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Robert L. Weisman, D.O.

Robert L. Weisman, D.O.

Mental Health and Wellness

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About Me

Dr. Robert Weisman is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He is Senior Medical Director of Adult Ambulatory Services and Director of Clinical Care at Strong Ties for the New York State ACT/FACT team serving mentally disordered offenders in the community. Dr. W...
Dr. Robert Weisman is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He is Senior Medical Director of Adult Ambulatory Services and Director of Clinical Care at Strong Ties for the New York State ACT/FACT team serving mentally disordered offenders in the community. Dr. Weisman is also the Director of the Charles E. Steinberg Memorial Fellowship in Psychiatry and Law, at the University of Rochester.

Dr. Weisman is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, member of the American College of Psychiatrists and Board Certified in both General and Forensic Psychiatry. He has presented internationally and written on community and pharmacologic management of the mentally ill offender and on assessment of violence risk within this population, and conducts training seminars on topics relative to prevention of workplace violence for a variety of audiences including medical, psychiatric, corporate, and legal professionals. He regularly conducts fitness-for-duty assessments and consults to law-enforcement agencies in Upstate, NY region. Through grant funding from the University of Rochester, he has developed training interventions for front-line correctional professionals working with mentally disordered individuals. Dr. Weisman also provides forensic consultation nationally specific to individual risk assessment and violence mitigation to medical centers, criminal justice agencies and commercial industry. Dr. Weisman has developed the Safety and Violence Education (SAVE) training curriculum through funding from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Long Term Care (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Forensic Psychiatry, University of Rochester School of Medicine. 1994 - 1995

Residency, Psychiatry, Loyola University Medical Center. 1990 - 1994

Internship, St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital-Oakland Center. 1989 - 1990


Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Award. 2017

David J. Barry, M.D. Forensic Psychiatry Faculty Teaching Award. 2015

Fellow. 2008

Excellence in Clinical Care Award. 2007

Distinguished Fellow. 2006


Dr. Robert Weisman is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He is Medical Director of Strong Ties Community Support Program and Director of Clinical Care for Project Link and the New York State ACT/FACT team serving mentally disordered offenders in the community....
Dr. Robert Weisman is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He is Medical Director of Strong Ties Community Support Program and Director of Clinical Care for Project Link and the New York State ACT/FACT team serving mentally disordered offenders in the community. For their work with Project Link, Dr. Weisman and his colleagues received the 1999 American Psychiatric Association's Gold Award, and the 2009 NAMI New York State Program Award. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, member of the American College of Psychiatrists and Board Certified in both General and Forensic Psychiatry. Dr. Weisman is also the Director of the Charles E. Steinberg Memorial Fellowship in Psychiatry and Law, at the University of Rochester. He has presented internationally and written on community and pharmacologic management of the mentally ill offender and on assessment of violence risk within this population. He regularly conducts training seminars on topics relative to prevention of workplace violence for a variety of audiences including medical, psychiatric, corporate, and law-enforcement professionals. Through grant funding from the University of Rochester, he has developed training interventions for front-line correctional professionals working with mentally disordered individuals. Dr. Weisman also provides forensic consultation nationally specific to individual risk assessment and violence mitigation to medical centers, criminal justice agencies and commercial industry. Dr. Weisman has developed the Safety and Violence Education (SAVE) training curriculum through funding from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


(MANUAL) Forensic Assertive Community Treatment A Manual for Rochester Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (R-FACT) Program Development and Operation

Issue date: February 28, 2014

Forensic Assertive Community Treatment Scale (FACTS): General Version

Issue date: June 02, 2015

(GUIDE) Forensic Assertive Community Treatment A Guide to Program Fidelity Assessment Using the R-FACTS

Issue date: February 28, 2014


Journal Articles

Affordability of Forensic Assertive Community Treatment Programs: A Return-on-Investment Analysis.

Maeng D, Tsun ZY, Lesch E, Jacobowitz DB, Strawderman RL, Harrington DK, Li Y, Weisman RL, Lamberti JS

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2023 April 174 (4):358-364. Epub 09/06/2022.


Lamberti JS, Lesch E, Weisman RL

The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.. 2022 June 50 (2):333. Epub 1900 01 01.

Promoting Mental Health and Criminal Justice Collaboration Through System-Level Partnerships.

Kamin D, Weisman RL, Lamberti JS

Frontiers in psychiatry.. 2022 13 :805649. Epub 02/01/2022.

A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Rochester Forensic Assertive Community Treatment Model.

Lamberti JS, Weisman RL, Cerulli C, Williams GC, Jacobowitz DB, Mueser KT, Marks PD, Strawderman RL, Harrington D, Lamberti TA, Caine ED

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2017 October 168 (10):1016-1024. Epub 06/01/2017.

Legal Digest: The Impact of Individualized Education Programs on Free Appropriate Public Education

Rusu, I; Weisman, RL.

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2015; 43(2): 19-21.

Legal Digest: Prisoner Rights

Libman, MS; Weisman, RL.

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2014; 42: 258-260.

Patient experiences of autonomy and coercion while receiving legal leverage in forensic assertive community treatment.

Lamberti JS, Russ A, Cerulli C, Weisman RL, Jacobowitz D, Williams GC

Harvard review of psychiatry.. 2014 22 (4):222-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Legal Digest: Competence to Proceed Pro Se

Martin, PS; Weisman, RL.

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2013; 41(2): 10-13.

Safety and Violence Education (SAVE): A Novel Web-Based Interactive Learning Environment for Healthcare Workers

Weisman, RL; Privitera, M; Lamberti, JS.

Proceedings of the third International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector. 2012; : 380-383.

The role of probation in forensic assertive community treatment.

Lamberti JS, Deem A, Weisman RL, LaDuke C

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2011 April 62 (4):418-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Integrating criminal justice, community healthcare, and support services for adults with severe mental disorders.

Weisman RL, Lamberti JS, Price N

The Psychiatric quarterly.. 2004 75 (1):71-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

Persons with severe mental disorders in the criminal justice system: challenges and opportunities.

Lamberti JS, Weisman RL

The Psychiatric quarterly.. 2004 75 (2):151-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Quetiapine in the successful treatment of schizophrenia with comorbid alcohol and drug dependence: a case report.

Weisman RL

International journal of psychiatry in medicine.. 2003 33 (1):85-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Violence prevention and safety training for case management services.

Weisman RL, Lamberti JS

Community mental health journal.. 2002 August 38 (4):339-48. Epub 1900 01 01.

The mentally ill in jails and prisons: towards an integrated model of prevention.

Lamberti JS, Weisman RL, Schwarzkopf SB, Price N, Ashton RM, Trompeter J

The Psychiatric quarterly.. 2001 72 (1):63-77. Epub 1900 01 01.

Chemical characterization of circulating porcine ileal polypeptide in plasma from normal adult pigs.

Wider MD, Duhaime PM, Weisman RL

Endocrinology.. 1986 April 118 (4):1546-50. Epub 1900 01 01.


Release Planning for Inmates (2012)

Chapter: Forensic Assertive Community Treatment: Origins, Current Practice and Future Directions

Staff Safety and Workplace Violence Education (2011)

Chapter: Workplace Violence in Mental and General Healthcare Settings

Embitterment – Societal, Psychological, and Clinical Perspectives (2010)

Chapter: Embitterment in Suicide and Homicide-Suicide

Forensic Assertive Community Treatment: Origins, Current Practice and Future Directions (2010)

Chapter: Reentry Planning for Offenders with Mental Disorders: Policy and Practice

Financial Stress and Workplace Performance (2002)

Chapter: Personal Financial Stress, Depression and Workplace Performance

Serving Mentally Ill Offenders (2002)

Chapter: Preventing Incarceration of Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Project Link

USMLE Comprehensive Review Book (1996)

Chapter: Eating Disorders:Anorexia/Bulimia/Obesity

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