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Jamie L. Adams, M.D.

Jamie L. Adams, M.D.


4.9 out of 5 stars
UR Medicine Faculty The University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group (URMFG) consists of over 900 specialist and primary care providers spanning 19 departments. URMFG is certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
Accountable Health Partner Accountable Health Partners (AHP) is a network of over 2,000 community and UR medical faculty and a dozen leading hospitals throughout the region. AHP offers a full range of care.
Accepting New Patients


Appointment (585) 341-7500


Movement Disorders Clinic - Brighton

Clinton Crossings, Building C
919 Westfall Road, Suite 100
Rochester, NY 14618

About Me

Dr. Adams graduated from Princeton University in 2006 and received her MD from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2011. She remained at the University of Rochester for her internship in medicine before going to the University of Pennsylvania, where she completed a reside...
Dr. Adams graduated from Princeton University in 2006 and received her MD from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2011. She remained at the University of Rochester for her internship in medicine before going to the University of Pennsylvania, where she completed a residency in neurology in 2015. She returned to the University of Rochester for a movement disorders fellowship from 2015-2016. She joined the faculty in 2016 and specializes in the care of patients with movement disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, essential tremor, and dystonia. Her research focuses on the use of technology, such as wearable sensors, smartphone applications, and telemedicine, in individuals with neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson disease and Huntington disease.

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor - Department of Neurology, Movement Disorders (SMD)

Associate Professor - Center for Health and Technology - Joint


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Neurology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2015 - 2016

Residency, Neurology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. 2012 - 2015

Internship, Internal Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2011 - 2012


MD | University of Rochester School of Medicine/Dentistry (USA). 2011


American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting Fellow Scholarship. 2016

Huntington Study Group New Member Scholarship. 2015

Distinction in Medical Humanities, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. 2011

Cum Laude Graduate. 2006

Certificate in American Studies. 2006

Willard Thorp Thesis Prize. 2006

Valedictorian. 2002


Clinical Trials

PPMI Mapping Meaningful Symptoms and Impacts in People with Prodromal Parkinson’s Disease

Lead Researcher: Jamie Lynn Adams

The goal of this study is to talk to people and gather information about symptoms related to Parkinson's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia. We will interview both healthy people and those who might be at risk for these diseases. The information we colle...

Double-blind, Randomized Controlled Trial to Demonstrate Efficacy of Celeste® Specialized Phototherapy in Treating Parkinson's Disease.

Lead Researcher: Jamie Lynn Adams

This is a pivotal study to determine whether light therapy can improve non-motor and motor function in Parkinson's disease, on top of current best medical treatment. You may be eligible for this study if you have a diagnosis of Parkinson's di...


Journal Articles

Monitoring gait at home with radio waves in Parkinson's disease: A marker of severity, progression, and medication response.

Liu Y, Zhang G, Tarolli CG, Hristov R, Jensen-Roberts S, Waddell EM, Myers TL, Pawlik ME, Soto JM, Wilson RM, Yang Y, Nordahl T, Lizarraga KJ, Adams JL, Schneider RB, Kieburtz K, Ellis T, Dorsey ER, Katabi D

Science translational medicine.. 2022 September 2114 (663):eadc9669. Epub 09/21/2022.

Identifying and characterising sources of variability in digital outcome measures in Parkinson's disease.

Roussos G, Herrero TR, Hill DL, Dowling AV, L T M Müller M, Evers LJW, Burton J, Derungs A, Fisher K, Kilambi KP, Mehrotra N, Bhatnagar R, Sardar S, Stephenson D, Adams JL, Ray Dorsey E, Cosman J

NPJ digital medicine.. 2022 July 155 (1):93. Epub 07/15/2022.

Remote smartphone monitoring of Parkinson's disease and individual response to therapy.

Omberg L, Chaibub Neto E, Perumal TM, Pratap A, Tediarjo A, Adams J, Bloem BR, Bot BM, Elson M, Goldman SM, Kellen MR, Kieburtz K, Klein A, Little MA, Schneider R, Suver C, Tarolli C, Tanner CM, Trister AD, Wilbanks J, Dorsey ER, Mangravite LM

Nature biotechnology.. 2022 April 40 (4):480-487. Epub 08/09/2021.

Metadata Framework to Support Deployment of Digital Health Technologies in Clinical Trials in Parkinson's Disease.

Hill DL, Stephenson D, Brayanov J, Claes K, Badawy R, Sardar S, Fisher K, Lee SJ, Bannon A, Roussos G, Kangarloo T, Terebaite V, Müller MLTM, Bhatnagar R, Adams JL, Dorsey ER, Cosman J

Sensors.. 2022 March 922 (6)Epub 03/09/2022.

A real-world study of wearable sensors in Parkinson's disease.

Adams JL, Dinesh K, Snyder CW, Xiong M, Tarolli CG, Sharma S, Dorsey ER, Sharma G

NPJ Parkinson's disease.. 2021 November 297 (1):106. Epub 11/29/2021.

Detecting Parkinson Disease Using a Web-Based Speech Task: Observational Study.

Rahman W, Lee S, Islam MS, Antony VN, Ratnu H, Ali MR, Mamun AA, Wagner E, Jensen-Roberts S, Waddell E, Myers T, Pawlik M, Soto J, Coffey M, Sarkar A, Schneider R, Tarolli C, Lizarraga K, Adams J, Little MA, Dorsey ER, Hoque E

Journal of medical Internet research.. 2021 October 1923 (10):e26305. Epub 10/19/2021.

Digital Technology in Movement Disorders: Updates, Applications, and Challenges.

Adams JL, Lizarraga KJ, Waddell EM, Myers TL, Jensen-Roberts S, Modica JS, Schneider RB

Current neurology and neuroscience reports.. 2021 March 321 (4):16. Epub 03/03/2021.

Efficacy of Nilotinib in Patients With Moderately Advanced Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Simuni T, Fiske B, Merchant K, Coffey CS, Klingner E, Caspell-Garcia C, Lafontant DE, Matthews H, Wyse RK, Brundin P, Simon DK, Schwarzschild M, Weiner D, Adams J, Venuto C, Dawson TM, Baker L, Kostrzebski M, Ward T, Rafaloff G,

JAMA neurology.. 2021 March 178 (3):312-320. Epub 1900 01 01.

Design of a virtual longitudinal observational study in Parkinson's disease (AT-HOME PD).

Schneider RB, Omberg L, Macklin EA, Daeschler M, Bataille L, Anthwal S, Myers TL, Baloga E, Duquette S, Snyder P, Amodeo K, Tarolli CG, Adams JL, Callahan KF, Gottesman J, Kopil CM, Lungu C, Ascherio A, Beck JC, Biglan K, Espay AJ, Tanner C, Oakes D, Shoulson I, Novak D, Kayson E, Ray Dorsey E, Mangravite L, Schwarzschild MA, Simuni T,

Annals of clinical and translational neurology.. 2021 February 8 (2):308-320. Epub 12/22/2020.

GEORGE®: A Pilot Study of a Smartphone Application for Huntington's Disease.

Waddell EM, Dinesh K, Spear KL, Elson MJ, Wagner E, Curtis MJ, Mitten DJ, Tarolli CG, Sharma G, Ray Dorsey E, Adams JL

Journal of Huntington's disease.. 2021 10 (2):293-301. Epub 1900 01 01.

Video-based Parkinson's disease assessments in a nationwide cohort of Fox Insight participants.

Myers TL, Tarolli CG, Adams JL, Barbano R, Cristina Gil-Díaz M, Spear KL, Lowell J, Daeschler M, Riley L, Amondikar N, Auinger P, Marras C, Tanner CM, Ray Dorsey E, Schneider RB

Clinical parkinsonism & related disorders.. 2021 4 :100094. Epub 05/24/2021.

Safety and Tolerability of SRX246, a Vasopressin 1a Antagonist, in Irritable Huntington's Disease Patients-A Randomized Phase 2 Clinical Trial.

Brownstein MJ, Simon NG, Long JD, Yankey J, Maibach HT, Cudkowicz M, Coffey C, Conwit RA, Lungu C, Anderson KE, Hersch SM, Ecklund DJ, Damiano EM, Itzkowitz DE, Lu S, Chase MK, Shefner JM, McGarry A, Thornell B, Gladden C, Costigan M, O'Suilleabhain P, Marshall FJ, Chesire AM, Deritis P, Adams JL, Hedera P, Lowen K, Rosas HD, Hiller AL, Quinn J, Keith K, Duker AP, Gruenwald C, Molloy A, Jacob C, Factor S, Sperin E, Bega D, Brown ZR, Seeberger LC, Sung VW, Benge M, Kostyk SK, Daley AM, Perlman S, Suski V, Conlon P, Barrett MJ, Lowenhaupt S, Quigg M, Perlmutter JS, Wright BA, Most E, Schwartz GJ, Lamb J, Chuang RS, Singer C, Marder K, Moran JA, Singleton JR, Zorn M, Wall PV, Dubinsky RM, Gray C, Drazinic C

Journal of clinical medicine.. 2020 November 169 (11)Epub 11/16/2020.

Telemedicine: A valuable tool in neurodegenerative diseases.

Adams JL, Myers TL, Waddell EM, Spear KL, Schneider RB

Current geriatrics reports.. 2020 June 9 (2):72-81. Epub 03/14/2020.

Video research visits for atypical parkinsonian syndromes among Fox Trial Finder participants.

Tarolli CG, Zimmerman GA, Goldenthal S, Feldman B, Berk S, Siddiqi B, Kopil CM, Chowdhury S, Biglan KM, Dorsey ER, Adams JL

Neurology. Clinical practice.. 2020 February 10 (1):7-14. Epub 1900 01 01.

Telemedicine in neurology: Telemedicine Work Group of the American Academy of Neurology update.

Hatcher-Martin JM, Adams JL, Anderson ER, Bove R, Burrus TM, Chehrenama M, Dolan O'Brien M, Eliashiv DS, Erten-Lyons D, Giesser BS, Moo LR, Narayanaswami P, Rossi MA, Soni M, Tariq N, Tsao JW, Vargas BB, Vota SA, Wessels SR, Planalp H, Govindarajan R

Neurology.. 2020 January 794 (1):30-38. Epub 12/04/2019.

A Longitudinal Wearable Sensor Study in Huntington's Disease.

Dinesh K, Snyder CW, Xiong M, Tarolli CG, Sharma S, Dorsey ER, Sharma G, Adams JL

Journal of Huntington's disease.. 2020 9 (1):69-81. Epub 1900 01 01.

Deep Phenotyping of Parkinson's Disease.

Dorsey ER, Omberg L, Waddell E, Adams JL, Adams R, Ali MR, Amodeo K, Arky A, Augustine EF, Dinesh K, Hoque ME, Glidden AM, Jensen-Roberts S, Kabelac Z, Katabi D, Kieburtz K, Kinel DR, Little MA, Lizarraga KJ, Myers T, Riggare S, Rosero SZ, Saria S, Schifitto G, Schneider RB, Sharma G, Shoulson I, Stevenson EA, Tarolli CG, Luo J, McDermott MP

Journal of Parkinson's disease.. 2020 10 (3):855-873. Epub 1900 01 01.

Remote Administration of the MDS-UPDRS in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond.

Schneider RB, Myers TL, Tarolli CG, Amodeo K, Adams JL, Jensen-Roberts S, Dorsey ER

Journal of Parkinson's disease.. 2020 10 (4):1379-1382. Epub 1900 01 01.

Heart rate monitoring improves clinical assessment during 6-min walk.

Lachant DJ, Light A, Offen M, Adams J, White RJ

Pulmonary circulation.. 2020 10 (4):2045894020972572. Epub 12/09/2020.

The search for Parkinson disease biomarkers: Retinal thinning as a correlate of dopamine loss.

Adams JL, La Morgia C

Neurology.. 2018 September 1191 (11):493-494. Epub 08/15/2018.

Using Smartphones and Machine Learning to Quantify Parkinson Disease Severity: The Mobile Parkinson Disease Score.

Zhan A, Mohan S, Tarolli C, Schneider RB, Adams JL, Sharma S, Elson MJ, Spear KL, Glidden AM, Little MA, Terzis A, Dorsey ER, Saria S

JAMA neurology.. 2018 July 175 (7):876-880. Epub 1900 01 01.

Deep Learning for Medication Assessment of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease Using Wearable Sensors.

Hssayeni MD, Adams JL, Ghoraani B

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2018 July 2018 :1-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Next Generation House Call.

Adams JL, Tarolli CG, Dorsey ER

Cerebrum : the Dana forum on brain science.. 2017 2017 Epub 01/01/2017.

Multiple Wearable Sensors in Parkinson and Huntington Disease Individuals: A Pilot Study in Clinic and at Home.

Adams JL, Dinesh K, Xiong M, Tarolli CG, Sharma S, Sheth N, Aranyosi AJ, Zhu W, Goldenthal S, Biglan KM, Dorsey ER, Sharma G

Digital biomarkers.. 2017 1 (1):52-63. Epub 08/17/2017.

Neurologic care ... anytime?

Adams JL, George BP, Dorsey ER

Neurology. Clinical practice.. 2016 December 6 (6):472-474. Epub 1900 01 01.

Rapidly progressive dementia with hypoglycorrhachia.

Siegler JE, Jacobs DA, Amado D, Adams JL, Berger JR

Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia.. 2015 October 22 (10):1685-7. Epub 06/19/2015.

Rapidly progressive dementia with hypoglycorrhachia

Siegler JE; Jacobs DA; Amado D; Adams JL; Berger JR.

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2015; 22(10): 1685-1687.

Long segment spinal cord involvement as the clinical manifestation of sarcoidosis.

Adams JL, Galetta SL

Neurology. Clinical practice.. 2014 December 4 (6):502-504. Epub 1900 01 01.

Long Segment Spinal Cord Involvement as the Initial Clinical Manifestation of Sarcoidosis

Adams JL; Galetta SL.

Neurology: Clinical Practice. 2014; 4(6): 502-504.

Elimination of unnecessary cervical spine radiographs in the emergency department.

Adams MJ, Adams JL

Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR.. 2010 July 7 (7):531-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Metadata Framework to Support Deployment of Digital Health Technologies in Clinical Trials in Parkinson's Disease



Neurological Diseases and Pregnancy (2018)

Chapter: Movement Disorders in Pregnancy

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4.8 stars

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4.9 stars

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4.9 stars

Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries

4.9 stars

Patient Comments

5.0 stars

We love Dr Adams!!!

Jan 31, 2025

5.0 stars

Excellent response to my concerns. Having Parkinson's Decease there is little one can do other than treat symptoms and explore various ways to make life easier.

Dec 15, 2024

5.0 stars

Dr. Shaw, Fellow, was attentive to my updated symptoms. Dr. Adams, the Attending Doctor, was outstanding. Also Dr. Adams was very emphatic despite a very busy schedule.

Sep 13, 2024

5.0 stars

My care here is much better than my care was at previous places with a doctor who really cares about my health.

Sep 02, 2024

5.0 stars

There is not a rating high enough for the Doctor I see.

Aug 19, 2024

5.0 stars

Took time to make sure I understood, simple enough for me to understand, thorough explanations of what. Need to do at home to maintain and help improve my strength, mobility and gait/balance.

Jul 28, 2024

5.0 stars

Dr. Adams is excellent!

Jul 12, 2024

5.0 stars

Dr. Adams listens to me and does not make me feel rushed. I was lucky that me PCP recommended this practice and that I selected her for my care.

May 12, 2024

5.0 stars

Excellent provider , would recommend without hesitation

Feb 20, 2024

5.0 stars

Greatly appreciate Dr. Adams very helpful and very knowledgeable about HD. This is a very difficult disease that she does an excellent job as a highly skilled Neurologist and with understanding everything patients are going through.

Aug 13, 2023