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Stan L. Weiss, M.D.

Stan L. Weiss, M.D.

Imaging Sciences

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About Me

Stan Lee Weiss, MD, is a highly skilled and active radiologist in his field; currently serving patients at the University of Rochester. The practice offers a wide variety of services including interventional radiology, image guided biopsies, MRI's, CT Scans, drainage procedures, radiological teachin...
Stan Lee Weiss, MD, is a highly skilled and active radiologist in his field; currently serving patients at the University of Rochester. The practice offers a wide variety of services including interventional radiology, image guided biopsies, MRI's, CT Scans, drainage procedures, radiological teaching to residents and medical students, and fluoroscopy. Dr. Weiss, having approximately 30 years of experience, has spent a large part of his career being involved beyond the clinical practice of radiology. He is a Reviewer for radiology medical journals, an Associate Clinical Professor of Radiology for the renowned University of Rochester Medical Center, and was elected as 2015's MRI Safety Officer of the Department of Radiology MRI Safety Committee of the VA Central California Healthcare System. Dr. Weiss has contributed a number of medical publications and abstracts over the years, pertaining to his research in structural and reproductive changes in Paramecia follow ultraviolet radiation.

Certified Specialties

Diagnostic Radiology - American Board of Radiology

Faculty Appointments

Professor of Clinical Imaging Sciences - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Body Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Ultrasound, University of Rochester Medical Center. 1984 - 1985

Residency, Diagnostic Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics. 1981 - 1984

Internship, Internal Medicine, LDS Hospital/aka Latter Day Saints Hospital. 1980 - 1981


MD | University of Utah School of Medicine. 1980


Elected Senior Member. 2016

Peer Reviewer Recognition. 2016

Lifetime Achievement Recognition Award. 2015

Leading Physicians of the World Recognition. 2014

Certificate of Completion for Basical Life Support. 2013

Appointed Communication Representative for Emergency & Critical Care Ultrasound Community. 2012

Elected Fellow. 2012

Alternate Councilor at Large. 2012 - 2013

Certificate of Completion for ACLS. 2012

Third Place Award, Radiology Quiz - Current Issues in Cardiothoracic & Body Imaging in Napa. 2011

Certificate of Appreciation. 2007

Heitzman Radiology Resident Teaching Award. 2007

Member. 2005 - 2006

Shu-Ren Lin Radiology Resident Teaching Award. 1988 - 1989

Shu-Ren Lin Radiology Resident Teaching Award. 1985 - 1986

Diplomat. 1985

Diplomat. 1981

Academic Achievement. 1975 - 1976

Alumni Development Fun Scholarship. 1972 - 1976

University Scholars Scholarship. 1972 - 1976


Description of Practice:
Interventional Radiology - Image guided biopsies/drainage procedures

MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and Fluoroscopy

Radiology Teaching - Residents and Medical Students

Areas of Expertise :
MRI, Ultrasound, CT, Image guided biopsies

Research Interest...
Description of Practice:
Interventional Radiology - Image guided biopsies/drainage procedures

MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and Fluoroscopy

Radiology Teaching - Residents and Medical Students

Areas of Expertise :
MRI, Ultrasound, CT, Image guided biopsies

Research Interest:
Structural and Reproductive Changes in Paramecia Following Ultraviolet Radiation

Dr. Weiss has 20 publications in several prestigious Radiology Journals, 11 scientific abstracts, five book reviews and is a Journal Reviewer for Journal of Ultrasound In Medicine (JUM) and Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI)


Journal Articles

Ultrasound evaluation of urachal abscess in a young infant.

McConnell MF, Bradley KT, Weiss SL, Cantor RM

Pediatric emergency care.. 2015 February 31 (2):135-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Juvenile Tropical Pancreatitis

Lee E, Weiss SL.

American College of Radiology Case in Point. 2014; .

Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor

Daugherty E, Weiss SL, Cherrick I.

American College of Radiology Case in Point. 2014; .

Nayyar R, Mehta S, Grage R, Zhang D, Jawed M, Weiss SL, Badar A, Nayyar M.

Pulmonary Arteriovenous

Multiple Bilateral Dermoid Cysts (Mature Cystic Teratomas)

Rajebi MR, Weiss SL.

American College of Radiology Case in Point. 2011; .

Successful medical management of emphysematous gastritis with concomitant portal venous air: a case report.

Paul M, John S, Menon MC, Golewale NH, Weiss SL, Murthy UK

Journal of medical case reports.. 2010 May 194 :140. Epub 05/19/2010.

Murthy: Successful Medical Management of Emphysemtous Gastritis with Concomitant Portal Venous Air: a Case Report.

Paul M, John S, Menon M, Golewale N, Weiss SL.

Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2010; 4: 140.

Pelvic Neuroblastoma (Pathologically proven)

Srinivasan A, Botash R, Weiss SL.

ACR Case in Point. 2009; .

Posterior Ankle Impingement (PAI) Syndrome

Hernandez R, Weiss SL.

ACR Case in Point. 2009; .

Cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin Tumor)

Golewale N, Weiss SL.

ACR MRI Teaching File. 2008; .

CT in upper gastrointestinal tract perforations secondary to peptic ulcer disease.

Fultz PJ, Skucas J, Weiss SL

Gastrointestinal radiology. 1992 17 (1):5-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ultrasound and computed tomographic appearance of extramedullary hematopoiesis encasing the renal pelvis.

Tuite MJ, Weiss SL

Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCU.. 1991 May 19 (4):238-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

Diverticulitis: An evaluation by computed tomography and contrast enema

Shrier D, Skucas J, Weiss SL.

American Journal of Gastroenterology. 1991; : 1466-1471.

MR fat suppression technique in the evaluation of normal structures of the knee.

Totterman S, Weiss SL, Szumowski J, Katzberg RW, Hornak JP, Proskin HM, Eisen J

Journal of computer assisted tomography.. 1989 13 (3):473-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparative imaging of gallbladder cancer.

Fultz PJ, Skucas J, Weiss SL

Journal of clinical gastroenterology.. 1988 December 10 (6):683-92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Stage IB cervical carcinoma: comparison of clinical, MR, and pathologic staging.

Rubens D, Thornbury JR, Angel C, Stoler MH, Weiss SL, Lerner RM, Beecham J

AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 1988 January 150 (1):135-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sonographic examination of the abdominal aorta through the left flank: a prospective study.

Steiner E, Rubens D, Weiss SL, Lerner R, Asztely M

Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.. 1986 September 5 (9):499-502. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multiple myeloma with unusual intracranial manifestations.

Konick L, Hafez GR, Weiss SL, Oberley TD, Hartmann HA

Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine.. 1986 August 110 (8):755-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mirizzi syndrome simulating a tumor by ERC.

Weiss SL, Pupols AZ, Starling JR, Gould HR

Digestive diseases and sciences.. 1986 January 31 (1):100-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Medical imaging of the parathyroid glands.

Weiss SL, Perlman SB, Bushnell DL

American journal of physiologic imaging.. 1986 1 (3):154-66. Epub 1900 01 01.


Essentials of Radiologic Imaging (1987)

Chapter: The Urinary Tract

Authors: Thornbury JR, Weiss SL

Publisher: J. B. Lippincott Co, Philadelphia 1987

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