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Nirupama Laroia, M.B.B.S.

Nirupama Laroia, M.B.B.S.

Pediatrics , Neonatology

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About Me

Dr. Laroia's clinical and educational areas of emphasis include neonatal resuscitation, cardiopulmonary physiology in the neonate and global neonatal survival.
Dr. Laroia's clinical and educational areas of emphasis include neonatal resuscitation, cardiopulmonary physiology in the neonate and global neonatal survival.

Faculty Appointments

Professor (Part-Time) - Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Neonatology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1994 - 1996

Residency, Pediatrics, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals. 1993 - 1994

Residency, Pediatrics, Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.) (India). 1981 - 1984

Residency, Christian Medical College (India). 1980 - 1981

Internship, Christian Medical College (India). 1979 - 1979


MD | Christian Medical College & Hospital (India). Surgery (General Surgery). 1980


Best Doctors in America. 2004

Strong Star. University of Rochester Medical Center. 2008, 2013.

2005 Nominee, Father Norton Award, Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY.


Dr. Laroia's research interests focus on general newborn care, prematurity, asphyxial injury, and neonatal seizures, especially those related to stroke and hypoxic ischemic injury in the newborn. Her work has included development of criteria for long-term EEG monitoring in neonates at risk for seizu...
Dr. Laroia's research interests focus on general newborn care, prematurity, asphyxial injury, and neonatal seizures, especially those related to stroke and hypoxic ischemic injury in the newborn. Her work has included development of criteria for long-term EEG monitoring in neonates at risk for seizures. Current projects include study of neuroprotective strategies in infants with hypoxic ischemic injury, Hyperbilirubinemia in the term neonate, Use of donor milk in preterm infants, and a qualitative study looking at barriers to communication between obstetricians and pediatricians in the delivery room.


Journal Articles

Chronic Auditory Toxicity in Late Preterm and Term Infants With Significant Hyperbilirubinemia.

Amin SB, Saluja S, Saili A, Orlando M, Wang H, Laroia N, Agarwal A

Pediatrics.. 2017 October 140 (4)Epub 1900 01 01.

Auditory toxicity in late preterm and term neonates with severe jaundice.

Amin SB, Saluja S, Saili A, Laroia N, Orlando M, Wang H, Agarwal A

Developmental medicine and child neurology.. 2017 March 59 (3):297-303. Epub 10/08/2016.

Unbound Bilirubin and Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder in Late Preterm and Term Infants with Severe Jaundice.

Amin SB, Wang H, Laroia N, Orlando M

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2016 June 173 :84-9. Epub 03/04/2016.

Target ranges of oxygen saturation in extremely preterm infants.

, Carlo WA, Finer NN, Walsh MC, Rich W, Gantz MG, Laptook AR, Yoder BA, Faix RG, Das A, Poole WK, Schibler K, Newman NS, Ambalavanan N, Frantz ID, Piazza AJ, Sánchez PJ, Morris BH, Laroia N, Phelps DL, Poindexter BB, Cotten CM, Van Meurs KP, Duara S, Narendran V, Sood BG, O'Shea TM, Bell EF, Ehrenkranz RA, Watterberg KL, Higgins RD

The New England journal of medicine.. 2010 May 27362 (21):1959-69. Epub 05/16/2010.

Early CPAP versus surfactant in extremely preterm infants.

, Finer NN, Carlo WA, Walsh MC, Rich W, Gantz MG, Laptook AR, Yoder BA, Faix RG, Das A, Poole WK, Donovan EF, Newman NS, Ambalavanan N, Frantz ID, Buchter S, Sánchez PJ, Kennedy KA, Laroia N, Poindexter BB, Cotten CM, Van Meurs KP, Duara S, Narendran V, Sood BG, O'Shea TM, Bell EF, Bhandari V, Watterberg KL, Higgins RD

The New England journal of medicine.. 2010 May 27362 (21):1970-9. Epub 05/16/2010.

An exclusively human milk-based diet is associated with a lower rate of necrotizing enterocolitis than a diet of human milk and bovine milk-based products.

Sullivan S, Schanler RJ, Kim JH, Patel AL, Trawöger R, Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U, Chan GM, Blanco CL, Abrams S, Cotten CM, Laroia N, Ehrenkranz RA, Dudell G, Cristofalo EA, Meier P, Lee ML, Rechtman DJ, Lucas A

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2010 April 156 (4):562-7.e1. Epub 12/29/2009.

Prenatal diagnosis of total arhinia associated with normal chromosomal analysis: a case report.

Thornburg LL, Christensen N, Laroia N, Pressman EK

The Journal of reproductive medicine.. 2009 September 54 (9):579-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Premature infants: analysis of serum phosphate during the first 4 weeks of life.

El Hassan N, Ryan R, Nirupama L

American journal of perinatology.. 2007 May 24 (5):327-30. Epub 05/21/2007.

Double wall versus single wall incubator for reducing heat loss in very low birth weight infants in incubators.

Laroia N, Phelps DL, Roy J

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.. 2007 April 182007 (2):CD004215. Epub 04/18/2007.

Overview of Neonatal Seizures

Laroia, N.

Perinatology. 2007; 9(3): 117-123.

Felbamate in Term Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Laroia, N.; Guillet, R.; McBride, M.

J Pediatr Neurol. 2007; 5(4): 301-304.

Recognition and management of perinatal stroke

Laroia N, Fereiro DM.

Journal of Neonatology. 2006; 20(2): 134-139.

Cerebral function monitoring for term infants with seizures

Laroia N.

Journal of Neonatology. 2006; 20(2).

The religious and cultural bases for breastfeeding practices among the Hindus.

Laroia N, Sharma D

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2006 1 (2):94-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparison of breast- and formula-fed normal newborns in time to first stool and urine.

Metaj M, Laroia N, Lawrence RA, Ryan RM

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2003 December 23 (8):624-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effect of dexamethasone therapy on serum vitamin E concentrations in premature infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Amin SB, Laroia N, Sinkin RA, Kendig JW

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2003 October 23 (7):552-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

A randomized, controlled trial of remacemide for motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease.

Shoulson I, Penney J, McDermott M, Schwid S, Kayson E, Chase T, Fahn S, Greenamyre JT, Lang A, Siderowf A, Pearson N, Harrison M, Rost E, Colcher A, Lloyd M, Matthews M, Pahwa R, McGuire D, Lew MF, Schuman S, Marek K, Broshjeit S, Factor S, Brown D, Feigin A, Mazurkiewicz J, Ford B, Jennings D, Dilllon S, Comella C, Blasucci L, Janko K, Shulman L, Wiener W, Bateman-Rodriguez D, Carrion A, Suchowersky O, Lafontaine AL, Pantella C, Siemers E, Belden J, Davies R, Lannon M, Grimes D, Gray P, Martin W, Kennedy L, Adler C, Newman S, Hammerstad J, Stone C, Lewitt P, Bardram K, Mistura K, Miyasaki J, Johnston L, Cha JH, Tennis M, Panniset M, Hall J, Tetrud J, Friedlander J, Hauser R, Gauger L, Rodnitzky R, Deleo A, Dobson J, Seeberger L, Dingmann C, Tarsy D, Ryan P, Elmer L, Ruzicka D, Stacy M, Brewer M, Locke B, Baker D, Casaceli C, Day D, Florack M, Hodgeman K, Laroia N, Nobel R, Orme C, Rexo L, Rothenburgh K, Sulimowicz K, Watts A, Wratni E, Tariot P, Cox C, Leventhal C, Alderfer V, Craun AM, Frey J, McCree L, McDermott J, Cooper J, Holdich T, Read B,

Neurology.. 2001 February 2756 (4):455-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Electrographic seizures in neonates correlate with poor neurodevelopmental outcome.

McBride MC, Laroia N, Guillet R

Neurology.. 2000 August 2255 (4):506-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Current controversies in diagnosis and management of neonatal seizures.

Laroia N

Indian pediatrics.. 2000 April 37 (4):367-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

EEG background as predictor of electrographic seizures in high-risk neonates.

Laroia N, Guillet R, Burchfiel J, McBride MC

Epilepsia.. 1998 May 39 (5):545-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dextromethorphan ameliorates effects of neonatal hypoxia on brain morphology and seizure threshold in rats.

Laroia N, McBride L, Baggs R, Guillet R

Brain research. Developmental brain research.. 1997 May 20100 (1):29-34. Epub 1900 01 01.


Handbook of Neonatology (2020)

Chapter: Neonatal Hydrocephalus

Handbook on Neonatal ICU (2020)

Chapter: Neonatal Resuscitation

Critical Care Transport (2017)

Chapter: Neonatal Emergencies

The Handbook of Neonatology (2017)

Chapter: Neonatal Hydrocephalus

Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets (2016)

Chapter: Neonatal Care and Transport

Advances in Pediatrics (2012)

Chapter: Evaluation of the Hypotonic Neonate

Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets (2012)

Chapter: Neonatal Care and Transport

Critical Care Transport (2012)

Chapter: Neonatal Emergencies

Critical Care Transport (2009)

Chapter: Neonatal Emergencies

Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets (2007)

Chapter: Neonatal Care and Transport

Strong Perifax (2007)

Chapter: Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines

emedicine.Continuing Education (2005)

Chapter: Birth Trauma

Strong Perifax (2002)

Chapter: Who Speaks for Whom When Beliefs/Customs inhibit Medical Care

Recent Advances in Pediatrics (2001)

Chapter: Cerebral hypoxic -ischemic insult in the newborn: Can we prevent further injury?

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