Antoinette Jakobi, M.D.
Mental Health and Wellness , Pediatrics
No ratings currently available, see text in Ratings section below for explanation.
About Me
Certified Specialties
Psychiatry - American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology
Faculty Appointments
Clinical Associate Professor (Voluntary) - Department of Psychiatry, Child & Adoles Serv (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Acupuncture, Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA Medical Center. 1995 - 1996
Fellowship, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, West Virginia University Hospitals. 1987 - 1989
Residency, Psychiatry, West Virginia University Hospitals. 1985 - 1988
Residency, Pathology, Medical College of Pennsylvania. 1980 - 1984
Internship, Psychiatry, Pennsylvania Hospital. 1979 - 1980
HRSA grant, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, "Integrated Health and Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescents CFDA: #93.110AF
Grant No. 5 H57 MC 00011-02
Planning Phase: $50,000 per year for 2 years
Implementation Phase: $200,000 per year for 3 years
2005 - 2005
Consultant to FASD Prevention Grant
Subcontract with Northrop Grumman Information Technology, Inc. and with SAMHSA
Subcontract No.SAMHSA-SC-05-126
Planning Phase--year 1--10/25/04 to 7/31/05, $100,000
Implementation Phase Year 2, $150,000 first 12 months
2005 - 2006
Child and Adolescent Service System Program Award
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Ratings & Comments
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