Michael Swartz started his medical career as a physician's assistant in the division of cardiac surgery at SUNY Upstate in Syracuse, New York. While at SUNY Upstate, Michael completed a Master's of Science in physiology in 2007, and PhD in pharmacology in 2009. Following completion of his graduate...
Michael Swartz started his medical career as a physician's assistant in the division of cardiac surgery at SUNY Upstate in Syracuse, New York. While at SUNY Upstate, Michael completed a Master's of Science in physiology in 2007, and PhD in pharmacology in 2009. Following completion of his graduate work, Michael joined the URMC as both a physician's assistant on the cardiac surgery service and a post-doctoral research fellow working with Dr. George Alfieris. Following completion of his post-doctoral research fellowship he was appointed as an assistant professor of surgery at URMC in 2013.
Certified Specialties
Physician Assistant
- National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics, Cardiology (SMD) - Joint
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery, Cardiac (SMD) - Joint
MS | D'Youville College.Physician Assistant.2001
Best Clinical Presentation.2011
Allied Professional Award.2009
Professional Development Award.2007
Despite surgical ingenuity to palliate the 1000 infants born annually in the United States with single ventricle (SV) physiology, the predicted life expectancy for these patients remains less than three decades without cardiac transplantation. Shortly after birth, infants undergo the first in a seri...
Despite surgical ingenuity to palliate the 1000 infants born annually in the United States with single ventricle (SV) physiology, the predicted life expectancy for these patients remains less than three decades without cardiac transplantation. Shortly after birth, infants undergo the first in a series of operations which ultimately diverts systemic venous return away from the heart, directly into the pulmonary vasculature. Although short and midterm results of this palliation are acceptable, the majority of patients succumb to heart failure. Cardiac transplantation is the optimal treatment; however, due to limited organ supply and an absence of circulatory support strategies, nearly 25% of failing SV patients die while awaiting cardiac transplant. We have developed a survival, single ventricle, large animal model that we are currently using to test different strategies for mechanical circulatory support. These strategies developed at the URMC and from other vendors, may provide further options for single ventricle patients while awaiting transplant.
Crook S, Dragan K, Woo JL, Neidell M, Nash KA, Jiang P, Zhang Y, Sanchez CM, Cook S, Hannan EL, Newburger JW, Jacobs ML, Petit CJ, Goldstone A, Vincent R, Walsh-Spoonhower K, Mosca R, Kumar TKS, Devejian N, Biddix B, Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Meyer D, Paul EA, Billings J, Anderson BR,
Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2024 June 1883 (24):2440-2454. Epub 1900 01 01.
Woo JL, Nash KA, Dragan K, Crook S, Neidell M, Cook S, Hannan EL, Jacobs M, Goldstone AB, Petit CJ, Vincent R, Walsh-Spoonhower K, Mosca R, Kumar TKS, Devejian N, Kamenir SA, Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Meyer D, Paul EA, Newburger JW, Billings J, Davis MM, Anderson BR,
Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2023 September 2682 (13):1331-1340. Epub 1900 01 01.
Boskovski MT, Homsy J, Nathan M, Sleeper LA, Morton S, Manheimer KB, Tai A, Gorham J, Lewis M, Swartz M, Alfieris GM, Bacha EA, Karimi M, Meyer D, Nguyen K, Bernstein D, Romano-Adesman A, Porter GA, Goldmuntz E, Chung WK, Srivastava D, Kaltman JR, Tristani-Firouzi M, Lifton R, Roberts AE, Gaynor JW, Gelb BD, Kim R, Seidman JG, Brueckner M, Mayer JE, Newburger JW, Seidman CE
Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine.. 2020 August 13 (4):e002836. Epub 06/30/2020.
Cholette JM, Pietropaoli AP, Henrichs KF, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Phipps R, Spineli SL, Swartz M, Gensini F, Daugherty LE, Nazarian E, Rubenstein JS, Sweeney D, Eaton M, Blumberg N
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2015 March 16 (3):227-35. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cholette JM, Powers KS, Alfieris GM, Angona R, Henrichs KF, Masel D, Swartz MF, Daugherty LE, Belmont K, Blumberg N
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2013 February 14 (2):137-47. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cholette JM, Henrichs KF, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Phipps R, Spinelli SL, Swartz M, Gensini F, Daugherty LE, Nazarian E, Rubenstein JS, Sweeney D, Eaton M, Lerner NB, Blumberg N
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2012 May 13 (3):290-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Principles of Surgery: Redux and Reconsideration
Chapter: Cardiac Surgery
Authors: Seymour I Schwartz, Michael F Swartz, George M Alfieris
McGraw-Hill 2018
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