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Deepinder P. Singh, M.D.

Deepinder P. Singh, M.D.

Radiation Oncology , Cancer

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Surgery - Rochester

Wilmot Cancer Institute
90 Crittenden Boulevard
Rochester, NY 14642

About Me

Cancer is one of the most challenging medical problems, especially head and neck and lung cancers. I am very well trained, well read and highly experienced. I am also a compassionate and caring physician.

I provide my patients with comprehensive medical care including personalized, curative i...
Cancer is one of the most challenging medical problems, especially head and neck and lung cancers. I am very well trained, well read and highly experienced. I am also a compassionate and caring physician.

I provide my patients with comprehensive medical care including personalized, curative intent treatment. Since my patients deserve only the best, they can be confident knowing they will receive excellent medical care from me. My areas of expertise include stereotactic body radiation therapy and brachytherapy for lung cancers, as well as treating nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, oral cavity, laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers.

Conditions I Treat:

- Lung cancer
- Head and neck cancers


English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu

Certified Specialties

Radiation Oncology - American Board of Radiology

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor - Department of Radiation Oncology (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Residency, Radiation Oncology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2005 - 2009

Fellowship, Radiation Oncology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2003 - 2005

Fellowship, Research, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2001 - 2003

Fellowship, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (India). 1986 - 1989

Residency, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (India). 1984 - 1986

Residency, Indira Ghandi Medical College (India). 1982 - 1983

Internship, Indira Ghandi Medical College (India). 1981 - 1982


MBBS | Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (India). 1981


Fellow. 2024

Certificate of Appreciation. 2020

Educator of the Year. 2019 - 2020

Bronze Star. 2016 - 2019

Educator of the Year. 2012 - 2013


Clinical Trials

Phase III Prospective Randomized Trial of Primary Lung Tumor Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Followed by Concurrent Mediastinal Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Lead Researcher: Deepinder Pal Singh

This phase III trial compares the effect of adding stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) to standard treatment (image guided radiation therapy \[IGRT\] and chemotherapy followed by immunotherapy with durvalumab) versus standard treatment alone i...

Three- Versus Five-Fraction Regimens of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Peripheral Early-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Prospective Randomized Phase II Study

Lead Researcher: Deepinder Pal Singh

This study's goal is to find out if the kind of side effects people experience from radiation is different depending on the schedule of their radiation treatment. Patients will be randomly assigned to either the 3 Fraction or 5 Fraction...

Three- Versus Five-Fraction Regimens of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Peripheral Early- Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Prospective Randomized Phase II Study

Lead Researcher: Deepinder Pal Singh

This study's goal is to find out if the kind of side effects people experience from radiation is different depending on the schedule of their radiation treatment. Patients will be randomly assigned to either the 3 Fraction or 5 Fraction schedule of r...


Journal Articles

Glomus jugulotympanicum tumor treated with radiation therapy: a case report with review of literature

Shakeri A; Portanova A; Sakano H; Singh DP.

J Clin Imaging Sci. 2024; 14: 14.

Early-Stage Primary Lung Neuroendocrine Tumors Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: A Multi-Institution Experience

Oliver DE; Laborde JM; Singh DP; Milano MT; Videtic GM; Williams GR; LaRiviere MJ; Chan JW; Peters GW; Decker RH; Samson P; Robinson CG; Breen WG; Owen D; Tian S; Higgins KA; Almeldin D; Jabbour SK; Wang F; Grass GD; Perez BA; Dilling TJ; Strosberg J; Rosenberg SA.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023; 116(4): 849-857.

Stroke death in patients receiving radiation for head and neck cancer in the modern era.

Hardy SJ, Bandyopadhyay S, Yang H, Williams A, Gudina A, Cummings MA, Zhang H, Singh DP, Chen Y, Mohile NA, Janelsins MC, Milano MT

Frontiers in oncology.. 2023 13 :1111764. Epub 06/15/2023.

Patterns of recurrence after intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery for brain-only metastases from non-small cell lung cancer and the impact of upfront thoracic therapy with synchronous presentation

Bergsma D; Moravan MJ; Suri JS; Cummings MA; Usuki KY; Singh DP; Milano MT.

J Thorac Dis. 2022; 14(6): 1869-1879.

Oligoprogression in non-small cell lung cancer--narrative review

Nguyen KT; Sakthivel GM; Milano MT; Singh D.

J Thorac Dis. 2022; 14(12): 4998-5011.

Oligoprogression in non-small cell lung cancer--narrative review

Nguyen KT; Sakthivel GM; Milano MT; Singh D.

J Thorac Dis. 2022; 14(12): 4998-5011.

Radiologically occult lung cancer curatively treated with high-dose rate endobronchial brachytherapy

Singh DP; Aujla K; Nead M; Bylund K.

J Clin Imaging Sci. 2021; 11: 45.

New dosimetric guidelines for linear Boltzmann transport equations through comparative evaluation of stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung treatment planning

Webster M; Tanny S; Joyce N; Herman A; Chen Y; Milano M; Usuki K; Constine L; Singh D; Yeo I.

J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2021; 22(12): 115-124.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck with unknown primary: trends and outcomes from a hospital-based registry

Cummings MA; Ma SJ; Van Der Sloot P; Milano MT; Singh DP; Singh AK.

Ann Transl Med. 2021; 9(4): 284.

Acuros-based planning with density override for lung SBRT by a dynamic conformal arc technique: comparative evaluation with AAA-based planning in four-dimensional dose

Yeo I; Joyce N; Singh DP; Milano MT; Chen Y; Bandyopadhyay S; Yang H; Rosenzweig D.

Int J Med Phys Clin Eng Radiat Oncol. 2021; 10: 94-110.

External beam radiation therapy for metastatic tumor to the iris: a case report and brief literature review

Clyde JW; Sakthivel G; Mulford D; Singh DP.

J Ophthalmol & Vis Sci. 2021; 6(2): 1052.

Second primary non-small-cell lung cancer after head and neck cancer: a population-based study of clinical and pathologic characteristics and survival outcomes in 3597 patients

Budnik J; DeNunzio NJ; Singh DP; Milano MT.

Clinical lung cancer. 2020; 21(3): 195-203.

The utilization patterns and comparative effectiveness of systemic therapy with high-dose thoracic radiotherapy or low-dose thoracic radiotherapy versus systemic therapy alone in newly diagnosed metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients

Budnik J; Singh DP; Stolten MD; Aujla K; Bates JE; Milano MT.

J Radiat Oncol. 2019; 8: 425–438.

Inoperable pulmonary carcinoid tumors: local control rates with stereotactic body radiotherapy

Singh D; Chen Y; Cummings MA; Milano MT.

Clin Lung Cancer. 2019; 20(3): e284-e290.

Stereotactic body radiotherapy in patients with multiple lung tumors: a focus on lung dosimetric constraints

Milano MT; Mihai A; Kang J; Singh DP; Verma V; Qiu H; Chen Y; Kong FS.

Expert review of anticancer therapy. 2019; 19(11): 959-969.

Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Non-breast or Prostate Cancer Oligometastases: A Tail of Survival Beyond 10 Years.

Aujla KS, Katz AW, Singh DP, Okunieff P, Milano MT

Frontiers in oncology.. 2019 9 :111. Epub 02/27/2019.

Comparison of Single- and Five-fraction Regimens of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Peripheral Early-stage Non-small-cell Lung Cancer: A Two-institution Propensity-matched Analysis.

Cummings MA, Ma SJ, Hermann G, Serra L, Syed Y, Malhotra HK, Chen Y, Milano MT, Gomez-Suescun JA, Singh DP, Singh AK

Clinical lung cancer.. 2018 November 19 (6):511-517. Epub 07/30/2018.

Three- Versus Five-Fraction Regimens of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Peripheral Early-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Two-Institution Propensity Score-Matched Analysis.

Ma SJ, Cummings M, Serra LM, Syed YA, Hermann GM, Chen Y, Milano MT, Singh AK, Gomez-Suescun JA, Singh DP

Clinical lung cancer.. 2018 May 19 (3):e297-e302. Epub 11/26/2017.

Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Metastases from Colorectal Cancer: Prognostic Factors for Disease Control and Survival.

Qiu H, Katz AW, Chowdhry AK, Usuki KY, Singh DP, Metcalfe S, Cheruvu P, Chen Y, Okunieff P, Milano MT

American journal of clinical oncology.. 2018 January 41 (1):53-58. Epub 1900 01 01.

Radiotherapy for Oligometastatic Lung Cancer.

Bergsma DP, Salama JK, Singh DP, Chmura SJ, Milano MT

Frontiers in oncology.. 2017 7 :210. Epub 09/19/2017.

55-Year-Old Woman With Estrogen Receptor-Positive Scalp Lesion.

Upadhyaya P, Certo T, Hustad KO, Costaldi ME, Busam K, Smoller B, Morbidini-Gaffney S, Shapiro A, Singh D, Morris GJ

Seminars in oncology.. 2015 December 42 (6):e77-82. Epub 10/09/2015.

Is there a subset of patients with recurrent cancer in the vagina who are not candidates for interstitial brachytherapy that can be treated with multichannel vaginal brachytherapy using graphic optimization?

Singh DP, Bylund KC, Matloubieh A, Mazloom A, Gray A, Sidhu R, Barrette L, Chen Y

Journal of contemporary brachytherapy.. 2015 April 7 (2):135-41. Epub 04/28/2015.

Local control rates with five fractions of stereotactic body radiotherapy for primary lung tumors: a single institution experience of 153 consecutive patients

Singh D; Chen Y; Bergsma DP; Usuki KY; Dhakal S; Hare MZ; Joyce N; Smudzin T; Rosenzweig D; Schell MC; Milano MT.

Transl Cancer Res. 2015; 4(4): 332-339.

The evolving role of radiotherapy in treatment of oligometastatic NSCLC.

Bergsma DP, Salama JK, Singh DP, Chmura SJ, Milano MT

Expert review of anticancer therapy.. 2015 15 (12):1459-71. Epub 11/04/2015.

Local control rates with five-fraction stereotactic body radiotherapy for oligometastatic cancer to the lung.

Singh D, Chen Y, Hare MZ, Usuki KY, Zhang H, Lundquist T, Joyce N, Schell MC, Milano MT

Journal of thoracic disease.. 2014 April 6 (4):369-74. Epub 1900 01 01.

Second primary lung cancer after head and neck squamous cell cancer: population-based study of risk factors.

Milano MT, Peterson CR, Zhang H, Singh DP, Chen Y

Head & neck.. 2012 December 34 (12):1782-8. Epub 02/09/2012.

Definitive radiotherapy for stage I nonsmall cell lung cancer: a population-based study of survival.

Milano MT, Zhang H, Usuki KY, Singh DP, Chen Y

Cancer.. 2012 November 15118 (22):5572-9. Epub 04/27/2012.

Thoracic malignant solitary fibrous tumors: A population-based study of survival.

Milano MT, Singh DP, Zhang H

Journal of thoracic disease.. 2011 June 3 (2):99-104. Epub 1900 01 01.

Soft tissue sarcoma in the setting of chronic cutaneous graft versus host disease after allogenic bone marrow transplantation.

Bylund KC, Giampoli E, Singh D, Doerr T, Sahasrabudhe D, Liesveld J, Constine LS

Cancer investigation.. 2008 July 26 (6):638-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Is there a favorable subset of patients with prostate cancer who develop oligometastases?

Singh D, Yi WS, Brasacchio RA, Muhs AG, Smudzin T, Williams JP, Messing E, Okunieff P

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 2004 January 158 (1):3-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Local control of high-grade gliomas with limited volume irradiation versus whole brain irradiation.

Sharma RR, Singh DP, Pathak A, Khandelwal N, Sehgal CM, Kapoor R, Ghoshal S, Patel FD, Sharma SC

Neurology India.. 2003 December 51 (4):512-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Low-dose radiosurgery for benign intracranial lesions.

Biswas T, Sandhu AP, Singh DP, Schell MC, Maciunas RJ, Bakos RS, Muhs AG, Okunieff P

American journal of clinical oncology.. 2003 August 26 (4):325-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

MR findings of primary Ewing's sarcoma of greater wing of sphenoid.

Singh P, Jain M, Singh DP, Kalra N, Khandelwal N, Suri S

Australasian radiology.. 2002 December 46 (4):409-11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Isolated esthesioneuroblastoma of sphenoid sinus.

Sharma SC, Reddy CE, Srinivasan SS, Rawal A, Singh DP

American journal of otolaryngology.. 2002 23 (5):287-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Non surgical approaches in susceptible foot tumours: advantages and pitfalls

Singh DP; Dhillon MS.

J Foot Surg. 2000; 15(1): 63-66.

Primary lymphoma of bones--experience of 56 cases

Gupta A; Singh DP; Ghoshal S; Jalali R; Kapoor R; Sharma SC.

J K Practitioner. 1999; 6(4): 278-281.

Intramedullary metstasis – a rare case of spinal cord compression

Munshi A; Singh P; Beriwal S; Singh DP; Sandhu MS; Khosla VK; Jeyasangar G; Sharma SC.

Bulletin PGI. 1999; 33: 115-117.

Primary sarcoma of the gall bladder

Munshi A; Patel FD; Sharma SC; Beriwal S; Singh DP.

Bulletin PGI. 1999; 33: 143-145.

Synchronous adenocarcinoma and MALT lymphoma of stomach.

Vaiphei K, Chopra R, Singh R, Singh D

Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.. 1999 18 (1):36-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dose rate correction in medium dose rate brachytherapy for carcinoma cervix.

Patel FD, Negi PS, Sharma SC, Kapoor R, Singh DP, Ghoshal S

Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.. 1998 December 49 (3):317-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effect of addition of brachytherapy in improving endobronchial symptoms relief - a prospective randomized study in central lung tumors

Beriwal S; Sharma SC; Behra D; Sandhu APS; Singh DP; Negi PS.

Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys. 1998; 42(suppl 1): 336.

Results of interstitial brachytherapy for carcinoma of oral tongue, buccal mucosa and lip: A 25 year experience

Singh DP; Sharma SC; Negi PS; Mitra S; Sharma SC.

Radiother Oncol. 1998; 48(suppl): S10.

Emerging trends in orthopaedic oncology

Singh DP; Dhillon MS.

Bulletin PGIMER. 1998; 32(1): 7-11.

HDR brachytherapy for carcinoma of lung

Beriwal S; Sharma SC; Behra D; Gupta D; Singh DP; Negi PS.

Bulletin PGI. 1998; 32: 73-75.

Hodgkin's disease presenting with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration

Beriwal S; Sharma SC; Sawhney IMS; Singh DP; Ghoshal S.

Bulletin PGI. 1998; 32: 100-111.

Quality assurance test for microselectron HDR remote after loading brachytherapy unit

Kehwar TS; Sharma SC; Patel FD; Singh DP; Ghoshal S; Beriwal S.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1998; 13: 59-62.

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance. Is there a place for brachytherapy?

Beriwal S; Singh DP; Sharma SC; Negi PS.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1998; 13(3): 27-32.

A ten year analysis of management of testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumours

Ghoshal S; Singh DP; Beriwal S; Sharma SC.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1998; 13(2): 113-115.

Dose distribution optimization in brachytherapy

Kehwar TS; Sharma SC; Patel FD; Singh DP; Ghoshal S.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1998; 13(3): 15-19.

Endobronchial brachytherapy - a treatment option for recurrent endobronchial carcinoma: PGIMER experience.

Beriwal S; Sharma SC; Behra D; Gupta D; Singh DP; Negi PS.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1998; 13(3): 28-33.

Influence of tumor and physical factors in outcome of oral tongue carcinoma treated by brachytherapy

Singh DP; Kehwar TS; Sharma SC; Sandhu AP; Singh H; Munjal RK; Negi PS; Gupta BD.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1998; 13(3): 27-31.

Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma--disease spectrum and management: a 15-year review from north India.

Singh DP, Sharma SC, Sandhu AP, Goenka MK, Kochhar R, Nagi B, Sur RK, Patel FD, Ayyagari S, Bhatia SS, Mukhopadhyay P, Xavier S, Bhasin D, Singh K, Wig JD, Gupta NM, Das A, Gupta BD

Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.. 1997 July 16 (3):88-90. Epub 1900 01 01.

Results of treatment in endometrial carcinoma: ten years experience.

Sandhu AS, Patel F, Singh DP, Sharma SC, Negi PS, Ayyagari S, Gupta BD

Indian journal of cancer.. 1997 June 34 (2):77-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of small bowel with entrovesical fistula

Singh DP; Nagi B; Singh SK; Sandhu APS; Goenka M; Sharma SC.

Bulletin PGI. 1997; : 33-35.

Prognostic significance of number of histologically positive axillary nodes in breast cancer

Sandhu APS; Sharma SC; Singh DP; Singh G; Singh R; Bose SM.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1997; 12: 22-27.

High dose rate surface mould brachytherapy for superficial localised chest wall recurrences in postmastectomy carcinoma breast patients

Sharma SC; Negi PS; Singh DP; Munjal RK; Goyal DR; Patel FD.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1997; 12: 1-6.

Management perspective in Ewing's sarcoma of the metatarsal bones

Dhillon MS; Singh DP; Bajaj RK; Gill SS; Nagi ON.

J Foot Surg. 1997; 12: 65-69.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer.

Singh G, Singh DP, Gupta D, Muralikrishna BV

Journal of surgical oncology.. 1996 January 61 (1):38-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Simultaneous iridium brachytherapy implantation for two adjacent basal cell carcinomas over the face: a unique experience

Singh DP; Sandhu APS; Sharma SC; et al.

Bulletin PGI. 1996; 30(4): 169-171.

Plasmacytoma of the calcaneous: case report

Dhillon MS; Singh DP; Gupta R; Sharma SC; Nagi ON.

Indian Foot Society. 1996; 11(1): 47-50.

Effect of primary surgical intervention in the management of carcinoma cervix: a retrospective study

Kapoor R; Patel FD; Jalali R; Gupta A; Singh DP; Sharma SC.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1996; 11(1): 29.

A prospective study of alternating chemo-radiation vs radiation alone in the treatment of advanced head and neck cancers: a preliminary communication

Biswas T; Singh DP; Sandhu APS; Negi PS; Sharma SC.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1996; 11(1): 36-39.

Role of iridium-192 implantation in management of inoperable chest wall recurrences in carcinoma breast. Results of prospective study

Singh DP; Kudrimoti M; Negi PS; Sharma SC; Gupta BD.

J Clin Radioth Oncol. 1995; 10(36-38).

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of breast

Mural Krishna BV; Singh DP; Mahesh K; et al.

Bulletin PGI. 1995; 29(3): 116-117.

Suprasellar germinoma

Mural Krishna BV; Singh DP; Mahesh K; et al.

Bulletin PGI. 1995; 29(4): 150-152.

Primary lymphoma of frontoparietal bone of skull

Gupta A; Sharma SC; Singh DP; et al.

Bulletin PGI. 1995; 29(4): 154-156.

Primary bone tumors of the talus.

Dhillon MS, Singh B, Singh DP, Prabhu V, Nagi ON

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association.. 1994 August 84 (8):379-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ewing's sarcoma of the foot bones: an analysis of seven cases.

Dhillon MS, Singh DP, Sur RK, Prabhu V, Sandhu AP, Nagi ON

Contemporary orthopaedics. 1994 August 29 (2):127-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Carcinoma larynx in northern India: Clinical spectrum and results of treatment.

Sandhu APS; Sharma SC; DP Singh DP; et al.

Pakistan J Otolaryngol. 1994; 10: 194-199.

Role of iridium-192 isotope implantation in management of squamous cell carcinoma of chest wall

Singh DP; Sandhu APS; Sharma SC; et al.

Bulletin PGI. 1994; 228(2): 1994.

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma of pinna with iridium implantation

Singh DP; Gupta BD; Sharma SC; et al.

Bulletin PGI. 1994; 28(3): 121-124.

Ewing's sarcoma of calcaneam: management of a case and review of the literature

Singh S, Singh DP, Sharma SC; Dhillon MS; Vaiphei K.

Bulletin PGI. 1994; 28(3): 133-136.

Brachytherapy treatment of the vulval cancer using iridium-192 interstitial implantation

Singh DP; Patel FD; Sandhu APS; Singh S; Negi PS; Gupta BD.

Bulletin PGI. 1994; 28(4): 163-167.

Oral sucralfate in acute radiation oesophagitis.

Sur RK, Kochhar R, Singh DP

Acta oncologica.. 1994 33 (1):61-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Primary bone malignancies in pregnancy. A report of four cases.

Dhillon MS, Singh DP, Gill SS, Sur R, Sarode VR, Nagi ON

Orthopaedic review. 1993 August 22 (8):931-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Metastatic tumours of the iris: a rare presentation

Singh DP; Pandav SS; Ram J; Sur RK; Jain S; Radotra BD.

Ind J Cancer. 1993; 31(1): 44-47.

Results of treatment in advanced breast cancer - 10 year review

Ravi K; Sandhu APS; Sharma SC; Patel FD; Sushmita G; Singh DP; Gupta BD.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1993; 8(1): 19-24.

Calculation of biological dose for treatment of carcinoma of oesophagus using external irradiation and high dose rate intraluminal irradiation

Sur RK; Negi PS; Singh DP; Sharma SC; Gupta BD.

AMPI Med Phys Bulletin. 1993; 18(2): 20-22.

Role of Iridium-192 isotope implantation in management of inoperable chest wall recurrences of carcinoma breast: a feasibility study

Gupta BD; Singh DP; Sandhu APS.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1993; 8(2): 54-57.

Results of treatment in endometrial carcinoma. Five years experience

Sandhu APS; Patel FD; Singh DP; Sharma SC; Gupta BD.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1993; 8(2): 13-15.

Primary lymphoma of the paraspinal tissue: an unusual clinical presentation

Gupta A; Sharma SC; Singh DP; Sandhu APS; et al.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1993; 8(2): 60-63.

Patellar metastasis: a rare presentation.

Sur RK, Singh DP, Dhillon MS, Gupta BD, Murali B, Sidhu R

The British journal of radiology.. 1992 August 65 (776):722-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of radical treatment of carcinoma esophagus using a combination of external beam and intracavitary irradiation.

Sur RK, Kochhar R, Singh DP, Sharma SC, Goenka MK, Negi PS, Gupta BD, Mehta SK

Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.. 1992 July 11 (3):121-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Primary malignant and potentially malignant tumors of the foot.

Dhillon MS; Singh DP; Mittal RL; Gill SS; Nagi ON.

The Foot. 1992; 2: 19-26.

Plasmacytoma of the mandible - a rare case

Ravi K; Singh DP; Sharma SC; Gupta BD.

Bulletin PGI. 1992; 26: 37-39.

Unproven cancer remedies

A Earnest, DP Singh, BD Gupta.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1992; 7(1): 47-53.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - clinical profile on treatment

Sandhu APS; Sharma SC; Patel FD; Singh DP; Gupta BD.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1992; 7(2): 19-23.

Radiation therapy of esophageal cancer: role of high dose rate brachytherapy.

Sur RK, Singh DP, Sharma SC, Singh MT, Kochhar R, Negi PS, Sethi T, Patel F, Ayyagari S, Bhatia SP

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 1992 22 (5):1043-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

High dose rate intracavitary therapy in advanced carcinoma esophagus.

Sur RK, Kochhar R, Singh DP, Sharma SC, Goenka MK, Negi PS, Gupta BD, Mehta SK

Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.. 1991 April 10 (2):43-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Primary lymphoma of the bones of the foot: management of two cases.

Singh DP, Dhillon MS, Sur RK, Sharma SC, Radotra BD

Foot & ankle.. 1991 April 11 (5):314-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Optimization of treatment schedule using remote controlled high dose rate intraluminal therapy with external radiation - a preliminary report

Sur R; Sharma SC; Kochhar R; Negi PS; Singh DP; Sethi T; Gupta BD.

Endocuriether Hyperther Oncol. 1991; 7: 49-52.

Radiation treatment of tracheal cancers

Singh DP; Nehru VN; Sharma SC.

Indian J Otolaryngol. 1991; 43(2): 77-79.

Treatment and results of medulloblastoma with radiation therapy: a PGI review

Singh DP; Sur RK; Sharma SC; et al.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1991; 6(1): 21-24.

Management of advanced oral cancers by radiation and surgery - local control and pattern of failure

Ghoshal S; Singh DP; Sharma SC; Patel FD; Chari PS; Gupta BD.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1991; 6(1): 52-55.

Ewing's sarcoma of the talus

Dhillon MS; Singh DP; Nagi ON: Sharma SC; Gill SS.

Indian Foot Society. 1991; 6: 29-32.

HDR Bougie in palliation of carcinoma oesophagus

Sur RK; Singh DP; Sharma SC; Negi PS; Kochhar R; Gupta BD.

Bulletin PGI. 1991; 25: 5-10.

Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the splenic flexure

Vaiphei K; Tyagi AK; Wig JD; Singh DP.

Bulletin PGI. 1991; 25(4): 210-213.

Management of multiple myeloma - A twelve year review

Singh DP; Sharma SC; Sur RK; Patel FD; Ayyagari S; Gupta BD.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1990; 5(1): 37-43.

Ewing's sarcoma of the maxilla: a case report

Singh DP; Sur RK; Sharma SC; Gupta BD; Mehta S; Banerjee CK.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1990; 5(2): 25-27.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea

Singh DP; Sharma SC; Sur RK; Panda N; Banerjee CK.

Bulletin PGI. 1990; 24: 21-24.

Malignant tumors of calcaneum

Singh DP; Sharma SC; Sur RK; Dhillon MS; Banerjee CK.

Bulletin PGI. 1990; 24: 215-220.

Germ cell tumors of the testis

Sethi T; Singh DP; Sur RK; Ayyagari S; Gupta BD, Bhatia SPS.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1990; 5(2): 45-51.

Carcinoma esophagus treated by external radiation and intraluminal therapy - a case discussion

Sur RK; Negi PS; Sharma SC; Kochhar R; Singh DP; Goenka M.

AMPI Med Phys Bulletin. 1990; 15(2): 125-127.

Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the maxilla

Singh O; Mehta S; Sharma SC; Radotra BD; Singh DP.

Bulletin PGI. 1990; 24: 201-206.

Epidemiology of esophageal cancer

Singh DP; Sharma SC; Gupta BD; Bhatia SPS.

Ind J Clin Radiother Oncol. 1989; 4: 17-24.

Radiation in the management of carcinoma anal canal

Kaushal VK; Sharma SC; Singh DP; Gupta BD.

Ind J Radiat Oncol. 1986; 3: 1-7.

Treatment of advanced carcinoma breast - PGI experience

Tandon N; Sharma SC; Beriwal S; Singh DP; Singh R; Bose SM.

J Clin Radiother Oncol. .

Extra skeletal Ewing's sarcoma

Sandhu MS, Kalra N, Singh DP; Radotra BD; Jain M; Suri S.

Ind J Radiol Imaging. .


Advances in Radiation Oncology in Lung Cancer (2011)

Chapter: Translational Research in Lung Cancer

Authors: Singh D; Bylund K; Chen Y

Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg 2011

Textbook of Radiation Oncology: Principles and Practice (2000)

Chapter: Carcinoma of the nasopharynx

Authors: Sharma SC, Singh DP, Jalali R

Publisher: Churchill Livingstone 2000

Ratings & Comments

At URMC, we believe that patients should be empowered to make the right decisions regarding their personal healthcare. To do so, transparency is critical. URMC partners with Press Ganey, to survey our patients about all aspects of their care experience. We are now putting this pertinent information at your fingertips by displaying star ratings for our providers along with anonymous patient comments on our website. This will help you make better-informed choices about how and with whom you seek care. Click here to learn more about the surveys used to generate this vital information. Learn more about our survey process.


During this visit, did this provider spend enough time with you?

4.9 stars

During this visit, did this provider show respect for what you had to say?

5.0 stars

During this visit did this provider give you easy to understand information about these health questions or concerns?

4.9 stars

During this visit, did this provider listen carefully to you?

4.9 stars

During this visit, did this provider explain things in a way that was easy to understand?

4.9 stars

Patient Comments

The entire staff was great. Dr. D. Singh is a very competent doctor and an extremely kind person. I could ask for better. He's the best.

Oct 27, 2024

[...] The doctor wanted it his way, no discussion. But then changed his tune a bit and more discussion was had. [...]

Oct 14, 2024

If my doctor and her staff were not as dedicated as they are I would not being going to them.

Oct 10, 2024

Dr. Singh is a wonderful doctor. He's so very helpful.

Aug 04, 2024

5.0 stars

Care and courtesy is very and very and and exceptional a nice group of people

May 05, 2024

5.0 stars

I could not have asked for a better radiaion oncologist than Dr. Singh. I feel the deep care he has for his patients, and he always makes sure everything I need has been addressed.

May 03, 2024

5.0 stars

There has never been anything but the highest regard for my doctor and the staff [...]. They are excellent in every aspect of treating both the cancer and the patient.

Oct 05, 2023

5.0 stars

Dr. Singh has been a model health care provider from our first meeting. Can't recommend him highly enough.

May 11, 2023

5.0 stars

Dr. Singh is a wonderful, caring excellent provider.

Apr 04, 2023

5.0 stars

Explained things very clearly was very kind & made me very comfortable.

Feb 02, 2023


Top notch treatment from Dr. Singh & his staff! Always right on top of my care!

Jul 25, 2022

Always very good care .

Jun 20, 2022


Doctor had stayed up tp date on my medical treatment and was encouraged about the progress of my medical issue. Encouraged me to call him if I had any questions or concerns.

May 17, 2022


May 11, 2022


I was very impressed that my provider recognized that I was quite anxious during the visit. Several days later, a social worker from strong called to see how I was doing. Obviously, my provider notified the social work department to check in. I was extremely impressed by that

Mar 23, 2022


Dr. Singh was forthright and clear on all stages of treatment and expectations to help make informed decisions.

Mar 16, 2022