Toru Takimoto, D.V.M., Ph.D.
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Toru Takimoto, D.V.M., Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Microbiology and Immunology (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Department of Virology and Molecular Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 1990 - 1995
PhD | Japan-Hokkaido University - Sapporo. Microbiology. 1994
DVM | Japan-Hokkaido University - Sapporo. Veterinary Medicine. 1989
MS | Japan-Hokkaido University - Sapporo. Microbiology. 1988
BS | Japan-Hokkaido University - Sapporo. Veterinary Medicine. 1986
Research project in progress
The major areas of research in my laboratory are as follows:
Molecular mechanism of paramyxovirus assembly: Efficient assembly and release of progeny virions from infected cells are major determinants of viral pathogenicity. Molecular mec...
Research project in progress
The major areas of research in my laboratory are as follows:
Molecular mechanism of paramyxovirus assembly: Efficient assembly and release of progeny virions from infected cells are major determinants of viral pathogenicity. Molecular mechanism of paramyxovirus assembly is not well understood. We are characterizing the trafficking of viral nucleocapsid to the site of assembly at the plasma membrane to understand the cellular machinery viruses utilize for assembly of progeny virions. URSMD Collaborators = Brian Ward, Minsoo Kim.
Assembly of Influenza A viruses: Influenza viruses replicate and form nucleocapsid core in nuclei of infected cells. The progeny nucleocapsid cores are then transported to the plasma membrane budding sites. This study analyzes cellular and viral protein interactions required for the nuclear export of nucleocapsid and budding of progeny virions. URSMD Collaborators = Brian Ward
Role of Influenza Virus Polymerase in Host Adaptation: We participate in the virology research team of the New York Influenza Center of Excellence (NYICE), which is part of the NIH Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS) network. Our focus is on the influenza virus RNA polymerase, and understanding how it contributes to host adaptation. We characterize the polymerase activities of avian and human strains, and identify residues and subunits of the polymerase complex important for the enhanced activity in mammalian hosts in vitro and in vivo. URSMD Collaborators = David Topham, John Treanor, Steve Dewhurst, Baek Kim.
Journal Articles
Schmierer J, Takimoto T
Viruses.. 2024 July 1616 (7)Epub 07/16/2024.
Hardy K, Lutz M, Takimoto T
PLoS pathogens.. 2024 June 20 (6):e1012329. Epub 06/20/2024.
Lutz M, Schmierer J, Takimoto T
Communications biology.. 2022 October 175 (1):1102. Epub 10/17/2022.
Raymonda MH, Ciesla JH, Monaghan M, Leach J, Asantewaa G, Smorodintsev-Schiller LA, Lutz MM, Schafer XL, Takimoto T, Dewhurst S, Munger J, Harris IS
Virology.. 2022 January 566 :60-68. Epub 11/27/2021.
Kurebayashi Y, Bajimaya S, Watanabe M, Lim N, Lutz M, Dunagan M, Takimoto T
PLoS pathogens.. 2021 September 17 (9):e1009908. Epub 09/16/2021.
Dunagan MM, Hardy K, Takimoto T
Vaccines.. 2021 June 109 (6)Epub 06/10/2021.
Scaggs Huang F, Bernstein DI, Slobod KS, Portner A, Takimoto T, Russell CJ, Meagher M, Jones BG, Sealy RE, Coleclough C, Branum K, Dickey M, Buschle K, McNeal M, Makowski M, Nakamura A, Hurwitz JL
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics.. 2021 February 117 (2):554-559. Epub 08/04/2020.
Genoyer E, Kulej K, Hung CT, Thibault PA, Azarm K, Takimoto T, Garcia BA, Lee B, Lakdawala S, Weitzman MD, López CB
mBio.. 2020 August 2511 (4)Epub 08/25/2020.
Lutz Iv MM, Dunagan MM, Kurebayashi Y, Takimoto T
Viruses.. 2020 March 2612 (4)Epub 03/26/2020.
Chaimayo C, Dunagan M, Hayashi T, Santoso N, Takimoto T
PLoS pathogens.. 2018 November 14 (11):e1007465. Epub 11/29/2018.
Bajimaya S, Frankl T, Hayashi T, Takimoto T
Virology.. 2017 October 510 :234-241. Epub 07/25/2017.
Russell CJ, Jones BG, Sealy RE, Surman SL, Mason JN, Hayden RT, Tripp RA, Takimoto T, Hurwitz JL
Virology.. 2017 September 509 :60-66. Epub 06/09/2017.
Chaimayo C, Hayashi T, Underwood A, Hodges E, Takimoto T
Virology.. 2017 May 505 :23-32. Epub 02/17/2017.
Bajimaya S, Hayashi T, Frankl T, Bryk P, Ward B, Takimoto T
Virology.. 2017 January 15501 :127-135. Epub 12/02/2016.
Bajimaya S, Hayashi T, Takimoto T
Methods in molecular biology.. 2017 1602 :103-110. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hayashi T, Chaimayo C, McGuinness J, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2016 August 1590 (16):7131-7141. Epub 07/27/2016.
Stone R, Hayashi T, Bajimaya S, Hodges E, Takimoto T
Virology.. 2016 January 487 :11-8. Epub 10/17/2015.
Hayashi T, Chaimayo C, Takimoto T
Oncotarget.. 2015 August 146 (23):19364-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hayashi T, Wills S, Bussey KA, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2015 August 89 (15):8042-9. Epub 05/27/2015.
Hayashi T, MacDonald LA, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2015 June 89 (12):6442-52. Epub 04/08/2015.
Fukushima K, Takahashi T, Ueyama H, Takaguchi M, Ito S, Oishi K, Minami A, Ishitsubo E, Tokiwa H, Takimoto T, Suzuki T
FEBS letters.. 2015 May 8589 (11):1278-82. Epub 04/11/2015.
Zhan X, Slobod KS, Jones BG, Sealy RE, Takimoto T, Boyd K, Surman S, Russell CJ, Portner A, Hurwitz JL
International immunology.. 2015 May 27 (5):229-36. Epub 12/04/2014.
Fukushima K, Takahashi T, Ito S, Takaguchi M, Takano M, Kurebayashi Y, Oishi K, Minami A, Kato T, Park EY, Nishimura H, Takimoto T, Suzuki T
Virology.. 2014 September 464-465 :424-431. Epub 08/21/2014.
Bialas KM, Bussey KA, Stone RL, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2014 February 88 (4):2227-34. Epub 12/11/2013.
Desmet EA, Bussey KA, Stone R, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2013 March 87 (6):3108-18. Epub 01/02/2013.
Stone R, Takimoto T
PloS one.. 2013 8 (4):e61281. Epub 04/12/2013.
Noronha JM, Liu M, Squires RB, Pickett BE, Hale BG, Air GM, Galloway SE, Takimoto T, Schmolke M, Hunt V, Klem E, García-Sastre A, McGee M, Scheuermann RH
Journal of virology.. 2012 May 86 (10):5857-66. Epub 03/07/2012.
MacDonald LA, Aggarwal S, Bussey KA, Desmet EA, Kim B, Takimoto T
Virology.. 2012 April 25426 (1):51-9. Epub 02/08/2012.
Jones BG, Sealy R, Rudraraju R, Traina-Dorge V, Finneyfrock B, Cook A, Takimoto T, Portner A, Hurwitz JL
Vaccine.. 2012 January 2030 (5):959-68. Epub 11/23/2011.
Bialas KM, Desmet EA, Takimoto T
PloS one.. 2012 7 (11):e50595. Epub 11/27/2012.
Aggarwal S, Dewhurst S, Takimoto T, Kim B
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2011 October 7286 (40):34504-13. Epub 08/04/2011.
Noble E, Mathews DH, Chen JL, Turner DH, Takimoto T, Kim B
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2011 July 1286 (26):22965-70. Epub 05/09/2011.
Bussey KA, Desmet EA, Mattiacio JL, Hamilton A, Bradel-Tretheway B, Bussey HE, Kim B, Dewhurst S, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2011 July 85 (14):7020-8. Epub 05/11/2011.
Guo H, Santiago F, Lambert K, Takimoto T, Topham DJ
Journal of virology.. 2011 January 85 (1):448-55. Epub 10/27/2010.
Chambers R, Takimoto T
PloS one.. 2010 June 75 (6):e10994. Epub 06/07/2010.
Desmet EA, Hollenbaugh JA, Sime PJ, Wright TW, Topham DJ, Sant AJ, Takimoto T, Dewhurst S, Maggirwar SB
Virology.. 2010 May 10400 (2):224-32. Epub 02/25/2010.
Bussey KA, Bousse TL, Desmet EA, Kim B, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2010 May 84 (9):4395-406. Epub 02/24/2010.
Aggarwal S, Bradel-Tretheway B, Takimoto T, Dewhurst S, Kim B
PloS one.. 2010 April 295 (4):e10372. Epub 04/29/2010.
Chambers R, Takimoto T
Viruses.. 2009 December 1 (3):574-593. Epub 10/28/2009.
Chambers R, Takimoto T
The Journal of general virology.. 2009 August 90 (Pt 8):1906-1915. Epub 05/07/2009.
Bradel-Tretheway BG, Kelley Z, Chakraborty-Sett S, Takimoto T, Kim B, Dewhurst S
The Journal of general virology.. 2008 December 89 (Pt 12):2923-2932. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zhan X, Slobod KS, Krishnamurthy S, Luque LE, Takimoto T, Jones B, Surman S, Russell CJ, Portner A, Hurwitz JL
Vaccine.. 2008 June 2526 (27-28):3480-8. Epub 05/01/2008.
Zhan X, Hurwitz JL, Krishnamurthy S, Takimoto T, Boyd K, Scroggs RA, Surman S, Portner A, Slobod KS
Vaccine.. 2007 December 1725 (52):8782-93. Epub 11/05/2007.
Brown SA, Hurwitz JL, Zirkel A, Surman S, Takimoto T, Alymova I, Coleclough C, Portner A, Doherty PC, Slobod KS
Journal of virology.. 2007 November 81 (22):12535-42. Epub 07/25/2007.
Bousse T, Chambers RL, Scroggs RA, Portner A, Takimoto T
Virus research.. 2006 October 121 (1):23-32. Epub 05/03/2006.
Bousse T, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2006 September 80 (18):9009-16. Epub 1900 01 01.
Krishnamurthy S, Takimoto T, Scroggs RA, Portner A
Journal of virology.. 2006 June 80 (11):5145-55. Epub 1900 01 01.
Alymova IV, Portner A, Takimoto T, Boyd KL, Babu YS, McCullers JA
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy.. 2005 January 49 (1):398-405. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Hurwitz JL, Zhan X, Krishnamurthy S, Prouser C, Brown B, Coleclough C, Boyd K, Scroggs RA, Portner A, Slobod KS
Viral immunology.. 2005 18 (2):255-66. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bousse TL, Taylor G, Krishnamurthy S, Portner A, Samal SK, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2004 December 78 (23):13351-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Portner A
Virus research.. 2004 December 106 (2):133-45. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Hurwitz JL, Coleclough C, Prouser C, Krishnamurthy S, Zhan X, Boyd K, Scroggs RA, Brown B, Nagai Y, Portner A, Slobod KS
Journal of virology.. 2004 June 78 (11):6043-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Alymova IV, Taylor G, Takimoto T, Lin TH, Chand P, Babu YS, Li C, Xiong X, Portner A
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy.. 2004 May 48 (5):1495-502. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zaitsev V, von Itzstein M, Groves D, Kiefel M, Takimoto T, Portner A, Taylor G
Journal of virology.. 2004 April 78 (7):3733-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Taylor GL, Connaris HC, Crennell SJ, Portner A
Journal of virology.. 2002 December 76 (24):13028-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bousse T, Matrosovich T, Portner A, Kato A, Nagai Y, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2002 August 76 (16):8244-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Connaris H, Takimoto T, Russell R, Crennell S, Moustafa I, Portner A, Taylor G
Journal of virology.. 2002 February 76 (4):1816-24. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Murti KG, Bousse T, Scroggs RA, Portner A
Journal of virology.. 2001 December 75 (23):11384-91. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bousse T, Takimoto T, Matrosovich T, Portner A
Virology.. 2001 May 10283 (2):306-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Suzuki T, Portner A, Scroggs RA, Uchikawa M, Koyama N, Matsuo K, Suzuki Y, Takimoto T
Journal of virology.. 2001 May 75 (10):4604-13. Epub 1900 01 01.
Coronel EC, Takimoto T, Murti KG, Varich N, Portner A
Journal of virology.. 2001 February 75 (3):1117-23. Epub 1900 01 01.
Crennell S, Takimoto T, Portner A, Taylor G
Nature structural biology.. 2000 November 7 (11):1068-74. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Bousse T, Portner A
Virus research.. 2000 September 70 (1-2):45-53. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Taylor GL, Crennell SJ, Scroggs RA, Portner A
Virology.. 2000 April 25270 (1):208-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chen Y, Takimoto T, Liu L, Surman S, Woodland DL
Vaccine.. 1999 November 1218 (7-8):720-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Coronel EC, Murti KG, Takimoto T, Portner A
Journal of virology.. 1999 August 73 (8):7035-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Bousse T, Coronel EC, Scroggs RA, Portner A
Journal of virology.. 1998 December 72 (12):9747-54. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bousse T, Takimoto T, Murti KG, Portner A
Virology.. 1997 May 26232 (1):44-52. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bousse T, Takimoto T, Portner A
Virology.. 1995 June 1209 (2):654-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bousse T, Takimoto T, Gorman WL, Takahashi T, Portner A
Virology.. 1994 November 1204 (2):506-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hyland L, Hou S, Coleclough C, Takimoto T, Doherty PC
Virology.. 1994 October 204 (1):234-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Portner A
Virus research.. 1994 April 32 (1):85-92. Epub 1900 01 01.
Dave VP, Allan JE, Slobod KS, Smith FS, Ryan KW, Takimoto T, Power UF, Portner A, Hurwitz JL
Virology.. 1994 March 199 (2):376-83. Epub 1900 01 01.
Murti KG, Takimoto T, Laver WG, Portner A
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 1993 February 1590 (4):1523-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takimoto T, Laver WG, Murti KG, Portner A
Journal of virology.. 1992 December 66 (12):7597-600. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ito T, Takimoto T, Yanagawa R
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene. Series
Takimoto T, Ono E, Ito T, Yanagawa R
Microbiology and immunology.. 1988 32 (8):775-84. Epub 1900 01 01.
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (2006)
Chapter: Parainfluenza viruses. (version 2.0) Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2006.
Authors: Takimoto T
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2006
Nature Encyclopedia of Life Science (2002)
Chapter: Parainfluenza viruses. Nature Encyclopedia of Life Science. Nature Publishing Group. 2002.
Authors: Takimoto T.
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group 2002