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Michael Swartz, PAC, PhD

Michael Swartz, PAC, PhD

Cardiac Surgery , Surgery

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About Me

Michael Swartz started his medical career as a physician's assistant in the division of cardiac surgery at SUNY Upstate in Syracuse, New York. While at SUNY Upstate, Michael completed a Master's of Science in physiology in 2007, and PhD in pharmacology in 2009. Following completion of his graduate...
Michael Swartz started his medical career as a physician's assistant in the division of cardiac surgery at SUNY Upstate in Syracuse, New York. While at SUNY Upstate, Michael completed a Master's of Science in physiology in 2007, and PhD in pharmacology in 2009. Following completion of his graduate work, Michael joined the URMC as both a physician's assistant on the cardiac surgery service and a post-doctoral research fellow working with Dr. George Alfieris. Following completion of his post-doctoral research fellowship he was appointed as an assistant professor of surgery at URMC in 2013.

Certified Specialties

Physician Assistant - National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Cardiology (SMD) - Joint

Associate Professor - Department of Surgery, Cardiac (SMD) - Joint



MS | D'Youville College. Physician Assistant. 2001


Best Clinical Presentation. 2011

Allied Professional Award. 2009

Professional Development Award. 2007


Despite surgical ingenuity to palliate the 1000 infants born annually in the United States with single ventricle (SV) physiology, the predicted life expectancy for these patients remains less than three decades without cardiac transplantation. Shortly after birth, infants undergo the first in a seri...
Despite surgical ingenuity to palliate the 1000 infants born annually in the United States with single ventricle (SV) physiology, the predicted life expectancy for these patients remains less than three decades without cardiac transplantation. Shortly after birth, infants undergo the first in a series of operations which ultimately diverts systemic venous return away from the heart, directly into the pulmonary vasculature. Although short and midterm results of this palliation are acceptable, the majority of patients succumb to heart failure. Cardiac transplantation is the optimal treatment; however, due to limited organ supply and an absence of circulatory support strategies, nearly 25% of failing SV patients die while awaiting cardiac transplant.
We have developed a survival, single ventricle, large animal model that we are currently using to test different strategies for mechanical circulatory support. These strategies developed at the URMC and from other vendors, may provide further options for single ventricle patients while awaiting transplant.


Journal Articles

Changes in Neonatal Intraoperative Electroencephalogram Alpha: Delta Ratios Precede Neurologic Injury.

Swartz MF, Lansinger J, Scheffler EJ, Duncan A, Cholette JM, Yoshitake S, Alfieris GM

World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery.. 2025 January 16 (1):21-29. Epub 09/12/2024.

Quantitative Electroencephalography Alpha:Delta Ratio and Suppression Ratio Monitoring During Infant Aortic Arch Reconstruction.

Lansinger J, Swartz MF, Scheffler EJ, Duncan A, Cholette JM, Yoshitake S, Clifford HS, Wang H, Alfieris GM

Pediatric neurology.. 2024 December 9163 :96-103. Epub 12/09/2024.

Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Predictive Models for Outcomes After Congenital Heart Surgery.

Crook S, Dragan K, Woo JL, Neidell M, Nash KA, Jiang P, Zhang Y, Sanchez CM, Cook S, Hannan EL, Newburger JW, Jacobs ML, Petit CJ, Goldstone A, Vincent R, Walsh-Spoonhower K, Mosca R, Kumar TKS, Devejian N, Biddix B, Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Meyer D, Paul EA, Billings J, Anderson BR,

Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2024 June 1883 (24):2440-2454. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Incidence of Hypertension Following Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta.

Abarintos HML, Kapuscinski CA, Wheaton T, Stauber SD, Swartz MF, Grossman M, Masri S, Hutchinson DJ

The journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG.. 2024 April 29 (2):144-150. Epub 04/08/2024.

Chronic Medication Burden After Cardiac Surgery for Pediatric Medicaid Beneficiaries.

Woo JL, Nash KA, Dragan K, Crook S, Neidell M, Cook S, Hannan EL, Jacobs M, Goldstone AB, Petit CJ, Vincent R, Walsh-Spoonhower K, Mosca R, Kumar TKS, Devejian N, Kamenir SA, Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Meyer D, Paul EA, Newburger JW, Billings J, Davis MM, Anderson BR,

Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2023 September 2682 (13):1331-1340. Epub 1900 01 01.

Intravenous Dabigatran Provides Adequate Anticoagulation for Cardiopulmonary Bypass Using a Rabbit Model.

Nadtochiy SM, Stefanos T, Angona RE, Darrow N, Jones K, Feng C, Algahim M, LeMoine D, Westcott R, Anderson B, Swartz MF, Eaton MP

Anesthesiology.. 2023 May 1138 (5):523-532. Epub 1900 01 01.

Long-Term Health Care Utilization After Cardiac Surgery in Children Covered Under Medicaid.

Crook S, Dragan K, Woo JL, Neidell M, Jiang P, Cook S, Hannan EL, Newburger JW, Jacobs ML, Bacha EA, Petit CJ, Vincent R, Walsh-Spoonhower K, Mosca R, Kumar TKS, Devejian N, Kamenir SA, Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Meyer D, Paul EA, Billings J, Anderson BR,

Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2023 April 2581 (16):1605-1617. Epub 1900 01 01.

Using Serum Cystatin C to Predict Acute Kidney Injury Following Infant Cardiac Surgery.

Abadeer M, Swartz MF, Martin SD, Groves AM, Kent AL, Schwartz GJ, Brophy P, Alfieris GM, Cholette JM

Pediatric cardiology.. 2023 April 44 (4):855-866. Epub 01/13/2023.

Pulmonary Venous Gradients in Healthy Controls and Following the Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return.

Swartz MF, Meagher C, Yoshitake S, Atallah-Yunes N, Angona R, Cholette JM, Alfieris GM

Pediatric cardiology.. 2023 February 44 (2):325-332. Epub 08/20/2022.

Methylprednisolone for Heart Surgery in Infants - A Randomized, Controlled Trial.

Hill KD, Kannankeril PJ, Jacobs JP, Baldwin HS, Jacobs ML, O'Brien SM, Bichel DP, Graham EM, Blasiole B, Resheidat A, Husain AS, Kumar SR, Kirchner JL, Gallup DS, Turek JW, Bleiweis M, Mettler B, Benscoter A, Wald E, Karamlou T, Van Bergen AH, Overman D, Eghtesady P, Butts R, Kim JS, Scott JP, Anderson BR, Swartz MF, McConnell PI, Vener DF, Li JS,

The New England journal of medicine.. 2022 December 8387 (23):2138-2149. Epub 11/06/2022.

A modified approach in the repair of type I and II truncus arteriosus to promote branch pulmonary arterial growth and limit early reoperation.

Swartz MF, Yoshitake S, Cholette JM, Atallah-Yunes N, Wang H, Alfieris GM

JTCVS techniques.. 2022 December 16 :196-211. Epub 09/29/2022.

Enoxaparin Reduces Catheter-associated Venous Thrombosis After Infant Cardiac Surgery.

Swartz MF, Hutchinson DJ, Stauber SD, Taillie ER, Alfieris GM, Cholette JM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2022 September 114 (3):881-888. Epub 05/29/2021.

Mitochondrial ATP Synthase Tetramer Disassembly following Blood-Based or del Nido Cardioplegia during Neonatal Cardiac Surgery.

Simon BV, Beutner G, Swartz MF, Angona R, Smith K, Porter GA, Alfieris GM

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2022 September 54 (3):203-211. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk Stratification for Congenital Heart Surgery for ICD-10 Administrative Data (RACHS-2).

Allen P, Zafar F, Mi J, Crook S, Woo J, Jayaram N, Bryant R, Karamlou T, Tweddell J, Dragan K, Cook S, Hannan EL, Newburger JW, Bacha EA, Vincent R, Nguyen K, Walsh-Spoonhower K, Mosca R, Devejian N, Kamenir SA, Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Meyer D, Paul EA, Billings J, Anderson BR,

Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2022 February 879 (5):465-478. Epub 1900 01 01.

Factors Associated With an Abnormal Blood Pressure Response During Exercise After Coarctation Repair.

Pivirotto M, Swartz MF, McGreevy MB, Atallah-Yunes N, Cholette JM, Lipshultz SE, Alfieris GM

World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery.. 2022 January 13 (1):53-59. Epub 1900 01 01.

Improving Longitudinal Outcomes, Efficiency, and Equity in the Care of Patients With Congenital Heart Disease.

Anderson BR, Dragan K, Crook S, Woo JL, Cook S, Hannan EL, Newburger JW, Jacobs M, Bacha EA, Vincent R, Nguyen K, Walsh-Spoonhower K, Mosca R, Devejian N, Kamenir SA, Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Meyer D, Paul EA, Billings J,

Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2021 October 2678 (17):1703-1713. Epub 1900 01 01.

In Vitro and In Vivo Comparison of Hemoglobin and Electrolytes Following the Collection of Cell Saver Blood Washed with Either Normal Saline or Plasma-Lyte A.

Cholette JM, McRae HL, Angona R, Cahill C, Swartz MF, Alfieris GM, Refaai MA

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2021 September 53 (3):214-219. Epub 1900 01 01.

Intraoperative Cortical Asynchrony Predicts Abnormal Postoperative Electroencephalogram.

Swartz MF, Seltzer LE, Cholette JM, Yoshitake S, Darrow N, Algahim MF, Alfieris GM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2021 February 111 (2):645-654. Epub 06/06/2020.

De Novo Damaging Variants, Clinical Phenotypes, and Post-Operative Outcomes in Congenital Heart Disease.

Boskovski MT, Homsy J, Nathan M, Sleeper LA, Morton S, Manheimer KB, Tai A, Gorham J, Lewis M, Swartz M, Alfieris GM, Bacha EA, Karimi M, Meyer D, Nguyen K, Bernstein D, Romano-Adesman A, Porter GA, Goldmuntz E, Chung WK, Srivastava D, Kaltman JR, Tristani-Firouzi M, Lifton R, Roberts AE, Gaynor JW, Gelb BD, Kim R, Seidman JG, Brueckner M, Mayer JE, Newburger JW, Seidman CE

Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine.. 2020 August 13 (4):e002836. Epub 06/30/2020.

Commentary: The static use of the transannular patch in the repair of tetralogy of Fallot.

Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Algahim M

The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 2020 January 159 (1):239-240. Epub 09/23/2019.

Neurodevelopmental Delay After the Neonatal Repair of Coarctation and Arch Obstruction.

Simon BV, Swartz MF, Orie JM, Adams HR, Seltzer LE, Angona RE, Atallah-Yunes NH, Alfieris GM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2019 November 108 (5):1416-1422. Epub 06/14/2019.

Met-Hemoglobin Is a Biomarker for Poor Oxygen Delivery in Infants Following Surgical Palliation.

Swartz MF, Makhija P, Rubenstein J, Henrichs KF, Powers KS, Wang HY, Simon BV, Alfieris GM, Blumberg N, Cholette JM

World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery.. 2019 July 10 (4):485-491. Epub 05/29/2019.

Serial Follow-Up of Two Surgical Strategies for the Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot.

Simon BV, Subramanian S, Swartz MF, Wang H, Atallah-Yunes N, Alfieris GM

Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 2019 31 (3):515-523. Epub 01/05/2019.

Damus-Kaye-Stansel procedure avoids coronary obstruction in complex D-transposition.

Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Simon BV

Journal of cardiac surgery.. 2018 November 33 (11):756-758. Epub 10/25/2018.

Modified Repair of Type I and II Truncus Arteriosus Limits Early Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reoperation.

Louis C, Swartz MF, Simon BV, Cholette JM, Atallah-Yunes N, Wang H, Gensini F, Alfieris GM

Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 2018 30 (2):199-204. Epub 02/08/2018.

Transfer of Neonates with Critical Congenital Heart Disease Within a Regionalized Network.

Swartz MF, Cholette JM, Orie JM, Jacobs ML, Jacobs JP, Alfieris GM

Pediatric cardiology.. 2017 October 38 (7):1350-1358. Epub 07/15/2017.

Temporary mechanical circulatory support after orthotopic heart transplantation: a single-centre experience.

Tchantchaleishvili V, Wood KL, Carlson LA, Barrus B, Swartz MF, Vidula H, Lehoux JM, Todd Massey H, Chen L

Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.. 2017 July 125 (1):41-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

A modified LVAD technique to augment caval and pulmonary arterial blood flow in the "failing Fontan" circulation.

Swartz MF, DiVincenti L, Smith K, Westcott R, Belmont K, Harris W, Gensini F, Alfieris GM

Journal of cardiac surgery.. 2017 February 32 (2):126-132. Epub 01/09/2017.

Heterologous expression of Streptococcus mutans Cnm in Lactococcus lactis promotes intracellular invasion, adhesion to human cardiac tissues and virulence.

Freires IA, Avilés-Reyes A, Kitten T, Simpson-Haidaris PJ, Swartz M, Knight PA, Rosalen PL, Lemos JA, Abranches J

Virulence.. 2017 January 28 (1):18-29. Epub 06/03/2016.

Use of a Dacron Annular Sparing Versus Limited Transannular Patch With Nominal Pulmonary Annular Expansion in Infants With Tetralogy of Fallot.

Simon BV, Swartz MF, Egan M, Cholette JM, Gensini F, Alfieris GM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2017 January 103 (1):186-192. Epub 07/29/2016.

Outcomes Using a Conservative Versus Liberal Red Blood Cell Transfusion Strategy in Infants Requiring Cardiac Operation.

Cholette JM, Swartz MF, Rubenstein J, Henrichs KF, Wang H, Powers KS, Daugherty LE, Alfieris GM, Gensini F, Blumberg N

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2017 January 103 (1):206-214. Epub 08/03/2016.

Sustained Improvement in Right Ventricular Chamber Dimensions 10 Years Following Xenograft Pulmonary Valve Replacement.

Schubmehl HB, Swartz MF, Atallah-Yunes N, Wittlieb-Weber C, Pratt RE, Alfieris GM

World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery.. 2017 January 8 (1):39-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

Identification of differentially regulated genes in human patent ductus arteriosus.

Parikh P, Bai H, Swartz MF, Alfieris GM, Dean DA

Experimental biology and medicine. 2016 December 241 (18):2112-2118. Epub 07/28/2016.

Continuous Cardiopulmonary Bypass During the Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return.

Parzen JS, Swartz MF, Cholette JM, Smith F, Gensini F, Alfieris GM

World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery.. 2016 November 7 (6):750-752. Epub 1900 01 01.

Long-Term Survival and Freedom From Reoperation After Placement of a Pulmonary Xenograft Valved Conduit.

Alfieris GM, Swartz MF, Lehoux J, Bove EL

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2016 August 102 (2):602-7. Epub 05/04/2016.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes after neonatal cardiac surgery: Role of cortical isoelectric activity.

Seltzer L, Swartz MF, Kwon J, Burchfiel J, Cholette JM, Wang H, Sweeney D, Adams HR, Meagher C, Angona R, Guillet R, Alfieris GM

The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 2016 April 151 (4):1137-42. Epub 10/27/2015.

Costs and Outcomes in the Care of Bi-ventricular Support as a Bridge to Cardiac Transplant.

Swartz MF, Angona R, Smith K, Kraenzlin F, Stypula CM, Joshi D, Tchantchaleishvili V, Hicks GL, Massey HT

ASAIO journal : a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.. 2016 62 (5):513-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Initial Glimpse at Long-term Outcomes Following the Repair of Truncus Arteriosus.

Alfieris GM, Swartz MF

Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 2016 28 (2):512-513. Epub 08/11/2016.

Distal Transverse Arch to Left Carotid Artery Ratio Helps to Identify Infants With Aortic Arch Hypoplasia.

Swartz MF, Simon B, Atallah-Yunes N, Cholette JM, Orie J, Gensini F, Alfieris GM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2015 September 100 (3):1004-11; discussion 1011-2. Epub 07/23/2015.

Longer RBC storage duration is associated with increased postoperative infections in pediatric cardiac surgery.

Cholette JM, Pietropaoli AP, Henrichs KF, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Phipps R, Spineli SL, Swartz M, Gensini F, Daugherty LE, Nazarian E, Rubenstein JS, Sweeney D, Eaton M, Blumberg N

Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2015 March 16 (3):227-35. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evolving strategies in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction-induced cardiogenic shock.

Tchantchaleishvili V, Schubmehl H, Swartz MF, Hallinan W, Massey HT

Annals of cardiothoracic surgery.. 2014 November 3 (6):606-11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Regression of left ventricular hypertrophy in children following the Ross procedure.

Lehoux J, Swartz MF, Atallah-Yunes N, Cholette JM, Alfieris GM

Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.. 2014 May 18 (5):607-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dominant frequency increase rate predicts transition from paroxysmal to long-term persistent atrial fibrillation.

Martins RP, Kaur K, Hwang E, Ramirez RJ, Willis BC, Filgueiras-Rama D, Ennis SR, Takemoto Y, Ponce-Balbuena D, Zarzoso M, O'Connell RP, Musa H, Guerrero-Serna G, Avula UM, Swartz MF, Bhushal S, Deo M, Pandit SV, Berenfeld O, Jalife J

Circulation.. 2014 April 8129 (14):1472-82. Epub 01/24/2014.

Intraoperative electroencephalography predicts postoperative seizures in infants with congenital heart disease.

Seltzer LE, Swartz M, Kwon JM, Burchfiel J, Alfieris GM, Guillet R

Pediatric neurology.. 2014 April 50 (4):313-7. Epub 12/19/2013.

Survival after left ventricular assist device with and without temporary right ventricular support.

Lazar JF, Swartz MF, Schiralli MP, Schneider M, Pisula B, Hallinan W, Hicks GL, Massey HT

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2013 December 96 (6):2155-9. Epub 09/12/2013.

Risk factors for a positive neoaortic arch gradient after stage I palliation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

Walters AM, Swartz MF, Patel S, Cholette JM, Atallah-Yunes N, Alfieris GM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2013 August 96 (2):645-50. Epub 06/16/2013.

Hypertensive changes within the aortic arch of infants and children with isolated coarctation.

Swartz MF, Morrow D, Atallah-Yunes N, Cholette JM, Gensini F, Kavey RE, Alfieris GM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2013 July 96 (1):190-5. Epub 05/31/2013.

Transfusion of cell saver salvaged blood in neonates and infants undergoing open heart surgery significantly reduces RBC and coagulant product transfusions and donor exposures: results of a prospective, randomized, clinical trial.

Cholette JM, Powers KS, Alfieris GM, Angona R, Henrichs KF, Masel D, Swartz MF, Daugherty LE, Belmont K, Blumberg N

Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2013 February 14 (2):137-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effect of repeat sternotomy during right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction.

Swartz MF, Schiralli MP, Angona R, Cholette JM, Gensini F, Alfieris GM

Congenital heart disease.. 2013 8 (2):142-8. Epub 06/14/2012.

Impella to unload the left ventricle during peripheral extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Cheng A, Swartz MF, Massey HT

ASAIO journal : a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.. 2013 59 (5):533-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

VADoscopy: a novel intraoperative technique to evaluate HeartMate II left ventricular assist device inflow obstruction and thrombosis.

Cheng A, Swartz MF, Massey HT

ASAIO journal : a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.. 2013 59 (6):671-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Elevated pre-operative serum peptides for collagen I and III synthesis result in post-surgical atrial fibrillation.

Swartz MF, Fink GW, Sarwar MF, Hicks GL, Yu Y, Hu R, Lutz CJ, Taffet SM, Jalife J

Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2012 October 3060 (18):1799-806. Epub 1900 01 01.

Decreased incidence of supravalvar pulmonary stenosis after arterial switch operation.

Swartz MF, Sena A, Atallah-Yunes N, Meagher C, Cholette JM, Gensini F, Alfieris GM

Circulation.. 2012 September 11126 (11 Suppl 1):S118-22. Epub 1900 01 01.

Washing red blood cells and platelets transfused in cardiac surgery reduces postoperative inflammation and number of transfusions: results of a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial.

Cholette JM, Henrichs KF, Alfieris GM, Powers KS, Phipps R, Spinelli SL, Swartz M, Gensini F, Daugherty LE, Nazarian E, Rubenstein JS, Sweeney D, Eaton M, Lerner NB, Blumberg N

Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2012 May 13 (3):290-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Transseptal catheter decompression of the left ventricle during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Swartz MF, Smith F, Byrum CJ, Alfieris GM

Pediatric cardiology.. 2012 January 33 (1):185-7. Epub 10/09/2011.

Plutonium-238: an ideal power source for intracorporeal ventricular assist devices?

Tchantchaleishvili V, Bush BS, Swartz MF, Day SW, Massey HT

ASAIO journal : a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs.. 2012 58 (6):550-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Carpentier edwards porcine valved conduit for right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction.

Schiralli MP, Cholette JM, Swartz MF, Vermilion R, Meagher C, Alfieris GM

Journal of cardiac surgery.. 2011 November 26 (6):643-9. Epub 09/26/2011.

Surgical strategy for aortic coarctation repair resulting in physiologic arm and leg blood pressures.

Swartz MF, Atallah-Yunes N, Meagher C, Schiralli MP, Cholette J, Orie J, Gensini F, Kavey RE, Alfieris GM

Congenital heart disease.. 2011 6 (6):583-91. Epub 11/03/2011.

Neonatal coronary revascularization: six-year follow-up period.

Swartz MF, Schiralli MP, Alfieris GM

Pediatric cardiology.. 2010 October 31 (7):1118. Epub 08/25/2010.

Modified repair of truncus arteriosus to maintain pulmonary artery architecture.

Alfieris GM, Gangemi JJ, Schiralli MP, Swartz MF, Cholette JM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2010 September 90 (3):1038-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Structural and Biophysical Characterization of a Cyclic Bioadhesive With Cell Attachment Ability.

Olivieri MP, Wollman RM, Hurley MI, Swartz MF

The Journal of adhesion.. 2010 January 186 (1):111-130. Epub 1900 01 01.

Left versus right atrial difference in dominant frequency, K(+) channel transcripts, and fibrosis in patients developing atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery.

Swartz MF, Fink GW, Lutz CJ, Taffet SM, Berenfeld O, Vikstrom KL, Kasprowicz K, Bhatta L, Puskas F, Kalifa J, Jalife J

Heart rhythm.. 2009 October 6 (10):1415-22. Epub 06/17/2009.

Novel treatment of an 11-cm saphenous vein graft aneurysm.

Harrison JW, Swartz MF, Fink GW

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2009 April 87 (4):1291-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cerebral oxygen desaturation after cardiopulmonary bypass in a patient with raynaud's phenomenon detected by near-infrared cerebral oximetry.

Aron JH, Fink GW, Swartz MF, Ford B, Hauser MC, O'Leary CE, Puskas F

Anesthesia and analgesia.. 2007 May 104 (5):1034-6, tables of contents. Epub 1900 01 01.

Enteric cyst with epicardial attachment to the left ventricle.

Swartz MF, El-Zammar O, Landas S, Battaglia J, Fink GW

Cardiovascular pathology : the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology.. 2006 15 (2):113-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Chemically modified tetracycline improves contractility in porcine coronary ischemia/reperfusion injury.

Swartz MF, Halter JM, Fink GW, Pavone L, Zaitsev A, Lee HM, Steinberg JM, Lutz CJ, Sorsa T, Gatto LA, Landas S, Hare C, Nieman GF

Journal of cardiac surgery.. 2006 21 (3):254-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

Aprotinin and hemostasis monitoring concerns during cardiac surgery.

Swartz MF, Fink GW, Searles B

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2004 December 36 (4):375-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Use of a biventricular assist device in the treatment of acute doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.

Swartz MF, Fink GW, Carhart RL

Congestive heart failure.. 2004 10 (4):197-9. Epub 1900 01 01.


Principles of Surgery: Redux and Reconsideration (2018)

Chapter: Cardiac Surgery

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