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UR Medicine Faculty
The University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group
(URMFG) consists of over 900 specialist and primary care providers spanning 19
URMFG is certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
Accountable Health Partner
Accountable Health Partners (AHP) is a network of
over 2,000 community and UR medical faculty and a dozen leading hospitals throughout the
region. AHP offers a full range of care.
Dr. Rand is a general pediatrician and health services researcher who focuses on providing preventive care to pediatric patients in Rochester. Her interests include adolescent preventive care and immunization delivery, as well as quality improvement.
Dr. Rand is a general pediatrician and health services researcher who focuses on providing preventive care to pediatric patients in Rochester. Her interests include adolescent preventive care and immunization delivery, as well as quality improvement.
Certified Specialties
- American Board of Pediatrics
Faculty Appointments
Department of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Residency, Pediatrics, Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical Center. 2000 - 2002
Internship, Pediatrics, Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical Center. 1999 - 2000
MD | SUNY Health Science Center-Stony Brook (USA).1999
William L. Bradford Fellowship Award.2003 - 2004
Hewlett Packard Research Award.1994
Robert H. Goddard Fellowship.1993
H. Samuel Slater Award for Romance Languages.1993
Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude, Honors in Mathematics.1991
Dr. Rand is a general academic pediatrician and health services researcher at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, where she co-directs of the Academic General Pediatrics Fellowship. Her research experience combines expertise in adolescent immunization and preventive services ...
Dr. Rand is a general academic pediatrician and health services researcher at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, where she co-directs of the Academic General Pediatrics Fellowship. Her research experience combines expertise in adolescent immunization and preventive services delivery, quality improvement, and health informatics. She has been funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and NIH to improve immunization rates for adolescents. Her recently funded work focuses on improving HPV vaccination rates, increasing vaccination rates for pregnant people, and promoting vaccine education in schools. In addition, she supervises residents and sees patients in the Golisano Children's Hospital Pediatric Practice.
Dr. Rand is involved in the national American Cancer Society HPV Vaccine Roundtable, and in the New York State HPV Vaccine Coalition.
Szilagyi PG, Fiks AG, Rand CM, Kate Kelly M, Russell Localio A, Albertin CS, Humiston SG, Grundmeier RW, Steffes J, Davis K, Shone LP, McFarland G, Abney DE, Stephens-Shields AJ
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 2004 July 158 (7):625-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Textbook of Pediatrics
Chapter: Immunizations
Authors: Humiston SG, Atkinson WL, Rand CM, Szilagyi PG
American Academy of Pediatrics 2016
AAP Textbook of Adolescent Health
Chapter: Anticipatory Guidance
Authors: Pakpreo, P, and Rand, CM
American Academy of Pediatrics 2010
Textbook of Pediatrics
Chapter: Immunizations
Authors: Humiston SG, Atkinson WL, Rand CM, Szilagyi PG
American Academy of Pediatrics 2009
Guide to Genital HPV Infection: Diseases and Prevention
Chapter: Benefits, Obstacles, and Strategies to Implement HPV Vaccination
Authors: Rand, CM
Informa Healthcare, London 2009
Ratings & Comments
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