Michelle A. Dugan, NP
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She is licensed in New York State as a Family Nurse practitioner, certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center as such, and...
She is licensed in New York State as a Family Nurse practitioner, certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center as such, and board-certified in Pain Management Nursing.
Michelle's nursing career is marked by diversity and specialization. Her experience as a registered nurse spans all aspects of emergency nursing, pre-hospital care, and flight nursing, showcasing her adaptability and wide-ranging skills.
As a Nurse Practitioner, she continued to practice per diem in the emergency department and maintained full-time practice status in other areas. For eight years, she cared for the chronic medical and psychosocial needs of dialysis patients.
Michelle's expertise in fistula management led to her recruitment by a vascular surgery group to promote their dialysis vascular access program. Her leadership and problem-solving skills were further demonstrated as she provided clinic visits to a variety of vascular surgery patient-specific entities.
Michelle translated her skills to the NeuroMedicine Pain Management clinic in 2010-2023, where she provided expert consultation for Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. She is also well-versed and skilled in many pain syndromes, neuromodulation therapy, and intrathecal pumps.
In 2023, she transferred to the Department of OB/GYN. She translated her pain skills to the management of chronic overlapping pelvic pain conditions such as myofascial pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, fibroids, pudendal neuralgia, and interstitial cystitis. She was working in conjunction with skilled minimally invasive gynecological surgeons who also provide gender affirmation care.
In 2024, she transferred back to NeuroMedicine Pain Management to provide the pain care she was passionate about.
2015 Jun
Markman JD, Barbosa WA, Gewandter JS, Frazer M, Rast S, Dugan M, Nandigam K, Villareal A, Kwong TC. "Interpretation of urine drug testing results in patients using transdermal buprenorphine preparations for the treatment of chronic noncancer pain." Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. 2015 Jun; 16(6):1132-6. Epub 2015 Mar 20.
2011 Jul
Glass C, Dugan M, Gillespie D, Doyle A, Illig K. "Costoclavicular venous decompression in patients with threatened arteriovenous hemodialysis access." Annals of vascular surgery. 2011 Jul; 25(5):640-5. Epub 2011 Apr 21.
2011 Feb
Kumar NG, Dugan MM, Illig KA, Gillespie DL. "Lower extremity arteriovenous fistula with central venous stenosis iliocaval stenting to treat venous outflow obstruction." Journal of vascular surgery. 2011 Feb; 53(2):487-8. Epub 2010 Nov 18.
Michelle Dugan, NP. "Psychosocial Effects of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome". Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Illig, MD, Thompson, MD, Freischlag, MD, Donahue, MD, Jordon MD, and Edgelow MD. NY: Springer, 2013. 271-276
Certified Specialties
Nurse Practitioner, Family - American Nurses Credentialing Center
Connect with Michelle A. Dugan, NP
Residency & Fellowship
Undergraduate, Registered Nurse, Monroe Community College.
Undergraduate, Registered Nurse, University of Rochester School of Nursing.
NP | St. John Fisher College. Nurse Practitioner. 2001
Clinical Center of Excellence (CCOE) in Pain Management | 2013. 2013
Vascular Surgery Clinic: Most effective team player of the year. 2009
Recognition for excellence in Staff Development. 2001
Nominated for NYS Emergency Medical Services Nurse of the Year. 1999
Monroe Livingston County Emergency Medical Services Nurse of the Year. 1998
SMH National Nurse's Week Emergency Department Peer Award. 1998
SMH National Nurse's Week Creativity and Innovation Award. 1997
Monroe Livingston County Emergency Medical Services Nurse of the Year. 1997
Nominated for NYS Emergency Medical Services Nurse of the Year. 1997
Her area of special interest and publications is Thor...
Her area of special interest and publications is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. She has participated in Clinical Research with the departments Translational Pain Research Division at the University of Rochester.
Journal Articles
Gewandter JS, Frazer ME, Cai X, Chiodo VF, Rast SA, Dugan M, Carter HA, Rahmani R, Stone JJ, Markman JD
Pain.. 2019 May 160 (5):1029-1036. Epub 1900 01 01.
Markman JD, Barbosa WA, Gewandter JS, Frazer M, Rast S, Dugan M, Nandigam K, Villareal A, Kwong TC
Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine.. 2015 June 16 (6):1132-6. Epub 03/20/2015.
Glass C, Dugan M, Gillespie D, Doyle A, Illig K
Annals of vascular surgery.. 2011 July 25 (5):640-5. Epub 04/21/2011.
Kumar NG, Dugan MM, Illig KA, Gillespie DL
Journal of vascular surgery.. 2011 February 53 (2):487-8. Epub 11/18/2010.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (2013)
Chapter: Psychosocial Effects of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Authors: Michelle Dugan, NP
Publisher: Springer, NY 2013
Ratings & Comments
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Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your care
Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition
Likelihood of recommending this care provider to others
Care provider's discussion of any proposed treatment (options, risks, benefits, etc.)
Patient Comments
I LOVE Michelle Dugan. She is so kind and caring. I
Sep 11, 2024
Michelle is wonderful.
Oct 19, 2023
They may have not known my medical history, but did a great job at reviewing with me and asking questions
Aug 02, 2023
Great experience!
Aug 01, 2023
Exceptional. Grateful to be in her care. Very knowledgeable, experienced and understanding.
Feb 12, 2023
We had a good discussion regarding my medical situation.
Feb 01, 2023
Michelle is always there for me!!!!!
Jan 11, 2023
Jan 04, 2023
Been with this Dr office since April 2006 from a bad accident and truly love them
Nov 07, 2022
Been with this very compassionate group since 2006. Always very caring
Sep 23, 2022
My care provider is a new one not familiar with me or my condition so much at this time. She did seem interested and willing to listen to any concerns I might have.
Sep 19, 2022
I love this clinic.They are all so caring.
Jul 12, 2022
She has kept on a safe effective path for my pain treatment and it has been a huge help to me.
Jul 08, 2022
Michelle is a rockstar in my opinion. She listens carefully, takes my input, explains things well, and cares about her patients overall health
Jun 25, 2022
Always a good listener.
May 06, 2022
Michelle is a very good at what she does and knows. She takes the time to listen to me and we come up with game plans together.
Apr 04, 2022
I felt she was rushed with me and not entirely focused [...]. She didn't ask me if I had any questions at the end, or if she did I don't remember it or felt like I had time.
Mar 13, 2022
Michelle does a great job, always has my best interests in my mind.
Feb 19, 2022