7 (3):252-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age and suicidal ideation in older depressed inpatients.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Seidlitz L, Lyness JM, Cox C, Caine ED

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1999 7 (4):289-96. Epub 1900 01 01.

Attempted suicide in older depressed patients: effect of cognitive functioning.

Upadhyaya AK, Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Denning D, Cox C

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1999 7 (4):317-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age-related patterns of factors associated with completed suicide in men with alcohol dependence.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

The American journal on addictions. 1999 8 (4):312-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

High levels of hopelessness persist in geriatric patients with remitted depression and a history of attempted suicide.

Szanto K, Reynolds CF, Conwell Y, Begley AE, Houck P

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1998 November 46 (11):1401-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reasons for living in a clinical sample of adolescents.

Pinto A, Whisman MA, Conwell Y

Journal of adolescence.. 1998 August 21 (4):397-405. Epub 1900 01 01.

Quantitative and qualitative differences in the verbal learning performance of elderly depressives and healthy controls.

King DA, Cox C, Lyness JM, Conwell Y, Caine ED

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS.. 1998 March 4 (2):115-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in schizophrenia -- A review

Conwell, Y; Cholette, J; Duberstein, PR.

Medscape mental health. 1998; 3(3): on-line publication.

Cerebrovascular risk factors and later-life major depression. Testing a small-vessel brain disease model.

Lyness JM, Caine ED, Cox C, King DA, Conwell Y, Olivares T

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1998 6 (1):5-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age differences in behaviors leading to completed suicide.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Cox C, Herrmann J, Forbes N, Caine ED

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1998 6 (2):122-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in widowed persons. A psychological autopsy comparison of recently and remotely bereaved older subjects.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Cox C

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1998 6 (4):328-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ruminative thinking in older inpatients with major depression.

Lyness JM, Conwell Y, King DA, Cox C, Caine ED

Journal of affective disorders.. 1997 December 46 (3):273-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Diagnosis and treatment of depression in late life. Consensus statement update.

Lebowitz BD, Pearson JL, Schneider LS, Reynolds CF, Alexopoulos GS, Bruce ML, Conwell Y, Katz IR, Meyers BS, Morrison MF, Mossey J, Niederehe G, Parmelee P

JAMA.. 1997 October 8278 (14):1186-90. Epub 1900 01 01.

Management of suicidal behavior in the elderly.

Conwell Y

The Psychiatric clinics of North America.. 1997 September 20 (3):667-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Screening for depression in elderly primary care patients. A comparison of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale and the Geriatric Depression Scale.

Lyness JM, Noel TK, Cox C, King DA, Conwell Y, Caine ED

Archives of internal medicine.. 1997 February 24157 (4):449-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality disorders and completed suicides -- A methodological and conceptual review

Duberstein, PR; Conwell, Y.

Clinical psychology: Science and practice. 1997; 4: 359-376.

Elderly suicide -- A multi-national view

Pearson, JL; Conwell, Y; Lindesay J; Takahashi, Y; Caine, ED.

Aging and mental health. 1997; 1(2): 107-111.

Suicide and alcoholism. Distinguishing alcoholic patients with and without comorbid drug abuse.

Porsteinsson A, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Cox C, Forbes N, Caine ED

The American journal on addictions. 1997 6 (4):304-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Late-life suicide and depression in the primary care setting.

Pearson JL, Conwell Y, Lyness JM

New directions for mental health services. 1997 (76):13-38. Epub 1900 01 01.

Relationships of age and axis I diagnoses in victims of completed suicide: a psychological autopsy study.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Cox C, Herrmann JH, Forbes NT, Caine ED

The American journal of psychiatry.. 1996 August 153 (8):1001-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Indirect self-destructive behavior among elderly patients in nursing homes: A research agenda

Conwell, Y; Pearson, J; DeRenzo, EG.

American journal of geriatric psychiatry. 1996; 4: 152-163.

Reconsidering the role of hostility in completed suicide: A lifecourse perspective

Bornstein, RF; Masling, J.

Psychoanalytic perspectives on developmental psychology. 1996; : 257-323.

Indirect Self-Destructive Behavior Among Elderly Patients in Nursing Homes: A Research Agenda.

Conwell Y, Pearson J, DeRenzo EG

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1996 4 (2):152-163. Epub 08/15/2012.

Attitudes of older people toward suicide and assisted suicide: an analysis of Gallup Poll findings.

Seidlitz L, Duberstein PR, Cox C, Conwell Y

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1995 September 43 (9):993-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide among elderly persons.

Conwell Y

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 1995 June 46 (6):563-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prevention of late life suicide: when, where, why and how.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR

Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences.. 1995 May 49 Suppl 1 :S79-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Attitudes toward self-determined death: a survey of primary care physicians.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Cox C, Podgorski CA, Glazer RS, Caine ED

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1995 April 43 (4):395-400. Epub 1900 01 01.

Older age and the underreporting of depressive symptoms.

Lyness JM, Cox C, Curry J, Conwell Y, King DA, Caine ED

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1995 March 43 (3):216-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age of onset and medical illness in older depressed inpatients.

Lyness JM, Conwell Y, King DA, Cox C, Caine ED

International psychogeriatrics. 1995 7 (1):63-73. Epub 1900 01 01.


Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1995 16 (2):56-8. Epub 1900 01 01.


Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1995 16 (1):5-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Elder abuse--a risk factor for suicide?

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1995 16 (3):104-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in late life: challenges and opportunities for research. Introduction.

Pearson JL, Conwell Y

International psychogeriatrics. 1995 7 (2):131-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide and aging. I: Patterns of psychiatric diagnosis.

Conwell Y, Brent D

International psychogeriatrics. 1995 7 (2):149-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide and aging. II: The psychobiological interface.

Conwell Y, Raby WN, Caine ED

International psychogeriatrics. 1995 7 (2):165-81. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in the elderly--bias, infirmity, and suicide.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1995 16 (4):147-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adrenal weight and morphology in victims of completed suicide.

Szigethy E, Conwell Y, Forbes NT, Cox C, Caine ED

Biological psychiatry.. 1994 September 1536 (6):374-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age differences in the personality characteristics of suicide completers: preliminary findings from a psychological autopsy study.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Caine ED

Psychiatry.. 1994 August 57 (3):213-24. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age Differences in the Personality Characteristics of Suicide Completers.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Caine ED

Psychiatry.. 1994 August 57 (3):213-224. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide and aging: lessons from the nursing home.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1994 15 (4):153-4, 158. Epub 1900 01 01.

Physician-assisted suicide: a mental health perspective.

Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 1994 24 (4):326-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide and aging in Japan.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1994 15 (3):103-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide and terminal illness: lessons from the HIV pandemic.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1994 15 (2):57-8, 64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide, religion, and the elderly.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1994 15 (1):9-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Competence to terminate life-sustaining care: ethical and legal considerations.

Weinstock R, Leong GB, Silva JA, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1994 2 (2):95-108. Epub 1900 01 01.

Commentary: Decisions to Terminate Medical Care and Life.

Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1994 2 (2):106-108. Epub 01/28/2013.

Self-determined death, the physician, and medical priorities. Is there time to talk?

Caine ED, Conwell YC

JAMA.. 1993 August 18270 (7):875-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depressive symptoms, medical illness, and functional status in depressed psychiatric inpatients.

Lyness JM, Caine ED, Conwell Y, King DA, Cox C

The American journal of psychiatry.. 1993 June 150 (6):910-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Interpersonal stressors, substance abuse, and suicide.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Caine ED

The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 1993 February 181 (2):80-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validation of a measure of physical illness burden at autopsy: the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale.

Conwell Y, Forbes NT, Cox C, Caine ED

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1993 January 41 (1):38-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

"Somatic worry" and medical illness in depressed inpatients

Lyness, JM; King, DA; Conwell, Y; Caine, ED.

American journal of geriatric psychiatry. 1993; 1: 288-295.

Suicide in the elderly: cross-cultural issues in late-life suicide.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1993 14 (4):152-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Survivors of late life suicide: the family of man.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1993 14 (2):55-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Affect and the capacity for rational choice.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1993 14 (3):105-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in the elderly: when is it rational?

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1993 14 (1):6-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

"Somatic Worry" and Medical Illness in Depressed Inpatients.

Lyness JM, King DA, Conwell Y, Cox C, Caine ED

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 1993 1 (4):288-295. Epub 01/28/2013.

Suicide attempts in elderly psychiatric inpatients.

Lyness JM, Conwell Y, Nelson JC

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1992 April 40 (4):320-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in the elderly.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1992 13 (1):6-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depression as a "cause" of late life suicide.

Conwell Y

Crisis.. 1992 13 (2):55-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Rational suicide and the right to die. Reality and myth.

Conwell Y, Caine ED

The New England journal of medicine.. 1991 October 10325 (15):1100-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

The neuropsychology of depression in the elderly: a comparative study of normal aging and Alzheimer's disease.

King DA, Caine ED, Conwell Y, Cox C

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences.. 1991 3 (2):163-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide in later life: psychological autopsy findings.

Conwell Y, Olsen K, Caine ED, Flannery C

International psychogeriatrics. 1991 3 (1):59-66. Epub 1900 01 01.

Predicting severity of depression in the elderly at six-month follow-up: a neuropsychological study.

King DA, Caine ED, Conwell Y, Cox C

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences.. 1991 3 (1):64-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide and cancer in late life.

Conwell Y, Caine ED, Olsen K

Hospital & community psychiatry. 1990 December 41 (12):1334-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Completed suicide at age 50 and over.

Conwell Y, Rotenberg M, Caine ED

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1990 June 38 (6):640-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age at onset in late-life delusional depression.

Nelson JC, Conwell Y, Kim K, Mazure C

The American journal of psychiatry.. 1989 June 146 (6):785-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Elderly patients admitted to the psychiatric unit of a general hospital.

Conwell Y, Nelson JC, Kim K, Mazure CM

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1989 January 37 (1):35-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Depression in late life: age of onset as marker of a subtype.

Conwell Y, Nelson JC, Kim KM, Mazure CM

Journal of affective disorders.. 1989 17 (2):189-95. Epub 1900 01 01.

Lithium augmentation of combined neuroleptic-tricyclic treatment in delusional depression.

Price LH, Conwell Y, Nelson JC

The American journal of psychiatry.. 1983 March 140 (3):318-22. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk and protective factors for suicide among patients with methamphetamine dependence: a nested case-control study

Kuo, CJ' Tsai, SY; Liao, YT; Conwell, Y; Lin, SK; Chang, CL; Chen, CC; Chen, WJ.

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. .

The International Research Group on Suicide among the Ederly: Key considerations for preventing suicide in older adults.

Erlangsen, M.; Nordentoft, M.; Conwell, Y.; Waern, M.; De Leo, D.; Lindner, R.; Oyama, H.; Sakashita, T.; Andersen-Ranberg, K.; Quinnett, P.; Draper, B. Lapierre, S.

Crisis. .

How Do the PHQ-2 and the PHQ-9 Perform in Aging Services Clients with Cognitive Impairment?

Boyle, LL.; Richardson, TM.; He, H.; Tu, X.; Boustani, M.; Conwell, Y.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. .

Depression and cognitive impairment in older adult emergency department patients: Changes over two weeks.

Shan, MN.; Richardson, TM.; Jones, CMC.; Swanson, PA.; Kat, P.; Conwell, Y.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. .

Suicidology: if neither a science nor a discipline, then what? In Pompili M (Ed.)

Conwell, Y.

Suicidology in the Words of Suicidologists.

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