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Sandra H. Jee, M.D., M.P.H.

Sandra H. Jee, M.D., M.P.H.

Pediatrics , General Pediatrics

4.7 out of 5 stars
UR Medicine Faculty The University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group (URMFG) consists of over 900 specialist and primary care providers spanning 19 departments. URMFG is certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
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About Me

Dr. Jee sees patients in the Strong Pediatric Practice, and also teaches and supervises medical students and residents in the outpatient setting. Her research focuses on meeting the mental health needs for children and their families, teaching trainees to provide integrated and trauma-informed pedia...
Dr. Jee sees patients in the Strong Pediatric Practice, and also teaches and supervises medical students and residents in the outpatient setting. Her research focuses on meeting the mental health needs for children and their families, teaching trainees to provide integrated and trauma-informed pediatric care for underserved children, many of whom have experienced adverse childhood experiences. Outreach and educational activities are focused on pediatric environmental health topics, including climate change and sustainability.

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics (SMD)

Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention - Joint

Connect with Sandra H. Jee, M.D., M.P.H.


Residency & Fellowship

Residency, Pediatrics, University of Michigan Medical Center. 2000 - 2001

Residency, Pediatrics, New York University Langone Medical Center. 1999 - 2000

Internship, Pediatrics, New York University Langone Medical Center. 1998 - 1999


MPH | University of Michigan Public Health-Ann Arbor. 2003


New York State Children's Environmental Health Scholar, Finger Lakes Children's Environmental Health Center. 2018 - 2020

University of Arizona Grant Scholarship for Fellowship in Integrative Medicine. 2017 - 2018

Jules Cohen Dean's Teaching Fellow. 2015 - 2017

Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholar. 2007 - 2010

Kellogg Foundation Scholar in Health Disparities. 2003 - 2004

Summer Research Institute Participant, National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect. 2002

Robert J. Haggerty Prize in Pediatrics. 1998

Samuel W. Clausen Fellow. 1996

Edward Bouchet Research Fellowship. 1991


Dr. Jee's primary areas of inquiry relate to health disparities for underserved children. Her work has focused on psychosocial issues for children, health needs for children in foster care, and the intersection between primary pediatrics and mental health care.

As a former Robert Wood Johnso...
Dr. Jee's primary areas of inquiry relate to health disparities for underserved children. Her work has focused on psychosocial issues for children, health needs for children in foster care, and the intersection between primary pediatrics and mental health care.

As a former Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholar and former Dean's Teaching Fellow, she has worked on primary care-based mental health screening and the education of trainees in managing social-emotional issues in primary care. Projects have included implementing standardized clinic-based screening (developmental and social-emotional), leading a national multi-site learning collaborative for foster care health sites, overseeing an evidence-based parent training program for foster parents, and leading a collaborative pilot intervention RCT teaching mindfulness skills to youth in foster and kinship care. Current state and locally funded grant projects include close collaborations with several community-based agencies, and provision of direct youth development opportunities for underserved youth in the city of Rochester.

Research Lab

Childhood Adversity and Resilience Lab

Visit Research Lab Website


Journal Articles

Climate Change Imperils Pediatric Health: Child Advocacy Through Fossil Fuel Divestment.

Jee SH, Friedman E, Etzel RA, Nguyen VT, Sack TL, Kemper KJ

The Yale journal of biology and medicine.. 2023 June 96 (2):233-239. Epub 06/30/2023.

Promoting Sustainability Practices in the Outpatient Pediatric Setting.

Yun YM, Kirby C, Bob N, Calabria C, Hernandez A, Cook B, Krolczyk J, Jee SH

The Yale journal of biology and medicine.. 2023 June 96 (2):261-265. Epub 06/30/2023.

Let's Stop the Pain: A Trauma-Informed Care Approach to Pediatric Vaccination.

Jee, SH; Conn, A-M; Manley, JT;.

Clinical Pediatrics. 2023; 63(4): 444-446.

Integrated behavioral health education using simulated patients for pediatric residents engaged in a primary care community of practice.

Jones MR, Dadiz R, Baldwin CD, Alpert-Gillis L, Jee SH

Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare.. 2022 December 40 (4):472-483. Epub 1900 01 01.

Child Adversity and Trauma-Informed Care Teaching Interventions: A Systematic Review.

Steen M, Raynor J, Baldwin CD, Jee SH

Pediatrics.. 2022 March 1149 (3)Epub 1900 01 01.

Who Makes the Choice: Ethical Considerations Regarding Instituting Breastfeeding in a Mother Who Has Compromised Mental Capacity.

Narang C, Rosen-Carole C, Miller RK, Perez-D'Gregorio R, Shaw MH, Schaffer S, Jee SH

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2021 August 16 (8):603-606. Epub 04/19/2021.

The intersection of pediatrics, climate change, and structural racism: Ensuring health equity through climate justice.

Gutschow B, Gray B, Ragavan MI, Sheffield PE, Philipsborn RP, Jee SH

Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care.. 2021 June 51 (6):101028. Epub 07/05/2021.

The Importance of Supervising Toothbrush Usage for Young Children at Risk of Lead Toxicity.

Jee SH, Miller RK, Perez-D'Gregorio R, Becker JD, Schaffer SJ

Journal of dentistry for children.. 2020 September 1587 (3):175-178. Epub 1900 01 01.

Just Stand There and Listen.

Jee SH, Conn AM, Conrow M, Alpert-Gillis L, Herendeen N

Clinical pediatrics.. 2020 July 59 (8):749-751. Epub 04/26/2020.

Practice procedures in models of primary care collaboration for children with ADHD.

Moore JA, Karch K, Sherina V, Guiffre A, Jee S, Garfunkel LC

Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare.. 2018 March 36 (1):73-86. Epub 12/07/2017.

Parental perspectives of screening for adverse childhood experiences in pediatric primary care.

Conn AM, Szilagyi MA, Jee SH, Manly JT, Briggs R, Szilagyi PG

Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare.. 2018 March 36 (1):62-72. Epub 12/07/2017.

Integrated Mental Health Training for Pediatric and Psychology Trainees Using Standardized Patient Encounters.

Jee SH, Baldwin C, Dadiz R, Jones M, Alpert-Gillis L

Academic pediatrics.. 2018 18 (1):119-121. Epub 07/15/2017.

Youth in out-of-home care: relation of engagement in structured group activities with social and mental health measures.

Conn AM, Calais C, Szilagyi MA, Baldwin C, Jee SH.

Children and Youth Services Review. 2014; 36: 201-205.

Latino foster parent health perceptions of chronic conditions: a qualitative exploration.

Jee SH, DelBalso M, Gonka J, Chin N.

Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2014; 23(2): 373-380.

Validating office-based screening for psychosocial strengths and difficulties among youths in foster care.

Jee SH, Szilagyi M, Conn AM, Nilsen W, Toth S, Baldwin CD, Szilagyi PG

Pediatrics.. 2011 May 127 (5):904-10. Epub 04/18/2011.

Use of a brief standardized screening instrument in a primary care setting to enhance detection of social-emotional problems among youth in foster care.

Jee SH, Halterman JS, Szilagyi M, Conn AM, Alpert-Gillis L, Szilagyi PG

Academic pediatrics.. 2011 11 (5):409-13. Epub 06/17/2011.

Identification of social-emotional problems among young children in foster care.

Jee SH, Conn AM, Szilagyi PG, Blumkin A, Baldwin CD, Szilagyi MA

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.. 2010 December 51 (12):1351-8. Epub 09/14/2010.

Improved detection of developmental delays among young children in foster care.

Jee SH, Szilagyi M, Ovenshire C, Norton A, Conn AM, Blumkin A, Szilagyi PG

Pediatrics.. 2010 February 125 (2):282-9. Epub 01/11/2010.

Timely identification of mental health problems in two foster care medical homes.

Jee, SH; Szilagyi, MA; Blatt, SD; Meguid, V; Auinger, P; Szilagyi, PG.

Children and Youth Services Review. 2010; 32(5): 685-690.

Health and home environments of caregivers investigated by child protective services

Jee, SH; Conn, AM.

Quarterly Update: reviews of current child abuse medical research. 2010; 17(4): 24.

Foster care issues in general pediatrics.

Jee SH, Tonniges T, Szilagyi MA

Current opinion in pediatrics.. 2008 December 20 (6):724-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Understanding caseworker perspectives on a pediatric medical home for childrren in foster care

Jee, SH; Doyle, AK.

Illinois Child Welfare Journal. 2008; 4(1): 52-58.

Learning difficulties among children separated from a parent.

Jee SH, Conn KM, Nilsen WJ, Szilagyi MA, Forbes-Jones E, Halterman JS

Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association.. 2008 8 (3):163-8. Epub 04/11/2008.

Factors associated with chronic conditions among children in foster care.

Jee SH, Barth RP, Szilagyi MA, Szilagyi PG, Aida M, Davis MM

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.. 2006 May 17 (2):328-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Indices for continuity of care: a systematic review of the literature.

Jee SH, Cabana MD

Medical care research and review : MCRR.. 2006 April 63 (2):158-88. Epub 1900 01 01.

Health and well-being of children in foster care placement.

Jee SH, Simms MD

Pediatrics in review. 2006 January 27 (1):34-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Emergency department utilization by children in foster care.

Jee SH, Antonucci TC, Aida M, Szilagyi MA, Szilagyi PG

Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association.. 2005 5 (2):102-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Does continuity of care improve patient outcomes?

Cabana MD, Jee SH

The Journal of family practice.. 2004 December 53 (12):974-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

Factors associated with variations in parental social support in primary care pediatric settings.

Jee SH, Davis MM

Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association.. 2004 4 (4):316-22. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparing the self-reported referral and management preferences of pediatricians and family physicians for children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Freed GL, Jee S, Stein L, Spera L, Clark SJ

The Journal of rheumatology.. 2003 December 30 (12):2700-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Intraparenchymal brain hemorrhage and remote soft tissue arteriovenous malformation in a newborn infant.

Jee SH, Grow JL, Faix RG

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2002 December 22 (8):664-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk of recurrent seizures after a primary human herpesvirus 6-induced febrile seizure.

Jee SH, Long CE, Schnabel KC, Sehgal N, Epstein LG, Hall CB

The Pediatric infectious disease journal.. 1998 January 17 (1):43-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pharmacology of sodium-dependent high-affinity L-[3H]glutamate transport in glial cultures.

Garlin AB, Sinor AD, Sinor JD, Jee SH, Grinspan JB, Robinson MB

Journal of neurochemistry.. 1995 June 64 (6):2572-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mental health treatment experiences and expectations in foster care: a qualitative investigation. Doi:10.1080/15548732.2014.931831

Jee SH, Conn AM, Toth S, Szilagyi M, Chin NP.

Journal of Public Child Welfare. : 839-559.


Up to Date (2018)

Chapter: "Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States."

Up To Date (2018)

Chapter: "Comprehensive health care for children in foster care".. "Comprehensive health care for children in foster care."

Up To Date. (2017)

Chapter: "Comprehensive health care for children in foster care".

Up to Date (2017)

Chapter: "Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States".

Up To Date (2016)

Chapter: Comprehensive health care for children in foster care

Up To Date (2016)

Chapter: Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States

Up To Date (2014)

Chapter: Comprehensive health care for children in foster care

Up To Date (2014)

Chapter: Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States

Up To Date (2013)

Chapter: Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States

Up To Date (2013)

Chapter: Comprehensive health care for children in foster care

Up To Date (2012)

Chapter: Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States

Up To Date (2012)

Chapter: Comprehensive health care for children in foster care

Up To Date (2011)

Chapter: Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States

Up To Date (2011)

Chapter: Comprehensive health care for children in foster care

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care (2010)

Chapter: Health Needs for Children in Foster Care

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2010)

Chapter: Adolescents in Foster Care

Up To Date (2010)

Chapter: Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States

Up To Date (2010)

Chapter: Comprehensive health care for children in foster care

Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in (2009)

Up To Date (2009)

Chapter: Epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the United States

Up To Date (2009)

Chapter: Comprehensive health care for children in foster care.

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care (2009)

Chapter: Children in Foster and Kinship Care, updated 2015

Comprehensive health care for children in foster care (2008)

Pediatric Clinical Advisor (2007)

Chapter: Children in Foster Care

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4.7 stars

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4.7 stars

Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition

4.7 stars

Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your care

4.8 stars

Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries

4.6 stars

Patient Comments

4.8 stars

Muy buena experiencia

Jul 10, 2024

1.8 stars

Provider minimized any and all concerns.

Jan 29, 2024

5.0 stars


Dec 08, 2022

5.0 stars

My experience was really good.

Jun 06, 2022

5.0 stars

Care provider listens and gives good recommendations to resolve health concerns

Mar 21, 2022