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Rita Dadiz, D.O.

Rita Dadiz, D.O.


Pediatrics , Neonatology

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UR Medicine Faculty The University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group (URMFG) consists of over 900 specialist and primary care providers spanning 19 departments. URMFG is certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
Accountable Health Partner Accountable Health Partners (AHP) is a network of over 2,000 community and UR medical faculty and a dozen leading hospitals throughout the region. AHP offers a full range of care.
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About Me

Areas of Focus:

1. Simulation and debriefing methodologies
2. Communication and teamwork training
3. Neonatal resuscitation
4. Graduate medical education

Administrative Roles:

1. Director, Neonatal Innovation and Safety Simulation Program
Areas of Focus:

1. Simulation and debriefing methodologies
2. Communication and teamwork training
3. Neonatal resuscitation
4. Graduate medical education

Administrative Roles:

1. Director, Neonatal Innovation and Safety Simulation Program

2. Director, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program

3. Co-Director, Dean’s Teaching Fellowship

Certified Specialties

Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine - American Board of Pediatrics

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Neonatology, University of Miami-Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship. 2004 - 2007

Residency, Pediatrics, NYU Langone Hospital - Long Island. 2002 - 2004

Internship, Pediatrics, NYU Langone Hospital - Long Island. 2001 - 2002


DO | New York College of Osteopathic Medicine. 2001


Academic Mentoring Award for Trainees in Clinical Programs. 2020

Ruth A. Lawrence Academic Faculty Service Award in Training. 2019

Ruth A. Lawrence Academic Faculty Service Award in Training. 2015

Strong Stars for Excellence in Family-Centered Patient Care. 2014 - 2022

Third-Place Research Abstract. 2014

First-Place Abstract, National Nurses Week Best Practice Showcase. 2014

Patient- and Family-Centered Care Award. 2011 - 2012

Ruth A. Lawrence Academic Faculty Service Award in Training. 2009

George W. Merck Dean's Teaching Fellow. 2008 - 2010

Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics. 2008

Fellow of the Year. 2005


Dr. Dadiz incorporates simulation-based learning and debriefing into graduate and postgraduate health professions education with the goal of improving interprofessional communication and team function during patient care. She investigates the impact of simulation-based team training on learner and p...
Dr. Dadiz incorporates simulation-based learning and debriefing into graduate and postgraduate health professions education with the goal of improving interprofessional communication and team function during patient care. She investigates the impact of simulation-based team training on learner and patient outcomes. She is a past recipient of an award from the Health Resources and Services Administration and subaward from the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality in this area of research. Dr. Dadiz is also interested in graduate medical education and is currently helping to develop the National Neonatology Flipped Classroom Physiology Curriculum for neonatology fellows.


Journal Articles

Comprehensive Program Redesign: Procedural Education, Quality Improvement, and Credentialing Needs for Advanced Practice Providers.

Butler-O'Hara M, Goldman M, Aspenleiter T, Vanini C, Dadiz R

Neonatal network : NN.. 2024 December 143 (6):343-355. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cost Comparison of a Traditional Didactic versus National Flipped Classroom Curriculum.

Carbajal MM, Karpen H, Arias A, Gisondo C, French H, Gray M, Izatt S, Gillam-Krakauer M, Johnston L, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Bonachea EM, Falck A, Chess P, Dadiz R

American journal of perinatology.. 2024 September 30 Epub 09/30/2024.

Implicit Bias and Health Disparities Education in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Dyess NF, Carr CB, Mavis S, Caruso CG, Izatt S, French H, Dadiz R, Bonachea EM, Gray M

American journal of perinatology.. 2024 September 41 (12):1634-1644. Epub 01/08/2024.

Flipping the Teachers: Impact of a Standardized Physiology Curriculum on Neonatology Medical Educators.

Johnston L, Falck A, Vasquez MM, Dadiz R, French H, Izatt S, Bonachea EM, Karpen H, Carbajal M, Payne A, Gillam-Krakauer M, Gray M

American journal of perinatology.. 2024 May 41 (S 01):e755-e764. Epub 08/30/2022.

Best Practices and Educator Strategies for Facilitating a Flipped Classroom in Graduate Medical Education.

Falck A, French H, Dadiz R, Gray MM, Mendres-Smith A, Nolan B, Martin K, Vasquez MM

American journal of perinatology.. 2024 May 41 (S 01):e2562-e2573. Epub 08/09/2023.

Simulation as a potential tool for successful clinical trial initiation.

Dadiz R, Jones R, Guillet R

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e109. Epub 05/31/2024.

Simulation-based Ultrasound Curriculum for Novice Clinicians to Assess Neonatal Endotracheal Tube Position.

Huang D, Watkins LA, Weinschreider J, Ghazi A, Wang H, Dadiz R

Journal of medical ultrasound.. 2023 31 (1):40-47. Epub 08/16/2022.

Integrated behavioral health education using simulated patients for pediatric residents engaged in a primary care community of practice.

Jones MR, Dadiz R, Baldwin CD, Alpert-Gillis L, Jee SH

Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare.. 2022 December 40 (4):472-483. Epub 1900 01 01.

Implicit Bias Training in Health Professions Education: A Scoping Review.

Mavis SC, Caruso CG, Dyess NF, Carr CB, Gerberi D, Dadiz R

Medical science educator.. 2022 December 32 (6):1541-1552. Epub 11/02/2022.

Comparison of knowledge acquisition and retention following traditional didactic vs. flipped classroom education utilizing a standardized national curriculum: a randomized controlled trial.

Gray MM, Dadiz R, Izatt S, Gillam-Krakauer M, Carbajal MM, Johnston LC, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Bonachea EM, Karpen H, Falck AJ, Chess PR, Huber M, French H

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 November 42 (11):1512-1518. Epub 06/03/2022.

Consensus on an implicit bias and health disparities curriculum in neonatal medicine: a Delphi study.

Mavis SC, Caruso CG, Carr CB, Dyess NF, French H, Dadiz R, Vasquez M, Johnston L, Gillam-Krakauer M, Chess P, Izatt S, Payne AH, Carbajal MM, Bonachea EM, Gray MM

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 November 42 (11):1519-1526. Epub 10/06/2022.

Comparison of a dichotomous versus trichotomous checklist for neonatal intubation.

Johnston L, Sawyer T, Nishisaki A, Whitfill T, Ades A, French H, Glass K, Dadiz R, Bruno C, Levit O, Auerbach M

BMC medical education.. 2022 August 2622 (1):645. Epub 08/26/2022.

What are LGBTQI+ parental experiences of healthcare support and decision-making regarding infant feeding options? A grounded theory study.

Jackson JR, Moreno L, Carmen M, Dadiz R

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 August 42 (8):1083-1090. Epub 11/01/2021.

Essentials of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship: careers in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.

Trzaski JM, Kiefer AS, Myers P, , Johnston LC

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 August 42 (8):1135-1140. Epub 01/29/2022.

Part 6: Essentials of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship: program administration.

Gillam-Krakauer M, Sharma J, Myers P, , Bonachea EM

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 July 42 (7):976-981. Epub 01/26/2022.

Part 5: Essentials of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship: evaluation of competence and proficiency using Milestones.

Carbajal MM, Dadiz R, Sawyer T, Kane S, Frost M, , Angert R

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 June 42 (6):809-814. Epub 02/11/2022.

Essentials of neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship: innovations in medical education.

Schwarz B, Enciso J, Gray M, O'Reilly D, Smith MC, Stanley K, , Payne A

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 May 42 (5):677-682. Epub 07/06/2021.

Essentials of neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship: scholarship perspective.

Bauserman M, Vasquez M, Chess PR, Carbajal M, , Good M

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 April 42 (4):528-533. Epub 02/17/2021.

Essentials of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship: part 2 - clinical education and experience.

Cicalese E, Wraight CL, Falck AJ, Izatt SD, Nair J, , Lawrence KG

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 March 42 (3):410-415. Epub 04/13/2021.

Essentials of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship: an overview.

French HM, Leeman KT, Wambach JA, Malik SK, , Reber KM

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 February 42 (2):269-276. Epub 03/01/2021.

Correction: Essentials of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship: an overview.

French HM, Leeman KT, Wambach JA, Malik SK, , Reber KM

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2022 February 42 (2):291. Epub 1900 01 01.

Value, Strengths, and Challenges of e-Learning Modules Paired with the Flipped Classroom for Graduate Medical Education: A Survey from the National Neonatology Curriculum.

Gray MM, Dadiz R, Izatt S, Gillam-Krakauer M, Carbajal MM, Falck AJ, Bonachea EM, Johnston LC, Karpen H, Vasquez MM, Chess PR, French H

American journal of perinatology.. 2021 August 38 (S 01):e187-e192. Epub 04/10/2020.

Simulation in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Programs.

Sawyer T, Stavroudis TA, Ades A, Dadiz R, Dammann CEL, Halamek LP, Moussa A, Soghier L, Gupta A, Aliaga S, Umoren R, French H,

American journal of perinatology.. 2020 October 37 (12):1258-1263. Epub 07/15/2019.

Qualitative analysis of latent safety threats uncovered by in situ simulation-based operations testing before moving into a single-family-room neonatal intensive care unit.

Dadiz R, Riccio J, Brown K, Emrich P, Robin B, Bender J

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2020 September 40 (Suppl 1):29-35. Epub 1900 01 01.

Methemoglobin and the response to inhaled nitric oxide in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.

Dadiz R, Nair J, D'Angio CT, Ryan RM, Lakshminrusimha S

Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine.. 2020 13 (2):175-182. Epub 1900 01 01.

Development and Implementation of a National Neonatology Flipped Classroom Curriculum.

Izatt S, Gray M, Dadiz R, French H

Journal of graduate medical education.. 2019 June 11 (3):335-336. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neonatal Intubation Competency Assessment Tool: Development and Validation.

Johnston L, Sawyer T, Nishisaki A, Whitfill T, Ades A, French H, Glass K, Dadiz R, Bruno C, Levit O, Gangadharan S, Scherzer D, Moussa A, Auerbach M,

Academic pediatrics.. 2019 March 19 (2):157-164. Epub 08/11/2018.

Flipping the classroom: a national pilot curriculum for physiology in neonatal-perinatal medicine.

French H, Gray M, Gillam-Krakauer M, Bonachea EM, Carbajal M, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Rubinos L, Falck A, Izatt S, Dadiz R

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2018 October 38 (10):1420-1427. Epub 08/07/2018.

A randomized controlled trial: does coaching using video during direct laryngoscopy improve residents' success in neonatal intubations?

Volz S, Stevens TP, Dadiz R

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2018 August 38 (8):1074-1080. Epub 05/25/2018.

Response to pulmonary vasodilators in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia.

Kumar VHS, Dadiz R, Koumoundouros J, Guilford S, Lakshminrusimha S

Pediatric surgery international.. 2018 July 34 (7):735-742. Epub 05/28/2018.

Integrated Mental Health Training for Pediatric and Psychology Trainees Using Standardized Patient Encounters.

Jee SH, Baldwin C, Dadiz R, Jones M, Alpert-Gillis L

Academic pediatrics.. 2018 18 (1):119-121. Epub 07/15/2017.

Teaching the Art of Difficult Family Conversations.

Dadiz R, Spear ML, Denney-Koelsch E

Journal of pain and symptom management.. 2017 February 53 (2):157-161.e2. Epub 12/23/2016.

The Correlation of Workplace Simulation-Based Assessments With Interns' Infant Lumbar Puncture Success: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study.

Auerbach M, Fein DM, Chang TP, Gerard J, Zaveri P, Grossman D, Van Ittersum W, Rocker J, Whitfill T, Pusic M, Kessler DO,

Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.. 2016 April 11 (2):126-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Qualitative Study Exploring Implementation of a Point-of-Care Competency-Based Lumbar Puncture Program Across Institutions.

Pasternack JR, Dadiz R, McBeth R, Gerard JM, Scherzer D, Tiyyagura G, Zaveri P, Chang TP, Auerbach M, Kessler D

Academic pediatrics.. 2016 16 (7):621-9. Epub 05/03/2016.

Simulation to Standardize Patient Care and Maintain Procedural Competency.

Butler-O'Hara M, Marasco M, Dadiz R

Neonatal network : NN.. 2015 34 (1):18-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Interdisciplinary simulation-based training to improve delivery room communication.

Dadiz R, Weinschreider J, Schriefer J, Arnold C, Greves CD, Crosby EC, Wang H, Pressman EK, Guillet R

Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.. 2013 October 8 (5):279-91. Epub 1900 01 01.

Toll-like receptor 4-deficient mice are resistant to chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.

Young KC, Hussein SM, Dadiz R, deMello D, Devia C, Hehre D, Suguihara C

Experimental lung research.. 2010 March 36 (2):111-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Back to basics: creating a simulation program for patient safety.

Weinschreider J, Dadiz R

Journal for healthcare quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare Quality.. 2009 31 (5):29-36; quiz 37. Epub 1900 01 01.

Newborn girl with massive hepatomegaly, anemia, and thrombocytopenia.

Thompson SM, Dadiz R, Young K, Teomete U, Toledano S, Rodriguez MM

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2008 January 152 (1):129-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ten-month-old boy with persistent fever and a chest mass.

Opsimos H, Dadiz R, Schroeder SA, Katz DS, Plummer MM, Campos MA, Krilov LR

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2005 February 146 (2):267-72. Epub 1900 01 01.


Neonatal Simulation: A Practical Guide (2021)

Chapter: The difficult debriefing

Neonatal Simulation: A Practical Guide (2021)

Chapter: In situ simulations for testing new health care environments

Pocket Pediatrics (2020)

Chapter: NICU

Perinatal Palliative Care: A Clinical Guide (2020)

Chapter: Non-pain symptom management

Avery's Neonatology Board Review (2019)

Chapter: Principles of teaching and learning

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