Johnny U. Monu, M.B.B.S.
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Johnny U. Monu, M.B.B.S.
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Since 1999, Dr. Monu has served as Program Director of Musculoskeletal Radiology in addition to his role as Fellowship Director. Dr. Monu has participated in many visiting professorships including an April, 2013 visit to R.R. Vredena Russian Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Recent special assignments have been as a Regional Coordinator for Sub-Saharan Africa International Skeletal Society Outreach and an External Assessor of Promotions at University of Benin in Nigeria. Over the years, Dr. Monu has reviewed several musculoskeletal journal articles and made several presentations at national meetings. In addition, he has published numerous journal articles and has written many book chapters on musculoskeletal imaging topics.
Certified Specialties
Diagnostic Radiology - American Board of Radiology
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Residency, Nuclear Medicine, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. 1990 - 1990
Fellowship, Radiology, General, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics. 1989 - 1990
Residency, Radiology, General, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. 1984 - 1986
MBBS | University Of Ibadan (Nigeria). 1978
Certificate of Merit: Exhibit - The finger: The fair, the bad and the ugly.. 2017 - 2017
Cum Laude Certificate: Exhibit – Your Bones on Drugs. Imaging of Drug Related Changes in the Musculoskeletal System.. 2014 - 2014
International Visiting Professor. 2013 - 2013
Certificate of Merit. 2007
Bronze Medal. 2007
Certificate of Merit. 2007
Certificate of Merit. 2006
Certificate of Merit. 2003
Bronze Medal. 2002
Certificate of Merit. 2002
Certificate of Merit. 2001
Certificate of Merit. 2001
Certificate of Merit. 1999
Cum Laude Certificate. 1999
Certificate of Merit. 1994
Fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. 1988
University Scholar. 1975 - 1978
Best in Chemistry Award. 1971
Journal Articles
Dieudonne G, Monu J, Hicks D
Emergency radiology.. 2024 June 31 (3):435-438. Epub 04/23/2024.
Ajabnoor R, Bell PD, Schiffman S, Carmody E, Monu J, Wang X
International journal of surgical pathology.. 2021 October 29 (7):752-758. Epub 03/22/2021.
A Comparative Study of High Resolution Chemical Shift Eliminated MRI of Finger Specimens with Micro Computed Tomography.
Kwok WE, You Z, Monu J, He H.
Journal of Clinical Imaging Science. 2019; 9(19): 1-6.
Primary Lymphoma of Bone.
Montoya S, Moorthy M, Monu JUV.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2017; 40(13): 1-6.
Unexplained "Massive Osteolysis of Femoral Head" (MOFH) after acetabular fracture: Occurrence and Suggested Patho-etiology.
Seo GS, Dieudonne G, Mooney SA and Monu JUV.
Acta Radiologica. 2016; .
Musculoskeletal Imaging Insight 2015: Kenya.
Stevens KJ, Mutiso K, Sconfirnza LM, Monu JUV.
Skeletal Radiol. 2016; 45: 883-888.
ISS Outreach Sub-Saharan Africa Insight.
Campbell R, Taljanovic M, Monu JUV.
Tanzania Skeletal Radiol. 2015; 44: 319-320.
Imaging of Drug Related Changes in the Musculoskeletal System.
Chadaz TS, Talbott, BS, Monu JUV.
Contemporary and Diagnostic Radiology. 2015; 38(23): 1-6.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Some Common Complications.
Uzor RB, Monu JUV.
Contemporary and Diagnostic Radiology. 2014; 37(14): 1-8.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Clinical Remission Manifest Persistent Joint Inflammation on Histology and Imaging Studies.
Anandarajah A, Thiele R, Giampoli E, Monu JUV, Seo GS, Feng C, Ritchlin C.
Journal of Rheumatology. 2014; .
Surface Lesions of Bone.
Monu, JUV; Malhotra, A.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2013; 36: 1-8.
International Skeletal Society Outreach 2013: Rwanda.
Teh J, Taljanovic MS, Monu JUV.
Skeletal Radiology. 2013; .
Hip Anatomic Variants that may Mimic Pathology on MRI: Non-Labral Variants.
Nguyen M, Kheyfits V, Giordano BD, Dieudonne G, Monu JUV.
AJR. 2013; 201(3): W401-8.
Imaging Features of Hip Prosthesis.
Schiffmann SR, White RT, Rosella P, Monu JUV.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2013; 36(15): 1-6.
ISS Outreach Sub-Saharan Africa: Zambia 2011.
Monu, JUV; Kopakopa, D; Taljanovic, M.
Skeletal Radiology. 2012; 41: 1493-1494.
ISS Outreach Sub-Saharan Africa Insight: Uganda 2011.
Monu, JUV; Muyinda, Z; Taljanovic, M.
Skeletal Radiology. 2012; 41: 1347-1348.
International Skeletal Society Outreach in Sub-Saharan West Africa.
Monu, JUV; Hewlett, V; Ostlere, S.
Skeletal Radiol. 2011; 40: 251-254.
High-Resolution Uniform MR Imaging of Finger Joints Using a Dedicated RF Coil at 3T.
Kwok, WE; You, Z; Monu, JUV; Seo, G; Ritchlin, C.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2010; 31(1): 240-7.
Isolated Congenital Pseudo-Arthrosis of the Fibula.
Moorthy, M; Monu, JUV.
Pediatr Radiol. 2010; 40(1): 52.
Nail Patella Syndrome (Fong Disease).
Mooney, S; Monu, JUV.
Pediatr Radiol. 2010; 40(1): 48.
Neuropathic Osteoarthropathy.
Malhotra, A; Monu, JUV.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2010; 33(6): 1-6.
MRI Patterns and Current Trends.
Huang, BK; Monu, JUV; Doumanian, J.
AJR. 2010; 195: 198-204.
Schatzker's Classification of Tibial Plateau Fractures: CT and MRI Improve Plain Radiographic Assessment.
Markhardt, BK; Gross, JM; Monu, JUV.
Radiographics. 2009; 29: 585-597.
The Effect of Etanercept on Osteoclast Precursor Frequency and Enhancing Bone Marrow Edema in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis.
Anandarajah, A; Schwartz, EM; Totterman, SM; Monu, JUV; Feng, CY; Shao, T; Haas-Smith, SA; Ritchlin, CT.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2008; 67(3): 296-301.
Imaging of Psoriatic Arthritis
Zayas, VM; Monu, JUV.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2008; 31(10): 1-7.
Multimodality Imaging in the Diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Popliteal Pseudoaneurysm Complicating a Sessile Osteochondroma
Christensen, JD; Monu, JUV.
Pediatric Radiol. 2008; 38: 887-891.
Focal Fibrocartilaginous Dysplasia (FFCD)
Bakman, M; Monu, JUV.
Pediatric Radiol. 2007; 37: 107.
Peri-articular Calcification - The Diagnosis and Management.
Chan, K; Monu, JUV; Seo, GS.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2007; 30(18): 1-6.
Calcaneal Fractures: What the Surgeon Needs to Know.
Matherne, TH; Tivorsak, T; Monu, JUV.
Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2006; 36: 1-10.
Osteoid Osteoma - The Diagnosis and Management.
Chan, K; Meyers, S; Monu, JUV.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2006; 29(25): 1-6.
Matherne TH, Monu JU, Schruff L, Neitzschman HR
Emergency radiology.. 2005 June 11 (4):213-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
The Radiology of Osteochondritis Dissecans-A Synopsis
Matherne, TH; Monu, JUV.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. 2005; 28(12): 1-6.
Oka M, Monu JU
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 2004 February 182 (2):283-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gout: A Clinical and Radiologic Review
Monu, JUV; Pope, TL Jr.
Radiology Clinics of North America. 2004; 42: 169-184.
Garcia-Morales F, Seo GS, Chengazi V, Monu JU
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 2003 July 181 (1):191-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Muscle Injuries about the Hip: Imaging for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Oka, M.; Poduri, KR; Monu, JUV.
The Radiologist. 2003; 10: 77-89.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Non-neoplastic Tumors of Muscles: A Comprehensive Review
Pierre-Jerome, C.; Campbell, SC; Borthne, A.; Reiseter, T.; Seo, GS; Monu, JUV.
Clinical MRI. 2002; 12: 3-16.
Symptomatic "Normal Variants": What to do with them
Liao, L.; Seo, GS; Monu, JUV.
The Radiologist. 2002; 9: 63-77.
The Posterior Cruciate Ligament - Patterns of Injury and Related Pathology
Calimano, MT; Acosta, A.; Monu, JUV.
The Radiologist. 2002; 9: 11-20.
Gout - The Radiology and the Clinics
Zayas, VM; Calimano, MT; Acosta, AR; Pierre-Jerome, C.; Monu, JUV.
Applied Radiology. 2001; 30: 15-24.
Review of - Musculoskeletal Imaging: A Teaching File
Monu, JUV; Liao, L.; Buadu, L.
AJR. 2000; 175: 1080.
MR Imaging of Benign Non-arthritic Synovial Proliferative Disorders
Tan, RK; Monu, JUV.
CMRS Vision. 2000; 6: 1,2, 6-9.
Osteochondritis Dissecans - The Raidology and the Management
Monu, JUV; Rheinboldt, MC; Pope, TL Jr.
Postgraduate Radiology. 2000; 20: 31-42.
Schruff L, Monu J, Neitzschman HR
The Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society : official organ of the Louisiana State Medical Society.. 1999 April 151 (4):165-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Radiographic Images of the Wrist - Anatomical Chart
Monu, JUV; Schruff, L.
Surgical Rounds. 1999; 22: 348.
MRI Evaluation of the Painful Lower Extremity when Radiographs are Inconclusive
Neitzschman, HR; Monu, JUV; Mena, JC.
Applied Radiology. 1999; 7: 12-23.
Titanium Synovitis - Case Presentation
Neitzschman, HR; Monu, JUV.
Journal of Southern Orthopedic Association. 1999; 8: 45-46.
Collison CH, Sinal SH, Jorizzo JL, Walker FO, Monu JU, Snyder J
Southern medical journal.. 1998 January 91 (1):17-22. Epub 1900 01 01.
Giant Cystic Ameloblastoma - A Case Report
Rheinboldt, M.; Monu, JUV; Neitzschman, HR.
Journal of the Louisiana Medical Society. 1998; 150: 143-144.
Review of - A Centennial History of African-Americans in Radiology
Monu, JUV; Iko, BO.
AJR. 1997; 168: 924.
A Randomised Trial Comparing Aerobic with a Health Education Program in Order Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis. The Fitness Arthritis and Seniors Trial (FAST)
Ettinger, WH; Burns, R.; Messier, SP; Applegate, W.; Rejeski, WJ; Morgan, T.; Shumaker, S.; Berry, MJ; O'Toole, M.; Monu, JUV; Craven, T.
Journal of American Medical Association. 1997; 277: 25-31.
Crotty JM, Monu JU, Pope TL
Radiologic clinics of North America.. 1996 March 34 (2):327-42, xi. Epub 1900 01 01.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System: Part 4, the Knee
Crotty, JM; Monu, JUV; Pope, TL.
Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research. 1996; 330: 288-303.
Intraosseous Pneumatocysts of the Iliac Bone
Monu, JUV; Crotty, JM; Pope, TL.
Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research. 1996; 330: 190-192.
Haygood TM, Teot L, Ward WG, Allen A, Monu JU
Skeletal radiology.. 1995 August 24 (6):466-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Monu JU, McManus CM, Ward WG, Haygood TM, Pope TL, Bohrer SP
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 1995 August 165 (2):395-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rejeski WJ, Ettinger WH, Shumaker S, Heuser MD, James P, Monu J, Burns R
The Journal of rheumatology.. 1995 June 22 (6):1124-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Type IV Acromion: A New Classification
Vanarthos, WJ; Monu, JUV.
Contemporary Orthopedics. 1995; 30: 227-229.
Falen SW, Monu JU
Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association. 1995 4 (2):124-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Monu JU, Pope TL, Chabon SJ, Vanarthos WJ
AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 1994 December 163 (6):1425-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Haygood TM, Monu JU, Pope TL
Orthopedics.. 1994 November 17 (11):1067-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Monu JU, Pruett S, Vanarthos WJ, Pope TL
Skeletal radiology.. 1994 October 23 (7):529-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Edewor PE, Bekederemo V, Monu JU
Journal of the National Medical Association.. 1994 April 86 (4):265-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Comparison of Axial T1 Spin-echo and T1 Fat-saturation Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques in the Diagnosis of Chondromalacia Patellae
Vanarthos, WJ; Pope, TL; Monu, JUV.
Orthopedic Review. 1994; 23: 942-946.
Dermatomyositis with Normal Muscle Enzymes: A Single Blind Study of the Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound
Stonecipher, MR; Jorizzo, JL; Monu, JUV; Walker, F.; Sutej, PG.
Archives of Dermatology. 1994; 30: 1294-1299.
Soft Tissue Neoplasms in the Foot
Grishaw, EK; Monu, JUV.
Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association. 1994; 3: 135-142.
Monu JU, Crotty JM
Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association. 1994 3 (4):303-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Edewor PE, Monu JU, Akumabor PN
Journal of the National Medical Association.. 1993 December 85 (12):948-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Monu JU, De Smet AA
Skeletal radiology.. 1993 October 22 (7):528-31. Epub 1900 01 01.
Monu JU, Okolo AA
Journal of the National Medical Association.. 1993 June 85 (6):457-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Osteochondral Fractures of the Talar Dome
Gordon, CJ; Monu, JUV.
Journal of the Southern Orthopedic Association. 1993; 2: 254-258.
MR Imaging of Myositis Ossificans
Monu, JUV; Pope, TL Jr.; Ward, WO; Loggie, B.; Kilpatrick, SE; Vanarthos, WJ.
Journal of the Southern Orthopedic Association. 1993; 2: 67-76.
Open Quiz
Monu, JUV; De Smet, AA.
Skeletal Radiol. 1993; 22: 306-307.
Monu JU, Okolo AA
Journal of the National Medical Association.. 1992 January 84 (1):81-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
MRI Evaluation of the Coracoacromial Ligament
Monu, JUV; Ardans, TM; Pope, TL Jr.; Ruch, DS; Martin, DF; Curl, WW.
Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association. 1992; 1: 235-240.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Patella Tendinitis
El-Khoury, GY; Wira, RL; Pope, TL Jr.; Monu, JUV.
Radiology. 1992; 84: 849-854.
Acute Right Groin Pain in an HIV-Positive Hemophiliac
Monu, JUV; Pope, TL Jr.
Journal Southern Orthopedic Association. 1992; 1: 105-109.
De Smet AA, Monu JU, Fisher DR, Keene JS, Graf BK
Skeletal radiology.. 1992 21 (2):103-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Neonatal Necrotizing Fasciitis--A Complication of Poor Cord Hygiene: Report of Three Cases
Monu, JUV; Okolo, AA.
Ann Trop Paediatr. 1990; 12: 300-305.
Monu JU, Benka-Coker LB, Fatunde Y
Skeletal radiology.. 1990 19 (8):585-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Monu JU
Journal of the National Medical Association.. 1989 June 81 (6):695-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Adedeji M, Okafor LA, Ejele OA, Monu JU
The Central African journal of medicine.. 1988 February 34 (2):33-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Is Urography Necessary for Patients with Acute Retention of Urine Before Prostatectomy?
Akumabor, PN; Onuora, V.; Monu, JUV.
Med Sci Res. 1988; 16: 473.
Ultrasound Uses and Limitations. Part II.
Monu, JUV.
The Resident Doctor. 1988; 2: 33-38.
Iko BO, Ojogwu LI, Monu JU
Tropical and geographical medicine. 1987 January 39 (1):43-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Some Upper Cervical Spine Norms
Monu, JUV; Bohrer, SP; Howard, C.
Spine. 1987; 13: 515-519.
Ultrasound Uses and Limitations. Review Article. Part I.
Monu, JUV.
The Resident Doctor. 1987; 1: 23-25.
Iko BO, Monu JU, Mangete ED, Nduka NR
International urology and nephrology.. 1987 19 (3):279-85. Epub 1900 01 01.
Iko BO, Monu JU, Orhue A, Sarkar SK
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology.. 1986 April 21 (4):233-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Osteoid Osteoma - The diagnosis and management
Chan, K.; Meyers, S.; Monu, JUV.
Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. .
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System. (2022)
Chapter: Crystal Arthropathies
Authors: Uzor Robert and Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2022
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2022)
Chapter: Aging
Authors: Gregory Dieudonne, Watt Iain and Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2022
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2022)
Chapter: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Authors: Uzor Robert and Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2022
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2022)
Chapter: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Authors: Anandarajah A, Bolster M, Hant F, Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2022
Aunt Minnie's Atlas and Imaging-Specific Diagnosis (2022)
Chapter: Musculoskeletal System
Authors: Schiffman Scott and Monu Johnny
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Publishers 2022
The Charcot Foot in Diabetes (2022)
Chapter: Differential Diagnosis of Charcot Neuro-arthropathy and Autonomic Neuropathy
Authors: Pierre-Jerome C, Monu JUV
Publisher: Springer Verlag 2022
Pitfalls in Musculoskeletal Radiology (2017)
Chapter: Long Bone Trauma: Radiographic Pitfalls
Authors: Uzor RB, Monu JUV, Pope TL
Publisher: Springer Verlag 2017
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2014)
Chapter: Crystal Arthropathies
Authors: Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2014
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2014)
Chapter: Aging
Authors: Watt Iain and Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2014
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2014)
Chapter: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Authors: Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2014
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2014)
Chapter: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Authors: Bolster MB and Monu JUV
Publisher: Mosby Publishers 2014
Emedicine Radiology Text Book (2013)
Chapter: www.emedicine.com chapter on Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
Authors: McGrath JR, Monu JUV
Publisher: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/394649-overview 2013
Harris & Harris' Radiology of Emergency Medicine (2012)
Chapter: Diaphysis
Authors: Monu JUV, Harris JH
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2012
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound with CT and MRI Correlation (2010)
Authors: Associate Editor: JUV Monu
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers 2010
Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System (2008)
Chapter: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Authors: MB Bolster, JUV Monu
Publisher: Elsevier - Mosby Publishers 2008
Basic Radiology (2004)
Chapter: Imaging of Joints
Authors: Johnny U.V. Monu M.D.
Publisher: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, New York 2004
Emedicine Radiology Text Book (2002)
Chapter: Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
Authors: Johnny U.V. Monu M.D., Simone Elvey M.D.
Publisher: www.emedicine.com 2002
Emedicine Radiology Book (2002)
Chapter: Synovial Osteochondromatosis
Authors: Johnny UV. Monu M.D., Mayumi Oka M.D.
Publisher: www.emedicine.com 2002
The Imaging of Tropical Diseases (2000)
Chapter: The Hemoglobinopathies
Authors: JUV Monu, SP Bohrer
Publisher: Springer, New York 2000
Basic Radiology (1996)
Chapter: Imaging of Bones and Joints
Authors: Johnny U.V. Monu M.D.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, New York 1996
Year Book of Diagnostic Radiology (1996)
Chapter: Abstract on "Isolated Subacromial Bursal Fluid on MRI of the Shoulder in Symptomatic Patients: Correllation with Arthroscopic Findings
Authors: JUV Monu, S Pruett, WJ Vanarthos, TL Pope Jr.
Publisher: Mosby, New York 1996
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