John G. Strang, M.D.
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About Me
Certified Specialties
Diagnostic Radiology - American Board of Radiology
Faculty Appointments
Professor (Part-Time) - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Stanford University Medical Center. 1993 - 1995
Residency, Diagnostic Radiology, Harbor/UCLA Medical Center. 1989 - 1993
Internship, Harbor/UCLA Medical Center. 1988 - 1989
MD | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. 1988
Beta Gamma Sigma. 2013
Cum Laude for Scientific Exhibit "Real-Time Sonographic Determination of Pubic Arch Interference for Brachytherapy: More Cost-ef. 1999
Alpha Omega Alpha. 1988
Biochemistry Prize. 1985
General Electric Fellowship, MIT
Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu engineering honorary societies, MIT
Biochemistry Prize. 1984
Journal Articles
An L, Mills B, Hah Z, Mao S, Yao J, Joseph J, Rubens DJ, Strang J, Parker KJ
Medical physics.. 2011 May 38 (5):2563-71. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ginat DT, Destounis SV, Barr RG, Castaneda B, Strang JG, Rubens DJ
Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.. 2009 November 29 (7):2007-16. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pulmonary metastases from uterine neoplasms after long tumor-free interval: Four cases and review of the literature; Pathology.
Miyamoto, Hiroshi; Jones, Carolyn; Raymond, Daniel; Wandtke, John; Strang, John; Bourne, Patricia; Bonfiglio, Thomas; Xu, Haodong.
(manuscript accepted for publication) Feb. 2009; .
Miyamoto H, Jones CE, Raymond DP, Wandtke JC, Strang JG, Bourne PA, Bonfiglio TA, Xu H
Pathology.. 2009 41 (3):234-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zhang M, Castaneda B, Christensen J, Saad W, Bylund K, Hoyt K, Strang JG, Rubens DJ, Parker KJ
Medical physics.. 2008 September 35 (9):4132-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zhang M, Nigwekar P, Castaneda B, Hoyt K, Joseph JV, di Sant'Agnese A, Messing EM, Strang JG, Rubens DJ, Parker KJ
Ultrasound in medicine & biology.. 2008 July 34 (7):1033-42. Epub 02/06/2008.
Methods for prostate stabilization during transperineal LDR brachytherapy.
Tarun Podder, Jason Sherman, Deborah Rubens, Edward Messing, John Strang, Wan-Sing Ng, and Yan Yu.
J Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2008; 53: 1563-1579.
Hoyt K, Castaneda B, Zhang M, Nigwekar P, di Sant'agnese PA, Joseph JV, Strang J, Rubens DJ, Parker KJ
Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers.. 2008 4 (4-5):213-25. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yu Y, Podder TK, Zhang YD, Ng WS, Misic V, Sherman J, Fuller D, Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Brasacchio RA, Messing EM
Computer aided surgery : official journal of the International
Rubens DJ, Yu Y, Barnes AS, Strang JG, Brasacchio R
Radiologic clinics of North America.. 2006 September 44 (5):735-48, viii-ix. Epub 1900 01 01.
Podder T, Clark D, Sherman J, Fuller D, Messing E, Rubens D, Strang J, Brasacchio R, Liao L, Ng WS, Yu Y
Medical physics.. 2006 August 33 (8):2915-22. Epub 1900 01 01.
Fu L, Liu H, Ng WS, Rubens D, Strang J, Messing E, Yu Y
Medical physics.. 2006 May 33 (5):1192-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
In vivo motion and force measurement of surgical needle intervention during prostate brachytherapy
Podder, T.K.; Clark, D.P.; Fuller, D.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Brasacchio, R.; Strang, J.G.; Sherman, J.; Liao, L.; Ng, W.S.; Yu, Y.
Journal of American Association of Medical Physics. 2006; 33(8).
Dynamic planning in single needle brachytherapy systems
Misic, V.; Fu, L.; Podder, T.K.; Liao, L.; Rubens, D.J.; Brasacchio, R.; Messing, E.M.; Strang, J.G.; Ng, W.S.; Yu, Y.
Int. J. CARS. 2006; 1: 265-292 271-273.
A method to minimize puncture force and organ deformation
Misic, V.; Podder, T.K.; Liao, L.; Rubens, D.J.; Sherman, J.; Fuller, D.; Messing, E.M.; Strang, J.G.; Ng, W.S.; Yu, Y.
Int. J. CARS. 2006; 1: 265-292 277-280.
Robot-Assisted Platform for Intratumoral Delivery (RAPID)
Yu, Y.; Podder ,T.K.; Zhang, Y.; Ng, W.S.; Sherman, J.; Fuller, D.; Misic, V.; Fu, L.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.; Brasacchio, R.A.
In the Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC-BME), Seoul, Korea. 2006; .
Robotic System for Image-guided Intervention and Radioactive Seed Delivery
Yu ,Y.; Podder ,T.K.; Ng, W.S.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.
In the Proceedings of the 5th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ESBME), Patras, Greece. 2006; .
Design of a Robotic system for Radioactive Seed Delivery in Prostate Brachytherapy Procedures
Podder, T.K.; Zhang, Y.D.; Ng, W.S.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.; Yu, Y.
In the Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Chicago, IL. 2006; .
In vivo Motion and Force Measurement of Surgical Needle Intervention during Prostate Brachytherapy
Podder, T.K.; Clark, D.P.; Fuller, D.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Brasacchio, R., Strang, J.G.; Sherman, J.; Liao, L.; Ng, W.S.; Yu. Y.
Journal of American Association of Medical Physics. 2006; 33(8).
Needle Insertion Force Estimation Model using Procedure-specific and Patient-specific Criteria
Podder, T.K.; Sherman, J.; Fuller ,D.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.; Brasacchio, R.A.; Yu, Y.
In the Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS/EMBC). 2006; : 555-558.
Surgical Needle Intervention in Soft Tissue: In-vivo Force Measurement
Podder, T.K.; Sherman, J.; Fuller, D.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.; Brasacchio, R.A.; Yu, Y.
In the Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS/EMBC). 2006; : 3652-3655.
Efficacy of Prostate Stabilizing Techniques during Brachytherapy Procedure
Sherman, J.; Podder, T.K.; Fu, L.; Misic, V.; Fuller ,D.; Winey, B.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.; Brasacchio, R.A.; Yu, Y.
In the Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS/EMBC). 2006; : 563-566.
Yu Y, Podder T, Zhang Y, Ng WS, Misic V, Sherman J, Fu L, Fuller D, Messing E, Rubens D, Strang J, Brasacchio R
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI .... 2006 9 (Pt 1):41-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Podder TK, Sherman J, Messing EM, Rubens DJ, Fuller D, Strang JG, Brasacchio RA, Yu Y
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2006 2006 :555-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sherman J, Podder TK, Misic V, Fu L, Fuller D, Winey B, Messing EM, Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Brasacchio R, Yu Y
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2006 2006 :563-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Effects of Velocity Modulation during surgical needle insertion.
Podder, T.K.; Clark, D.P.; Fuller, D.; Sherman, J.; Ng, W.S.; Liao, L.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.; Messing, E.M.; Zhang, Y.D.; Yu, Y.
IEEE International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Proceedings, Shanghai China. 2005; .
Method to Reduce Force and Target Movement during Surgical Needle Interventions.
Podder, T.K.; Sherman, J.; Clark, D.P.; Fuller, D.; Rubens, D.J.; Messing, E.M.; Strang, J.G.; Liao, L.; Ng, W.S.; Yu, Y.
3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC), Prague. 2005; : 4315-4320.
Effects of Tip Geometry of Surgical Needles: an Assessment of Force-Torque and Deflection
Podder, T.K.; Clark, D.P.; Sherman, J.; Fuller, D.; Messing, E.M.; Rubens, D.J.; Strang, J.G.; O'Dell, W.; Zhang, Y.D.; Ng, W.S.; Yu ,Y.
3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC). 2005; : 1641-1644.
Fu L, Ng WS, Liu H, O'Dell W, Rubens D, Strang J, Schell MC, Brasacchio R, Liao L, Messing E, Yu Y
Brachytherapy.. 2005 4 (1):59-63. Epub 1900 01 01.
Podder TK, Clark DP, Fuller D, Sherman J, Ng WS, Liao L, Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Messing EM, Zhang YD, Yu Y
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2005 2005 :5766-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Liu H, Cheng G, Yu Y, Brasacchio R, Rubens D, Strang J, Liao L, Messing E
Physics in medicine and biology.. 2003 May 748 (9):1191-203. Epub 1900 01 01.
Fultz PJ, Harrow AR, Elvey SP, Feins RH, Strang JG, Wandtke JC, Johnstone DW, Watson TJ, Gottlieb RH, Voci SL, Rubens DJ
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 2003 May 180 (5):1403-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gottlieb RH, Voci SL, Syed L, Shyu C, Fultz PJ, Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Carson N, DiGrazio WJ, Francis CW
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 2003 January 180 (1):241-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sonographically Guided Biopsy of Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes: A Simple Alternative to Lung Biopsy and Other More Invasive Procedures.
Fultz, P.J.; Harrow, A.R.; Elvey, S.P.; Feins, R.H.; Strang, J.G.; Wandtke, J.C.; Johnstone, D.W.; Watson, T.J.; Gottlieb, R.H.; Voci, S.L.; Rubens, D.J.
American Journal of Radiology. 2003; 180(5): 1403-9.
Hendrickson RJ, Koniaris LG, Schoeniger LO, Strang J, Killackey MA, Peacock JL
The American surgeon.. 2002 September 68 (9):756-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Fultz PJ, Feins RH, Strang JG, Wandtke JC, Johnstone DW, Watson TJ, Gottlieb RH, Voci SL, Rubens DJ
Radiology.. 2002 January 222 (1):245-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Strang JG, Rubens DJ, Brasacchio RA, Yu Y, Messing EM
Radiology.. 2001 May 219 (2):387-93. Epub 1900 01 01.
Porter BC, Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Smith J, Totterman S, Parker KJ
IEEE transactions on medical imaging.. 2001 April 20 (4):354-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zand MS, Strang J, Dumlao M, Rubens D, Erturk E, Bronsther O
American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation.. 2001 March 37 (3):612-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Voci SL, Gottlieb RH, Fultz PJ, Mehta A, Parthasarathy R, Rubens DJ, Strang JG
Abdominal imaging.. 2000 25 (3):317-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Messing EM, Zhang JB, Rubens DJ, Brasacchio RA, Strang JG, Soni A, Schell MC, Okunieff PG, Yu Y
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 1999 July 144 (4):801-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yu Y, Zhang JB, Brasacchio RA, Okunieff PG, Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Soni A, Messing EM
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 1999 February 143 (3):647-52. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Bogineni-Misra S, Wexler IE
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 1998 March 170 (3):637-42. Epub 1900 01 01.
Totterman S, Tamez-Pena J, Kwok E, Strang J, Smith J, Rubens D, Parker K
Studies in health technology and informatics.. 1998 50 :27-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Fultz PJ, Gottlieb RH
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 1997 December 169 (6):1605-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Strang J
Radiology.. 1997 March 202 (3):878-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
MR Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque
Strang JG, Herfkens RJ, Gold G, Berry G, Pauly J, Glover G.
Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance. 1995; .
Hemodynamic Shear Stress in the Abdominal Aorta.
Foxman E, Strang JG, Zarins C, Herfkens RJ.
Proceeding of the Society of Magnetic Resonance. 1995; .
Voxel Size Effects on Vascular Shear Measurement
Strang JG, Herfkens RJ, Pelc NJ.
Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance. 1994; : 1002.
Left-handedness and Life Expectancy, correspondence, New England Journal of Medicine
Strang JG.
NE Journal of Medicine. 1991; 325: 1041-2.
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: CT Radiation Treatment and Planning
Authors: Vyas R, Strang JG, O'Kunieff P
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia 2006
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: Fusion Positron Emission Tomography & Computed Tomography in Oncology
Authors: Basu A, Strang JG
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia 2006
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: Chest Trauma
Authors: Adjei O, Strang JG
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia 2006
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: Chest Infection
Authors: Siddall K, Strang JG
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia 2006
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: Miscellaneous Thoracic Inflammatory Conditions
Authors: Patel K, Strang JG
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus 2006
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: Neoplasms of the lung and airway
Authors: Cham M, Strang JG
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia 2006
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: Middle Mediastinum
Authors: Mikitansky I, Azar M, Strang JG, et el
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia 2006
CT Secrets (2006)
Chapter: Posterior Mediastinum
Authors: Mikitansky I, Azar M, Strang JG
Publisher: Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia 2006
Radiologic Clinics of North America (2006)
Chapter: Image-Guided Brachytherapy for Postate Cancer
Authors: Rubens DJ, Yu Y, Szot-Barnes, Strang JG, Brasacchio R.
Publisher: Elsevier 2006
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Int (2006)
Chapter: "Robot-Assisted Brachytherapy"
Authors: Yu Y, Podder TK, Zhang Y, Ng WS, Misic V, Sherman J, Fu L, Fuller D, Messing EM, Rubens DJ, Strang JG, Brasacchio RA
Publisher: Larsen R, Niels M, Spooring (eds.) 2006
Ultrasound Secrets (2003)
Chapter: Basic Ultrasound Technology
Authors: Strang JG.
Publisher: Elsevier, Philadelphia 2003
Programming with curses (1991)
Authors: Strang JG
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates 1991
Learning the Unix Operating System (1986)
Authors: Peek J, Todina G, Strang JG
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates 1986
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