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Robert G. Holloway Jr., MD, MPH, is Professor and Edward A. and Alma Vollertsen Rykenboer Chair of the Department of Neurology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He received his undergraduate (1985) and medical degrees from the University of Connecticut (1989), and his ...
Robert G. Holloway Jr., MD, MPH, is Professor and Edward A. and Alma Vollertsen Rykenboer Chair of the Department of Neurology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He received his undergraduate (1985) and medical degrees from the University of Connecticut (1989), and his neurology (1993) and health services research training (MPH, 1996) at the University of Rochester. He has been on the faculty since 1993 and became Chair in 2013.
Dr. Holloway is boarded in both Neurology and Palliative Medicine. His research interests are broad and include experimental therapeutics and outcomes research covering many areas of neurology. He is the PI on several institutional awards that support clinical trial research and career development. He has authored more than 200 manuscripts, reviews, and editorials, and is co-editor of two books: Case Studies in Neuroscience and Neuropalliative Care. He has been the recipient of numerous awards including the C. Miller Fisher Neuroscience Visionary Award, American Stroke Association, Dr. Robert Joynt Kindness Award, Junior Faculty Mentoring Award, Alpha Omega Alpha Faculty Inductee, Nominee, AAMC Humanism Award, and the Harry L. Segal Prize for Excellence in Third Year Teaching.
Faculty Appointments
Department of Neurology (SMD)
Department of Neurology (SMD)
Edward A. and Alma Vollertsen Rykenboer Chair in Neurophysiology
Department of Neurology (SMD)
Center for Health and Technology - Joint
Department of Medicine, Palliative Care (SMD) - Joint
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Internal Medicine, Neurology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1993 - 1996
Residency, Neurology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1990 - 1993
Internship, Internal Medicine, University of Connecticut School of Medicine. 1989 - 1990
MD | University of Connecticut School of Medicine.1989
Alpha Omega Alpha Faculty Inductee.2011
Junior Faculty Mentoring Award.2008
Best Doctors in America.2007 - 2012
Neurology Senior Faculty Teaching Award.2006
Leadership Development for Physicians in Academic Health Centers.2006
Medical Center Board Excellence Award.2005
Teacher Recognition Award.2004
Harry L. Segal Prize for Excellence in Third Year Teaching.2002 - 2003
Neurology Faculty Teaching Award.2002 - 2003
ISTAHC Award for 1997 for finest article published in 1997 " Mushlin AI, Mooney C, Holloway RG, Detsky AS, Mattson DH, Phelps CE. The cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with equivocal neurological symptoms. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 1997:13:21-34.1998
Quality Achievement Award for Physician Leadership in Performance Improvement.1998
Phi Beta Kappa.1985
Olin Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Cellular and Molecular Biology.1985
University Scholar.1984
Experimental Therapeutics of Neurological Disease The neurology community has seen extraordinary successes and tremendous breakthroughs in the treatment of neurological disorders. Translating these advances into improved clinical care for patients requires a cadre of specialty-trained clini...
Experimental Therapeutics of Neurological Disease The neurology community has seen extraordinary successes and tremendous breakthroughs in the treatment of neurological disorders. Translating these advances into improved clinical care for patients requires a cadre of specialty-trained clinician neuroscientists who are to be responsive to the increasing pace of scientific discoveries, as well as to the emerging suite of approaches and techniques. This program will train the next generation of leaders in the experimental therapeutics of neurological disease, to accelerate therapeutic development and improve access to emerging breakthroughs for all patients and families who may benefit.
NeuroNext Rigorous clinical trials are essential for the translation of scientific discoveries to improve the health of children and adults with neurological diseases. The University of Rochester and its neuroscience investigators have the clinical trials experience, expertise, and track record to serve as an exemplary and high-quality Clinical Site to ensure the success of NeuroNEXT
Lettenberger SE, Hartman EA, Tam K, Auinger P, Pawlik ME, Wilson R, Banda ET, Valdovinos B, Kinel D, Alcalay RN, Dorsey ER, Norcliffe-Kaufmann L, Sharma S, Holloway RG, Schneider RB
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e164. Epub 10/15/2024.
Myers TL, Augustine EF, Baloga E, Daeschler M, Cannon P, Rowbotham H, Chanoff E, , Jensen-Roberts S, Soto J, Holloway RG, Marras C, Tanner CM, Ray Dorsey E, Schneider RB
Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association.. 2018 November 27 (11):3131-3136. Epub 08/02/2018.
Treatment decisions after brain injury--tensions among quality, preference, and cost
Holloway,R. G.; Quill,T. E.;.
N.Engl.J.Med. 2010; 362(19): 1757-1759.
Health state preferences and decision-making after malignant middle cerebral artery infarctions
Kelly,A. G.; Holloway,R. G.;.
Neurology. 2010; 75(8): 682-687.
Is it research?: an increasingly common question
Kim,S. Y.; Holloway,R. G.;.
Neurology. 2010; 75(2): 102-104.
Treatment of malignant pleural effusion: PleuRx catheter or talc pleurodesis? A cost-effectiveness analysis
Olden,A. M.; Holloway,R.;.
J.Palliat.Med. 2010; 13(1): 59-65.
Are quality improvements associated with the Get With the Guidelines-Coronary Artery Disease (GWTG-CAD) program sustained over time? A longitudinal comparison of GWTG-CAD hospitals versus non-GWTG-CAD hospitals
A review of the evidence for the use of telemedicine within stroke systems of care: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Schwamm,L. H.; Holloway,R. G.; Amarenco,P.; Audebert,H. J.; Bakas,T.; Chumbler,N. R.; Handschu,R.; Jauch,E. C.; Knight,W. A.,4th; Levine,S. R.; Mayberg,M.; Meyer,B. C.; Meyers,P. M.; Skalabrin,E.; Wechsler,L. R.; American Heart Association Stroke Council; Interdisciplinary Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease;.
Stroke. 2009; 40(7): 2616-2634.
Effects of gabapentin on sleep in menopausal women with hot flashes as measured by a Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index factor scoring model
Movement Disorder Society-sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS): scale presentation and clinimetric testing results
Goetz CG, Fahn S, Martinez-Martin P, Poewe W, Sampaio C, Stebbins GT, Stern MB, Tilley BC, Dodel R, Dubois B, Holloway R, Jankovic J, Kulisevsky J, Lang AE, Lees A, Leurgans S, LeWitt PA, Nyenhuis D, Olanow CW, Rascol O, Schrag A, Teresi JA, Van Hilten JJ, LaPelle N
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society.. 2007 January 22 (1):41-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Risk factors for somnolence, edema, and hallucinations in early Parkinson disease
Biglan,K. M.; Holloway,R. G.,Jr; McDermott,M. P.; Richard,I. H.; Parkinson Study Group CALM-PD Investigators;.
Neurology. 2007; 69(2): 187-195.
Quality of life in epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and beyond
Dorsey,E. R.; Holloway,R. G.;.
Ann.Neurol. 2007; 62(4): 307-308.
Movement Disorder Society-sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS): Process, format, and clinimetric testing plan
What is the risk of sham surgery in Parkinson disease clinical trials? A review of published reports
Frank,S.; Kieburtz,K.; Holloway,R.; Kim,S. Y.;.
Neurology. 2005; 65(7): 1101-1103.
Responsiveness of life-threatening refractory emesis to gabapentin-scopolamine therapy following posterior fossa surgery. Case report
Guttuso,T.,Jr; Vitticore,P.; Holloway,R. G.;.
J.Neurosurg. 2005; 102(3): 547-549.
The Babinski sign: thumbs up or toes down?
Neurology. 2005; 65(8): 1147.
Timing and route of enteral tube-feeding did not reduce death or poor outcome in stroke and dysphagia
ACP J.Club. 2005; 143(2): 37.
Protein-energy supplementation of normal hospital diet did not improve outcomes after recent stroke
ACP J.Club. 2005; 143(2): 36.
Efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs I: treatment of new onset epilepsy: report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee and Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society
Gottlieb RH, La TC, Erturk EN, Sotack JL, Voci SL, Holloway RG, Syed L, Mikityansky I, Tirkes AT, Elmarzouky R, Zwemer FL, Joseph JV, Davis D, DiGrazio WJ, Messing EM
Radiology.. 2002 November 225 (2):441-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Use of US-Specific EQ-5D Preference Weights: The Implications for the Cost-Effectiveness of Pramipexole.
Noyes K, Dick AW, Holloway RG and the Parkinson Study Group.
Medical Decision Making.
Risk Factors for Somnolence, Edema and Hallucinations in Early Parkinson's Disease.
Biglan KM, Holloway RG, McDermott MP, Richard IR and the Parkinson Study Group CALM-PD Investigators.
Neurology. .
Proactive Palliative Care in the Medical Intensive Care Unit: Reducing Length of Stay.
Norton SA, Hogan L, Holloway R, Temkin Greener H, Buckley M, and Quill TE.
Critical Care Medicine. .
A cost-effectiveness comparison of desirpramine, gabapentin, and pregabalin for treating postherpetic neuralgia.
O'Connor AB, K Noyes, Holloway RG.
A Clinical Decision Model of Two Disease Modifying Agents for Multiple Sclerosis.
Thompson JP, Noyes K, Dorsey ER, Schwid SR, Holloway RG.
Intl. J. of Technology Assessment in Health Care.
Mortality as a measure of quality: implications for palliative and end-of-life care.
Holloway RG, Quill TE.
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine
Chapter: Palliative Care
Authors: Holloway R.G., Quill T.E
Elsevier, Philadelphia 2010
Parkinson's Disease
Chapter: Economics of Parkinson's Disease
Authors: Noyes K and Holloway RG
CRC Press, Boca Raton 2005
Neuroepidemiology: From Principles to Practice,
Chapter: Evidence-based medicine
Authors: Holloway RG, Vickrey BG, Thom DH.
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004
Neuroepidemiology: From Principles to Practice
Chapter: Health Services Research in Neurology
Authors: Holloway RG, Vickrey BG
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004
Neurological Therapeutics: Principles and Practice
Chapter: Evidence-based medicine
Authors: Vickrey BG, Holloway RG.
London, UK., Martin Dunitz Ltd. 2003
The Prevention of Stroke
Chapter: Quality improvement in stroke prevention
Authors: Holloway RG, Rush SR.
The Parthenon Publishing Group, New York 2002
Prognosis of Neurological Disorders
Chapter: Economic prognosis: evaluating economic outcomes of health care.
Authors: Langfitt JT, Holloway RG:
Oxford University Press, New York 2000
Baker's Clinical Neurology
Chapter: Current Therapy
Authors: Blindauer KA, Benesch CG, Counihan T, Schwid SR, Toczek M, Wollman E, Holloway RG, Kieburtz K.
Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins Publishers, Philadelphia 2000
Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Chapter: Economic impact of Parkinson's Disease: implications for interventions.
Authors: Siderowf A, Holloway RG.
Demos Medical Publishing, Inc. 2000
Case Studies in Neuroscience
Authors: Jozefowicz RF, Holloway RG
F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA 1999
Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases
Chapter: Neurologic Manifestations of HIV Infection
Authors: Holloway RG, Kieburtz K
W.B. Saunders Company, New York, NY 1998
Clinical Neurology
Chapter: HIV-1 infection and the nervous system
Authors: Holloway RG, Kieburtz KD, Schiffito G
JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA 1996
Clinical Neurology
Chapter: Current Therapy
Authors: Goodman A, Benesch CG, Berg M, Calabresi PA, Dimitsopulos T, Holloway RG, Samuels O, Joynt RJ, Williams L, Wojcieszek J
JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA 1996
Chapter: Headache associated with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Authors: Holloway RG, Kieburtz KD
Arbor Publishing Corp, La Jolla, CA 1995
Clinical Neurology
Chapter: Current Therapy
Authors: Jozefowicz RF, Benesch CG, Berg M, Calabresi PA, Dimitsopulos T, Goodman A, Holloway RG, Joynt RJ, Williams L, Wojcieszek J
JB Lippincott,, Philadelphia, PA 1995
Ratings & Comments
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Care provider's discussion of any proposed treatment (options, risks, benefits, etc.)
4.8 stars
Likelihood of recommending this care provider to others
4.8 stars
Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition
4.8 stars
Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your care
4.8 stars
Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
4.8 stars
Patient Comments
4.0 stars
Very good overall.
Nov 28, 2024
5.0 stars
Listened closely to concerns
Aug 30, 2024
5.0 stars
Doctor Holloway was extremely kind and open to my concerns at my visit.
May 15, 2024
5.0 stars
Highly impressed - he is VERY good at listening - addressing all/any questions & very nice!
May 02, 2024
5.0 stars
Dr. Holloway was friendly, courteous, and checked with colleagues re: a medication he wanted to put me on.
Dec 18, 2023
5.0 stars
Most through exam I ever had. Dr. Holloway is by far one of the best doctors ever who treated me.
Aug 22, 2023
5.0 stars
Dr. Holloway was very thorough in the exam & explained everything in easy to understand terms.
Aug 14, 2023
5.0 stars
Dr. Holloway is a very kind, caring person. He treated me respectfully & thoughtfully & engaged me in the whole assessment process & treatment decisions.