Peter J. Papadakos, M.D.
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
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Peter J. Papadakos, M.D.
View Contact & SchedulingAbout Me
Certified Specialties
Anesthesiology - American Board of Anesthesiology
Internal Medicine-Critical Care Medicine - American Board of Anesthesiology
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine (SMD)
Professor - Department of Neurology (SMD) - Joint
Professor - Department of Neurosurgery (SMD) - Joint
Professor - Department of Surgery, Cardiac (SMD) - Joint
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Anesthesiology, Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai. 1987 - 1988
Residency, Anesthesiology, Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai. 1985 - 1987
Internship, Surgery (General Surgery), Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai. 1983 - 1985
MD | Mount Sinai Medical Center (USA). 1983
Presidential Citation Society Critical Care Medicine. 2023
Honorary Life Membership. 2023
Elected a Fellow International Association Non Invasive Mechanical Ventilation. 2020
Presidents Citation Neurocritical Care Society. 2018
Presidents Citation Neurocritical Care Society. 2017
Presidents Citation Neurocritical Care Society. 2016
Granted Tenure by the University of Rochester. 2016
Presidents Citation Neurocritical Care Society. 2015
Thomas Iberti Memorial Lecture Department of Surgery Mt Sinai School of Medicine. 2015
29th Phil Kittredge Memorial Lecture at AARC Congress. 2013
Elected as a Fellow American Association for Respiratory Care. 2012
Shah Foundation Visiting Professorship in Anesthesiology. LSU. 2012
Voted Honorary Membership Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine. 2011
Voted Honorary Life Membership Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists. 2011
Voted Honorary Membership Egyptian Society Intensive Care and Trauma. 2009
Best Doctors in America. 2006
Shining Star, Mentoring Award. 2006
Keynote Address. 2005
Ronald Reagan Medal for service to Congressional Committee. 2004
America's Top Physicians. 2003
Keynote Speaker, Gift of Life Celebration, presented by Finger Lakes Donor Recovery Network. 2001
Keynote Address, 28th Annual Critical Care Symposium, Oregon Chapter of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, November 30, 2001. 2001
Keynote Graduation Speaker, Respiratory Care Program, Genesee College, SUNY. 1999
The Best Doctors in America. 1998
President's Citation, Society of Critical Care Medicine. 1997
Best Doctors in America, Northeast Region. 1997
Elected as a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine. 1996
Elected as a Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians. 1994
Teacher of the Year, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Rochester. 1992
U.S. Navy Principal Research Award. 1975
Journal Articles
Patient Care in an Era of Drug Shortages
Papadakos, PJ.
Currents. 2024; .
Ocular disorders in non-invasive ventilation and CPAP therapy--A case report. doi: 10.29390/cjrt-2022-020
MDCM Conde, PSB Delis, PJ Papadakos, AM. Esquinas.
Can J Respir Ther. 2022; 58: 143-145.
Role of Sedation and Analgesia during Noninvasive Ventilation: Systematic Review of Recent Evidence and Recommendations. PMID 36042773
Habib Mr Karim, Irena Šarc, Camilla Calandra, Savino Spadaro, Bushra Mina, Laura D Ciobanu, Gil Gonçalves, Vania Caldeira, Bruno Cabrita, Andreas Perren, Giuseppe Fiorentin, Tughan Utku, Edoardo Piervincenzi, Mohamad El-Khatib, Nilgün Alpay, Rodolfo Ferrari, Mohamed Ea Abdelrahim, Haitham Saeed, Yasmin M Madney, Hadeer S Harb, Nicola Vargas, Hilmi Demirkiran, Pradipta Bhakt, Peter Papadakos, Manuel Á Gómez-Ríos, Alfredo Abad, Jaber S Alqahtani, Vijay Hadda, Subrata K Singha, Antonio M Esquinas.
Indian J Crit Care. 2022; 26(8): 938-948.
Ozone therapy for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: Preliminary report of a prospective case-control study
Hernández, A; Viñals, M; Pablos, A; Papadakos, PJ, et al.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2021; 90: 107261.
Doc, will my relative wake up and be normal?
Papadakos, PJ.
Neurocrit Care. 2021; .
Intracerebral hemorrhage after kratom ingestion.
Regan, GA; Papadakos, PJ.
Jaapa. 2021; 34(4): 33-36.
Doc Will My Relative Wake Up and Be Normal? PMID 34080082
Papadakos PJ.
Neuro Critical Care. 2021; .
Pre-operative patient optimization to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications-Insights and roles for the respiratory therapist: A narrative review.
Schwartz, J; Parsey, D; Mundangepfupfu, T; Papadakos, PJ.et al.
Can J Respir Ther. 2020; 56: 79-85.
Intervascular Line Infections: Can We Prevent Them? Bring on the Team!
Papadakos, PJ.
Neurocritical care. 2020; 32(2): 365-366.
Non-invasive ventilation during surgery under neuraxial anaesthesia: a pathophysiological perspective on application and benefits and a systematic literature review.
Corcione, N; Karim, H; Mina, B; Papadakos, PJ; et al.
Anaesthesiology intensive therapy. 2019; 51(4): 289-298.
Non-invasive ventilation in palliative care: a systematic review.
Diaz de Teran, T; Barbagelata, E; Cilloniz, C; Papadakos, PJ; et al.
Minerva medica. 2019; 110(6): 555-563.
Noninvasive Ventilation: Education and Training. A Narrative Analysis and an International Consensus Document
Karim, HMR; Burns, KEA; Ciobanu, LD; El-Khatib, M; Nicolini, A; Vargas, N; Hernández-Gilsoul, T; Skoczy?ski, S; Falcone, VA; Arnal, JM; Bach, J; De Santo, LS; Lucchini, A; Steier, J; Purro, A; Petroianni, A; Sassoon, CS; Bambi, S; Aguiar, M; Soubani, AO; Taniguchi, C; Mollica, C; Berlin, DA; Piervincenzi, E; Rao, F; Luigi, FS; Ferrari, R; Garuti, G; Laier-Groeneveld, G; Fiorentino, G; Ho, KM; Alqahtani, JS; Luján, M; Moerer, O; Resta, O; Pierucci, P; Papadakos, P; et al.
Adv Respir Med. 2019; 4.
Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Critically Ill Trauma Patients: A Systematic Review.
Schreiber, A; Yildirim, F; Ferrari, G; Papadakos, PJ; et al.
Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation. 2018; 46(2): 88-95.
Personal electronic device use in the operating room: A survey of usage patterns, risks and benefits.
Soto, RG; Neves, SE; Papadakos, PJ; Shapiro, FE.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2017; 34(4): 246-247.
Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation in the Pregnant Patient.
Schwaiberger, D; Karcz, M; Menk, M; Papadakos, PJ; Dantoni, SE.
Crit Care Clin. 2016; 32(1): 85-95.
Preface. Obstetrics and Gynecology Emergencies.
Dantoni, SE; Papadakos, PJ.
Crit Care Clin. 2016; 32(1): xi-xii.
Carpenter V, LaRiccia B, Papadakos PJ
JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.. 2015 January 28 (1):45-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Noninvasive ventilation in trauma.
Karcz, MK; Papadakos, PJ.
World J Crit Care Med. 2015; 4(1): 47-54.
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in high-risk pulmonary infections: a clinical review.
Esquinas, AM; Egbert Pravinkumar, S; Scala, R; Gay, P; Soroksky, A; Girault, C; Han, F; Hui, DS; Papadakos, PJ; Ambrosino, N.
International NIV Network.Eur Respir Rev. 2014; 23(134): 427-38.
Board of medical advisors supports HR 2619
Papadakos, PJ.
Chest. 2014; 146(2): e61-2.
Electronic distractions of the respiratory therapist and their impact on patient safety.
Papadakos, PJ.
Respir Care. 2014; 59(8): 1306-9.
Miranda DR, Gommers D, Papadakos PJ, Lachmann B
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia.. 2007 April 21 (2):279-84. Epub 05/04/2006.
Papadakos PJ
Critical care medicine.. 2006 May 34 (5):1544-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lustik SJ, Papadakos PJ, Jackman KV, Rubery PT, Kaplan KL, Chhibber AK
Journal of clinical anesthesia.. 2004 February 16 (1):25-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Haitsma JJ, Papadakos PJ, Lachmann B
Current opinion in critical care.. 2004 February 10 (1):18-22. Epub 1900 01 01.
Protecting the Lung during Mechanical Ventilation.
Lachmann, RA; Papadakos, PJ; Lachmann, B.
Anaesthesiologica Italia, ARRi del Congresso S.T.A.R.E.D., Acta. 2004; : 146-150.
Sayeed S, Koniaris LG, Papadakos PJ
Archives of surgery.. 2002 April 137 (4):491-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
The Management of the Agitated ICU Patient
Cohen, IL; Gallagher, TJ; Pohlman, AS; Dasta, JF; Abraham E; Papadakos, PJ.
Critical Care Medicine. 2002; 30(1): S97-S1.
Ventilator Pneumonia Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Luczycki, S; Papadakos, PJ; Szalados, JF.
Critical Care and Shock. 2002; 2: 72-87.
The 4th Asia-Pacific Consenus Conference in Critical Care Medicine. Infection Control in the ICU.
Consensus Conference.
Critical Care and Shock. 2001; .
Glance LG, Osler TM, Papadakos P
Critical care medicine.. 2000 October 28 (10):3424-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Second Asian-Pacific Consensus Conference on Acute Lung Injury.
Consensus Panel; Papadakos, PJ.
Intensive Care World. 2000; : 50-60.
The Effect of Acute Hypercapnia on Hepatic Oxygenation.
Modrak, JE; Papadakos, PJ; Thorborg, P; Lund, N.
Journal of Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology. 2000; 9: 41-49.
Reducing Mechanical Ventilation Time and Costs in Acute Lung Injury with Pressure Regulated Volume Controlled Ventilation.
Anderson, JB; Papadakos, PJ.
Critical Care and Shock. 2000; 2.
Lung Recruitment in ARDS
Papadakos, PJ; Lachmann, B.
Mt. Sinai, Journal of Medicine. 2000; 6(1): 73-77.
Abraham E, Papadakos PJ, Tharratt RS, Hall JB, Williams GJ
Intensive care medicine.. 2000 26 Suppl 4 :S422-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Papadakos PJ
Critical care medicine.. 1999 April 27 (4):847-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Respiratory Failure Complicating Pregnancy.
Dantoni, SE; Papadakos, PJ.
Critical Care and Shock. 1999; 2(1): 3-9.
Dellinger RP, Zimmerman JL, Taylor RW, Straube RC, Hauser DL, Criner GJ, Davis K, Hyers TM, Papadakos P
Critical care medicine.. 1998 January 26 (1):15-23. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pressure Control Ventilation: Consensus and New Horizons
Papadakos, PJ; Lachmann, B; Bohm, S.
Clin Pulm Med. 1998; 5: 2.
Powers DR, Papadakos PJ, Wallin JD
The Journal of emergency medicine.. 1998 16 (2):191-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Papadakos PJ, Vender JS
New horizons : an official publication of the Society of Critical Care Medicine.. 1997 August 5 (3):287-91. Epub 1900 01 01.
Critical care medicine.. 1997 June 25 (6):910-25. Epub 1900 01 01.
Why Choose a Mode
Papadakos, PJ.
Journal of Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology,. 1997; 6: 161-162.
Nguyen TT, Papadakos PJ, Sabnis LU
Regional anesthesia.. 1997 22 (1):102-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Papadakos PJ, Apostolakos MJ
Critical care clinics.. 1996 July 12 (3):627-34. Epub 1900 01 01.
Huntress JD, Papadakos PJ
New horizons : an official publication of the Society of Critical Care Medicine.. 1996 February 4 (1):129-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lund N, Papadakos PJ
Critical care clinics.. 1995 October 11 (4):875-86. Epub 1900 01 01.
Papadakos PJ, Earley MB
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia.. 1995 October 9 (5 Suppl 1):21-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lund N, de Asla RJ, Cladis F, Papadakos PJ, Thorborg PA
The Journal of trauma.. 1995 May 38 (5):767-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
New Modes of Mechanical Ventilation.
Apostolakos, MJ; Levy, PC; Papadakos, PJ.
Clin Pulm Med. 1995; 2(2): 121-128.
Transfusion-related Lung Injury: A Life-threatening Complication of Transfusion Therapy
Roberts, WA; Papadakos, PJ.
American Journal of Anesthesiology. 1995; 22: 209-212.
Iberti TJ, Daily EK, Leibowitz AB, Schecter CB, Fischer EP, Silverstein JH
Critical care medicine.. 1994 October 22 (10):1674-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Siegel T, Vaughan T, Papadakos PJ
The Journal of trauma.. 1994 June 36 (6):904-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Goldstein B, Papadakos PJ
American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.. 1994 January 3 (1):11-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Connery CP, Stewart S, Lund N, Papadakos PJ
Cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery.. 1993 April 1 (2):195-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Papadakos PJ, Johnson DS, Abramowicz JS, Sherer DM
American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.. 1993 January 2 (1):65-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Postoperative Arrhythmias.
Papadakos, PJ; Lund, N; Elmore, E.
Cont Surg. 1993; 42: 114-124.
The Use of Pressure-controlled Inverse Ratio Ventilation in Severe Inhalational Burns.
Nakada, S; Casamento, J; Tibi, D; Morton, JH; Papadakos, PJ.
Cont Surg. 1993; 1(4): 29-30.
Papadakos PJ, Halloran W, Hessney JI, Lund N, Feliciano DV
The Journal of trauma.. 1991 September 31 (9):1211-4; discussion 1214-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
tenHoopen DJ, Sherer DM, Abramowicz JS, Papadakos PJ
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.. 1991 July 165 (1):41-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lund N, de Asla RJ, Guccione AL, Papadakos PJ
Circulatory shock. 1991 March 33 (3):164-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Watts DC, Boustany CB, Lund N, Oliver C, Papadakos PJ
Clinical intensive care : international journal of critical & coronary care medicine.. 1991 2 (6):356-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Iberti TJ, Fischer EP, Leibowitz AB, Panacek EA, Silverstein JH, Albertson TE
JAMA.. 1990 December 12264 (22):2928-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Iberti TJ, Leibowitz AB, Papadakos PJ, Fischer EP
Critical care medicine.. 1990 March 18 (3):275-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Halpern NA, Siegel RE, Papadakos PJ, McElhinney AJ
Journal of cardiothoracic anesthesia.. 1989 October 3 (5):620-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Medical Hypothalamic Serotonin: Effects on Deprivation and Norepinephrine-induced Eating.
Weiss, GF; Papadakos, PJ; Knudson, K; Leibowitz, SF.
Pharmacal Biochem Behav. 1986; 25: 1223-1230.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pulmonary Critical Care: Essential Ventilatory Approach (2023)
Chapter: Postoperative Neurosurgery
Authors: Okwechime R, Papadakos PJ, Laghari FJ and Davis JG
Publisher: Nova Science Publishing 2023
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2022)
Chapter: Sindrome de Distress Respiratorio del Adulto
Authors: PJ Papadakos, M Marcz
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamericana 2022
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2022)
Chapter: Traumatismo Craneoencefalico Grave
Authors: PJ Papadakos, J.J. Stone
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamericana 2022
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2022)
Chapter: Politraumatismo Grave
Authors: PJ Papadakos, S.A. Khan
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2022
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2022)
Chapter: Quemaduras Critica
Authors: M.J. Goettelman, C.L. Quinlan and PJ Papadakos
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2022
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2022)
Chapter: Lesion Medular Aguda y Shock Espinal
Authors: PJ Papadakos, Alberto Hernandez Martinez
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2022
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2022)
Chapter: Cuidados Criticos Neurocirugia
Authors: Alberto Hernandez Martinez, PJ Papadakos
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2022
The Medical-Legal Aspects of Acute Care Medicine (2021)
Chapter: Digital Technologies in Healthcare: Opportunities and Risk for Health Systems and Providers
Authors: PJ Papadakos and T Ingham
Publisher: Springer 2021
Law and Ethics in Neurocritical Care. A Practical Guide for Managing Clinical Complexities (2021)
Chapter: Digital Distractions
Authors: PJ Papadakos and T Ingham
Publisher: Neurocritical Care Society 2021
Monitoring in Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care (2020)
Chapter: Downside and Risks of Digital Distractions
Authors: Papadakos PJ and Yu A
Publisher: Cambridge University 2020
Distracted Doctoring Returning to Patient-Centered Care in the Digital Age (2019)
Chapter: The Problem of Distracted Doctoring
Authors: Papadakos PJ and Bertman
Publisher: Springer Publishers. 2019
Distracted Doctoring Returning to Patient-Centered Care in the Digital Age (2019)
Chapter: Electronic Etiquette: A Curriculum for Health Professionals
Authors: Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Springer Publishers. 2019
Legal and Ethical Issues in Neurocritical Care a Practical Guide to Deal With Clinical Complexes (2019)
Chapter: Digital Distraction
Authors: Ingham T, Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Neurocritical Care Society 2019
Medicina Intensiva en el Enfermo Critico (2019)
Chapter: Medicina Farmacos Sedantes y Analgesicos
Authors: 55. N. Kukreja and PJ Papadakos
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamericana 2019
Medicina Intensiva en el Enfermo Critico (2019)
Chapter: Traumatismo Craneoencefalico
Authors: CJ Montanaro, C. Pierre y PJ Papadakos
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamericana 2019
Mechanical Ventilation: Applications, Technologies and Ethical Issues (2018)
Chapter: Mechanical Ventilation: Agitation and Delirium, Key protocols and Recommentations
Authors: Karcz M and Papadakos PJ.
Publisher: Nova Science Publishing 2018
Handbook of Clinical Neurology Critical Care Neurology (2017)
Chapter: Neuropulmonology
Authors: Balofsky, A., George, J. and Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: Elsevier 2017
Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia for the Obese Patient (2017)
Chapter: Cardio-Respiratory including airway changes in obesity
Authors: Porhomayon J and Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Oxford University Press 2017
Medicina Intensiva en el Paciente Critico (2017)
Chapter: Intracranial Pressure Monitoring and Management in Head Trauma.
Authors: Montanero CJ, Pierre C and Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Panamericana 2017
Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation and Difficult Weaning in Critical Care: Key Topics and Practical Approaches (2016)
Chapter: Recommendations for Sedation and Anesthetic Considerations During Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation
Authors: Balofsky A and Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Springer Publishers. 2016
Encyclopedia of Trauma Care. (2015)
Chapter: Technology Interfacing, Etiquette, and Electronic Safety
Authors: Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Springer Publishers. 2015
Encyclopedia of Trauma Care. (2015)
Chapter: Ventilatory Management of Trauma Patients
Authors: Karcz MK and Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Springer Publishers. 2015
Situaciones Clinicas en Anesthesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2013)
Chapter: Quemaduras Criticas In Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos
Authors: Papadakos PJ and Grunert M
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2013
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2013)
Chapter: Sindrome del Distress Respiratorio Del Adulto
Authors: Papadakos PJ and Karcz M
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2013
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2013)
Chapter: Politraumatismos
Authors: Papadakos PJ and Kahn S
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2013
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2013)
Chapter: Traumatismo Craneal Grave
Authors: Papadakos PJ and Stone J
Publisher: Alberto Hernandez Martinez (editor) 2013
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2013)
Chapter: Lesion Medular Aguda y Shock Espinal
Authors: Papadakos PJ and Martinez AH
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2013
Situaciones Clinicas en Anestesia y en Cuidados Criticos (2013)
Chapter: Cuidados Criticos en Neurocircugia
Authors: Martinez AH and Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamerica 2013
Noninvasive Ventilation in High Risks Infections and Mass Casualty Events (2013)
Chapter: Noninvasive Ventilation in Polytraumatized Patient
Authors: Karcz M and Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Springer Publishers 2013
Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine (2012)
Chapter: Pericardiocentesis
Authors: Papadakos PJ, Hoefnagel A
Publisher: Springer Publishers 2012
Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine (2012)
Chapter: Plasmapheresis
Authors: Hemprich U, Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Springer Publishers 2012
Monitoring in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care (2011)
Chapter: Oxygen Delivery
Authors: Papadakos PJ, Raikhelkar J
Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2011
Miller's Anesthesia (2009)
Chapter: Respiratory Monitoring and Pulmonary Function
Authors: Papadakos PJ , Eskaros S, Lachmann B
Publisher: Elsevier 2009
Mechanical Ventilation (2007)
Chapter: The Open Lung Concept of Mechanical Ventilation: The Role of Recruitment and Stabilization
Authors: Papadakos PJ, Lachmann B
Publisher: Elsevier Saunders 2007
Mechanical Ventilation Clinical Applications and Pathophysiology (2007)
Chapter: Current Sedative Practices in the Intensive Care Unit:
Authors: Raikhelkar J, Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Elsevier 2007
Mechanical Ventilation Clinical Applications and Pathophysiology (2007)
Chapter: Respiratory Pharmacology and Aerosol Therapy
Authors: Papadakos PJ, Koh Y
Publisher: Elsevier 2007
Mechanical Ventilation Clinical Applications and Pathophysiology (2007)
Chapter: Mechanical Ventilation in Severe Chest Trauma
Authors: Papadakos PJ , Pejman S
Publisher: Elseview 2007
Critical Care The Requisites of Anesthesiology (2005)
Chapter: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Authors: Haitsma LJ and Papadakos PJ
Publisher: Elsevier Mosby 2005
Critical Care The Requisites of Anesthesiology (2005)
Chapter: Mechanical Ventilation
Authors: Papadakos, PJ; Lachmann, B
Publisher: Elsevier Mosby 2005
Critical Care The Requisites of Anesthesiology (2005)
Chapter: Current Practices in Intensive Care Unit Sedation
Authors: Barreiro, TJ; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: Elsevier Mosby 2005
Anesthesia Pain Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (2004)
Chapter: Ventilation-induced Lung Injury and Its Prevention: The Open Lung Concept
Authors: Miranda, DR; Papadakos, PJ; Lachmann, B :
Publisher: Springer Publishing 2004
Progress in Thoracic Anesthesia (2004)
Chapter: Respiratory Pharmacology
Authors: Papadakos, PJ; Koh, Y; Lachmann, B
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2004
Thoracic Anesthesia (2003)
Chapter: Respiratory Pharmacology
Authors: Papadakos, PJ; Lachmann, B
Publisher: Churchill Livingston 2003
Trauma Resuscitation Anesthesia and Critical Care (2003)
Chapter: Resuscitation Suite and OR Readiness
Authors: Chhangani, S; Papadakos, P
Publisher: Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 2003
Saunders Manual of Critical Care (2002)
Chapter: Positive End Expiratory Pressure
Authors: Hamdan, A; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: Saunders 2002
Manual of Critical Care (2002)
Chapter: Respiratory Failure
Authors: Papadakos, PJ; Chesnutt, MS
Publisher: WP Saunders 2002
Saunders Manual of Critical Care (2002)
Chapter: Atelectasis
Authors: Papadakos, PJ; Lachmann, B
Publisher: WP Saunders 2002
Saunders Manual of Critical Care (2002)
Chapter: Neuroleptic Syndrome
Authors: Papadakos, PJ; Padegal, V; Bandi, V
Publisher: WP Saunders 2002
Perioperative Management (2002)
Chapter: Perioperative Evaluation of Pulmonary Diseases and Function in Critical Care Medicine
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2002
The Intensive Care Manual (2001)
Chapter: a) Sepsis b) Sedation and Airway Management
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: McGraw-Hill 2001
Basic and Clinical Sciences (1999)
Chapter: Artificial Ventilation in Foundations of Anesthesia
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: Mosby-Wolf, London 1999
Perioperative Use of Anticoagulants and Thrombolytics. (1999)
Chapter: Surgical Field Homeostasis in Anesthesiology Clinics of North America
Authors: Dooley, J; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: WP Saunders 1999
Critical Care Pearls II (1997)
Chapter: A Patient Develops Pain or Anxiety in the ICU
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: Hanley & Belfus 1997
The Fast Track: What is it? Anesthesiology Clinics of North America "Critical (1997)
Chapter: The Fast Track: What is it? Anesthesiology Clinics of North America "Critical Care in Transition: The Anesthesiologist's Role."
Authors: Ritzel, G; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: W.P. Saunders 1997
Critical Care Clinics of North American Controversies (1996)
Chapter: Are High Inflation Pressure and Positive End Expiratory Pressure Actually Injurious to the Lung?
Authors: Papadakos, PJ; Apostolakos, MJ
Publisher: WP Saunders 1996
Critical Care Clinics of North America. Sedation of the Critically Ill Patient (1995)
Chapter: Barbiturates, Neuroleptics, and Propofol for Sedation
Authors: Lund, N; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: WP Saunders 1995
Principals of Surgery Handbook (1993)
Chapter: Complications
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: McGraw Hill 1993
Principals of Surgery Handbook (1993)
Chapter: Physiologic Monitoring of the Surgical Patient
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: McGraw Hill 1993
Critical Care Practice. (1991)
Chapter: Overdose, Ingestions, and Intoxications
Authors: Lund, N; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: W.P. Saunders 1991
Difficult Medical Management (1991)
Chapter: Smoke Inhalation
Authors: Iberti, TJ; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: W.P. Saunders 1991
Anesthesia and Medically Compromised Patient (1990)
Chapter: Pericardial Disease and Cardiomyopathies
Authors: Papadakos PJ
Publisher: J.P. Lippincott 1990
Principals of Surgery Handbook. (1990)
Chapter: Complications
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: McGraw Hill 1990
Principals of Surgery Handbook (1990)
Chapter: Physiologic Monitoring of the Surgical Patient
Authors: Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: McGraw Hill 1990
Managing the Critical Care Unit (1987)
Chapter: The Analysis of Risks, Costs, and Benefits in Critical Care.
Authors: Lambrinos, J; Papadakos, PJ
Publisher: Aspen Systems 1987
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