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Neil E. Herendeen, M.D., M.S.

Neil E. Herendeen, M.D., M.S.


Pediatrics , General Pediatrics

4.8 out of 5 stars
UR Medicine Faculty The University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group (URMFG) consists of over 900 specialist and primary care providers spanning 19 departments. URMFG is certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
Accountable Health Partner Accountable Health Partners (AHP) is a network of over 2,000 community and UR medical faculty and a dozen leading hospitals throughout the region. AHP offers a full range of care.
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About Me

Dr. Herendeen specializes in the primary care of children with complex chronic conditions. Leading the Strong Pediatric Practice in its medical home transformation including achieving NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home certification level 3.
Dr. Herendeen specializes in the primary care of children with complex chronic conditions. Leading the Strong Pediatric Practice in its medical home transformation including achieving NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home certification level 3.

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Residency, Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1988 - 1990

Internship, Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1987 - 1988


MD | University of Rochester School of Medicine/Dentistry (USA). 1987


Patient and Family-Centered ICARE Award. 2013

Chapter Achievement Award. 2012

Rochester Business Journal Health Care Achievement Award for Innovation. 2011

Chair of the American Telemedicine Association Pediatric Special Interest Group. 2011

Chapter Achievement Award. 2010

Ruth A. Lawrence Faculty Service Award for Community Service. 2005

Outstanding Hospital Faculty Teaching Award for Pediatric Housestaff. 2003

Ruth A. Lawrence Faculty Service Award for Community Service. 2003

American Telemedicine Association blue ribbons for 2 poster presentations of high scientific merit at the 2002 annual meeting.. 2002

Selected to be included in. 2002 - 2014

United States Air Force Meritorious Service Medal for outstanding service. 1993

Top-ranked pediatric clinic in USAF Air Training Command. 1991

Medical Student Teaching award given by the University of Rochester School of Medicine Class of 1991. 1990


Dr. Herendeen is involved in a number of clinically related scholarly projects to enhance the delivery of primary care to vulnerable children. He is medical director of the Health-e-Access telemedicine program delivering acute illness visits to schools and childcare centers over the Internet. He is ...
Dr. Herendeen is involved in a number of clinically related scholarly projects to enhance the delivery of primary care to vulnerable children. He is medical director of the Health-e-Access telemedicine program delivering acute illness visits to schools and childcare centers over the Internet. He is chair of the 292-BABY management council supporting parents of children birth to 5 years with essential information about early childhood development over an integrated delivery system of telephone, television and Internet.
Ongoing projects within Strong Pediatric Practice include: Reach Out and Read to support early literacy, Healthy Smiles promoting detection of early childhood caries and referral to Pediatric Dentistry, smoking cessation program in both the inpatient and outpatient setting, palliative care for children with complex chronic conditions, and models to enhance the delivery of high-performing well child care.


Journal Articles

School-Based Telemedicine for Hypertension Management in Urban Adolescents.

Lande MB, Herendeen NE, Little E, Halterman JS

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2023 April 72 (4):640-642. Epub 12/15/2022.

Telehealth: Opportunities to Improve Access, Quality, and Cost in Pediatric Care.

Curfman A, Hackell JM, Herendeen NE, Alexander J, Marcin JP, Moskowitz WB, Bodnar CEF, Simon HK, McSwain SD

Pediatrics.. 2022 March 1149 (3)Epub 1900 01 01.

Telehealth: Improving Access to and Quality of Pediatric Health Care.

Curfman AL, Hackell JM, Herendeen NE, Alexander JJ, Marcin JP, Moskowitz WB, Bodnar CEF, Simon HK, McSwain SD,

Pediatrics.. 2021 September 148 (3)Epub 1900 01 01.

Let Telemedicine Enhance Your Medical Home.

Herendeen NE

Pediatrics.. 2021 September 148 (3)Epub 1900 01 01.

Pediatric Telehealth in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era and Beyond

Alison Curfman, MD, MBA; S David McSwain, MD, MPH; John Chuo, MD, MS, IA; Brooke Yeager-McSwain, MSc, RRT; Dana A. Schinasi, MD; James Marcin, MD, MPH; Neil Herendeen, MD, MS; Sandy L. Chung, MD; Karen Rheuban, MD; Christina A. Olson, MD.

Pediatrics. 2021; 148(3).

Electronic Communication of the Health Record and Information With Pediatric Patients and Their Guardians.

Webber EC, Brick D, Scibilia JP, Dehnel P, , ,

Pediatrics.. 2019 July 144 (1)Epub 06/17/2019.

Nonemergency Acute Care: When It's Not the Medical Home.

Conners GP, Kressly SJ, Perrin JM, Richerson JE, Sankrithi UM, , , , , ,

Pediatrics.. 2017 May 139 (5)Epub 1900 01 01.

Telemedicine and the patient-centered medical home.

Herendeen N, Deshpande P

Pediatric annals.. 2014 February 43 (2):e28-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Telemedicine in urban and suburban childcare and elementary schools lightens family burdens.

McConnochie KM, Wood NE, Herendeen NE, ten Hoopen CB, Roghmann KJ

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.. 2010 June 16 (5):533-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Integrating telemedicine in urban pediatric primary care: provider perspectives and performance.

McConnochie K, Wood N, Herendeen N, ten Hoopen C, Denk L, Neuderfer J

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.. 2010 April 16 (3):280-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Practical applications of telemedicine for pediatricians.

Herendeen NE, Schaefer GB

Pediatric annals.. 2009 October 38 (10):567-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acute illness care patterns change with use of telemedicine.

McConnochie KM, Wood NE, Herendeen NE, Ng PK, Noyes K, Wang H, Roghmann KJ

Pediatrics.. 2009 June 123 (6):e989-95. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acute illness utilization patterns before and after telemedicine in childcare for inner-city children: a cohort study.

McConnochie KM, Tan J, Wood NE, Herendeen NE, Kitzman HJ, Roy J, Roghmann KJ

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.. 2007 August 13 (4):381-90. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effectiveness of telemedicine in replacing in-person evaluation for acute childhood illness in office settings.

McConnochie KM, Conners GP, Brayer AF, Goepp J, Herendeen NE, Wood NE, Thomas A, Ahn DS, Roghmann KJ

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.. 2006 June 12 (3):308-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

Differences in diagnosis and treatment using telemedicine versus in-person evaluation of acute illness.

McConnochie KM, Conners GP, Brayer AF, Goepp J, Herendeen NE, Wood NE, Thomas A, Ahn DS, Roghmann KJ

Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association.. 2006 6 (4):187-95; discussion 196-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Telemedicine reduces absence resulting from illness in urban child care: evaluation of an innovation.

McConnochie KM, Wood NE, Kitzman HJ, Herendeen NE, Roy J, Roghmann KJ

Pediatrics.. 2005 May 115 (5):1273-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

An asthma management program for urban minority children.

Yoos HL, McMullen A, Bezek S, Hondorf C, Berry S, Herendeen N, MacMaster K, Schwartzberg ML

Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners.. 1997 11 (2):66-74. Epub 1900 01 01.

Index of suspicion. Case 1. Rickets.

Colson ER, Herendeen N, Szilagyi P

Pediatrics in review. 1996 September 17 (9):319-21. Epub 1900 01 01.


Understanding Telehealth (2018)

Chapter: School and Childcare Center Telehealth

Authors: Herendeen, NE

Publisher: McGraw-Hill, New York 2018

AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care (2008)

Chapter: Cystic and Solid Masses of the Neck and Face

Authors: Herendeen NE, Szilagyi PG

Publisher: AAP 2008

AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care (2008)

Chapter: Animal Bites

Authors: Herendeen NE, Szilagyi PG

Publisher: AAP 2008

Pediatric Clinical Advisor (2002)

Chapter: Labyrinthitis

Authors: Herendeen NE

Publisher: C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, MO 2002

Primary Pediatric Care (2000)

Chapter: Cystic and Solid Masses of the Neck and Face

Authors: Herendeen NE, Szilagyi PG

Publisher: C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, MO 2000

Primary Pediatric Care (2000)

Chapter: Animal Bites

Authors: Herendeen NE, Szilagyi PG

Publisher: C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, MO 2000

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (1999)

Chapter: Upper Respiratory Infections

Authors: Herendeen NE, Szilagyi PG

Publisher: WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA 1999

Mosby's USMLE step 3 reviews (1997)

Chapter: Normal Newborn Development

Authors: Herendeen NE, Lenane AM

Publisher: Specialty Clinical Sciences, St. Louis, MO 1997

Primary Pediatric Care (1996)

Chapter: Cystic and Solid Masses of the Neck and Face

Authors: Herendeen NE, Szilagyi PG

Publisher: C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, MO 1996

Primary Pediatric Care (1996)

Chapter: Animal Bites

Authors: Herendeen NE, Szilagyi PG

Publisher: C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, MO 1996

Ratings & Comments

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Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries

4.7 stars

Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your care

4.6 stars

Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition

4.6 stars

Likelihood of recommending this care provider to others

4.6 stars

Care provider's discussion of any proposed treatment (options, risks, benefits, etc.)

4.6 stars

Patient Comments

5.0 stars

I always recommend Dr. Herendeen to anyone who will listen to me! I have never regretted choosing him and this practice for my kids' care. He is the best!

Apr 25, 2024

4.6 stars

My daughter is sick often with a common cold. He explained that is normal for kindergartners.

Dec 30, 2023

5.0 stars

Dr. Herendeen is excellent.

Nov 12, 2023

5.0 stars

I am so glad that we chose Dr. Herendeen as our pediatrician. He has kindly and competently guided (and continues to guide) our family through health and illness. He is obviously knowledgeable and spends time explaining things to satisfaction. He always knows specifics about each child medically, but also takes the time to find out what they're doing in their lives (eg. Extracurriculars). He also recognizes my quirks as a parent and is never dismissive or condescending. I am not above bribing him to continue practicing until my kids age out!

Jun 16, 2022